CDZ What is the current purpose of the SAT?


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
The adding of "adversity" scores to the SAT begs the larger question of the current purpose of the SAT. If it still is to measure scholastic aptitude for success in college, then why would non-scholastic factors be included? If it is no longer used for this purpose, then why have it at all?

The very fact that these "adversity" scores are to be kept secret reveals a corrupt intention in the first place. Not only do they compromise the premise of individual achievement, they promote false expectations that are less likely to be realized.

Why not dispense with the SAT and institute a lottery system for admission to college? Wouldn't this be the fairest way to provide equal opportunity for all?
An educated population does more has more, some people call other populations with less educated people S#it H*#es. we don't want to earn that title.
An educated population does more has more, some people call other populations with less educated people S#it H*#es. we don't want to earn that title.

Education begins in elementary school. Who are you to decide who is admitted to a four-year university and who isn't? Have you ever heard of community colleges? Do you really think that inflating SAT scores makes a student better able to compete with other students? Is this all about feelings?

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