What Is The Best Way To Deal With Street Protesters That Hold Up Traffic?

How would you deal with a street protest that was keeping you from getting to work?

  • Stop and wait for the cops

  • Drive over them

  • Tackle and body-slam them and take their pants off

  • Roll over them with a steam roller

  • Break out my softball bat and go to town

  • Other

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Wrong, it would definitely be you who went to prison for doing what he described, simply because the road is blocked.
No…actually, wasn’t there a guy in Texas who ran through a crowd of protester on the freeway…and he was not charged…
Not once. You assumed that, because you're a bit rabid. I just said the cops will probably not take it too seriously.

"They are blocking the road? We know."

Then what? You don't have a right to assault them over it.
So in your world, you expect that people who get stuck there…they just have to sit there until the protesters decide to leave? Really? Even if that’s hours later? Or maybe all day?

You think that’s acceptable…but when people get mad about it and want to remedy the situation…that is somehow bad..
When you could just trun around and go another way? Then you deserve to (and likely will) end up in prison. For a long time.
I’ve already explained this to you…sometimes you can’t turn around, and sometimes doing so would force you to drive the wrong way down the highway…which is a dangerous situation.

Once again, you’re just being a troll here, you can’t seriously believe what you are saying…
You have no such right at all. People can mess with your life all they want.

Why would anyone be "stuck for hours"? Are you so stupid you can't back up and find another way.

You have no such right at all. Mm
Actually, people do. You have no right to be in the road in the first place…and you have no right to force people to take a different route.

People can mess with your life all they want.

Incorrect. Your protest is yours and you cannot force it on others.

Why would anyone be "stuck for hours"? Are you so stupid you can't back up and find another way.

Not their responsibility. Besides…as I’ve said, in some situations, that could be dangerous, if you have to travel down the wrong way.
And you would be charged with murder, and go to jail.

It's only murder if you kill a human being. I'm not talking about harming any human beings, only subhuman criminal shit.

And if they don't want to get run over, they have a very clear choice, in the matter, which is to not put themselves in the path of a vehicle that outweighs them by more than an order of magnitude. If they choose to put themselves in the path of any such vehicle, on a byway that is meant for the use of such vehicles, then whatever happens as a result is entirely on them.

I'm not going to risk becoming another Reginald Denny just to spare some subhuman criminal shit from getting themselves hurt through their own stupidity.
Sure, not on the road blocking traffic is one of the places you don’t need to be.
You can't read well can you. In this instance I am not the one blocking traffic. I am the one trying to get to work. If the road is blocked I treat it like any other accident and go another way. If you want to get into a pissing contest with protesters be my guest. They might sue you, they might attack you. First rule of self defense: don't be where stupid people are.
You can't read well can you. In this instance I am not the one blocking traffic. I am the one trying to get to work. If the road is blocked I treat it like any other accident and go another way. If you want to get into a pissing contest with protesters be my guest. They might sue you, they might attack you. First rule of self defense: don't be where stupid people are.

I know what you’re saying, you’re saying that a bunch of people seem to have more rights than someone else, that if a group of people want to harass and hinder other people, that it’s somehow ok. It’s not, you shouldn’t have to be inconvenienced by people who want to “spread their message” to others who don’t want to hear it, and in your mind, those protesters have a right to force you to listen to their message.

Also, i read just fine. You need to look at the posts I made where I said that it’s not always possible to “back up and turn around” when you get caught on the freeway and there is a mile of cars behind you, not to mention turning around and driving the wrong way on the freeway is a very bad idea, but you somehow believe that you “protesters” have a right to make them do that.

Flat out, you’re wrong. YOUR protest should never interfere in the lives of other people who don’t want to hear it. Yes, you have the right to protest your government, but you do not have a right to force others to listen.

Again, your “redress of grievance” is only to the government, protesting directed at the average citizen is not a protected right.
Call a tow truck.
What’s he going to do? The vehicle is parked on public property.

So, also, if that’s your answer, then there should be a remedy to remove the people blocking the street…

Also, according to the lefties, apparently you have a right to force others to be a part of their protest right? So, if someone wants to protest in front of your driveway, you have no right to force them to move. According to fort fun…you should wait until they decide to move on their own, right?
While I am opposed to just running over human beings, I would be infuriated if their notions of climate activism impeded anybody our roadways.

They have no right to impose their views on me by taking away my right to travel freely. They could make me late for work nor for a crucial appointment. They might make some of us late for a doctor’s appointment — or impede emergency vehicles from getting to their destinations.

Why is their right to free speech permitted to take the form of denying others of their rights? Why should they even be allowed to imagine that have such rights?
So in your world, you expect that people who get stuck there…they just have to sit there until the protesters decide to leave? Really? Even if that’s hours later? Or maybe all day?

You think that’s acceptable…but when people get mad about it and want to remedy the situation…that is somehow bad..
He does not have a world. He is a short bus kid who would naturally feel that it’s perfectly fine to vent and prohibit your mobility
What’s he going to do? The vehicle is parked on public property.

So, also, if that’s your answer, then there should be a remedy to remove the people blocking the street…
I've called a tow truck before and had a car towed.
Also, according to the lefties, apparently you have a right to force others to be a part of their protest right?
What? You're nuts.
So, if someone wants to protest in front of your driveway, you have no right to force them to move. According to fort fun…you should wait until they decide to move on their own, right?
What? You're nuts. You call the constabularies. A road protest is not your circus, not your monkeys. But if you think you are going to leave your mom's basement and become some kind of avenging warrior against protestors, you go right ahead. I still have to get to work, and you are not helping.
The lip of your driveway onto a public street cannit be blocked due to health and safety. Wheelchair along sidewalks have to have access and actual humans need ingress and egress for a variety of health and safety issues.
It’s Another liberal feelings myth that they can legally restrain and restrict you in that manner
but you somehow believe that you “protesters” have a right to make them do that.
Again, literally what weird reality you are talking about. The thread asked what I would do. I would leave. If I can't leave, I can't leave, but thats like any wreck. My recourse is to wait for the Police to come and clear them. What do you think you're going to do?
I've called a tow truck before and had a car towed.

What? You're nuts.

What? You're nuts. You call the constabularies. A road protest is not your circus, not your monkeys. But if you think you are going to leave your mom's basement and become some kind of avenging warrior against protestors, you go right ahead. I still have to get to work, and you are not helping.
Yeah, but you’re arguing “just turn around and go another way”, that’s not always possible, it should people have to. The left feels that the protesters have a right to inconvenience other people.

I've called a tow truck before and had a car towed.

Off of public property? Also, if the tow truck diver hooks up to the car, then just walk up and unhook it…similar to the people crawling back into the street once they are dragged out.

You call the constabularies.

There are cases where the police will not actually do anything. What then? You’re stuck on the freeway all day until the unlawful assembly decides to let you go?

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