What is the biggest myth about abortion


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
What Is The Biggest Myth About Abortion?
Leftists outside of a Philadelphia rally refuse to denounce Democrat state Rep. Brian Sims for his recent antics against pro-life advocates.

When society breaks down and it's idiots think killing the unborn is ok because why that is what they were "told" to think......
What Is The Biggest Myth About Abortion?
Leftists outside of a Philadelphia rally refuse to denounce Democrat state Rep. Brian Sims for his recent antics against pro-life advocates.

When society breaks down and it's idiots think killing the unborn is ok because why that is what they were "told" to think......

There are so many lies about abortion. Most on the left are either ignorant or refuse to discuss certain things.

There are so many ways to prevent pregnancy and it is currently fairly easy to abort early, either by the morning after pill or abortion. There is simply no need to wait till late in the pregnancy.

First lie is that it's necessary to kill the baby in late term abortions to save the mother's life. If the mother's life is in jeopardy due to illness or accident, an emergency C-section would be performed to end the pregnancy, however there is never a need to kill the baby. When the doctor kills the baby before it's completely born, that is not to save the mother's life, it is simply to kill the baby. Having a late term partial birth abortion is more risky for the mother than a regular delivery or C-section if she is in distress.

Having an ultrasound is not invasive. It's an instrument placed on top of the stomach. The left is against them simply because doctors use them to get an accurate fetal age, which could mean it's too late for an abortion in some states. PP likes the fetuses as old as possible because they get more money for the parts. Also, an ultrasound allows the mother to actually see the clump of cells. Looks exactly like a tiny baby with a beating heart and moving it's hands and feet. The most important reason is so the doctor can detect potential problems, some that could be life-threatening.

The left doesn't want abortion clinics to be held to the same standards as other health clinics. They would have people believe that an abortion isn't any different than a manicure. It's a surgical procedure. Clinics need to be held to the same standards.

Also, elective abortions are not healthcare any more than a boob job is healthcare. And tax payers should not be footing the bill for personal mistakes/decisions that women make.

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