What Is The Democratic Road Map To The White House?

Yes, Trump is wildly unpopular. Yes, Trump is an idiot. Yes, Trump is a pathological liar. Yes, Trump is in love with Vladimir.

Quack, quack, quack.

But...if he chooses to run for re-election (which he may not), he will win again if the Democrats put up a corrupt, entitlement-minded, loser again.

In 2018, the Democrats will probably gain some ground with their "Stop Trump!" platform. That worked in Alabama and Virginia recently.

Exactly what it is about Trump they want to stop has yet to be defined.

But in 2020, the Democrats better have something for their bumper stickers besides "Stop Trump!" They better have a better plan to Make America Sane Again.

"We'll raise tax rates back to where they were."

"We'll let illegal Mexicans back into the country."

What, exactly, do they have?

At this point, I do not see a Democratic road map to the White House. At all.

I hope to Christ the Democrats aren't hanging all of their hopes and dreams on a timely economic crash.

"We'll raise tax rates back to where they were."

"We'll let illegal Mexicans back into the country."

Those two and also, "We're gonna take your guns"
Nice, Three things that nobody has said. Well done. #FakeNews
I think a focus on education, jobs, fair trade, wealth inequality, and campaign finance reform are all problems that they can run on.

Wealth inequality my ass...

Yes, Trump is wildly unpopular. Yes, Trump is an idiot. Yes, Trump is a pathological liar. Yes, Trump is in love with Vladimir.

Quack, quack, quack.

But...if he chooses to run for re-election (which he may not), he will win again if the Democrats put up a corrupt, entitlement-minded, loser again.

In 2018, the Democrats will probably gain some ground with their "Stop Trump!" platform. That worked in Alabama and Virginia recently.

Exactly what it is about Trump they want to stop has yet to be defined.

But in 2020, the Democrats better have something for their bumper stickers besides "Stop Trump!" They better have a better plan to Make America Sane Again.

"We'll raise tax rates back to where they were."

"We'll let illegal Mexicans back into the country."

What, exactly, do they have?

At this point, I do not see a Democratic road map to the White House. At all.

I hope to Christ the Democrats aren't hanging all of their hopes and dreams on a timely economic crash.

"We'll raise tax rates back to where they were."

"We'll let illegal Mexicans back into the country."

Those two and also, "We're gonna take your guns"
Nice, Three things that nobody has said. Well done. #FakeNews

I think a focus on education, jobs, fair trade, wealth inequality, and campaign finance reform are all problems that they can run on.

Wealth inequality my ass...

What happens in 30 years if the top 1% keep sucking up the majority of the new money and wealth. Play it out and tell how that economy and society looks. Seriously think about and try and give an objective and intelligent answer
What Is The Democratic Road Map To The White House?

'second star to the right and straight on 'til morning.'
So, it's going to be all about hating Trump than getting things done for the DNC platform in midterms. Gotcha.
Trump won by appealing to middle America working class voters the ones who the Democrats used appeal to but over the years they became the party of the coastal elities until the Democrats get back to understanding there is more to the nation than just the east and west coast they will struggle.
Yes, Trump is wildly unpopular. Yes, Trump is an idiot. Yes, Trump is a pathological liar. Yes, Trump is in love with Vladimir.

Quack, quack, quack.

But...if he chooses to run for re-election (which he may not), he will win again if the Democrats put up a corrupt, entitlement-minded, loser again.

In 2018, the Democrats will probably gain some ground with their "Stop Trump!" platform. That worked in Alabama and Virginia recently.

Exactly what it is about Trump they want to stop has yet to be defined.

But in 2020, the Democrats better have something for their bumper stickers besides "Stop Trump!" They better have a better plan to Make America Sane Again.

"We'll raise tax rates back to where they were."

"We'll let illegal Mexicans back into the country."

What, exactly, do they have?

At this point, I do not see a Democratic road map to the White House. At all.

I hope to Christ the Democrats aren't hanging all of their hopes and dreams on a timely economic crash.

"We'll raise tax rates back to where they were."

"We'll let illegal Mexicans back into the country."

Those two and also, "We're gonna take your guns"

what are you worried about, you think it's ok to have taxe dumped on the middle class while Donald and his kleptocrats pay nothing.

what are you worried about,

Not a whole lot right now.

you think it's ok to have taxe dumped on the middle class

Can you translate that into something coherent and repost it?
Yes, Trump is wildly unpopular. Yes, Trump is an idiot. Yes, Trump is a pathological liar. Yes, Trump is in love with Vladimir.

Quack, quack, quack.

But...if he chooses to run for re-election (which he may not), he will win again if the Democrats put up a corrupt, entitlement-minded, loser again.

In 2018, the Democrats will probably gain some ground with their "Stop Trump!" platform. That worked in Alabama and Virginia recently.

Exactly what it is about Trump they want to stop has yet to be defined.

But in 2020, the Democrats better have something for their bumper stickers besides "Stop Trump!" They better have a better plan to Make America Sane Again.

"We'll raise tax rates back to where they were."

"We'll let illegal Mexicans back into the country."

What, exactly, do they have?

At this point, I do not see a Democratic road map to the White House. At all.

I hope to Christ the Democrats aren't hanging all of their hopes and dreams on a timely economic crash.

"We'll raise tax rates back to where they were."

"We'll let illegal Mexicans back into the country."

Those two and also, "We're gonna take your guns"
Nice, Three things that nobody has said. Well done. #FakeNews

We'll have to wait for Bernie's platform, eh?
Yes, Trump is wildly unpopular. Yes, Trump is an idiot. Yes, Trump is a pathological liar. Yes, Trump is in love with Vladimir.

Quack, quack, quack.

But...if he chooses to run for re-election (which he may not), he will win again if the Democrats put up a corrupt, entitlement-minded, loser again.

In 2018, the Democrats will probably gain some ground with their "Stop Trump!" platform. That worked in Alabama and Virginia recently.

Exactly what it is about Trump they want to stop has yet to be defined.

But in 2020, the Democrats better have something for their bumper stickers besides "Stop Trump!" They better have a better plan to Make America Sane Again.

"We'll raise tax rates back to where they were."

"We'll let illegal Mexicans back into the country."

What, exactly, do they have?

At this point, I do not see a Democratic road map to the White House. At all.

I hope to Christ the Democrats aren't hanging all of their hopes and dreams on a timely economic crash.

"We'll raise tax rates back to where they were."

"We'll let illegal Mexicans back into the country."

Those two and also, "We're gonna take your guns"
Nice, Three things that nobody has said. Well done. #FakeNews

We'll have to wait for Bernie's platform, eh?
Bernie is a rallier for causes. I like him but I never took him as a serious candidate for president.
whatever their path may be rest assured they plan to keep it under wraps until the time comes.
What happens in 30 years if the top 1% keep sucking up the majority of the new money and wealth. Play it out and tell how that economy and society looks. Seriously think about and try and give an objective and intelligent answer

The 1% diatribe the socialist leaning leftists is nothing but a old worn out talking point meant to stir up the masses... There has always been the uber rich and always will be... If you don't like your lot in life, get off your ass and earn what you want... What does the economy and society look like in 30 years? Who in the hell knows? Way to many varibles to prognosticate such a question... Now bring on your farting and beer drinking crap and try to embarrass me off the thread...
In 2016, Trump ran on a campaign of empty promises
In 2020, the bill will come due

Democrats will run a middle of the road candidate. Maybe Biden
The overall theme will be "We warned you"

Key platform points......wages, education, restoring healthcare and sanity in our foreign policy
In 2016, Trump ran on a campaign of empty promises
In 2020, the bill will come due

Democrats will run a middle of the road candidate. Maybe Biden
The overall theme will be "We warned you"

Key platform points......wages, education, restoring healthcare and sanity in our foreign policy

Biden was a POS when he ran in 1988, the only thing that's changed is he is now an old POS.
Yes, Trump is wildly unpopular. Yes, Trump is an idiot. Yes, Trump is a pathological liar. Yes, Trump is in love with Vladimir.

Quack, quack, quack.

But...if he chooses to run for re-election (which he may not), he will win again if the Democrats put up a corrupt, entitlement-minded, loser again.
Entitlement minded? Sounds like the people who don't want to tax inheritance income, thinking the rich are entitled to money for nothing, while everyone else has to work for it AND pay tax on it.
What happens in 30 years if the top 1% keep sucking up the majority of the new money and wealth. Play it out and tell how that economy and society looks. Seriously think about and try and give an objective and intelligent answer

The 1% diatribe the socialist leaning leftists is nothing but a old worn out talking point meant to stir up the masses... There has always been the uber rich and always will be... If you don't like your lot in life, get off your ass and earn what you want... What does the economy and society look like in 30 years? Who in the hell knows? Way to many varibles to prognosticate such a question... Now bring on your farting and beer drinking crap and try to embarrass me off the thread...
im not trying to embarrass you off the thread i'm trying to have an honest conversation. And you didn't answer my question. I didn't ask what our economy and society will look like in 30 years. I asked what it would look like if current trend of the top 1% sucking up the vast majority of new money and wealth in this country.

I'll give you my theory and you tell me if you agree or not... The top earners and corporations keep acquiring property and businesses. They gain more power over the marketplace and leverage that power to squeeze out their competitors. Home ownership goes down and renters go up. The number of business owners go down and the number of employees go up.

You want to promote free market capitalism and you despise Socialism, right? Well, this picture i'm painting ends in a form of capitalistic socialism where instead of the government controlling everything a handful of the rich and powerful will.

FYI. I am a business owner. I support low taxes and small government and limited regulation. But I also understand the roll of government and can identify the dangers that can result from an unregulated free market.

Yes, Trump is wildly unpopular. Yes, Trump is an idiot. Yes, Trump is a pathological liar. Yes, Trump is in love with Vladimir.

Quack, quack, quack.

But...if he chooses to run for re-election (which he may not), he will win again if the Democrats put up a corrupt, entitlement-minded, loser again.

In 2018, the Democrats will probably gain some ground with their "Stop Trump!" platform. That worked in Alabama and Virginia recently.

Exactly what it is about Trump they want to stop has yet to be defined.

But in 2020, the Democrats better have something for their bumper stickers besides "Stop Trump!" They better have a better plan to Make America Sane Again.

"We'll raise tax rates back to where they were."

"We'll let illegal Mexicans back into the country."

What, exactly, do they have?

At this point, I do not see a Democratic road map to the White House. At all.

I hope to Christ the Democrats aren't hanging all of their hopes and dreams on a timely economic crash.

Democrats are in a catch 22 to be honest, same with 2018. The only thing they have is anti-Trump, because their agenda is so blatant. If they run on their agenda, they will get clobbered, not because I say so, but because America still considers itself over 60% conservative.

And if they move to the middle to get elected? Maybe, but how many of the far left wing will stay home?

I ask this as a reasonable question------->

We have seen far right wing support Trump, have we not? Doesn't mean he likes them, but support them they do; probably because of the alternative. But how many have we really seen? In honesty, maybe 4 or 5000?

But when we go to the left, we see all these people marching, burning things, rioting. We see them beating people up. We see Mexican flags, Cuban flags, Russian flags at the DNC convention.

Now I ask you, in all sincerity---------->don't you think that makes for a reason to vote against the left? If people are just passive observers and see this stuff, how do think they think? Running on chaos and the Mexican/Russian flag, and having an avowed socialist (Sanders) is not popular with mainstream America.

And understand, this is not my take on mainstream, it is mainstreams take.

Their are 1000 commercials built in from youtube, and that is the Democrats biggest problem. They embrace this resistance, and maybe it will work, IF they can show cause. But if this all melts away like the winter snow, people are going to question what happened! The left has put all their eggs in one basket. If the basket falls, all the eggs break, and not only will they have egg on their face, they have no plan B that will make people forget about plan A!
Yes, Trump is wildly unpopular. Yes, Trump is an idiot. Yes, Trump is a pathological liar. Yes, Trump is in love with Vladimir.

Quack, quack, quack.

But...if he chooses to run for re-election (which he may not), he will win again if the Democrats put up a corrupt, entitlement-minded, loser again.

In 2018, the Democrats will probably gain some ground with their "Stop Trump!" platform. That worked in Alabama and Virginia recently.

Exactly what it is about Trump they want to stop has yet to be defined.

But in 2020, the Democrats better have something for their bumper stickers besides "Stop Trump!" They better have a better plan to Make America Sane Again.

"We'll raise tax rates back to where they were."

"We'll let illegal Mexicans back into the country."

What, exactly, do they have?

At this point, I do not see a Democratic road map to the White House. At all.

I hope to Christ the Democrats aren't hanging all of their hopes and dreams on a timely economic crash.

Trump as president is one of the few times when just running as not being the incumbent is enough.
Yes, Trump is wildly unpopular. Yes, Trump is an idiot. Yes, Trump is a pathological liar. Yes, Trump is in love with Vladimir.

Quack, quack, quack.

But...if he chooses to run for re-election (which he may not), he will win again if the Democrats put up a corrupt, entitlement-minded, loser again.

In 2018, the Democrats will probably gain some ground with their "Stop Trump!" platform. That worked in Alabama and Virginia recently.

Exactly what it is about Trump they want to stop has yet to be defined.

But in 2020, the Democrats better have something for their bumper stickers besides "Stop Trump!" They better have a better plan to Make America Sane Again.

"We'll raise tax rates back to where they were."

"We'll let illegal Mexicans back into the country."

What, exactly, do they have?

At this point, I do not see a Democratic road map to the White House. At all.

I hope to Christ the Democrats aren't hanging all of their hopes and dreams on a timely economic crash.

"We'll raise tax rates back to where they were."

"We'll let illegal Mexicans back into the country."

Those two and also, "We're gonna take your guns"
Nice, Three things that nobody has said. Well done. #FakeNews

We'll have to wait for Bernie's platform, eh?
Bernie is a rallier for causes. I like him but I never took him as a serious candidate for president.

Either did Hillary or the DNC.

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