What Is The Best Way To Deal With Street Protesters That Hold Up Traffic?

How would you deal with a street protest that was keeping you from getting to work?

  • Stop and wait for the cops

  • Drive over them

  • Tackle and body-slam them and take their pants off

  • Roll over them with a steam roller

  • Break out my softball bat and go to town

  • Other

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Not funny!

High pressure fire hoses would do the trick in short order!
Not nearly as short as machine gun fire. Or a big dump truck at 50mph.
Throw them in jail and fine then.

They should spend 72 hours at least in jail and a 1000 dollar fine for first offense.

Of course BLM and antifa popularized the idea you can protest in streets and intteruot people's lives and pretty much do anything you want. Because no one would stop those assholes they made the idea a protest is blocking roads, harassing everyday citizens, acting like a dick and disrupting everything.

Protesting is fine, but if you can't do it in a reasonable manner you should be given one chance to disperse and if you don't then they cart your ass away.

These stupid morons don't even realize people like me if i harrased by them all it would do is turn me against them.

And if the cops don't show up and they disrupt people then it should be legal to kick the living shit out of them. If the city won't send them to jail the citizens should send them to the hospital.
Lock them up as terrorists. Bury them under enough charges they are looking at about 500 years in prison.
I've seen them chained together to guardrails across HWY1 in NorCal with thousands behind the chained group.

There was no easy answer.
Yes, there was, but nobody was willing to simply drive through them in a large truck.
I agree. Until we start jailing or fining these idiots, they have no incentive to stop doing it.
Which is why they need to simply be RUN OVER. Turn a few dozen into road pizza and the rest might smarten up.
We’re talking about 2 different scenarios. I’m talking about the people who line up across the road and sit down in front of traffic.

I’m the case of the protests that have hundreds of people in the road, yeah, your best bet is to never get out. And while you’re right, you should probably find another route, however, that doesn’t excuse them for being there and it also doesn’t address the problem of when you find yourself in that situation. In that situation, yes, you’re not going to get out of your vehicle. But again, now we’re back to what do you do? You are being held up by protesters that shouldn’t be there, and we’ve seen how they will start beating on your vehicle and try to break the windows and get to you.

What do you do then?

The ONLY time protestors are seen beating on a vehicle, is when the vehicle tries to FORCE their way through, or hitting protestors.
Not nearly as short as machine gun fire. Or a big dump truck at 50mph.

Lock them up as terrorists. Bury them under enough charges they are looking at about 500 years in prison.

Yes, there was, but nobody was willing to simply drive through them in a large truck.

Which is why they need to simply be RUN OVER. Turn a few dozen into road pizza and the rest might smarten up.

The drivers are being arrested for murder. That'll encourage them to go around.
You are being held up by protesters that shouldn’t be there,
Call the police. There is not much more you can do legally. Again, I have never seen this in real life so its not a major concern.
and we’ve seen how they will start beating on your vehicle and try to break the windows and get to you.
This is a completely different scenario. If I am stopped and bipeds are actively attacking my vehicle to "get to me," well other than pushing the TRUNK MONKEY button, other than to say I would obey the laws of my jurisdiction, I'll leave what I might do off something that is discoverable, thanks.

Turn around like a normal human.

Duh idiots.

You dumb Country OX. The don't block where you can turn around. In CA by the time you come up on it you are in a line of 50 cars at best. The road is seperated and no exit.

Go peddle your nonsens on Facebook you lowIQ America killing lemming.
You dumb Country OX. The don't block where you can turn around. In CA by the time you come up on it you are in a line of 50 cars at best. The road is seperated and no exit.

Go peddle your nonsens on Facebook you lowIQ America killing lemming.
What is your solution then Cali?
The ONLY time protestors are seen beating on a vehicle, is when the vehicle tries to FORCE their way through, or hitting protestors.

Well, as long as they are slow rolling…move out of the way., it’s not a difficult thing. I don’t advocate for running in to people, or driving fast through the crowd, but if you are a protester standing in the road, and a vehicle is trying to slow roll to get through, if you purposely stand in front of the vehicle…and then if they try to change direction and the protester also moves to stay in front of your vehicle, expect that you are going to be nudged. If you then start beating on the vehicle and trying to break the windows, that’s when people decide they need to get out of there and end up speeding up.

You do not have a right to prevent people from getting where you’re going.

Really, they need to get out of the street altogether.
Call the police. There is not much more you can do legally. Again, I have never seen this in real life so its not a major concern.

This is a completely different scenario. If I am stopped and bipeds are actively attacking my vehicle to "get to me," well other than pushing the TRUNK MONKEY button, other than to say I would obey the laws of my jurisdiction, I'll leave what I might do off something that is discoverable, thanks.

Call the police.

Trust me, I’m sure the police have been called. If there is a protest happening on a road and it’s backing up traffic, I’m sure they are aware.

Apparently, the police are sometimes not interested in doing their job and removing those people. That being the case, in the instance where it’s a line of people across the road, they are hindering on YOUR rights, and causing you to be detained, and it’s a reasonable expectation that people will get out of their vehicles and try to move you.
The drivers are being arrested for murder. That'll encourage them to go around.

Yeah, if you purposely drive into a crowd at a high rate of speed and kill someone, then you’ll be charged for murder, but if someone gets their foot run over because they kept trying to get in the way of a slow rolling vehicle…well…that’s on the protester. Don’t stand in the road.

I mean, you on the left are missing a really simple concept here. If you’re not in the road, then the whole problem goes away.
Get out of your car and join the protest!
Not everyone wants to be a part of the protest? Not everyone agrees with their cause? People have places they need to be? Your right to petition the GOVERNMENT for the redress of grievances does not include forcing others to listen to or be held up by your protest.
You dumb Country OX. The don't block where you can turn around. In CA by the time you come up on it you are in a line of 50 cars at best. The road is seperated and no exit.

Go peddle your nonsens on Facebook you lowIQ America killing lemming.

Yep, and turning around means driving the wrong way on the freeway. That’s not a good idea. Someone could cause a wreck.
In an ideal world the Police would swoop in and clear the area. Not so much in a world of liberalism.
Yeah, if you purposely drive into a crowd at a high rate of speed and kill someone, then you’ll be charged for murder, but if someone gets their foot run over because they kept trying to get in the way of a slow rolling vehicle…well…that’s on the protester. Don’t stand in the road.

I mean, you on the left are missing a really simple concept here. If you’re not in the road, then the whole problem goes away.

No it's not. Drive your car over people, and you'll be charged.

If you see people, you STOP your fucking car. Why is this so hard for you to understand? PEOPLE'S LIVES MATTER. Your car is not a weapon to run protestors over, and the laws being passed saying it's OK are unconstitutional, to say the least.
Not everyone wants to be a part of the protest? Not everyone agrees with their cause? People have places they need to be? Your right to petition the GOVERNMENT for the redress of grievances does not include forcing others to listen to or be held up by your protest.

I was once held up by Marathon runners for almost an hour. Should I have run them down?

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