What Is The Democratic Road Map To The White House?

Yes, Trump is wildly unpopular. Yes, Trump is an idiot. Yes, Trump is a pathological liar. Yes, Trump is in love with Vladimir.

Quack, quack, quack.

But...if he chooses to run for re-election (which he may not), he will win again if the Democrats put up a corrupt, entitlement-minded, loser again.

In 2018, the Democrats will probably gain some ground with their "Stop Trump!" platform. That worked in Alabama and Virginia recently.

Exactly what it is about Trump they want to stop has yet to be defined.

But in 2020, the Democrats better have something for their bumper stickers besides "Stop Trump!" They better have a better plan to Make America Sane Again.

"We'll raise tax rates back to where they were."

"We'll let illegal Mexicans back into the country."

What, exactly, do they have?

At this point, I do not see a Democratic road map to the White House. At all.

I hope to Christ the Democrats aren't hanging all of their hopes and dreams on a timely economic crash.

Democrats put up the worst candidate perhaps in modern history. Yet Republicans won narrowly in Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Florida. The fact is that the electorate seems to be more in tune with voters. There is a pathway for Democrats largely due to the Republicans moving too far to the right.

A Democrat likely will run on undoing the damage Republicans have done to healthcare. They also would likely repeal parts of the Republican tax bill. They also would run on re-regulating. They will run on amnesty and if Trump deports DACA recipients it will give Democrats red meat to run on. All of these are stances the voters agree wsith.

A Democrat likely will run on undoing the damage Republicans have done to healthcare.

That's a great idea! Maybe they could get me that $2500 a year that Obama was supposed to save me?

They also would likely repeal parts of the Republican tax bill. They also would run on re-regulating. They will run on amnesty and if Trump deports DACA recipients it will give Democrats red meat to run on.


DEMS 2020....We're gonna raise taxes, add red tape and give citizenship to millions of illegals!!!

They'll win 12 or 15 states, easy.

Like it or not voters wanted Obamacare fixed. Republicans are doing everything that will undermine it and are responsible for the huge increase in premiums since the Republicans took over.

Fox News
What do you think should happen to the illegal immigrants who are currently working in the United States -- do you favor deporting as many as possible or do you favor setting up a system for them to become legal residents?
Deport as many as possible 14%
Set up a system to become legal 83%

Do you favor or oppose granting U.S. citizenship for illegal immigrants under the age of 30 who were brought to the United States as children, provided they pass a background check?
Favor 79%
Oppose 19%

Thinking about federal income taxes, how frustrated are you about each of the following:
The wealthy paying too little in taxes:
Frustrated 78%
Not frustrated 19%

Voters might disagree on what you call red tape. Putting coal waste in rivers is not red tape. Requiring financial advisors to put the interest of their clients over their interests is not red tape. Requiring airlines to disclose hidden fees is not red tape. Just because Obama created the regulation does not automatically make it bad.

Like it or not voters wanted Obamacare fixed.

Fixed? You mean like giving me the $2500 a year that it was supposed to save me?

Republicans are doing everything that will undermine it

You mean more than reality was doing to undermine it?

What do you think should happen to the illegal immigrants who are currently working in

I agree, the Dems should definitely run on letting in as many illegal aliens as possible.
And hiking taxes. A bunch. How can they lose with that platform?

Putting coal waste in rivers is not red tape.

Sounds serious. When did Obama fix that issue?

Just because Obama created the regulation does not automatically make it bad.

I'm sure every one of the tens of thousands of pages of regulations Obama put in were all awesome.

Definitely, tell people that we need more. Lots more.
Trump won by appealing to middle America working class voters the ones who the Democrats used appeal to but over the years they became the party of the coastal elities until the Democrats get back to understanding there is more to the nation than just the east and west coast they will struggle.

Trump won largely because suburban voters reluctantly voted for Trump and against Clinton. These same suburban voters are turning against the GOP. This will likely continue in 2018 and 2020.
We will see if the economy continues to grow companys continue to hire and wages go up these same voters could very well stick with Trump and the GOP as someone famously said and I will leave the last word off it's the economy.

It doesn't matter. Voters don't give Trump credit for it nor does he or Obama deserve any credit. Al Gore lost to Bush even though the economy was strong.
People tend to vote with their wallets there will always be exceptions but that is the general rule.

They didn't in 2000. Clinton's personal problems played a issue in that. Trump has the same problems and that is a starter.
Trump won by appealing to middle America working class voters the ones who the Democrats used appeal to but over the years they became the party of the coastal elities until the Democrats get back to understanding there is more to the nation than just the east and west coast they will struggle.

Trump won largely because suburban voters reluctantly voted for Trump and against Clinton. These same suburban voters are turning against the GOP. This will likely continue in 2018 and 2020.

Yeah, suburban voters are gonna hate their tax cuts. DERP!

You are the DERP!!! What they are going to hate are the loophole that the rich will be able to use to lower their taxes. Also the fact that Trump benefits mightily with the new rules on real estate trusts. Reagan closed loopholes for everyone. Republicans closed loopholes for the middle class but not the rich. Suburban voters are the likeliest to face tax increases.

What they are going to hate are the loophole that the rich will be able to use to lower their taxes.

I'm not going to look at the extra money I keep and then vote against Trump because someone else saved more.

Reagan closed loopholes for everyone.

And liberals whined about him.

Republicans closed loopholes for the middle class but not the rich.

Like what?

Suburban voters are the likeliest to face tax increases.

Show me.
Trump won by appealing to middle America working class voters the ones who the Democrats used appeal to but over the years they became the party of the coastal elities until the Democrats get back to understanding there is more to the nation than just the east and west coast they will struggle.

Trump won largely because suburban voters reluctantly voted for Trump and against Clinton. These same suburban voters are turning against the GOP. This will likely continue in 2018 and 2020.
We will see if the economy continues to grow companys continue to hire and wages go up these same voters could very well stick with Trump and the GOP as someone famously said and I will leave the last word off it's the economy.

It doesn't matter. Voters don't give Trump credit for it nor does he or Obama deserve any credit. Al Gore lost to Bush even though the economy was strong.
People tend to vote with their wallets there will always be exceptions but that is the general rule.

They didn't in 2000. Clinton's personal problems played a issue in that. Trump has the same problems and that is a starter.
As I said there are exceptions but a storng economy and strong consumer confidence tends to work to the advantage of the party in power the other side is when one party controls the Presidency and both chambers of Congress they usually don't control it very long Obama and the Democrats only had it for two years. This what makes this years mid terms very interesting to see which trend comes out on top.
Yes, Trump is wildly unpopular. Yes, Trump is an idiot. Yes, Trump is a pathological liar. Yes, Trump is in love with Vladimir.

Quack, quack, quack.

But...if he chooses to run for re-election (which he may not), he will win again if the Democrats put up a corrupt, entitlement-minded, loser again.

In 2018, the Democrats will probably gain some ground with their "Stop Trump!" platform. That worked in Alabama and Virginia recently.

Exactly what it is about Trump they want to stop has yet to be defined.

But in 2020, the Democrats better have something for their bumper stickers besides "Stop Trump!" They better have a better plan to Make America Sane Again.

"We'll raise tax rates back to where they were."

"We'll let illegal Mexicans back into the country."

What, exactly, do they have?

At this point, I do not see a Democratic road map to the White House. At all.

I hope to Christ the Democrats aren't hanging all of their hopes and dreams on a timely economic crash.
nah they're hanging it all on Oprah
Yes, Trump is wildly unpopular. Yes, Trump is an idiot. Yes, Trump is a pathological liar. Yes, Trump is in love with Vladimir.

Quack, quack, quack.

But...if he chooses to run for re-election (which he may not), he will win again if the Democrats put up a corrupt, entitlement-minded, loser again.

In 2018, the Democrats will probably gain some ground with their "Stop Trump!" platform. That worked in Alabama and Virginia recently.

Exactly what it is about Trump they want to stop has yet to be defined.

But in 2020, the Democrats better have something for their bumper stickers besides "Stop Trump!" They better have a better plan to Make America Sane Again.

"We'll raise tax rates back to where they were."

"We'll let illegal Mexicans back into the country."

What, exactly, do they have?

At this point, I do not see a Democratic road map to the White House. At all.

I hope to Christ the Democrats aren't hanging all of their hopes and dreams on a timely economic crash.

Democrats put up the worst candidate perhaps in modern history. Yet Republicans won narrowly in Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Florida. The fact is that the electorate seems to be more in tune with voters. There is a pathway for Democrats largely due to the Republicans moving too far to the right.

A Democrat likely will run on undoing the damage Republicans have done to healthcare. They also would likely repeal parts of the Republican tax bill. They also would run on re-regulating. They will run on amnesty and if Trump deports DACA recipients it will give Democrats red meat to run on. All of these are stances the voters agree wsith.

A Democrat likely will run on undoing the damage Republicans have done to healthcare.

That's a great idea! Maybe they could get me that $2500 a year that Obama was supposed to save me?

They also would likely repeal parts of the Republican tax bill. They also would run on re-regulating. They will run on amnesty and if Trump deports DACA recipients it will give Democrats red meat to run on.


DEMS 2020....We're gonna raise taxes, add red tape and give citizenship to millions of illegals!!!

They'll win 12 or 15 states, easy.

Like it or not voters wanted Obamacare fixed. Republicans are doing everything that will undermine it and are responsible for the huge increase in premiums since the Republicans took over.

Fox News
What do you think should happen to the illegal immigrants who are currently working in the United States -- do you favor deporting as many as possible or do you favor setting up a system for them to become legal residents?
Deport as many as possible 14%
Set up a system to become legal 83%

Do you favor or oppose granting U.S. citizenship for illegal immigrants under the age of 30 who were brought to the United States as children, provided they pass a background check?
Favor 79%
Oppose 19%

Thinking about federal income taxes, how frustrated are you about each of the following:
The wealthy paying too little in taxes:
Frustrated 78%
Not frustrated 19%

Voters might disagree on what you call red tape. Putting coal waste in rivers is not red tape. Requiring financial advisors to put the interest of their clients over their interests is not red tape. Requiring airlines to disclose hidden fees is not red tape. Just because Obama created the regulation does not automatically make it bad.

Like it or not voters wanted Obamacare fixed.

Fixed? You mean like giving me the $2500 a year that it was supposed to save me?

Republicans are doing everything that will undermine it

You mean more than reality was doing to undermine it?

What do you think should happen to the illegal immigrants who are currently working in

I agree, the Dems should definitely run on letting in as many illegal aliens as possible.
And hiking taxes. A bunch. How can they lose with that platform?

Putting coal waste in rivers is not red tape.

Sounds serious. When did Obama fix that issue?

Just because Obama created the regulation does not automatically make it bad.

I'm sure every one of the tens of thousands of pages of regulations Obama put in were all awesome.

Definitely, tell people that we need more. Lots more.

You mean more than reality was doing to undermine it?
The fact is that Democrats can point to specific Trump policies that have accelerated the increase in premiums and Trump's own words to press their case. Obamacare has a approval rating of 54%. It has gone steadily up since Republicans took over. Also interesting poll question by Fox. It asked who would get the credit if healthcare improves. Democrats in Congress got 24% to Trump's 19% and 14% for Republicans in Congress. If healthcare gets worse, 24% would blame Republicans in Congress, 19% in Trump, 14% Democrats in Congress. Also more people trust Democrats more than Republicans on healthcare.​
I agree, the Dems should definitely run on letting in as many illegal aliens as possible.
And hiking taxes. A bunch. How can they lose with that platform?
Voters support amnesty for illegals and DACA. They also do not support tax loopholes for the rich. Especially ones that Trump personally benefits from. Fairness is a legitimate issue.​

Putting coal waste in rivers is not red tape.
Sounds serious. When did Obama fix that issue?
That is a regulation that was overturned by Republicans. You can make fun of it but Americans are worried about the environment.​
I'm sure every one of the tens of thousands of pages of regulations Obama put in were all awesome.
Definitely, tell people that we need more. Lots more.
Voters do not support every regulation Obama made but they also do not support getting rid of all regulation. They also are not partisan the way you are. I personally can look at a regulation and if it is necessary then it should be supported even if Obama did it. Conversely I can look at a unnecessary regulation and say get rid of it no matter who created it.​
What happens in 30 years if the top 1% keep sucking up the majority of the new money and wealth. Play it out and tell how that economy and society looks. Seriously think about and try and give an objective and intelligent answer

The 1% diatribe the socialist leaning leftists is nothing but a old worn out talking point meant to stir up the masses... There has always been the uber rich and always will be... If you don't like your lot in life, get off your ass and earn what you want... What does the economy and society look like in 30 years? Who in the hell knows? Way to many varibles to prognosticate such a question... Now bring on your farting and beer drinking crap and try to embarrass me off the thread...
im not trying to embarrass you off the thread i'm trying to have an honest conversation. And you didn't answer my question. I didn't ask what our economy and society will look like in 30 years. I asked what it would look like if current trend of the top 1% sucking up the vast majority of new money and wealth in this country.

I'll give you my theory and you tell me if you agree or not... The top earners and corporations keep acquiring property and businesses. They gain more power over the marketplace and leverage that power to squeeze out their competitors. Home ownership goes down and renters go up. The number of business owners go down and the number of employees go up.

You want to promote free market capitalism and you despise Socialism, right? Well, this picture i'm painting ends in a form of capitalistic socialism where instead of the government controlling everything a handful of the rich and powerful will.

FYI. I am a business owner. I support low taxes and small government and limited regulation. But I also understand the roll of government and can identify the dangers that can result from an unregulated free market.


In a way I did answer your question... I said that the 1% have always been around and they have... Since the beginning of time man has been stashing away fur and food... You seem intelligent enough to be able to go back through history and name wealthy families. Vanderbilt, Rockefeller just to name a few... These 1%'ers never stopped Jeff Bezos from driving across the country with a few boxes of books and a dream... Don't fear big business or competition, learn from it...

And the capitalistic Socialism you speak of has a name, Feudalism... It did not work in medieval times and would not work now...
Technology and globalism has evolved a lot since medieval times. Our world has become very saturated and though you are correct that there has always been the top 1% the inequality of wealth when looking at how much the top owns compared to the rest of society has never been worse.

That is about as false and misleading as humanly possible. The idea that wealthy redistribution is worse now than ever before is ludicrous. Rockefeller represents a wealth disparity that far exceeds anything that we have today - his wealth is compared to GDP - that is how massive it was. No one since has come close in this country. Rockefeller does not even represent anything even close to the past either. Nobility used to own everything while the general populous was little more than chattel.

Wealth inequality is a problem - it is nowhere near where it has been in the past though.
whatever their path may be rest assured they plan to keep it under wraps until the time comes.

Sounds like Trumps Military Strategy.....and his worked

we know your side's plan

start WW3
kills old people
poisons the air and water

that's been ever democrat playbook since I've been alive..........it never changes
Yes, Trump is wildly unpopular. Yes, Trump is an idiot. Yes, Trump is a pathological liar. Yes, Trump is in love with Vladimir.

Quack, quack, quack.

But...if he chooses to run for re-election (which he may not), he will win again if the Democrats put up a corrupt, entitlement-minded, loser again.

In 2018, the Democrats will probably gain some ground with their "Stop Trump!" platform. That worked in Alabama and Virginia recently.

Exactly what it is about Trump they want to stop has yet to be defined.

But in 2020, the Democrats better have something for their bumper stickers besides "Stop Trump!" They better have a better plan to Make America Sane Again.

"We'll raise tax rates back to where they were."

"We'll let illegal Mexicans back into the country."

What, exactly, do they have?

At this point, I do not see a Democratic road map to the White House. At all.

I hope to Christ the Democrats aren't hanging all of their hopes and dreams on a timely economic crash.

The Democratic Party has no agenda other than a hatred of Trump and the Party is split between the Bernie Sanders nut bag socialists and more traditional mainline line Democrats like Joe Biden.

Additionally, the Dims has largely alienated white voters....maybe forever. Hillary Clinton struggled to get a third of the white vote, and less than 1in 4 white men will vote Democrat anymore, and the ones that do are ball-less, dick-less beta male drones.

The Dims will need to do major out-reach to working class white voters and I frankly do not see that happening because the Democrats official position is that white America is evil and racist.

Basically, with the economy going great guns and the Dims having no idea to make America Great Again....as well as pissing off working class whites.....I'd say they're pretty screwed. :)
What happens in 30 years if the top 1% keep sucking up the majority of the new money and wealth. Play it out and tell how that economy and society looks. Seriously think about and try and give an objective and intelligent answer

The 1% diatribe the socialist leaning leftists is nothing but a old worn out talking point meant to stir up the masses... There has always been the uber rich and always will be... If you don't like your lot in life, get off your ass and earn what you want... What does the economy and society look like in 30 years? Who in the hell knows? Way to many varibles to prognosticate such a question... Now bring on your farting and beer drinking crap and try to embarrass me off the thread...
im not trying to embarrass you off the thread i'm trying to have an honest conversation. And you didn't answer my question. I didn't ask what our economy and society will look like in 30 years. I asked what it would look like if current trend of the top 1% sucking up the vast majority of new money and wealth in this country.

I'll give you my theory and you tell me if you agree or not... The top earners and corporations keep acquiring property and businesses. They gain more power over the marketplace and leverage that power to squeeze out their competitors. Home ownership goes down and renters go up. The number of business owners go down and the number of employees go up.

You want to promote free market capitalism and you despise Socialism, right? Well, this picture i'm painting ends in a form of capitalistic socialism where instead of the government controlling everything a handful of the rich and powerful will.

FYI. I am a business owner. I support low taxes and small government and limited regulation. But I also understand the roll of government and can identify the dangers that can result from an unregulated free market.


In a way I did answer your question... I said that the 1% have always been around and they have... Since the beginning of time man has been stashing away fur and food... You seem intelligent enough to be able to go back through history and name wealthy families. Vanderbilt, Rockefeller just to name a few... These 1%'ers never stopped Jeff Bezos from driving across the country with a few boxes of books and a dream... Don't fear big business or competition, learn from it...

And the capitalistic Socialism you speak of has a name, Feudalism... It did not work in medieval times and would not work now...
Technology and globalism has evolved a lot since medieval times. Our world has become very saturated and though you are correct that there has always been the top 1% the inequality of wealth when looking at how much the top owns compared to the rest of society has never been worse.

That is about as false and misleading as humanly possible. The idea that wealthy redistribution is worse now than ever before is ludicrous. Rockefeller represents a wealth disparity that far exceeds anything that we have today - his wealth is compared to GDP - that is how massive it was. No one since has come close in this country. Rockefeller does not even represent anything even close to the past either. Nobility used to own everything while the general populous was little more than chattel.

Wealth inequality is a problem - it is nowhere near where it has been in the past though.
I was speaking to wealth AND power in the terms of ownership and global reach. Back in the time of Rockefeller his power was much more concentrated and effected a much smaller portion of the population. We also created anti-trust laws to protect citizens from the possible abuses that the ultra powerful could inflict on our market. Compare Rockefeller to Walmart, google, and amazon. Look at the reach that just those three companies have as far as owning our personal information and controlling the price of goods. I don’t think we’ve hit critical mass yet, there is still a ways to go, but we’ve seen the effect that it has had in small Mom and pop businesses and have also seen similar problems and squeeze out in the farming and ag industry.

I’m only suggesting that this be an important part of our national conversation because it is trending towards dangerous waters and I hear a lot of people laugh and shrug off “wealth inequality” as a meaningless partisan issue
Yes, Trump is wildly unpopular. Yes, Trump is an idiot. Yes, Trump is a pathological liar. Yes, Trump is in love with Vladimir.

Quack, quack, quack.

But...if he chooses to run for re-election (which he may not), he will win again if the Democrats put up a corrupt, entitlement-minded, loser again.

In 2018, the Democrats will probably gain some ground with their "Stop Trump!" platform. That worked in Alabama and Virginia recently.

Exactly what it is about Trump they want to stop has yet to be defined.

But in 2020, the Democrats better have something for their bumper stickers besides "Stop Trump!" They better have a better plan to Make America Sane Again.

"We'll raise tax rates back to where they were."

"We'll let illegal Mexicans back into the country."

What, exactly, do they have?

At this point, I do not see a Democratic road map to the White House. At all.

I hope to Christ the Democrats aren't hanging all of their hopes and dreams on a timely economic crash.
Trump has already filed to run again!
Yes, Trump is wildly unpopular. Yes, Trump is an idiot. Yes, Trump is a pathological liar. Yes, Trump is in love with Vladimir.

Quack, quack, quack.

But...if he chooses to run for re-election (which he may not), he will win again if the Democrats put up a corrupt, entitlement-minded, loser again.

In 2018, the Democrats will probably gain some ground with their "Stop Trump!" platform. That worked in Alabama and Virginia recently.

Exactly what it is about Trump they want to stop has yet to be defined.

But in 2020, the Democrats better have something for their bumper stickers besides "Stop Trump!" They better have a better plan to Make America Sane Again.

"We'll raise tax rates back to where they were."

"We'll let illegal Mexicans back into the country."

What, exactly, do they have?

At this point, I do not see a Democratic road map to the White House. At all.

I hope to Christ the Democrats aren't hanging all of their hopes and dreams on a timely economic crash.
Trump has already filed to run again!

His own party may have different ideas

So might Mueller
Yes, Trump is wildly unpopular. Yes, Trump is an idiot. Yes, Trump is a pathological liar. Yes, Trump is in love with Vladimir.

Quack, quack, quack.

But...if he chooses to run for re-election (which he may not), he will win again if the Democrats put up a corrupt, entitlement-minded, loser again.

In 2018, the Democrats will probably gain some ground with their "Stop Trump!" platform. That worked in Alabama and Virginia recently.

Exactly what it is about Trump they want to stop has yet to be defined.

But in 2020, the Democrats better have something for their bumper stickers besides "Stop Trump!" They better have a better plan to Make America Sane Again.

"We'll raise tax rates back to where they were."

"We'll let illegal Mexicans back into the country."

What, exactly, do they have?

At this point, I do not see a Democratic road map to the White House. At all.

I hope to Christ the Democrats aren't hanging all of their hopes and dreams on a timely economic crash.
Trump has already filed to run again!

His own party may have different ideas

So might Mueller
Put your money on it idiot just like all the other times!
Yes, Trump is wildly unpopular. Yes, Trump is an idiot. Yes, Trump is a pathological liar. Yes, Trump is in love with Vladimir.

Quack, quack, quack.

But...if he chooses to run for re-election (which he may not), he will win again if the Democrats put up a corrupt, entitlement-minded, loser again.

In 2018, the Democrats will probably gain some ground with their "Stop Trump!" platform. That worked in Alabama and Virginia recently.

Exactly what it is about Trump they want to stop has yet to be defined.

But in 2020, the Democrats better have something for their bumper stickers besides "Stop Trump!" They better have a better plan to Make America Sane Again.

"We'll raise tax rates back to where they were."

"We'll let illegal Mexicans back into the country."

What, exactly, do they have?

At this point, I do not see a Democratic road map to the White House. At all.

I hope to Christ the Democrats aren't hanging all of their hopes and dreams on a timely economic crash.

Democrats put up the worst candidate perhaps in modern history. Yet Republicans won narrowly in Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Florida. The fact is that the electorate seems to be more in tune with voters. There is a pathway for Democrats largely due to the Republicans moving too far to the right.

A Democrat likely will run on undoing the damage Republicans have done to healthcare. They also would likely repeal parts of the Republican tax bill. They also would run on re-regulating. They will run on amnesty and if Trump deports DACA recipients it will give Democrats red meat to run on. All of these are stances the voters agree wsith.

A Democrat likely will run on undoing the damage Republicans have done to healthcare.

That's a great idea! Maybe they could get me that $2500 a year that Obama was supposed to save me?

They also would likely repeal parts of the Republican tax bill. They also would run on re-regulating. They will run on amnesty and if Trump deports DACA recipients it will give Democrats red meat to run on.


DEMS 2020....We're gonna raise taxes, add red tape and give citizenship to millions of illegals!!!

They'll win 12 or 15 states, easy.

Like it or not voters wanted Obamacare fixed. Republicans are doing everything that will undermine it and are responsible for the huge increase in premiums since the Republicans took over.

Fox News
What do you think should happen to the illegal immigrants who are currently working in the United States -- do you favor deporting as many as possible or do you favor setting up a system for them to become legal residents?
Deport as many as possible 14%
Set up a system to become legal 83%

Do you favor or oppose granting U.S. citizenship for illegal immigrants under the age of 30 who were brought to the United States as children, provided they pass a background check?
Favor 79%
Oppose 19%

Thinking about federal income taxes, how frustrated are you about each of the following:
The wealthy paying too little in taxes:
Frustrated 78%
Not frustrated 19%

Voters might disagree on what you call red tape. Putting coal waste in rivers is not red tape. Requiring financial advisors to put the interest of their clients over their interests is not red tape. Requiring airlines to disclose hidden fees is not red tape. Just because Obama created the regulation does not automatically make it bad.

Like it or not voters wanted Obamacare fixed.

Fixed? You mean like giving me the $2500 a year that it was supposed to save me?

Republicans are doing everything that will undermine it

You mean more than reality was doing to undermine it?

What do you think should happen to the illegal immigrants who are currently working in

I agree, the Dems should definitely run on letting in as many illegal aliens as possible.
And hiking taxes. A bunch. How can they lose with that platform?

Putting coal waste in rivers is not red tape.

Sounds serious. When did Obama fix that issue?

Just because Obama created the regulation does not automatically make it bad.

I'm sure every one of the tens of thousands of pages of regulations Obama put in were all awesome.

Definitely, tell people that we need more. Lots more.

You mean more than reality was doing to undermine it?
The fact is that Democrats can point to specific Trump policies that have accelerated the increase in premiums and Trump's own words to press their case. Obamacare has a approval rating of 54%. It has gone steadily up since Republicans took over. Also interesting poll question by Fox. It asked who would get the credit if healthcare improves. Democrats in Congress got 24% to Trump's 19% and 14% for Republicans in Congress. If healthcare gets worse, 24% would blame Republicans in Congress, 19% in Trump, 14% Democrats in Congress. Also more people trust Democrats more than Republicans on healthcare.

I agree, the Dems should definitely run on letting in as many illegal aliens as possible.
And hiking taxes. A bunch. How can they lose with that platform?

Voters support amnesty for illegals and DACA. They also do not support tax loopholes for the rich. Especially ones that Trump personally benefits from. Fairness is a legitimate issue.

Putting coal waste in rivers is not red tape.

Sounds serious. When did Obama fix that issue?
That is a regulation that was overturned by Republicans. You can make fun of it but Americans are worried about the environment.

I'm sure every one of the tens of thousands of pages of regulations Obama put in were all awesome.

Definitely, tell people that we need more. Lots more.
Voters do not support every regulation Obama made but they also do not support getting rid of all regulation. They also are not partisan the way you are. I personally can look at a regulation and if it is necessary then it should be supported even if Obama did it. Conversely I can look at a unnecessary regulation and say get rid of it no matter who created it.​

whatever their path may be rest assured they plan to keep it under wraps until the time comes.

Sounds like Trumps Military Strategy.....and his worked

we know your side's plan

start WW3
kills old people
poisons the air and water

that's been ever democrat playbook since I've been alive..........it never changes

The 1% diatribe the socialist leaning leftists is nothing but a old worn out talking point meant to stir up the masses... There has always been the uber rich and always will be... If you don't like your lot in life, get off your ass and earn what you want... What does the economy and society look like in 30 years? Who in the hell knows? Way to many varibles to prognosticate such a question... Now bring on your farting and beer drinking crap and try to embarrass me off the thread...
im not trying to embarrass you off the thread i'm trying to have an honest conversation. And you didn't answer my question. I didn't ask what our economy and society will look like in 30 years. I asked what it would look like if current trend of the top 1% sucking up the vast majority of new money and wealth in this country.

I'll give you my theory and you tell me if you agree or not... The top earners and corporations keep acquiring property and businesses. They gain more power over the marketplace and leverage that power to squeeze out their competitors. Home ownership goes down and renters go up. The number of business owners go down and the number of employees go up.

You want to promote free market capitalism and you despise Socialism, right? Well, this picture i'm painting ends in a form of capitalistic socialism where instead of the government controlling everything a handful of the rich and powerful will.

FYI. I am a business owner. I support low taxes and small government and limited regulation. But I also understand the roll of government and can identify the dangers that can result from an unregulated free market.


In a way I did answer your question... I said that the 1% have always been around and they have... Since the beginning of time man has been stashing away fur and food... You seem intelligent enough to be able to go back through history and name wealthy families. Vanderbilt, Rockefeller just to name a few... These 1%'ers never stopped Jeff Bezos from driving across the country with a few boxes of books and a dream... Don't fear big business or competition, learn from it...

And the capitalistic Socialism you speak of has a name, Feudalism... It did not work in medieval times and would not work now...
Technology and globalism has evolved a lot since medieval times. Our world has become very saturated and though you are correct that there has always been the top 1% the inequality of wealth when looking at how much the top owns compared to the rest of society has never been worse.

That is about as false and misleading as humanly possible. The idea that wealthy redistribution is worse now than ever before is ludicrous. Rockefeller represents a wealth disparity that far exceeds anything that we have today - his wealth is compared to GDP - that is how massive it was. No one since has come close in this country. Rockefeller does not even represent anything even close to the past either. Nobility used to own everything while the general populous was little more than chattel.

Wealth inequality is a problem - it is nowhere near where it has been in the past though.
I was speaking to wealth AND power in the terms of ownership and global reach. Back in the time of Rockefeller his power was much more concentrated and effected a much smaller portion of the population. We also created anti-trust laws to protect citizens from the possible abuses that the ultra powerful could inflict on our market. Compare Rockefeller to Walmart, google, and amazon. Look at the reach that just those three companies have as far as owning our personal information and controlling the price of goods. I don’t think we’ve hit critical mass yet, there is still a ways to go, but we’ve seen the effect that it has had in small Mom and pop businesses and have also seen similar problems and squeeze out in the farming and ag industry.

I’m only suggesting that this be an important part of our national conversation because it is trending towards dangerous waters and I hear a lot of people laugh and shrug off “wealth inequality” as a meaningless partisan issue

Yes, Trump is wildly unpopular. Yes, Trump is an idiot. Yes, Trump is a pathological liar. Yes, Trump is in love with Vladimir.

Quack, quack, quack.

But...if he chooses to run for re-election (which he may not), he will win again if the Democrats put up a corrupt, entitlement-minded, loser again.

In 2018, the Democrats will probably gain some ground with their "Stop Trump!" platform. That worked in Alabama and Virginia recently.

Exactly what it is about Trump they want to stop has yet to be defined.

But in 2020, the Democrats better have something for their bumper stickers besides "Stop Trump!" They better have a better plan to Make America Sane Again.

"We'll raise tax rates back to where they were."

"We'll let illegal Mexicans back into the country."

What, exactly, do they have?

At this point, I do not see a Democratic road map to the White House. At all.

I hope to Christ the Democrats aren't hanging all of their hopes and dreams on a timely economic crash.
Trump has already filed to run again!

I can never understand how any legal American can take the stance of the Democrats on illegal immigration. While I believe DACA is a totally separate issue, amnesty for illegals screw Americans.

Leftsts use the tax cut to insist that we have just added 1.5 trillion to the national debt by simple math. So then, lets use it for illegal immigration!------------>

If a President......any President, from Obama, to Clinton, to Bush, to Trump.......is told he he/she has to promote policies that create 235,000 jobs to even remain neutral because of population growth and succeeds, that is terrific, yes?

But what good is that IF after making policies that promote these jobs, IF that President allows 50,000 illegals into the country? Those people have to do something, do they not? Either they are taking American jobs, or using American services. As Leftists would say, the math is SIMPLE! If policies help create 235,000 jobs that population growth demands to break even, if 50,000 illegals cross the border, then we are at a net LOSS of 50,000 jobs behind.

By SIMPLE math and logic, the only way MORE people should be let into the country; legal or illegal, is when the jobs numbers EXCEED the minimum number required that we need, AND the over saturation of the labor pool is brought down to acceptable levels.

EXAMPLE----------> Factory needs 500 people to run it. Factory doesn't lock the gate and 750 show up. Factory MUST keep them because Leftists say so.

What happens?

If they put them all to work, wages drop as to many people MUST be employed.

OR.............they pay them for doing nothing.

That is it in a nutshell, the math is sound, so is the logic!
Yes, Trump is wildly unpopular. Yes, Trump is an idiot. Yes, Trump is a pathological liar. Yes, Trump is in love with Vladimir.

Quack, quack, quack.

But...if he chooses to run for re-election (which he may not), he will win again if the Democrats put up a corrupt, entitlement-minded, loser again.

In 2018, the Democrats will probably gain some ground with their "Stop Trump!" platform. That worked in Alabama and Virginia recently.

Exactly what it is about Trump they want to stop has yet to be defined.

But in 2020, the Democrats better have something for their bumper stickers besides "Stop Trump!" They better have a better plan to Make America Sane Again.

"We'll raise tax rates back to where they were."

"We'll let illegal Mexicans back into the country."

What, exactly, do they have?

At this point, I do not see a Democratic road map to the White House. At all.

I hope to Christ the Democrats aren't hanging all of their hopes and dreams on a timely economic crash.

You need to win the Swing States that Jill Stein hurt you in.

Had Hillary won Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania then Trump would have not been President.

Trump won because of the fact Jill Stein had a stronger voting bloc that might have voted for Sanders but could not vote for Hillary.

So how can you defeat Trump?

You need a New Deal and run someone like Manchin and not someone that is Oprah or Hillary.

Now I know the fringe left will scream Oprah would be great, but no and America need someone like Manchin to run instead.
Trump won largely because suburban voters reluctantly voted for Trump and against Clinton. These same suburban voters are turning against the GOP. This will likely continue in 2018 and 2020.
We will see if the economy continues to grow companys continue to hire and wages go up these same voters could very well stick with Trump and the GOP as someone famously said and I will leave the last word off it's the economy.

It doesn't matter. Voters don't give Trump credit for it nor does he or Obama deserve any credit. Al Gore lost to Bush even though the economy was strong.
People tend to vote with their wallets there will always be exceptions but that is the general rule.

They didn't in 2000. Clinton's personal problems played a issue in that. Trump has the same problems and that is a starter.
As I said there are exceptions but a storng economy and strong consumer confidence tends to work to the advantage of the party in power the other side is when one party controls the Presidency and both chambers of Congress they usually don't control it very long Obama and the Democrats only had it for two years. This what makes this years mid terms very interesting to see which trend comes out on top.

Normally, a party running in a strong economy, with low unemployment, cheap gas and no wars is set to do very well in the next election

But we have the Trump factor
Instead of sitting back and letting the good times roll, Trump has to create crisis after crisis where he and his party come off looking like morons
Yes, Trump is wildly unpopular. Yes, Trump is an idiot. Yes, Trump is a pathological liar. Yes, Trump is in love with Vladimir.

Quack, quack, quack.

But...if he chooses to run for re-election (which he may not), he will win again if the Democrats put up a corrupt, entitlement-minded, loser again.

In 2018, the Democrats will probably gain some ground with their "Stop Trump!" platform. That worked in Alabama and Virginia recently.

Exactly what it is about Trump they want to stop has yet to be defined.

But in 2020, the Democrats better have something for their bumper stickers besides "Stop Trump!" They better have a better plan to Make America Sane Again.

"We'll raise tax rates back to where they were."

"We'll let illegal Mexicans back into the country."

What, exactly, do they have?

At this point, I do not see a Democratic road map to the White House. At all.

I hope to Christ the Democrats aren't hanging all of their hopes and dreams on a timely economic crash.
Trump has already filed to run again!

His own party may have different ideas

So might Mueller
Put your money on it idiot just like all the other times!

I think I will

A President with an approval of 37 percent is begging a challenge from his party (think LBJ)
Mueller is slowly and methodically building his case. He will drop his charges sometime in late 2018....just in time for election
Now Trump should probably avoid prosecution unless he is guilty of obstruction (he wouldn't do that would he?) but key people like Lil Donnie, Kushner, Manafort and Flynn are going down. How Trump reacts will determine his re-electability
If Trump blatantly pardons Lil Donnie or Kushner......can he win an election?
Ford didn't
Democrats put up the worst candidate perhaps in modern history. Yet Republicans won narrowly in Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Florida. The fact is that the electorate seems to be more in tune with voters. There is a pathway for Democrats largely due to the Republicans moving too far to the right.

A Democrat likely will run on undoing the damage Republicans have done to healthcare. They also would likely repeal parts of the Republican tax bill. They also would run on re-regulating. They will run on amnesty and if Trump deports DACA recipients it will give Democrats red meat to run on. All of these are stances the voters agree wsith.

A Democrat likely will run on undoing the damage Republicans have done to healthcare.

That's a great idea! Maybe they could get me that $2500 a year that Obama was supposed to save me?

They also would likely repeal parts of the Republican tax bill. They also would run on re-regulating. They will run on amnesty and if Trump deports DACA recipients it will give Democrats red meat to run on.


DEMS 2020....We're gonna raise taxes, add red tape and give citizenship to millions of illegals!!!

They'll win 12 or 15 states, easy.

Like it or not voters wanted Obamacare fixed. Republicans are doing everything that will undermine it and are responsible for the huge increase in premiums since the Republicans took over.

Fox News
What do you think should happen to the illegal immigrants who are currently working in the United States -- do you favor deporting as many as possible or do you favor setting up a system for them to become legal residents?
Deport as many as possible 14%
Set up a system to become legal 83%

Do you favor or oppose granting U.S. citizenship for illegal immigrants under the age of 30 who were brought to the United States as children, provided they pass a background check?
Favor 79%
Oppose 19%

Thinking about federal income taxes, how frustrated are you about each of the following:
The wealthy paying too little in taxes:
Frustrated 78%
Not frustrated 19%

Voters might disagree on what you call red tape. Putting coal waste in rivers is not red tape. Requiring financial advisors to put the interest of their clients over their interests is not red tape. Requiring airlines to disclose hidden fees is not red tape. Just because Obama created the regulation does not automatically make it bad.

Like it or not voters wanted Obamacare fixed.

Fixed? You mean like giving me the $2500 a year that it was supposed to save me?

Republicans are doing everything that will undermine it

You mean more than reality was doing to undermine it?

What do you think should happen to the illegal immigrants who are currently working in

I agree, the Dems should definitely run on letting in as many illegal aliens as possible.
And hiking taxes. A bunch. How can they lose with that platform?

Putting coal waste in rivers is not red tape.

Sounds serious. When did Obama fix that issue?

Just because Obama created the regulation does not automatically make it bad.

I'm sure every one of the tens of thousands of pages of regulations Obama put in were all awesome.

Definitely, tell people that we need more. Lots more.

You mean more than reality was doing to undermine it?
The fact is that Democrats can point to specific Trump policies that have accelerated the increase in premiums and Trump's own words to press their case. Obamacare has a approval rating of 54%. It has gone steadily up since Republicans took over. Also interesting poll question by Fox. It asked who would get the credit if healthcare improves. Democrats in Congress got 24% to Trump's 19% and 14% for Republicans in Congress. If healthcare gets worse, 24% would blame Republicans in Congress, 19% in Trump, 14% Democrats in Congress. Also more people trust Democrats more than Republicans on healthcare.

I agree, the Dems should definitely run on letting in as many illegal aliens as possible.
And hiking taxes. A bunch. How can they lose with that platform?

Voters support amnesty for illegals and DACA. They also do not support tax loopholes for the rich. Especially ones that Trump personally benefits from. Fairness is a legitimate issue.

Putting coal waste in rivers is not red tape.

Sounds serious. When did Obama fix that issue?
That is a regulation that was overturned by Republicans. You can make fun of it but Americans are worried about the environment.

I'm sure every one of the tens of thousands of pages of regulations Obama put in were all awesome.

Definitely, tell people that we need more. Lots more.
Voters do not support every regulation Obama made but they also do not support getting rid of all regulation. They also are not partisan the way you are. I personally can look at a regulation and if it is necessary then it should be supported even if Obama did it. Conversely I can look at a unnecessary regulation and say get rid of it no matter who created it.​

whatever their path may be rest assured they plan to keep it under wraps until the time comes.

Sounds like Trumps Military Strategy.....and his worked

we know your side's plan

start WW3
kills old people
poisons the air and water

that's been ever democrat playbook since I've been alive..........it never changes

im not trying to embarrass you off the thread i'm trying to have an honest conversation. And you didn't answer my question. I didn't ask what our economy and society will look like in 30 years. I asked what it would look like if current trend of the top 1% sucking up the vast majority of new money and wealth in this country.

I'll give you my theory and you tell me if you agree or not... The top earners and corporations keep acquiring property and businesses. They gain more power over the marketplace and leverage that power to squeeze out their competitors. Home ownership goes down and renters go up. The number of business owners go down and the number of employees go up.

You want to promote free market capitalism and you despise Socialism, right? Well, this picture i'm painting ends in a form of capitalistic socialism where instead of the government controlling everything a handful of the rich and powerful will.

FYI. I am a business owner. I support low taxes and small government and limited regulation. But I also understand the roll of government and can identify the dangers that can result from an unregulated free market.


In a way I did answer your question... I said that the 1% have always been around and they have... Since the beginning of time man has been stashing away fur and food... You seem intelligent enough to be able to go back through history and name wealthy families. Vanderbilt, Rockefeller just to name a few... These 1%'ers never stopped Jeff Bezos from driving across the country with a few boxes of books and a dream... Don't fear big business or competition, learn from it...

And the capitalistic Socialism you speak of has a name, Feudalism... It did not work in medieval times and would not work now...
Technology and globalism has evolved a lot since medieval times. Our world has become very saturated and though you are correct that there has always been the top 1% the inequality of wealth when looking at how much the top owns compared to the rest of society has never been worse.

That is about as false and misleading as humanly possible. The idea that wealthy redistribution is worse now than ever before is ludicrous. Rockefeller represents a wealth disparity that far exceeds anything that we have today - his wealth is compared to GDP - that is how massive it was. No one since has come close in this country. Rockefeller does not even represent anything even close to the past either. Nobility used to own everything while the general populous was little more than chattel.

Wealth inequality is a problem - it is nowhere near where it has been in the past though.
I was speaking to wealth AND power in the terms of ownership and global reach. Back in the time of Rockefeller his power was much more concentrated and effected a much smaller portion of the population. We also created anti-trust laws to protect citizens from the possible abuses that the ultra powerful could inflict on our market. Compare Rockefeller to Walmart, google, and amazon. Look at the reach that just those three companies have as far as owning our personal information and controlling the price of goods. I don’t think we’ve hit critical mass yet, there is still a ways to go, but we’ve seen the effect that it has had in small Mom and pop businesses and have also seen similar problems and squeeze out in the farming and ag industry.

I’m only suggesting that this be an important part of our national conversation because it is trending towards dangerous waters and I hear a lot of people laugh and shrug off “wealth inequality” as a meaningless partisan issue

Yes, Trump is wildly unpopular. Yes, Trump is an idiot. Yes, Trump is a pathological liar. Yes, Trump is in love with Vladimir.

Quack, quack, quack.

But...if he chooses to run for re-election (which he may not), he will win again if the Democrats put up a corrupt, entitlement-minded, loser again.

In 2018, the Democrats will probably gain some ground with their "Stop Trump!" platform. That worked in Alabama and Virginia recently.

Exactly what it is about Trump they want to stop has yet to be defined.

But in 2020, the Democrats better have something for their bumper stickers besides "Stop Trump!" They better have a better plan to Make America Sane Again.

"We'll raise tax rates back to where they were."

"We'll let illegal Mexicans back into the country."

What, exactly, do they have?

At this point, I do not see a Democratic road map to the White House. At all.

I hope to Christ the Democrats aren't hanging all of their hopes and dreams on a timely economic crash.
Trump has already filed to run again!

I can never understand how any legal American can take the stance of the Democrats on illegal immigration. While I believe DACA is a totally separate issue, amnesty for illegals screw Americans.

Leftsts use the tax cut to insist that we have just added 1.5 trillion to the national debt by simple math. So then, lets use it for illegal immigration!------------>

If a President......any President, from Obama, to Clinton, to Bush, to Trump.......is told he he/she has to promote policies that create 235,000 jobs to even remain neutral because of population growth and succeeds, that is terrific, yes?

But what good is that IF after making policies that promote these jobs, IF that President allows 50,000 illegals into the country? Those people have to do something, do they not? Either they are taking American jobs, or using American services. As Leftists would say, the math is SIMPLE! If policies help create 235,000 jobs that population growth demands to break even, if 50,000 illegals cross the border, then we are at a net LOSS of 50,000 jobs behind.

By SIMPLE math and logic, the only way MORE people should be let into the country; legal or illegal, is when the jobs numbers EXCEED the minimum number required that we need, AND the over saturation of the labor pool is brought down to acceptable levels.

EXAMPLE----------> Factory needs 500 people to run it. Factory doesn't lock the gate and 750 show up. Factory MUST keep them because Leftists say so.

What happens?

If they put them all to work, wages drop as to many people MUST be employed.

OR.............they pay them for doing nothing.

That is it in a nutshell, the math is sound, so is the logic!
To address your first statement about not understanding the demposition on illegal immigration, I think I can help with that. I’m not a dem but I am pretty liberal so I probably qualify as what you would call a leftist on this issue... so here is the deal.

I don’t hear many policy people proposing an open border system, so let’s scratch the notion that any serious leader wants to openly allow illegal border crossings. The Dems have passed plenty of border security initiatives under obama, and I’m not here to defend or y’all about fringe, wingnut positions.

So let’s get to how we deal with current undocumented in this country. I’m glad you recognize A distinction between DACA recipients and other undocumented. DACA kids should be a no brainer amnesty. Give them legal status and allow them a pathway to earn citizenship through a process. If they simply have legal status then they can work and live but not receive all the same benefits that citizens have.

As for the rest is the undocumented, the 10+ million. It becomes about the best solution to a big problem. It just doesn’t make sense to try and deport over 10 million people, or try and starve them out. That is only going to lead to more poverty and crime and expense. The best way to deal with the problem is first plug the holes at the border by doing better with e-verify and visa tracking and border monitoring/enforcement. Then create a pathway to legal status so the people who have been living here and working here and who are crime free can live in a legal way. Like with DACA, create a pathway for them to get this status, involve community service and accountability, all that can be negotiated. But we are better off making them registered tax payers rather than working in the shadows.

How’s that sound?
Yes, Trump is wildly unpopular. Yes, Trump is an idiot. Yes, Trump is a pathological liar. Yes, Trump is in love with Vladimir.

Quack, quack, quack.

But...if he chooses to run for re-election (which he may not), he will win again if the Democrats put up a corrupt, entitlement-minded, loser again.

In 2018, the Democrats will probably gain some ground with their "Stop Trump!" platform. That worked in Alabama and Virginia recently.

Exactly what it is about Trump they want to stop has yet to be defined.

But in 2020, the Democrats better have something for their bumper stickers besides "Stop Trump!" They better have a better plan to Make America Sane Again.

"We'll raise tax rates back to where they were."

"We'll let illegal Mexicans back into the country."

What, exactly, do they have?

At this point, I do not see a Democratic road map to the White House. At all.

I hope to Christ the Democrats aren't hanging all of their hopes and dreams on a timely economic crash.

Democrats put up the worst candidate perhaps in modern history. Yet Republicans won narrowly in Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Florida. The fact is that the electorate seems to be more in tune with voters. There is a pathway for Democrats largely due to the Republicans moving too far to the right.

A Democrat likely will run on undoing the damage Republicans have done to healthcare. They also would likely repeal parts of the Republican tax bill. They also would run on re-regulating. They will run on amnesty and if Trump deports DACA recipients it will give Democrats red meat to run on. All of these are stances the voters agree wsith.

A Democrat likely will run on undoing the damage Republicans have done to healthcare.

That's a great idea! Maybe they could get me that $2500 a year that Obama was supposed to save me?

They also would likely repeal parts of the Republican tax bill. They also would run on re-regulating. They will run on amnesty and if Trump deports DACA recipients it will give Democrats red meat to run on.


DEMS 2020....We're gonna raise taxes, add red tape and give citizenship to millions of illegals!!!

They'll win 12 or 15 states, easy.

Like it or not voters wanted Obamacare fixed. Republicans are doing everything that will undermine it and are responsible for the huge increase in premiums since the Republicans took over.

Fox News
What do you think should happen to the illegal immigrants who are currently working in the United States -- do you favor deporting as many as possible or do you favor setting up a system for them to become legal residents?
Deport as many as possible 14%
Set up a system to become legal 83%

Do you favor or oppose granting U.S. citizenship for illegal immigrants under the age of 30 who were brought to the United States as children, provided they pass a background check?
Favor 79%
Oppose 19%

Thinking about federal income taxes, how frustrated are you about each of the following:
The wealthy paying too little in taxes:
Frustrated 78%
Not frustrated 19%

Voters might disagree on what you call red tape. Putting coal waste in rivers is not red tape. Requiring financial advisors to put the interest of their clients over their interests is not red tape. Requiring airlines to disclose hidden fees is not red tape. Just because Obama created the regulation does not automatically make it bad.

Like it or not voters wanted Obamacare fixed.

Fixed? You mean like giving me the $2500 a year that it was supposed to save me?

Republicans are doing everything that will undermine it

You mean more than reality was doing to undermine it?

What do you think should happen to the illegal immigrants who are currently working in

I agree, the Dems should definitely run on letting in as many illegal aliens as possible.
And hiking taxes. A bunch. How can they lose with that platform?

Putting coal waste in rivers is not red tape.

Sounds serious. When did Obama fix that issue?

Just because Obama created the regulation does not automatically make it bad.

I'm sure every one of the tens of thousands of pages of regulations Obama put in were all awesome.

Definitely, tell people that we need more. Lots more.

You mean more than reality was doing to undermine it?
The fact is that Democrats can point to specific Trump policies that have accelerated the increase in premiums and Trump's own words to press their case. Obamacare has a approval rating of 54%. It has gone steadily up since Republicans took over. Also interesting poll question by Fox. It asked who would get the credit if healthcare improves. Democrats in Congress got 24% to Trump's 19% and 14% for Republicans in Congress. If healthcare gets worse, 24% would blame Republicans in Congress, 19% in Trump, 14% Democrats in Congress. Also more people trust Democrats more than Republicans on healthcare.

I agree, the Dems should definitely run on letting in as many illegal aliens as possible.
And hiking taxes. A bunch. How can they lose with that platform?

Voters support amnesty for illegals and DACA. They also do not support tax loopholes for the rich. Especially ones that Trump personally benefits from. Fairness is a legitimate issue.

Putting coal waste in rivers is not red tape.

Sounds serious. When did Obama fix that issue?
That is a regulation that was overturned by Republicans. You can make fun of it but Americans are worried about the environment.

I'm sure every one of the tens of thousands of pages of regulations Obama put in were all awesome.

Definitely, tell people that we need more. Lots more.
Voters do not support every regulation Obama made but they also do not support getting rid of all regulation. They also are not partisan the way you are. I personally can look at a regulation and if it is necessary then it should be supported even if Obama did it. Conversely I can look at a unnecessary regulation and say get rid of it no matter who created it.​

Voters support amnesty for illegals and DACA.

Absolutely! That's why Bush got amnesty...ummm...that's why Obama got amnesty...ummm...

How many votes did DACA get in the House and Senate again? I can't recall.

That is a regulation that was overturned by Republicans.

Yeah, that was awful!
When did that regulation get implemented?

Voters do not support every regulation Obama made but they also do not support getting rid of all regulation.

Killing 90% of Obama's regulations would be a good start.
Yes, Trump is wildly unpopular. Yes, Trump is an idiot. Yes, Trump is a pathological liar. Yes, Trump is in love with Vladimir.

Quack, quack, quack.

But...if he chooses to run for re-election (which he may not), he will win again if the Democrats put up a corrupt, entitlement-minded, loser again.

In 2018, the Democrats will probably gain some ground with their "Stop Trump!" platform. That worked in Alabama and Virginia recently.

Exactly what it is about Trump they want to stop has yet to be defined.

But in 2020, the Democrats better have something for their bumper stickers besides "Stop Trump!" They better have a better plan to Make America Sane Again.

"We'll raise tax rates back to where they were."

"We'll let illegal Mexicans back into the country."

What, exactly, do they have?

At this point, I do not see a Democratic road map to the White House. At all.

I hope to Christ the Democrats aren't hanging all of their hopes and dreams on a timely economic crash.
Trump has already filed to run again!

His own party may have different ideas

So might Mueller

We all know how all your predictions have turned out since 2014. :lol: Trump in a landslide!!!

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