What Is The Best Way To Deal With Street Protesters That Hold Up Traffic?

How would you deal with a street protest that was keeping you from getting to work?

  • Stop and wait for the cops

  • Drive over them

  • Tackle and body-slam them and take their pants off

  • Roll over them with a steam roller

  • Break out my softball bat and go to town

  • Other

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The lip of your driveway onto a public street cannit be blocked due to health and safety. Wheelchair along sidewalks have to have access and actual humans need ingress and egress for a variety of health and safety issues.
It’s Another liberal feelings myth that they can legally restrain and restrict you in that manner

Ahh, so it’s illegal to block a driveway..but not the freeway. According to the left, that’s what they would have you believe. There is no consideration for the health and well being of anyone stuck in the traffic jam.
Again, literally what weird reality you are talking about. The thread asked what I would do. I would leave. If I can't leave, I can't leave, but thats like any wreck. My recourse is to wait for the Police to come and clear them. What do you think you're going to do?
But we’re not talking about a wreck here. We’re talking about an intentional act. A wreck is understandable, because the road is blocked by an acccident, these unlawful assemblies are not understandable can be remedied by people just not being there.
hat’s not always possible, it should people have to. The left feels that the protesters have a right to inconvenience other people.
Agreed. Its the job of the police to come and remove them.
if the tow truck diver hooks up to the car, then just walk up and unhook it
Trying to unhook a tow truck driver's chains usually ends up being...unfortunate. You can also call the police. I don't understand what else you believe you can do.
You’re stuck on the freeway all day until the unlawful assembly decides to let you go?
It asked what I would do. Not certain what you think you can do otherwise.
But we’re not talking about a wreck here. We’re talking about an intentional act. A wreck is understandable, because the road is blocked by an acccident, these unlawful assemblies are not understandable can be remedied by people just not being there.
I am not disagreeing, but there's nothing else for you to do. What exactly are you arguing you personally can do?
Take a different route to work. It's not that hard, or hard to figure out.

If you came upon a wreck of 12 vehicles you would find another way around it, knowing that otherwise emergency vehicles would have you sitting there for 45 minutes. This is no different, other than your impotent rage.
I'd turn my car around and back up to where the exhaust was right on top of them. They'd move.
Agreed. Its the job of the police to come and remove them.

Trying to unhook a tow truck driver's chains usually ends up being...unfortunate. You can also call the police. I don't understand what else you believe you can do.

It asked what I would do. Not certain what you think you can do otherwise.

I am not disagreeing, but there's nothing else for you to do. What exactly are you arguing you personally can do?
I’ve already stated what people can do, and in some cases ARE doing. Drag them out of the way so you can continue about your day.

Agreed. Its the job of the police to come and remove them.

And if the police do not remove them?

Trying to unhook a tow truck driver's chains usually ends up being...unfortunate.

Unfortunate how? Are you suggesting the two truck driver will resort to gasp VIOLENCE to prevent you for carrying out your protest? According to some on these forums, that’s grounds for retaliation and a lawsuit! Besides, i don’t think a tow truck driver can move your vehicle if it’s on public property, especially if you are present. You would have to basically call the police, who are, apparently, under no obligation to move you from blocking other people’s freedom of movement.
Ahh, so it’s illegal to block a driveway..but not the freeway. According to the left, that’s what they would have you believe. There is no consideration for the health and well being of anyone stuck in the traffic jam.
Since the “let them vent” took over a lot of laws have been ignored by law enforcement who were directed by ghetto rat local politicians to stand down
Note the last bit where the driver had been caught and jailed...

Not advocating it, just saying it happens.

Gotta be pretty stupid to put yourself in front of a car.

His plea deal puts him in prison for six years.

She doesn't get a deal. She's never getting out.
I’ve already stated what people can do, and in some cases ARE doing. Drag them out of the way so you can continue about your day.
Yea, that sounds like a cool way of getting you head caved in.
And if the police do not remove them?
Then you are screwed. Time for a harshly worded letter.
Unfortunate how? Are you suggesting the two truck driver will resort to gasp VIOLENCE to prevent you for carrying out your protest? According to some on these forums, that’s grounds for retaliation and a lawsuit!
I've not seen anyone successfully unhook a tow. I used to love repo videos for some reason.
Besides, i don’t think a tow truck driver can move your vehicle if it’s on public property, especially if you are present. You would have to basically call the police, who are, apparently, under no obligation to move you from blocking other people’s freedom of movement.
ok. Then I guess you are screwed. Time for a harshly worded letter.
I’ve already stated what people can do, and in some cases ARE doing. Drag them out of the way so you can continue about your day.

And if the police do not remove them?

Unfortunate how? Are you suggesting the two truck driver will resort to gasp VIOLENCE to prevent you for carrying out your protest? According to some on these forums, that’s grounds for retaliation and a lawsuit! Besides, i don’t think a tow truck driver can move your vehicle if it’s on public property, especially if you are present. You would have to basically call the police, who are, apparently, under no obligation to move you from blocking other people’s freedom of movement.
Yea, that sounds like a cool way of getting you head caved in.

Then you are screwed. Time for a harshly worded letter.

I've not seen anyone successfully unhook a tow. I used to love repo videos for some reason.

ok. Then I guess you are screwed. Time for a harshly worded letter.

Yea, that sounds like a cool way of getting you head caved in.

So, you are saying that the protesters, who are in the wrong, are excused from committing violence, and the people who go are hindered because of the protests are condemned for it?

Also, what is your solution for when you end up surrounded by these people, and they start beating on your car and trying to break your windows to get in. Are you going to tell me that you are supposed to let them do it?

Then you are screwed. Time for a harshly worded letter

A harshly worded letter is pointless, especially when you have places to be

I've not seen anyone successfully unhook a tow. I used to love repo videos for some reason.

Not a repo scenario. It’s a vehicle parked on public property. If the driver is there with the vehicle, I think the best you can do is call the police.
I do not work around them nor wait on them. My declaration of I am moving forward in 30 seconds is full legal notice to desist and cease. Making sure all heard thst declaration, the way is then cleared and no true jury of peers will convict. A jury of deadbeat bus and bike riders might convict, That's why we should not import them,
So, you are saying that the protesters, who are in the wrong, are excused from committing violence, and the people who go are hindered because of the protests are condemned for it?
No. I am saying stepping out increases your chances of getting piled on by the protesters.you don't want to make yourself subject to mob violence.
I do not work around them nor wait on them. My declaration of I am moving forward in 30 seconds is full legal notice to desist and cease. Making sure all heard thst declaration, the way is then cleared and no true jury of peers will convict. A jury of deadbeat bus and bike riders might convict, That's why we should not import them,
You go with that interesting theory! Who knows, you could be right.
A harshly worded letter is pointless, especially when you have places to be
Exactly. Sometimes life just sucks. Fortunately, I have never seen this happen in real life.
No. I am saying stepping out increases your chances of getting piled on by the protesters.you don't want to make yourself subject to mob violence.

You go with that interesting theory! Who knows, you could be right.

Exactly. Sometimes life just sucks. Fortunately, I have never seen this happen in real life.

No. I am saying stepping out increases your chances of getting piled on by the protesters.you don't want to make yourself subject to mob violence.

We’re talking about 2 different scenarios. I’m talking about the people who line up across the road and sit down in front of traffic.

I’m the case of the protests that have hundreds of people in the road, yeah, your best bet is to never get out. And while you’re right, you should probably find another route, however, that doesn’t excuse them for being there and it also doesn’t address the problem of when you find yourself in that situation. In that situation, yes, you’re not going to get out of your vehicle. But again, now we’re back to what do you do? You are being held up by protesters that shouldn’t be there, and we’ve seen how they will start beating on your vehicle and try to break the windows and get to you.

What do you do then?

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