What Is The Democratic Road Map To The White House?

Yes, Trump is wildly unpopular. Yes, Trump is an idiot. Yes, Trump is a pathological liar. Yes, Trump is in love with Vladimir.

Quack, quack, quack.

But...if he chooses to run for re-election (which he may not), he will win again if the Democrats put up a corrupt, entitlement-minded, loser again.

In 2018, the Democrats will probably gain some ground with their "Stop Trump!" platform. That worked in Alabama and Virginia recently.

Exactly what it is about Trump they want to stop has yet to be defined.

But in 2020, the Democrats better have something for their bumper stickers besides "Stop Trump!" They better have a better plan to Make America Sane Again.

"We'll raise tax rates back to where they were."

"We'll let illegal Mexicans back into the country."

What, exactly, do they have?

At this point, I do not see a Democratic road map to the White House. At all.

I hope to Christ the Democrats aren't hanging all of their hopes and dreams on a timely economic crash.

"We'll raise tax rates back to where they were."

"We'll let illegal Mexicans back into the country."

Those two and also, "We're gonna take your guns"
Nice, Three things that nobody has said. Well done. #FakeNews

We'll have to wait for Bernie's platform, eh?
View attachment 170761
The Democrats are all about making more Americans more dependent on the government.

On the other hand , the modern day pseudoconservatives want more Americans to be taxed.
I'm don't see that not with tax reform, but today's so called conservatives do spend like drunken Democrats.
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Trump may not even get the GOP nomination in 2020
37% approval leaves him open to a challenge

He will drop out because of heel spurs
Trump had less than 30% support during the 2016 GOP primaries. And that was all he needed, since it was more than any of the other 16 candidates had.

If Republicans are dumb enough to send 16 candidates out again...Trump will win

If Republicans say....This guy or Trump
Fat Donnie doesn't have a chance

Got this one in the prediction data bank. Should be comedy gold in a year or so. :thup:
What is your prediction for the size of the national debt on Election Day 2020?

No idea...but since Obama we seem to be adding about a trillion a year. My solution....no food stamps or Medicaid for able-bodied adults unless they are willing to work doing some form of public service.

Clean toilets....public parks, etc. no work...no benefits.

Second, the employer, employee contribution for social security must be raised. Say up to the first $250,000 earned.

That would help....doncha think? :)
Yes, Trump is wildly unpopular. Yes, Trump is an idiot. Yes, Trump is a pathological liar. Yes, Trump is in love with Vladimir.

Quack, quack, quack.

But...if he chooses to run for re-election (which he may not), he will win again if the Democrats put up a corrupt, entitlement-minded, loser again.

In 2018, the Democrats will probably gain some ground with their "Stop Trump!" platform. That worked in Alabama and Virginia recently.

Exactly what it is about Trump they want to stop has yet to be defined.

But in 2020, the Democrats better have something for their bumper stickers besides "Stop Trump!" They better have a better plan to Make America Sane Again.

"We'll raise tax rates back to where they were."

"We'll let illegal Mexicans back into the country."

What, exactly, do they have?

At this point, I do not see a Democratic road map to the White House. At all.

I hope to Christ the Democrats aren't hanging all of their hopes and dreams on a timely economic crash.

"We'll raise tax rates back to where they were."

"We'll let illegal Mexicans back into the country."

Those two and also, "We're gonna take your guns"
Nice, Three things that nobody has said. Well done. #FakeNews

We'll have to wait for Bernie's platform, eh?
View attachment 170761
The Democrats are all about making more Americans more dependent on the government.

On the other hand , the modern day pseudoconservatives want more Americans to be taxed.

I don't see any option for workers but to demand the gummit act, rather than do nothing and wait for markets to fix everything. Trump actually ran as a progressive ... even more progressive than Hillary was inclined towards.

The Medicaid expansion in the rust belt actually benefitted the rural voters who turned against a third term for Obama with Hillary. Of course Hillary has muslim immigration attorney surrogate, which wasn't actually helpful. LOL But I do agree that the dems do love Yuuge national one size fits all gummit programs.
Yes, Trump is wildly unpopular. Yes, Trump is an idiot. Yes, Trump is a pathological liar. Yes, Trump is in love with Vladimir.

Quack, quack, quack.

But...if he chooses to run for re-election (which he may not), he will win again if the Democrats put up a corrupt, entitlement-minded, loser again.

In 2018, the Democrats will probably gain some ground with their "Stop Trump!" platform. That worked in Alabama and Virginia recently.

Exactly what it is about Trump they want to stop has yet to be defined.

But in 2020, the Democrats better have something for their bumper stickers besides "Stop Trump!" They better have a better plan to Make America Sane Again.

"We'll raise tax rates back to where they were."

"We'll let illegal Mexicans back into the country."

What, exactly, do they have?

At this point, I do not see a Democratic road map to the White House. At all.

I hope to Christ the Democrats aren't hanging all of their hopes and dreams on a timely economic crash.

We will see if the economy continues to grow companys continue to hire and wages go up these same voters could very well stick with Trump and the GOP as someone famously said and I will leave the last word off it's the economy.

It doesn't matter. Voters don't give Trump credit for it nor does he or Obama deserve any credit. Al Gore lost to Bush even though the economy was strong.
People tend to vote with their wallets there will always be exceptions but that is the general rule.

They didn't in 2000. Clinton's personal problems played a issue in that. Trump has the same problems and that is a starter.
As I said there are exceptions but a storng economy and strong consumer confidence tends to work to the advantage of the party in power the other side is when one party controls the Presidency and both chambers of Congress they usually don't control it very long Obama and the Democrats only had it for two years. This what makes this years mid terms very interesting to see which trend comes out on top.

Normally, a party running in a strong economy, with low unemployment, cheap gas and no wars is set to do very well in the next election

But we have the Trump factor
Instead of sitting back and letting the good times roll, Trump has to create crisis after crisis where he and his party come off looking like morons

nah you guys are good at misinforming people and distracting people with nonsense like dumb books, Russia investigations, questioning someone intelligence, mental capacity and calling people racist, sexist...yadda yaddaa

what you guys never talk about are real issues and policy.......democrats haven done that in decades
I loved playing that with my kid.

But Trump actually ran as a progressive pushing free shit too.
more of an agenda of destroying national and international asymmetries that disadvantage red states and the US. The globalist agenda that goes back to the Wilson administration is being flushed out and not just here. The French president is also revolting against the Obama-Merkel axis of incompetent governance.
I think a focus on education, jobs, fair trade, wealth inequality, and campaign finance reform are all problems that they can run on.
That's exactly what Clinton ran on. How'd that work out?

Does it matter? Whoever they put up, you'll vote for them.
I haven't voted on the national level since 2006.

If you weren't allowed to post straw man fallacies, your post count would be a tiny fraction of what it is.
Both party's are a mess. the next elections my hope is a chance to vote for someone instead of having to voting against someone.
I think a focus on education, jobs, fair trade, wealth inequality, and campaign finance reform are all problems that they can run on.
That's exactly what Clinton ran on. How'd that work out?

Does it matter? Whoever they put up, you'll vote for them.

That really depends on whether Ds bother to vote in 2018 and 2020. Tax base implosion is a compound interest function that can get really ugly real fast.
It doesn't matter. Voters don't give Trump credit for it nor does he or Obama deserve any credit. Al Gore lost to Bush even though the economy was strong.
People tend to vote with their wallets there will always be exceptions but that is the general rule.

They didn't in 2000. Clinton's personal problems played a issue in that. Trump has the same problems and that is a starter.
As I said there are exceptions but a storng economy and strong consumer confidence tends to work to the advantage of the party in power the other side is when one party controls the Presidency and both chambers of Congress they usually don't control it very long Obama and the Democrats only had it for two years. This what makes this years mid terms very interesting to see which trend comes out on top.

Normally, a party running in a strong economy, with low unemployment, cheap gas and no wars is set to do very well in the next election

But we have the Trump factor
Instead of sitting back and letting the good times roll, Trump has to create crisis after crisis where he and his party come off looking like morons

nah you guys are good at misinforming people and distracting people with nonsense like dumb books, Russia investigations, questioning someone intelligence, mental capacity and calling people racist, sexist...yadda yaddaa

what you guys never talk about are real issues and policy.......democrats haven done that in decades

Actually, it is our President who is easily distracted by shiny objects

He should be on cruise control right now, presiding over a surging economy

And yet, he keeps shooting himself in the foot
The democrat message in 2016 was "We hate you". In 2020, the democrat message will be "We really hate you." And, by the way, math is racist.
Trump won by appealing to middle America working class voters the ones who the Democrats used appeal to but over the years they became the party of the coastal elities until the Democrats get back to understanding there is more to the nation than just the east and west coast they will struggle.

Trump won largely because suburban voters reluctantly voted for Trump and against Clinton. These same suburban voters are turning against the GOP. This will likely continue in 2018 and 2020.

Yeah, suburban voters are gonna hate their tax cuts. DERP!

You are the DERP!!! What they are going to hate are the loophole that the rich will be able to use to lower their taxes. Also the fact that Trump benefits mightily with the new rules on real estate trusts. Reagan closed loopholes for everyone. Republicans closed loopholes for the middle class but not the rich. Suburban voters are the likeliest to face tax increases.

What they are going to hate are the loophole that the rich will be able to use to lower their taxes.

I'm not going to look at the extra money I keep and then vote against Trump because someone else saved more.

Reagan closed loopholes for everyone.

And liberals whined about him.

Republicans closed loopholes for the middle class but not the rich.

Like what?

Suburban voters are the likeliest to face tax increases.

Show me.

I'm not going to look at the extra money I keep and then vote against Trump because someone else saved more.
The average person will when they see the rich using loopholes to reduce their taxes. Especially the last minute provision that benefitted Trump, Paul Ryan and Bob Corker who changed his no to a yes once it was inserted. Voters will not like lawmakers who line their pockets by passing legislation that benefits them personally.​

Reagan closed loopholes for everyone.
And liberals whined about him.
We are not talking about liberals. We are talking about independents and moderates. They object to Republicans using tax law to get at their political enemies. The cap on SALT is so obvious that a blind man could see it. It is Republican revenge on blue states.

Republicans closed loopholes for the middle class but not the rich.
Like what?
The carried interest deduction which even Trump condemned as a sop to Wall Street. The pass through provisions especially in relationship to passive investors, and the tax break for real estate trusts.

Suburban voters are the likeliest to face tax increases.
Show me
You will never believe it because you are a Trump sycophant. If a angel of God came to you and told you that, you would not believe it. First there is simple logic. First you have the cost of living. If you live in rural Georgia, the cost of living in rural Georgia is much lower than living in the suburbs of Atlanta. The $10,000 cap on SALT could raise taxes on suburban residents. Even McConnell admits some middle class people will pay more in taxes. He negotiated it. The rich will still have loopholes to lower their taxes to make up for the cap. A New York Tines analysis of the Senate bill showed that the largest group of taxpayers that would see tax increases were in the $100,000-$500,000. Those making over $500,000 were fourth and narrowly ahead of those making $50,000 to $75,000. The final bill is slightly different than the final bill but not that different. Also the real estate trust scam that was included at the last minute was not included. That helps those making more than $500,000.​
Yes, Trump is wildly unpopular. Yes, Trump is an idiot. Yes, Trump is a pathological liar. Yes, Trump is in love with Vladimir.

Quack, quack, quack.

But...if he chooses to run for re-election (which he may not), he will win again if the Democrats put up a corrupt, entitlement-minded, loser again.

In 2018, the Democrats will probably gain some ground with their "Stop Trump!" platform. That worked in Alabama and Virginia recently.

Exactly what it is about Trump they want to stop has yet to be defined.

But in 2020, the Democrats better have something for their bumper stickers besides "Stop Trump!" They better have a better plan to Make America Sane Again.

"We'll raise tax rates back to where they were."

"We'll let illegal Mexicans back into the country."

What, exactly, do they have?

At this point, I do not see a Democratic road map to the White House. At all.

I hope to Christ the Democrats aren't hanging all of their hopes and dreams on a timely economic crash.
Trump has already filed to run again!

His own party may have different ideas

So might Mueller
Put your money on it idiot just like all the other times!

I think I will

A President with an approval of 37 percent is begging a challenge from his party (think LBJ)
Mueller is slowly and methodically building his case. He will drop his charges sometime in late 2018....just in time for election
Now Trump should probably avoid prosecution unless he is guilty of obstruction (he wouldn't do that would he?) but key people like Lil Donnie, Kushner, Manafort and Flynn are going down. How Trump reacts will determine his re-electability
If Trump blatantly pardons Lil Donnie or Kushner......can he win an election?
Ford didn't

I don't think so. Republicans seem to be determined to go down with the ship. Also if a serious challenge develops, I can see the RNC creating their version of super-delegates who are beholden to Trump.
I will always respect President Ford for sparing America a trial of Nixon. It was time to move on. That and his personal courage and basic decency. Carter was no improvement.
Trump won by appealing to middle America working class voters the ones who the Democrats used appeal to but over the years they became the party of the coastal elities until the Democrats get back to understanding there is more to the nation than just the east and west coast they will struggle.

Trump won largely because suburban voters reluctantly voted for Trump and against Clinton. These same suburban voters are turning against the GOP. This will likely continue in 2018 and 2020.

Yeah, suburban voters are gonna hate their tax cuts. DERP!

You are the DERP!!! What they are going to hate are the loophole that the rich will be able to use to lower their taxes. Also the fact that Trump benefits mightily with the new rules on real estate trusts. Reagan closed loopholes for everyone. Republicans closed loopholes for the middle class but not the rich. Suburban voters are the likeliest to face tax increases.

What they are going to hate are the loophole that the rich will be able to use to lower their taxes.

I'm not going to look at the extra money I keep and then vote against Trump because someone else saved more.

Reagan closed loopholes for everyone.

And liberals whined about him.

Republicans closed loopholes for the middle class but not the rich.

Like what?

Suburban voters are the likeliest to face tax increases.

Show me.

I'm not going to look at the extra money I keep and then vote against Trump because someone else saved more.
The average person will when they see the rich using loopholes to reduce their taxes. Especially the last minute provision that benefitted Trump, Paul Ryan and Bob Corker who changed his no to a yes once it was inserted. Voters will not like lawmakers who line their pockets by passing legislation that benefits them personally.

Reagan closed loopholes for everyone.

And liberals whined about him.
We are not talking about liberals. We are talking about independents and moderates. They object to Republicans using tax law to get at their political enemies. The cap on SALT is so obvious that a blind man could see it. It is Republican revenge on blue states.

Republicans closed loopholes for the middle class but not the rich.

Like what?
The carried interest deduction which even Trump condemned as a sop to Wall Street. The pass through provisions especially in relationship to passive investors, and the tax break for real estate trusts.

Suburban voters are the likeliest to face tax increases.

Show me
You will never believe it because you are a Trump sycophant. If a angel of God came to you and told you that, you would not believe it. First there is simple logic. First you have the cost of living. If you live in rural Georgia, the cost of living in rural Georgia is much lower than living in the suburbs of Atlanta. The $10,000 cap on SALT could raise taxes on suburban residents. Even McConnell admits some middle class people will pay more in taxes. He negotiated it. The rich will still have loopholes to lower their taxes to make up for the cap. A New York Tines analysis of the Senate bill showed that the largest group of taxpayers that would see tax increases were in the $100,000-$500,000. Those making over $500,000 were fourth and narrowly ahead of those making $50,000 to $75,000. The final bill is slightly different than the final bill but not that different. Also the real estate trust scam that was included at the last minute was not included. That helps those making more than $500,000.

The cap on SALT is so obvious that a blind man could see it. It is Republican revenge on blue states.

That's awful!
The carried interest deduction which even Trump condemned as a sop to Wall Street.

Too bad Obama didn't close it.
The pass through provisions especially in relationship to passive investors,

Why are they bad?
and the tax break for real estate trusts

Why are they bad?
The $10,000 cap on SALT could raise taxes on suburban residents.

And the larger standard deduction with the doubled child tax credit could reduce taxes on suburban residents.
Not to mention the lowered rates and the wider brackets.
York Tines analysis of the Senate bill showed that the largest group of taxpayers that would see tax increases were in the $100,000-$500,000.

$100,000-$500,000 is middle class?
Democrats put up the worst candidate perhaps in modern history. Yet Republicans won narrowly in Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Florida. The fact is that the electorate seems to be more in tune with voters. There is a pathway for Democrats largely due to the Republicans moving too far to the right.

A Democrat likely will run on undoing the damage Republicans have done to healthcare. They also would likely repeal parts of the Republican tax bill. They also would run on re-regulating. They will run on amnesty and if Trump deports DACA recipients it will give Democrats red meat to run on. All of these are stances the voters agree wsith.

A Democrat likely will run on undoing the damage Republicans have done to healthcare.

That's a great idea! Maybe they could get me that $2500 a year that Obama was supposed to save me?

They also would likely repeal parts of the Republican tax bill. They also would run on re-regulating. They will run on amnesty and if Trump deports DACA recipients it will give Democrats red meat to run on.


DEMS 2020....We're gonna raise taxes, add red tape and give citizenship to millions of illegals!!!

They'll win 12 or 15 states, easy.

Like it or not voters wanted Obamacare fixed. Republicans are doing everything that will undermine it and are responsible for the huge increase in premiums since the Republicans took over.

Fox News
What do you think should happen to the illegal immigrants who are currently working in the United States -- do you favor deporting as many as possible or do you favor setting up a system for them to become legal residents?
Deport as many as possible 14%
Set up a system to become legal 83%

Do you favor or oppose granting U.S. citizenship for illegal immigrants under the age of 30 who were brought to the United States as children, provided they pass a background check?
Favor 79%
Oppose 19%

Thinking about federal income taxes, how frustrated are you about each of the following:
The wealthy paying too little in taxes:
Frustrated 78%
Not frustrated 19%

Voters might disagree on what you call red tape. Putting coal waste in rivers is not red tape. Requiring financial advisors to put the interest of their clients over their interests is not red tape. Requiring airlines to disclose hidden fees is not red tape. Just because Obama created the regulation does not automatically make it bad.

Like it or not voters wanted Obamacare fixed.

Fixed? You mean like giving me the $2500 a year that it was supposed to save me?

Republicans are doing everything that will undermine it

You mean more than reality was doing to undermine it?

What do you think should happen to the illegal immigrants who are currently working in

I agree, the Dems should definitely run on letting in as many illegal aliens as possible.
And hiking taxes. A bunch. How can they lose with that platform?

Putting coal waste in rivers is not red tape.

Sounds serious. When did Obama fix that issue?

Just because Obama created the regulation does not automatically make it bad.

I'm sure every one of the tens of thousands of pages of regulations Obama put in were all awesome.

Definitely, tell people that we need more. Lots more.

You mean more than reality was doing to undermine it?
The fact is that Democrats can point to specific Trump policies that have accelerated the increase in premiums and Trump's own words to press their case. Obamacare has a approval rating of 54%. It has gone steadily up since Republicans took over. Also interesting poll question by Fox. It asked who would get the credit if healthcare improves. Democrats in Congress got 24% to Trump's 19% and 14% for Republicans in Congress. If healthcare gets worse, 24% would blame Republicans in Congress, 19% in Trump, 14% Democrats in Congress. Also more people trust Democrats more than Republicans on healthcare.

I agree, the Dems should definitely run on letting in as many illegal aliens as possible.
And hiking taxes. A bunch. How can they lose with that platform?

Voters support amnesty for illegals and DACA. They also do not support tax loopholes for the rich. Especially ones that Trump personally benefits from. Fairness is a legitimate issue.

Putting coal waste in rivers is not red tape.

Sounds serious. When did Obama fix that issue?
That is a regulation that was overturned by Republicans. You can make fun of it but Americans are worried about the environment.

I'm sure every one of the tens of thousands of pages of regulations Obama put in were all awesome.

Definitely, tell people that we need more. Lots more.
Voters do not support every regulation Obama made but they also do not support getting rid of all regulation. They also are not partisan the way you are. I personally can look at a regulation and if it is necessary then it should be supported even if Obama did it. Conversely I can look at a unnecessary regulation and say get rid of it no matter who created it.​

Voters support amnesty for illegals and DACA.

Absolutely! That's why Bush got amnesty...ummm...that's why Obama got amnesty...ummm...

How many votes did DACA get in the House and Senate again? I can't recall.

That is a regulation that was overturned by Republicans.

Yeah, that was awful!
When did that regulation get implemented?

Voters do not support every regulation Obama made but they also do not support getting rid of all regulation.

Killing 90% of Obama's regulations would be a good start.

Absolutely! That's why Bush got amnesty...ummm...that's why Obama got amnesty...ummm...
How many votes did DACA get in the House and Senate again? I can't recall.
The fact is that if a vote had been allowed, it likely would have passed. Conservatives were able to forestall it by yelling the loudest. However as Hispanics become a larger part of the voting population, it changes the politics. If you look at the history of polling on this issue, support for deportation has collapsed.​
The Fox poll shows this.​
That is a regulation that was overturned by Republicans.
Yeah, that was awful!
When did that regulation get implemented?
You make light of serious issue. Would you like some water with coal waste in it so you can drink it and bathe in it.​
Killing 90% of Obama's regulations would be a good start.
The trouble is that they are killing 100% of the regulations. Either Republican votes or Trump have killed regulations that protect consumers.​
Trump won largely because suburban voters reluctantly voted for Trump and against Clinton. These same suburban voters are turning against the GOP. This will likely continue in 2018 and 2020.

Yeah, suburban voters are gonna hate their tax cuts. DERP!

You are the DERP!!! What they are going to hate are the loophole that the rich will be able to use to lower their taxes. Also the fact that Trump benefits mightily with the new rules on real estate trusts. Reagan closed loopholes for everyone. Republicans closed loopholes for the middle class but not the rich. Suburban voters are the likeliest to face tax increases.

What they are going to hate are the loophole that the rich will be able to use to lower their taxes.

I'm not going to look at the extra money I keep and then vote against Trump because someone else saved more.

Reagan closed loopholes for everyone.

And liberals whined about him.

Republicans closed loopholes for the middle class but not the rich.

Like what?

Suburban voters are the likeliest to face tax increases.

Show me.

I'm not going to look at the extra money I keep and then vote against Trump because someone else saved more.
The average person will when they see the rich using loopholes to reduce their taxes. Especially the last minute provision that benefitted Trump, Paul Ryan and Bob Corker who changed his no to a yes once it was inserted. Voters will not like lawmakers who line their pockets by passing legislation that benefits them personally.

Reagan closed loopholes for everyone.

And liberals whined about him.
We are not talking about liberals. We are talking about independents and moderates. They object to Republicans using tax law to get at their political enemies. The cap on SALT is so obvious that a blind man could see it. It is Republican revenge on blue states.

Republicans closed loopholes for the middle class but not the rich.

Like what?
The carried interest deduction which even Trump condemned as a sop to Wall Street. The pass through provisions especially in relationship to passive investors, and the tax break for real estate trusts.

Suburban voters are the likeliest to face tax increases.

Show me
You will never believe it because you are a Trump sycophant. If a angel of God came to you and told you that, you would not believe it. First there is simple logic. First you have the cost of living. If you live in rural Georgia, the cost of living in rural Georgia is much lower than living in the suburbs of Atlanta. The $10,000 cap on SALT could raise taxes on suburban residents. Even McConnell admits some middle class people will pay more in taxes. He negotiated it. The rich will still have loopholes to lower their taxes to make up for the cap. A New York Tines analysis of the Senate bill showed that the largest group of taxpayers that would see tax increases were in the $100,000-$500,000. Those making over $500,000 were fourth and narrowly ahead of those making $50,000 to $75,000. The final bill is slightly different than the final bill but not that different. Also the real estate trust scam that was included at the last minute was not included. That helps those making more than $500,000.

The cap on SALT is so obvious that a blind man could see it. It is Republican revenge on blue states.

That's awful!

The carried interest deduction which even Trump condemned as a sop to Wall Street.

Too bad Obama didn't close it.

The pass through provisions especially in relationship to passive investors,

Why are they bad?

and the tax break for real estate trusts

Why are they bad?

The $10,000 cap on SALT could raise taxes on suburban residents.

And the larger standard deduction with the doubled child tax credit could reduce taxes on suburban residents.
Not to mention the lowered rates and the wider brackets.

York Tines analysis of the Senate bill showed that the largest group of taxpayers that would see tax increases were in the $100,000-$500,000.

$100,000-$500,000 is middle class?
The carried interest deduction which even Trump condemned as a sop to Wall Street.
Too bad Obama didn't close it.
The Republicans controlled at least 1 house of Congress for 6 of Obama's years. Trump had control of Congress. I could see a ad of Trump talking about getting rid of the carried interest deduction and pointing out he signed a bill containing it.
The pass through provisions especially in relationship to passive investors,
Why are they bad?
It rewards the rich who are already getting a tax cut due to the rate cut. The goal of reform is to get rid of loopholes in exchange for rate cuts. This is clearly a violation of it. Also if a entrepreneur works in the business, only a small portion of that income is subject to the pass-through rate while 100% of income to passive investors is subject to the lower pass-through rate. Also small businesses are likely to be better of using the individual rates rather than the pass-through rate.
and the tax break for real estate trusts
Why are they bad?
They are another loophole for the rich. It again violates the principle of tax reform. This loophole should be ended. Also the fact that it enriched Paul Ryan, Bob Corker who changed his vote from no to yes, and Donald Trump makes it all the more damning. This was not in the House or Senate bills but was added at the last minute. It shows the swamp has not been drained but just stocked with different creatures.​
York Tines analysis of the Senate bill showed that the largest group of taxpayers that would see tax increases were in the $100,000-$500,000.
$100,000-$500,000 is middle class?
If the rich are supposed to be paying more then should those making more than $500,000 should have the largest groups of taxpayers paying more. Instead they finish 4th. Depending on where you live, you can be making $100,000 to $250,000 and be middle class. It depends on the cost of living in your state or local area.

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