What Is The Best Way To Deal With Street Protesters That Hold Up Traffic?

How would you deal with a street protest that was keeping you from getting to work?

  • Stop and wait for the cops

  • Drive over them

  • Tackle and body-slam them and take their pants off

  • Roll over them with a steam roller

  • Break out my softball bat and go to town

  • Other

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No, you're wrong. Their job includes protecting public safety, including that of the protestors.

So the police may let them carry on until they disperse on their own. And they will cite protecting public safety being part of their jobs, when they do so.
Nope, doesn’t matter, causing people to be jammed up on a highway is not protected speech, it’s blocking a public roadway, it’s a safety issue, and further more, you could end up causing harm to someone who was being rushed to the hospital..but if they get jammed up in your illegal protest, could be detrimental.

No matter how you say it, it’s not acceptable, it’s illegal detainment, and it’s not a right to force others to be caught up in your protest.

The cotus gives you the right to protest the government, it does not give you the right to make other people be caught up in your protest.

And no, if you are blocking someone and not letting them go, it is not assault to drag them out of the way.
My approach would be to turn my car around and find a different route. I really could not be more clear about that.

Oh, then you could show me plenty of times that people have been charged with illegal detainment for that. And convicted. Is that even a real charge? Did you just completely make that up? Honest question.

My approach would be to turn my car around and find a different route. I really could not be more clear about that.

Not their responsibility. It’s your responsibility to not be in the road. I don’t know what it is that you think gives you the right to hinder other people’s movement.

Oh, then you could show me plenty of times that people have been charged with illegal detainment for that. And convicted. Is that even a real charge? Did you just completely make that up? Honest question.

What do you call it when someone is blocking the road, and you get stuck there and can’t get out? They have no right to cause you to be stuck there. They have no right to force you to take another route when you are on the road.

I think at this point, you know im right and you’re just trolling.zzz
Not their responsibility. It’s your responsibility to not be in the road. I don’t know what it is that you think gives you the right to hinder other people’s movement.
I never said they had the right. You again argue with nobody. The cops could totally cite them for blocking the street.
Blocking roads, effectively holding people prisoner against their will, is violence. It is entirely appropriate to respond to violence with violence. I do like your idea about zip ties, assuming you're strong enough to do so. But considering that you're likely to be outnumbers, it's probably not wise to attempt. Best to just run them over.
Well, it’s more for those that line up and sit on the road, you can drag them out and they will just crawl back to the road…just zip tie them to something so they can’t crawl back.
But you suggest that it’s acceptable by suggesting that people just leave them alone until they feel like leaving on their own.
Correct, I did. Because that's smart and more civil.

I would extend the same civility to the Odinist neonazis in my State.

It's an easy decision..
*or get arrested for that, if you're not a cop

Honestly, I’m not sure you would. Even if you did, that would probably not result in any charge. Any court would completely understand that the police were not enforcing the law, and the protestors were forcing people to be stuck there against their will, potentially causing a dangerous situation. Moving them so you can go about your way is reasonable.
Obviously I meant violence. Would you rather a bat to the head?

How about I beat your ass and tie you to a tree, as some psycho suggested earlier?

I like my idea better. Just zip them to a post so people can leave.

Again, I really think you’re just being a troll at this point, no reasonable person could honestly believe that that kind of action is acceptable.
Correct, I did. Because that's smart and more civil.

I would extend the same civility to the Odinist neonazis in my State.

It's an easy decision..
Ok, so…if someone decides to park their vehicle in the street at the end of your driveway so you have to “go around” by driving through your lawn…that’s acceptable too then?
I am 100% sure you would. And then you would probably get sued.
Nah…I don’t think you would. I find it fascinating that in your world, you actually believe that protesters can block the road..and cause people to sit there for hours..or even force them to change their route. I can’t believe that you actually believe that people have the right to sit in the public roadway.

Again…I don’t think you do….you’re just being difficult.
I know you do. Of course, your idea is a fantasy that you hope someone else will carry out for your creepy, vicarious pleasure. Good luck.

In what the rest of us call reality, you won't do that.

I never said “I” would…I said that those who are in that situation would be within their rights to remove the people who are preventing them from leaving the area.

Also, it’s not fantasy, there are videos of people dragging protesters out of the road…some of them aggressively…the only thing missing is the zip ties.

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