What Is The Best Way To Deal With Street Protesters That Hold Up Traffic?

How would you deal with a street protest that was keeping you from getting to work?

  • Stop and wait for the cops

  • Drive over them

  • Tackle and body-slam them and take their pants off

  • Roll over them with a steam roller

  • Break out my softball bat and go to town

  • Other

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3 inch lift, mud tires, and skid plates I don't think I would have an issue.
You’re neglecting the fact that as you are pushing your way through the crowd they will be hitting your car with objects and likely scratch it, dent it, or break a window or two. Is it really worth it?
Just watch the video. the cops kill an hour just trying to talk to tje protesters instead of just grabbing them by the scruff of their necks and dragging them off the road. Add in the time it took for them to respond leaves you with you are better off taking the law into your own hands and removing them with any means at your disposal
You’re neglecting the fact that as you are pushing your way through the crowd they will be hitting your car with objects and likely scratch it, dent it, or break a window or two. Is it really worth it?

You need to ask that to the people who are doing the hitting and breaking. That is a sure fire way to be injured, and then when it happens, they want to tell everyone to get their license plate.

They could avoid all of it if they just don’t block traffic, which they don’t have a right to do anyway.
Video them and turn them in.

That's not going to get your car fixed, and your car insurance is going to go up if your car is damaged.

The weekend of the G20 in Toronto, we went nowhere near downtown. They had barbed wired fences around the conference areas, and they were arresting anyone who wasn't credentialled. It was all very draconian, but there was a lot of unrest and arrests.

Far left troublemakers and anarchists set fires, and broke windows.
I admit I have never seen that. Usual it's just idiots with signs sitting or standing around.

Im fairly confident that chaning up and blocking traffic is a felony in mmost states and should be treated as such.
Here in Ohio if you unlawfully block somebody's freedom of movement without their consent it's called false imprisonment and is a misdemeanor punishable by 60 days in jail and a $500 fine.

That may not seem like much, but if they blocked 500 motorists they could be charged with 500 separate counts. That would be over 80 years in jail and a quarter million dollar fine for ever single one of those scumbags.

All it would take is for that to happen once and none of these other leftist fuckwads will ever think about blocking traffic again. We just need a prosecutor with the balls to charge these fucks.

And before anyone argues that they were not falsely imprisoned because the victims could have just got out of their cars and walked away, there is already precedent, it's settled law.

If you block someone traveling in their car you're still guilty of false imprisonment even if they could have got out and walked away.
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Take a different route to work. It's not that hard, or hard to figure out.

If you came upon a wreck of 12 vehicles you would find another way around it, knowing that otherwise emergency vehicles would have you sitting there for 45 minutes. This is no different, other than your impotent rage.
In the case of a severe wreck and you are stuck, it is also not different in that first responders clear the area. Rubber bullets work.

When protests infringe on the rights of others, the rights of protesters no longer matter.
You’re neglecting the fact that as you are pushing your way through the crowd they will be hitting your car with objects and likely scratch it, dent it, or break a window or two. Is it really worth it?
If they break my window while I'm in the vehicle I have legal justification to shoot them here in Ohio because I have reason to believe that they are trying to get inside to attack me or steal something from my vehicle rather than just scratch my paint. The castle law applies in your vehicle the same as your home.
No, keep your protest out of the street. Nobody should have to alter their lives so you can have a protest. You protest on your own time, and away from other people.
Stupid response, but you're right - this is you. The WHOLE point of having a protest is to make other people aware of your opinion so keeping it "away from other people" would be a complete waste of their time.

Nobody should have to do a lot of things in this life, like suffer idiots, but we do.
In the case of a severe wreck and you are stuck, it is also not different in that first responders clear the area. Rubber bullets work.

When protests infringe on the rights of others, the rights of protesters no longer matter.

Funny you say that, but conservatives are ALWAYS infringing on the rights of others - gay marriage, health care for trans children, abortion, voting rights. It's "always do as I say, not as I do" with you clowns.
Stupid response, but you're right - this is you. The WHOLE point of having a protest is to make other people aware of your opinion so keeping it "away from other people" would be a complete waste of their time.

Nobody should have to do a lot of things in this life, like suffer idiots, but we do.
Normally I ignore your tripe, suffering idiots, its what we do while you are on this board.
These vermin go way past making people aware of their opinion. The baseball bat option in the poll would make them aware of the opinion of the people whose lives they interfere with, acceptable to you as well?
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Suffering idiots, its what we do while you are on this board.
These vermin go way past making people aware of their opinion. The baseball bat option in the poll would make them aware of the opinion of the people whose lives they interfere with, acceptable to you as well?

Referring to people who disagree with you as "vermin" and threatening them with violence is so Trumpian of you.

Interesting that you think that people protesting or expressing an opinion different from yours is "interfering with your life" and that justifies extreme violence on your part.

Stupid, entitled and prone to violence is no way to go through life, fool. Donald Trump is modelling the worst behaviour possible to his Cult, and you lap up his shit with a fork and spoon.
Funny you say that, but conservatives are ALWAYS infringing on the rights of others - gay marriage, health care for trans children, abortion, voting rights. It's "always do as I say, not as I do" with you clowns.
Show us where conservatives are physically blocking roadways and walkways or assaulting people trying to do the activities you listed? Where is the gay couple that got assaulted trying to get married? Same with the car load of trans children riding to get medical care?
Show us where conservatives are physically blocking roadways and walkways or assaulting people trying to do the activities you listed? Where is the gay couple that got assaulted trying to get married? Same with the car load of trans children riding to get medical care?

Moving the goal posts are you???? This thread is about street protests disrupting traffic and what's the best solution for it.

Rightwingers favour confronting protestors and using violence, or banning protests altogether. Sane people favour going around it and avoiding the problem, altogether.
Moving the goal posts are you???? This thread is about street protests disrupting traffic and what's the best solution for it.

Rightwingers favour confronting protestors and using violence, or banning protests altogether. Sane people favour going around it and avoiding the problem, altogether.

Actually his post references thread topic
Show us where conservatives are physically blocking roadways and walkways or assaulting people trying to do the activities you listed? Where is the gay couple that got assaulted trying to get married? Same with the car load of trans children riding to get medical care?

This was about the right the vote. The stated goal was to literally prevent the certification of the duly elected president. It certainly was violent even deadly. And unless I'm mistaking you supported it.
Moving the goal posts are you???? This thread is about street protests disrupting traffic and what's the best solution for it.

Rightwingers favour confronting protestors and using violence, or banning protests altogether. Sane people favour going around it and avoiding the problem, altogether.
Street protestors do not have the right to obstruct the physical space or right of way of people….. this is different from getting a permit to close off a street.

Where are rightwingers using violence or banning protests? Oh, and verbal confrontation is not unique to rightwingers. I live in DC and see it all of the time from both sides.
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This was about the right the vote. The stated goal was to literally prevent the certification of the duly elected president. It certainly was violent even deadly. And unless I'm mistaking you supported it.

This is about the right of way, everyday life of innocent Americans. This event and many others like it certainly are violent and deadly. You people consider this a form of “peaceful protests”.

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