What Is The Best Way To Deal With Street Protesters That Hold Up Traffic?

How would you deal with a street protest that was keeping you from getting to work?

  • Stop and wait for the cops

  • Drive over them

  • Tackle and body-slam them and take their pants off

  • Roll over them with a steam roller

  • Break out my softball bat and go to town

  • Other

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Nope. No advanced notice was given about the marathon runners - or if it was it didn't reach me and I watch local news every day.

How do you know when protestors haven't gotten the permits for their march?

Hey dufus. nobody wants to hear about your once in a lifetime story. probably BS anyways.
I was once held up by Marathon runners for almost an hour. Should I have run them down?
Yes but thats because they are annoying. :auiqs.jpg:
If maga were in the streets blocking traffic, I’d say the same thing, roll through them and if they actively try to block your path, and end up with a broken foot…that’s on them.
Thats where the real world conflicts with your story. You're going to be at least partially liable. Plus lawyer fees are something no one wants to pay.
How many times have you been blocked by political protestors?

Several times in CA. Even come to a huge crawl of cars if they are blocking the other direction on HWY 1 near Seaside Carmel Monterey area on a weekend seems to be their favorite target.
'Slow Rolling' can be just as dangerous.

You really believe that I should have slowed rolled thru a large group of people just because they were inconveniencing me?

That it would have ben O.K. to break a few legs?

You are one sick pup!
If you hear those voices in your head regularly, see a doctor.
'Slow Rolling' can be just as dangerous.

You really believe that I should have slowed rolled thru a large group of people just because they were inconveniencing me?

That it would have ben O.K. to break a few legs?

You are one sick pup!

Slow Rolling' can be just as dangerous.

Possibly…so get out of the street.

You really believe that I should have slowed rolled thru a large group of people just because they were inconveniencing me?

If they are intentionally blocking your path and preventing you from getting through..yeah.

That it would have ben O.K. to break a few legs?

Well, what is the alternative if you are stuck and people refuse to move, and they actively try to lay on the hood of your car, and intentionally change direction as you try to change direction? It’s certainly not an ideal situation, and one would hope that it wouldn’t have to happen, but the unlawful assembly is not leaving people with much choice. It’s you vs a several thousand pound vehicle, and you are preventing them from moving, and in some cases, are beating on your car. The peaceful and civil thing to do would be to not do it.

You are one sick pup!

Not in the least. Again, ideally, the people wouldn’t be there, but if they are, they will hold up many people, and the unlawful assembly should not be there. Again, your “protest” is breaking the law, and if the police won’t act, you have no right to hold people up…people will do what they have to in order to get out of the situation.
Yes but thats because they are annoying. :auiqs.jpg:

Thats where the real world conflicts with your story. You're going to be at least partially liable. Plus lawyer fees are something no one wants to pay.

If I started driving towards them, maybe they would have run faster!

I would have been doing them a favor!
The drivers are being arrested for murder. That'll encourage them to go around.
See dummy you don’t get arrested “for murder”
You get arrested and then perhaps get charged with murder
That’s why real discussions are Not Possible with you loons
To get there they often have to arrive coming from the other direction. Stopping Police cars on the other side of the median or guardrail. then climb over in the hot sun and deal with these scumbag wackjobs.
maybe better to hose them with vinegar or bear spray. Maybe then they will move? That started as a joke but what choice do you have?> kids in hot car? Gotta go to the bathroom?

There could be any number of scenarios that preventing people from moving could be a problem, even if it’s just the simple fact that the drivers just don’t want to be there.

Look, we shouldn’t be trying to hurt these people, the police need to arrive with busses and the full force of the police and arrest these people and clear the road, but if they won’t do that, they leave people little other choice.
Yeah, if you purposely drive into a crowd at a high rate of speed and kill someone, then you’ll be charged for murder, but if someone gets their foot run over because they kept trying to get in the way of a slow rolling vehicle…well…that’s on the protester. Don’t stand in the road.

I mean, you on the left are missing a really simple concept here. If you’re not in the road, then the whole problem goes away.
When your vehicle is surrounded and you are rendered immobile it is perfectly legal and morally acceptable to drive off and extricate yourself from the unlawful predicament you were trapped in
It's on them, but the lawyers costs and law suits will be on you.
I’m not so sure. A judge should be able to recognize that the unlawful assembly is in the wrong and if they are injured, it’s their own fault. I think dragonlady posted that cities are passing laws to not hold people accountable for these things. M
Yes but thats because they are annoying. :auiqs.jpg:

Thats where the real world conflicts with your story. You're going to be at least partially liable. Plus lawyer fees are something no one wants to pay.

I’m not sure sure. A judge should be able to recognize that the unlawful assembly is in the wrong. Also, apparently some places have laws that prevent holding them accountable for such things? Dragonlady has said as much
When your vehicle is surrounded and you are rendered immobile it is perfectly legal and morally acceptable to drive off and extricate yourself from the unlawful predicament you were trapped in

Well, I would hope that the first course of action is to notify the police (most likely they already know), if they refuse to act, the slowly ease theoug the crowd, if they purposely keep trying to get in your way, just keep slow rolling and nudge them along. If they start beating on your car, attempting to gain entry, then you do what you have to do to guarantee your safety.

If they would have their protest in the appropriate place, or if the police would do their job, none of this would be necessary.
I’m not sure sure. A judge should be able to recognize that the unlawful assembly is in the wrong. Also, apparently some places have laws that prevent holding them accountable for such things? Dragonlady has said as much
Its not something I'd want to be the test case for.
Its not something I'd want to be the test case for.

Certainly it wouldn’t be an ideal situation, but, I have a feeling the driver would not be charged because the crowd was on the road unlawfully, the drivers were being illegally detained, and if the driver made an attempt to slowly get out of the situation, but the “protesters” actively prevented their movement, then I feel the driver would be cleared for any injuries sustained because of it.
Well, I would hope that the first course of action is to notify the police (most likely they already know), if they refuse to act, the slowly ease theoug the crowd, if they purposely keep trying to get in your way, just keep slow rolling and nudge them along. If they start beating on your car, attempting to gain entry, then you do what you have to do to guarantee your safety.

If they would have their protest in the appropriate place, or if the police would do their job, none of this would be necessary.
No time to contact police and wait for them
Libs totally ignore their acts of instigation. There is never a response unless instigated first.
I agree that you can’t blow through them but I don’t believe you have to provide much if any notification. As dumb and misdirected as these loons are, they know that surrounding cars is not permitted, They are fully responsible for what happens to them. No one else is.
No time to contact police and wait for them
Libs totally ignore their acts of instigation. There is never a response unless instigated first.
I agree that you can’t blow through them but I don’t believe you have to provide much if any notification. As dumb and misdirected as these loons are, they know that surrounding cars is not permitted, They are fully responsible for what happens to them. No one else is.
Yeah, I can’t argue with you there. The problem is, they believe they have the right to make their voices heard in a way that affects other people’s lives. They believe they have a right to force their protest onto other people. That is not the case. The cotus says they have a right to PEACEABLY assemble and they have a right to petition their GOVERNMENT for the redress of grievances. If they are blocking traffic, that is neither peaceful, nor directed at the government.
Certainly it wouldn’t be an ideal situation, but, I have a feeling the driver would not be charged because the crowd was on the road unlawfully, the drivers were being illegally detained, and if the driver made an attempt to slowly get out of the situation, but the “protesters” actively prevented their movement, then I feel the driver would be cleared for any injuries sustained because of it.
Who knows, you could be right. As noted, its not a common thing here. I think the one time close to that was when I was stuck in extra traffic because people were rubber necking police trying to grab a naked woman ranting and losing it atop a van on the freeway. Naked people you see are always the ones who should never be naked. eye bleach doesn't work!

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