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What Is The Biggest Drawback Of Atheism?

Sorry but polystrate fossils are well known by geologists and can usually be easily recognized.
any dumbass can see them,, but explaining how they managed to not rot over millions of yrs is another thing
Hardly since they are fossils and inorganic. Roots are already buried and are readily fossilized if the soil conditions are right.

due to your dishonest actions of editing my name on some one elses comment to change the context of my position it would be best if you fucked off and didnt bother me anymore
It is hardly a secret that life forms on earth have gotten more complex over time
prove it??
Prove what?

That rock strata shows increasingly complex creatures?
as this picture show strata means nothing other than layers formed,,
according to your thinking this tree stood for millions of yrs without rotting while layers formed

View attachment 282129
Sorry but polystrate fossils are well known by geologists and can usually be easily recognized.

any dumbass can see them,, but explaining how they managed to not rot over millions of yrs is another thing


or 6 thousand?
prove it??
Prove what?

That rock strata shows increasingly complex creatures?
as this picture show strata means nothing other than layers formed,,
according to your thinking this tree stood for millions of yrs without rotting while layers formed

View attachment 282129
Sorry but polystrate fossils are well known by geologists and can usually be easily recognized.

any dumbass can see them,, but explaining how they managed to not rot over millions of yrs is another thing


or 6 thousand?

Ok, so then you believe the 24,000 written manuscripts detailing the 3 1/2 year ministry, death and resurrection are what?
They are theological texts written down hundreds of years after the events. They are NOT historical. Did Washington chop down that cherry tree or is it a myth to show he was honest?
No. Historical texts, with the earliest being 25 years after the event. The number, accuracy and timing is unparalleled in antiquity.
what was written on the tablets bond, it was the reiteration of the religion of antiquity you are in contempt of

Show us your tablet. I already got one goober making up his own commandments, but no tablet and has no one to give them to. You sound like you got a tablet with no commandments.
You sound like you got a tablet with no commandments.[/QUOTE]

that's you bond - where are yours ... with the phony 10 - the spoken religion has no errors.
what was written on the tablets bond, it was the reiteration of the religion of antiquity you are in contempt of

Show us your tablet. I already got one goober making up his own commandments, but no tablet and has no one to give them to. You sound like you got a tablet with no commandments.
Funny how these written directions from God always end up getting destroyed. You would think they would take better care of the words of God

Same thing happened to Joseph Smith and the Mormons
Ok, so then you believe the 24,000 written manuscripts detailing the 3 1/2 year ministry, death and resurrection are what?
They are theological texts written down hundreds of years after the events. They are NOT historical. Did Washington chop down that cherry tree or is it a myth to show he was honest?
No. Historical texts, with the earliest being 25 years after the event. The number, accuracy and timing is unparalleled in antiquity.
If you're speaking of Paul's letters, the oldest manuscripts we have are generally dated between 175 and 225 CE. These are most certainly not the originals penned by Paul but more likely copies of copies of copies of copies. Every copy was hand copied by someone with a theological agenda and the copies we have never agree 100% with other copies. Copyright laws didn't exist so it is likely that several of Paul's letters were written by others much later.
You asked “why am I attacking another persons faith, in a thread that’s attacking atheism.

You’re being a hypocrite. You guys can dish but not take it.

Me thinks it’s because I accurately mock your fake ass religion.
Whose dishing what out? I'm not attacking you on your faith in atheism.I'm not even making fun of the fact that it takes more faith in the belief that BANG here we are than you were specifically created by someone a lot wiser than those who believe we came from pond scum.
How we got here is unknown but it was a natural occurrence.

No god pooped us here.

I love it that you guys think god is eternal but you don’t believe other universes existed before ours was born 13 billion years ago.

So for eternity before our universe god just sat in dead empty dark space?
wait a minute you just said you don't know how it got here but you said not by a god? Why couldn't a God create man? I myself was created by God for a special purpose that purpose is unknown to me. It's a special purpose
I know all about what your special purpose is for

ok monkey boy it is ok to call you monkey since you believe that is were you came from

And before that we were less than monkeys. Every living creature is related. We all evolved differently but scientists believe life started as a single cell organism and then became multi cell and then diversified into all the living creatures we see today including plants.

You believe god POOFED us here one day. Idiot! Now you can cry that I'm attacking your religion. Damn right I am because it's making you stupid.
what was written on the tablets bond, it was the reiteration of the religion of antiquity you are in contempt of

Show us your tablet. I already got one goober making up his own commandments, but no tablet and has no one to give them to. You sound like you got a tablet with no commandments.
Funny how these written directions from God always end up getting destroyed. You would think they would take better care of the words of God

Same thing happened to Joseph Smith and the Mormons

One might also think that the actual words of god would be indestructible......
We’re all going to die because of atrophy

Funny, you say that because one of the causes of atrophy is mutations (evolution).

We all fear death because deep down we all know this is it for us. No one is a god in waiting. I’d love to believe after I die I become a god myself to live for all eternity but that’s utterly ridiculous

At least, you're honest. Why is it ridiculous when we know the supernatural created the universe, Earth, and everything in it? There is evidence for Genesis, Noah's Flood, Tower of Babel, and the end times prophecies have begun to happen.

Big bang and evolution doesn't really explain what happened. It's murky. In 2006, abc news had a documentary that atheists and evos believed global warming to cause the end of the world and now it could be a large asteroid. We have Chicxulub evidence, but it didn't cause the end of the world, and the dinosaurs all died is just a theory.

No, you do not become God. That is a fantasy. You get to live forever and with him though.

Then you are a god too. Maybe not the most powerful god but you are a god. You live forever, always happy, never sick, etc. How is that not you becoming a god?

Anyone who denies global warming is an idiot. You are not a scientist so how dare you question their findings. This is what I'm talking about when I say religion makes people dumb and they use it to control you. Republicans/Conservatives are brainwashed to deny science. You have all become brainwashed to think the media, scientists and schools are brainwashing our kids and lying. You can't even see it's Shell Oil who's behind the global warming denying bullshit.

It's really sad that half of the voters are so fucking deranged and deplorable. Really. And the other sad thing about the citizens in this country is 50% of them don't even vote. So half the voters are fucking stupid and half the country doesn't even bother to vote. No wonder the corporations and rich keep winning. They're doing great. They did great under Obama too. Just a lot better under Trump and Bush.
We’re all going to die because of atrophy

Funny, you say that because one of the causes of atrophy is mutations (evolution).

We all fear death because deep down we all know this is it for us. No one is a god in waiting. I’d love to believe after I die I become a god myself to live for all eternity but that’s utterly ridiculous

At least, you're honest. Why is it ridiculous when we know the supernatural created the universe, Earth, and everything in it? There is evidence for Genesis, Noah's Flood, Tower of Babel, and the end times prophecies have begun to happen.

Big bang and evolution doesn't really explain what happened. It's murky. In 2006, abc news had a documentary that atheists and evos believed global warming to cause the end of the world and now it could be a large asteroid. We have Chicxulub evidence, but it didn't cause the end of the world, and the dinosaurs all died is just a theory.

No, you do not become God. That is a fantasy. You get to live forever and with him though.
there is NO evidence for that...stop please

He gets to live forever, never get sick, never have to work, never get hungry, never sad, have whatever he wants, never argue, a feeling better than an orgasm non stop for all eternity. If that's not a god what is?

He can never be THE God but he certainly would be a god based on his description of what's going to happen to him for the rest of eternity.
We’re all going to die because of atrophy

Funny, you say that because one of the causes of atrophy is mutations (evolution).

We all fear death because deep down we all know this is it for us. No one is a god in waiting. I’d love to believe after I die I become a god myself to live for all eternity but that’s utterly ridiculous

At least, you're honest. Why is it ridiculous when we know the supernatural created the universe, Earth, and everything in it? There is evidence for Genesis, Noah's Flood, Tower of Babel, and the end times prophecies have begun to happen.

Big bang and evolution doesn't really explain what happened. It's murky. In 2006, abc news had a documentary that atheists and evos believed global warming to cause the end of the world and now it could be a large asteroid. We have Chicxulub evidence, but it didn't cause the end of the world, and the dinosaurs all died is just a theory.

No, you do not become God. That is a fantasy. You get to live forever and with him though.

Then you are a god too. Maybe not the most powerful god but you are a god. You live forever, always happy, never sick, etc. How is that not you becoming a god?

Anyone who denies global warming is an idiot. You are not a scientist so how dare you question their findings. This is what I'm talking about when I say religion makes people dumb and they use it to control you. Republicans/Conservatives are brainwashed to deny science. You have all become brainwashed to think the media, scientists and schools are brainwashing our kids and lying. You can't even see it's Shell Oil who's behind the global warming denying bullshit.

It's really sad that half of the voters are so fucking deranged and deplorable. Really. And the other sad thing about the citizens in this country is 50% of them don't even vote. So half the voters are fucking stupid and half the country doesn't even bother to vote. No wonder the corporations and rich keep winning. They're doing great. They did great under Obama too. Just a lot better under Trump and Bush.

Conservatives ACTIVELY "do things" to affect the economy, in a positive way when a republican is president and in a negative way when a democrat is in office. I have actually heard more than one conservative small business owner state "i don't put money into my business for growth when a democrat is in office. But when a republican is in office I do all I can to help my business grow".......

purposely hurting the economy when a democrat is in office

purposely helping the economy when a republican is in office.
Actually, how science got this way is very important. Investigation of the natural world was aided immensely with the waning influence of the Christian church. The embracing of the scientific method, combined with the academic and intellectual freedoms of the Renaissance and the Age of Enlightenment is what shaped Western culture and allowed the advances in the physical sciences, art, culture we see today. The Renaissance and the Age of Enlightenment combined to supplant the fears and superstitions of religious dogma with knowledge and understanding.


What science are you referring to? What Christians are you referring to? You lump us all together because you cannot comprehend. Sir Francis Bacon came up with the scientific method and was a devout Anglican. He said, "Knowledge is the rich storehouse for the glory of the Creator and the relief of man's estate"

The Renaissance was a period of rebirth of science and culture. It was influenced greatly by the Black Death or plague as people were dying left and right. The other great influence were the wars in Italy, Spain, and elsewhere in Europe. People tried to escape both. Yes, it was a period of getting away from Middle Age thinking and the Roman Catholic Church (RCC), but the church changed as well. Art was created for the other churches in Italy, not just for the Vatican. It was a period of humanism, but the church changed from the Middle Ages, too. You seem to ignore that. Are you sure science was humanist, too? What you claim as secular today is not all that.

Look at its people from DaVinci, Descartes, Galileo, Copernicus, and more to see they were influenced by the RCC and they tried to get away, too.

Even the Protestant Christians (many of us here) rebelled against the RCC and broke away from its teachings to go by the five Solas.

The Renaissance: The 'Rebirth' of Science & Culture | Live Science

Francis Bacon


The Five Solas - Points from the Past that Should Matter to You
Actually the Catholic Church did more for science than it will ever be given credit for, including teaching it in universities and applying math and physics to building projects that themselves instigated even more learning and investigations. Paganism certainly never would incubate anything like science and the moral framework it can't exist without; we now have a situation in universities where a majority of papers use fake data, and a majority of professors are certifiably mental ill.
We are here and have a sequence of how it was done.
Actually, as a creationist, you have nothing. Your 'sequence' is at odds with what we see with our own eyes, and you have no 'how' whatsoever. Saying 'God did it' say nothing about how God did it.

Please explain. What should we be seeing?

I did explain how God did it. It's all written down in the Bible as the Bible theory in science. It's the secular/atheist scientists who have not explained, but tried to make up circumstantial evidence to fit their theory. It is all a house of cards built on false evidence and assumptions. They secular scientists had to remove creation scientists before they could built their house of cards. If you had anything, then you would have listed it as start of space-time, quantum particles pop into existence, big bang, early gases form, expansion of space, long time, theory of everything resolves quantum mechanics and laws of physics, abiogenesis, etc. However, all you have is bullshit and a house of cards, so that explains your post.
Actually, how science got this way is very important. Investigation of the natural world was aided immensely with the waning influence of the Christian church. The embracing of the scientific method, combined with the academic and intellectual freedoms of the Renaissance and the Age of Enlightenment is what shaped Western culture and allowed the advances in the physical sciences, art, culture we see today. The Renaissance and the Age of Enlightenment combined to supplant the fears and superstitions of religious dogma with knowledge and understanding.


What science are you referring to? What Christians are you referring to? You lump us all together because you cannot comprehend. Sir Francis Bacon came up with the scientific method and was a devout Anglican. He said, "Knowledge is the rich storehouse for the glory of the Creator and the relief of man's estate"

The Renaissance was a period of rebirth of science and culture. It was influenced greatly by the Black Death or plague as people were dying left and right. The other great influence were the wars in Italy, Spain, and elsewhere in Europe. People tried to escape both. Yes, it was a period of getting away from Middle Age thinking and the Roman Catholic Church (RCC), but the church changed as well. Art was created for the other churches in Italy, not just for the Vatican. It was a period of humanism, but the church changed from the Middle Ages, too. You seem to ignore that. Are you sure science was humanist, too? What you claim as secular today is not all that.

Look at its people from DaVinci, Descartes, Galileo, Copernicus, and more to see they were influenced by the RCC and they tried to get away, too.

Even the Protestant Christians (many of us here) rebelled against the RCC and broke away from its teachings to go by the five Solas.

The Renaissance: The 'Rebirth' of Science & Culture | Live Science

Francis Bacon


The Five Solas - Points from the Past that Should Matter to You

Yes, the Renaissance was a time when the shackles of the church were removed and the arts, science, literature and exploration flourished. The first reason is tired and old, but one that became so precisely because it bears repeating; naturalistic explanations that have passed through the filter of the scientific method or that are at least founded upon reasonable inductive hypotheses based on the available evidence have proven again and again to be far superior to any other method in bringing us to a better understanding of the universe, life, and even our place in it.

Physiology and psychology began the evisceration of metaphysics as the province of the philosophy and theology and carried much of this lofty battle to the scientific arena where rude physical truths must be accounted for. In a similar way the development of the scientific method and the consensus it brings, combined with the academic and intellectual freedoms of the Renaissance and the Age of Enlightenment, left less and less room for literal interpretations of any creation tales and fables. I have yet to see a convincing argument as to how allowing for supernatural creation really advances our understanding of the natural world.. Without a plausible framework to show us how we are to know the sculptors hand or understand the tools that he used, it is futile.

Until theology or creation science can come up with a plausible means to investigate the method of supernatural creation, some tentative hypothesis, a beginnings of a framework, then what useful role can they have in advancement of knowledge? All of the whiny arguments of ID'iot Creationism only serve as foils for complexity, not as alternative mechanisms. In physics, when infinity shows up as a result of equations, the equations are not considered solved; they are considered to have no real-world validity. Supernatural intervention as a function seems to have a similar deadening effect.

Once again, wby don't you supernaturalists present your "General Theory of Supernatural Creation" so we can peer review your claims to tbe god as opposed to all the other competing claims to the gods.
We are here and have a sequence of how it was done.
Actually, as a creationist, you have nothing. Your 'sequence' is at odds with what we see with our own eyes, and you have no 'how' whatsoever. Saying 'God did it' say nothing about how God did it.

Please explain. What should we be seeing?

I did explain how God did it. It's all written down in the Bible as the Bible theory in science. It's the secular/atheist scientists who have not explained, but tried to make up circumstantial evidence to fit their theory. It is all a house of cards built on false evidence and assumptions. They secular scientists had to remove creation scientists before they could built their house of cards. If you had anything, then you would have listed it as start of space-time, quantum particles pop into existence, big bang, early gases form, expansion of space, long time, theory of everything resolves quantum mechanics and laws of physics, abiogenesis, etc. However, all you have is bullshit and a house of cards, so that explains your post.
.Creation quacks removed themselves when they failed to offer a single, viable explanation for the natural world that did not depend on a version of partisan gods that were nothing more than hand-me-down versions of earlier gods.
We’re all going to die because of atrophy

Funny, you say that because one of the causes of atrophy is mutations (evolution).

We all fear death because deep down we all know this is it for us. No one is a god in waiting. I’d love to believe after I die I become a god myself to live for all eternity but that’s utterly ridiculous

At least, you're honest. Why is it ridiculous when we know the supernatural created the universe, Earth, and everything in it? There is evidence for Genesis, Noah's Flood, Tower of Babel, and the end times prophecies have begun to happen.

Big bang and evolution doesn't really explain what happened. It's murky. In 2006, abc news had a documentary that atheists and evos believed global warming to cause the end of the world and now it could be a large asteroid. We have Chicxulub evidence, but it didn't cause the end of the world, and the dinosaurs all died is just a theory.

No, you do not become God. That is a fantasy. You get to live forever and with him though.

Then you are a god too. Maybe not the most powerful god but you are a god. You live forever, always happy, never sick, etc. How is that not you becoming a god?

Anyone who denies global warming is an idiot. You are not a scientist so how dare you question their findings. This is what I'm talking about when I say religion makes people dumb and they use it to control you. Republicans/Conservatives are brainwashed to deny science. You have all become brainwashed to think the media, scientists and schools are brainwashing our kids and lying. You can't even see it's Shell Oil who's behind the global warming denying bullshit.

It's really sad that half of the voters are so fucking deranged and deplorable. Really. And the other sad thing about the citizens in this country is 50% of them don't even vote. So half the voters are fucking stupid and half the country doesn't even bother to vote. No wonder the corporations and rich keep winning. They're doing great. They did great under Obama too. Just a lot better under Trump and Bush.

Conservatives ACTIVELY "do things" to affect the economy, in a positive way when a republican is president and in a negative way when a democrat is in office. I have actually heard more than one conservative small business owner state "i don't put money into my business for growth when a democrat is in office. But when a republican is in office I do all I can to help my business grow".......

purposely hurting the economy when a democrat is in office

purposely helping the economy when a republican is in office.
A lot of small struggling business owners aren't that bright.
Actually the Catholic Church did more for science than it will ever be given credit for, including teaching it in universities and applying math and physics to building projects that themselves instigated even more learning and investigations. Paganism certainly never would incubate anything like science and the moral framework it can't exist without; we now have a situation in universities where a majority of papers use fake data, and a majority of professors are certifiably mental ill.
Yea because they didn't believe that science challenged their religious beliefs. James Bond is probably not a catholic.

Born agains are the worst. Or those people who go to megachurches.
We are here and have a sequence of how it was done.
Actually, as a creationist, you have nothing. Your 'sequence' is at odds with what we see with our own eyes, and you have no 'how' whatsoever. Saying 'God did it' say nothing about how God did it.

Please explain. What should we be seeing?

I did explain how God did it. It's all written down in the Bible as the Bible theory in science. It's the secular/atheist scientists who have not explained, but tried to make up circumstantial evidence to fit their theory. It is all a house of cards built on false evidence and assumptions. They secular scientists had to remove creation scientists before they could built their house of cards. If you had anything, then you would have listed it as start of space-time, quantum particles pop into existence, big bang, early gases form, expansion of space, long time, theory of everything resolves quantum mechanics and laws of physics, abiogenesis, etc. However, all you have is bullshit and a house of cards, so that explains your post.
.Creation quacks removed themselves when they failed to offer a single, viable explanation for the natural world that did not depend on a version of partisan gods that were nothing more than hand-me-down versions of earlier gods.

The other day I said our prisons are full of people who believe in God. So did you see that female cop in Dallas who walked into the wrong apartment and shot the black man she thought was an intruder? This is what she had to say when she was found guilty.

“I feel like a terrible person. I feel like a piece of crap,” she told the courtroom through sobs. “I hate that I have to live with this every single day of my life. And I ask God for forgiveness, and I hate myself every single day. I feel like I don’t deserve a chance to be with my family and friends. And I wish he was the one with the gun who killed me.”

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