What Is The Best Way To Deal With Street Protesters That Hold Up Traffic?

How would you deal with a street protest that was keeping you from getting to work?

  • Stop and wait for the cops

  • Drive over them

  • Tackle and body-slam them and take their pants off

  • Roll over them with a steam roller

  • Break out my softball bat and go to town

  • Other

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That was my first thought, just creep up and slowly drive around them. If they touch your car, video it and turn them in. I believe blocking traffic is against the law.

No where to drive around? They are in the street. They will bust your windows, dent your car. They have pulled people out and gang beat on them...worst case. Reginald Denny. Best case you sit for an hour ten cars back.

Come on? We've all seen it heading to Trump rallies in 2016 on TV.
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But if it's a BLM protest, running them over should be legal.
Democrats are pigs.
Wow.....you just insulted innocent animals....democrats are evil......the party of the devil..........
We had a year of democrat party brown shirts, blm and antifa burning, looting and killing in our major cities.....democrat party mayors ordered the police to stand down and do nothing to stop them...
All of those blue state “leaders” openly refused any aid (National Guard, etc.). Trump made the offers and got rejected. So any damages were all on them, not Trump.
Wow! I'd like to thank you all for your excellent examples of propaganda. These responses are exactly the kind of examples I was referring to when I talked about how strongly propaganda twists the thinking of all of us. And, yes, I know it has an influence on me, too. I do my best to overcome that. How many of you do the same?
Wow! I'd like to thank you all for your excellent examples of propaganda. These responses are exactly the kind of examples I was referring to when I talked about how strongly propaganda twists the thinking of all of us. And, yes, I know it has an influence on me, too. I do my best to overcome that. How many of you do the same?
I always do my best to overcome bad influences over me. I could do better if I had a machine gun.
Take a different route to work. It's not that hard, or hard to figure out.
Does that look possible to all the cars backed up in the video? It's not like the assholes advertise what road they will be blocking!

If you came upon a wreck of 12 vehicles you would find another way around it, knowing that otherwise emergency vehicles would have you sitting there for 45 minutes. This is no different, other than your impotent rage.
You think there is no difference? Really?

Then why are there laws against it?

Seriously, man. Don't be stupid.
First, call 9-1-1.

Then photograph the fucktards, and dox them.

One of them has a web address on his stupid sign. You could have a lot of fun with that.

No, you didn’t. You had a year in which protesters took to the streets to object to police violence against unarmed citizens and your president did nothing.

He wouldn’t even meet or speak to any of the leaders or organizers of this movement. He demanded a police crackdown on these terrorists. And then he stood by while right wing terrorists came out, armed and threatening, and started killing people. He blamed that violence on the left as well.

He even invited one of these right wing killers to the White House and called him a hero.

Donald Trump fiddled while America burned. Because he thought it would all help his election chances.

No...we had a year where the democrat party exploited the drug overdose death of a criminal, so they could call out their brown shirts in blm and antifa in order to loot, burn and kill in our major cities in order to hurt Trump for the election.

The "organizers," of that movement took millions from gullible lefties and used it on themselves....laughing all the way....
Wow! I'd like to thank you all for your excellent examples of propaganda. These responses are exactly the kind of examples I was referring to when I talked about how strongly propaganda twists the thinking of all of us. And, yes, I know it has an influence on me, too. I do my best to overcome that. How many of you do the same?
So no blue state Governor rejected any aid offer from Trump during the riots? Damn, you are seriously uninformed. At least try to keep up.
I pray an armed Terminally ill guy rolls up to a blockade on his way to Chemo and opens fire on them. That would slow it down perhaps.

I'm just tired of it since CA riots back to Rodney King or whatever. Now they are organized and prepared. Look at year long riots nightly in Portland.
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Do you actually believe that stopping your car in any kind of a stop in traffic is a hostage situation?
No. We aren't talking about any kind of a stop in traffic. We're talking about protesters forcing people to stop. Are you okay?
So no blue state Governor rejected any aid offer from Trump during the riots? Damn, you are seriously uninformed. At least try to keep up.
You have no clue to what I'm talking about, do you? No matter. I will try to help you anyway.

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