What Is The Best Way To Deal With Street Protesters That Hold Up Traffic?

How would you deal with a street protest that was keeping you from getting to work?

  • Stop and wait for the cops

  • Drive over them

  • Tackle and body-slam them and take their pants off

  • Roll over them with a steam roller

  • Break out my softball bat and go to town

  • Other

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I don't have to worry about it here. It would never happen.
The song "try that in a small town" - exactly. It won't last long at all.

About 15 years ago or so, a white supremacist group decided to give a speech on the courthouse lawn.
They had a permit, and there were several officers present.
No matter. Within about a half hour of them gathering and shouting out of a bullhorn - a much larger group of a bunch of good ol boys went straight at them. The officers were powerless, and that I saw, didn't try to stop the crowd really - they were way outnumbered. The crowd tore up all their speakers and equipment, tore up all their banners and drove them off the property. They got into their cars and left.
Small towns won't put up with it. Urban people are too afraid of social media and looking like they might be conservatives. Small town people ARE conservatives.
The ONLY time protestors are seen beating on a vehicle, is when the vehicle tries to FORCE their way through, or hitting protestors.
Maybe where you live. But there are far too many incidents in which a driver gets surrounded by protesters who break his windshield or side windows to get at him and beat the pulp out of him. I'm not sitting still in my car for that to happen. If I have to run over somebody to prevent that, I will and I should be absolutely exonerated of committing any crime.

And the drivers have every right to drive though while the protesters are breaking the law. They are preventing doctors, nurses and other necessary personnel from getting to where they are needed. They are preventing business people from conducting lawful business. They are preventing parents from picking up their kids at school or patients trying to get to the doctor or hospital. None of those people deserve to be even so much as inconvenienced by an angry mob much less prevented from saving a life.

There is NO justification for mean spirited people to block a primary street or highway no matter what they're mad about.
See dummy you don’t get arrested “for murder”
You get arrested and then perhaps get charged with murder
That’s why real discussions are Not Possible with you loons

Keep thinking this is legal or within your rights. But what's even worse is your callous disregard for the lives of other people. How dare YOU be inconvenienced. Kill them now!!!!

Maybe where you live. But there are far too many incidents in which a driver gets surrounded by protesters who break his windshield or side windows to get at him and beat the pulp out of him. I'm not sitting still in my car for that to happen. If I have to run over somebody to prevent that, I will and I should be absolutely exonerated of committing any crime.

And the drivers have every right to drive though while the protesters are breaking the law. They are preventing doctors, nurses and other necessary personnel from getting to where they are needed. They are preventing business people from conducting lawful business. They are preventing parents from picking up their kids at school or patients trying to get to the doctor or hospital. None of those people deserve to be even so much as inconvenienced by an angry mob much less prevented from saving a life.

There is NO justification for mean spirited people to block a primary street or highway no matter what they're mad about.

I did a search and there was only one such incident in the USA. In that case, the driver crashed his truck near the protest and there was some question as to whether he was trying to drive into the protest.

There's a lot of rumours of this stuff happening, but no actual reports.
Ok, how about this, dems. Let’s say you get stuck in the protest and you can’t move, and they hold you there for hours? What remedy does the driver have? Are you saying that they have none? What if they are in an emergency? What if they are late for an important meeting that can’t be rescheduled? What if they miss an interview and lose a job opportunity because of the unlawful assembly?

There are many scenarios one could name, but in your opinion, the wants of the unlawful assembly outweighs the rights of the motorists.

You can’t sue them, and the police won’t arrest them in some cases. So, in your mind, the motorist is at the whim of those blocking the streets, and they have zero recourse? No way to hold anyone accountable?
It was the same though. He rolled up on a group of unlawful assembly people and tried to slow roll through them. They started attacking his truck so he gunned it.
Okay, well, certain stupid, red places might not throw you in jail. Hopefully we change that, as those places turn purple. So you got me there.

he, of course, should go to prison for a long, long time. If your version of the story is to be believed.
You call the police.

You don't get to push your 2 ton vehicle through and over humans beings, because of that.
If the police don’t respond, then what? As you said in a previous post, you call the police, and then they laugh at you, or the protesters laugh at you, one of the two. You think that the unlawful asssembly people have a right to hold you up? What you are left with is either allow them to hold you there for hours on end, or you start slowly moving.

And again, nobody is talking about running OVER people, but pushing slowly through the crowd, absolutely. They need to move as not to impede your forward progress. They have no right to do that. You can turn to try and avoid them, but as we’ve seen in videos, these people, for some reason, will actually move with you in order to stay in front of your vehicle. They will even put their hands on your vehicle to prevent you from running over them. If they see that you are attempting to travel, because they are not legally allowed to be on the road, it is their responsibility to get out of the way and not keep putting themselves in front of your vehicle.
Okay, well, certain stupid, red places might not throw you in jail. Hopefully we change that, as those places turn purple. So you got me there.

he, of course, should go to prison for a long, long time. If your version of the story is to be believed.
Why should he go to prison, they attacked HIM. They started beating on his truck, what was he supposed to do, let them break his windows and pull him and his family out of the vehicle and beat them to a pulp?
I did a search and there was only one such incident in the USA. In that case, the driver crashed his truck near the protest and there was some question as to whether he was trying to drive into the protest.

There's a lot of rumours of this stuff happening, but no actual reports.
The leftist MSM does not report what actually happens at these things. They print what they want you to believe happened. Until you have been in that situation you have no idea what it is like I've been there and the guy with the ball bat decided to let me pass when I gunned my engine to get away. If he had not I would have hit him. If I had talked to a reporter about it afterwards, I'm pretty sure my account never would have made it into print

I've read account after account that it was 'right wing extremists' who stirred up the protesters. I haven't found any stories where the protesters angered somebody else.
If the police don’t respond, then what?
Then you wait. Maybe get out, leave on foot, call police again.

You keep interrogating me. I won't be answering your questions anymore. You can think of plenty of options. You aren't retarded.

Make your own points.
Why should he go to prison, they attacked HIM.
You story didn't say they attacked him. But thanks for wasting my time with that bait and switch. I will watch for them, now.

But yes, if you push your vehicle into another human being, you deserve to get your ass kicked on the spot.
Okay, well, certain stupid, red places might not throw you in jail. Hopefully we change that, as those places turn purple. So you got me there.

he, of course, should go to prison for a long, long time. If your version of the story is to be believed.
Correction, it wasn’t Texas, it was the Tulsa unlawful assembly where the guy drove through.
Then you wait. Maybe get out, leave on foot, call police again.

You keep interrogating me. I won't be answering your questions anymore. You can think of plenty of options. You aren't retarded.

Make your own points.

Get out of your vehicle? Ok, so you step out and a group of them come over and best the crap out of you. Now what? That’s the last thing you want to do, besides you shouldn’t have to, and you shouldn’t have to leave your vehicle parked on the freeway. Also, get out on foot…and go where?? What if you aren’t anywhere near your home town?

I’m not interrogating you, I’m simply refuting what you are saying. I’m trying to understand how, in any scenario, you feel it’s ok for these people to be on the freeway, holding people there. I’m trying to understand how you are not aware that the actions of these people are the reason the motorists are getting angry and trying to drive through the crowd.

I have no interest in interrogating you, I just don’t agree with you about who has what rights.

The simplest course of action to avoid being in that situation is to simply not be on the roadway…

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