What is the difference between a socialist and a democrat?

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The correct answer would be the Democrat ALWAYS has one hand in your pocket, the socialist ALWAYS has both hands in both pockets, and trying desperately to stick his sex organ in your butt! ...Perhaps I simplified it too much?
Trick question right? She sure did a lot of dancing to avoid answering.
Socialism is an economic system based around common ownership of the means of production. The Democratic party is the general leftist party of the US and includes everything from liberals to Communists. It's possible to be one without being the other. I'm a socialist as a direct result of my pro-life philosophy. I would never debase myself to the point of registering as a Democrat.
Democrat is a socialist that hasn't come out of the closet yet.
Socialism is an economic system based around common ownership of the means of production. The Democratic party is the general leftist party of the US and includes everything from liberals to Communists. It's possible to be one without being the other. I'm a socialist as a direct result of my pro-life philosophy. I would never debase myself to the point of registering as a Democrat.

So essentially the only difference is that with socialism government own everything.

Got it.

So do you like it when Dims like Obama take over GM?
The correct answer would be the Democrat ALWAYS has one hand in your pocket, the socialist ALWAYS has both hands in both pockets, and trying desperately to stick his sex organ in your butt! ...Perhaps I simplified it too much?
So essentially the only difference is that with socialism government own everything.

Got it.

So do you like it when Dims like Obama take over GM?
I make a studied point of not having an opinion about Obama. I don't have a public opinion of him either good or ill. Under the form of socialism I favor you wouldn't be living much better than your neighbors and a percentage of our money would be going to keeping the unborn safe and the born fed, housed, and educated. There are few luxuries for anyone but everyone at least has the basics. Anything else would be directly counter to an honest and self supporting pro-life agenda.
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