What is the difference between Americans proud to be American and those that hate America....Knowledge!

I did not say we killed millions, do try and keep up.
I apologize Gator!
You didn't say we killed millions in Iraq.
I attribute that incorrectly.

It was another person that hates America and is ignorant of the facts because they like you get all your information from the biased MSM like CNN/MSNBC that people like you when polled had no idea of the issues regarding Biden... because they like you ONLY follow these biased MSM
groups. The same groups that donated billions to defeat Trump in 2020. Oh the FACTS...
So when the BIASED MSM including CNN/MSNBC donated 96% to Hillary in 2016 and when she lost the MSM then spent 90% to Biden.
Also during a 3 month period in 2020 ABC,CBS,NBC donated $2.6 billion in free advertising for Democrats calling it "NEWS" free advertising
for over 32.7 hours of coverage, from 7/29/2020-10/20/20) as the following study showed. "What they found was, over the summer, the broadcast networks have continued to pound Donald Trump and his team with the most hostile coverage of a president in TV news history — 92% negative, vs. just 8% positive.from July 29 through October 20"
There you go. Argue Iraq was behind 9-11. LOL George is that you?
An incredibly ill-informed individual arguing that OTHERS are ill-informed...

WHO saw that coming????

A USMB first, I'm sure. :)
It's not necessarily who We The People are - at least 80%-90% of us - but it is definitely who/what the USG is, and definitely who that 10%-20% are.

The US is a deadly empire which cares more about murder and conquest than its own people.

It's for the most part the majority of the voting population at least. We say we don't support it but then elect those who do.
It was another person that hates America and is ignorant of the facts because they like you get all your information from the biased MSM like

This is so cute, your new ploy...."anyone that does not agree with me hate America".

Not very original, but you do it so well!

Carry on little buddy.
It's for the most part the majority of the voting population at least. We say we don't support it but then elect those who do.
Like your buddy Biden who immediately got us embroiled in a war in which we had no obligation or treaty to either party? Like that. Keep voting for that peacenik, Biden LOLOLOLOLOLOL
Like your buddy Biden who immediately got us embroiled in a war in which we had no obligation or treaty to either party? Like that. Keep voting for that peacenik, Biden LOLOLOLOLOLOL

I've condemned Biden endlessly for his actions in Ukraine.

But it's all politics with you and so many just like yourself. It's what your entire world revolves around.
And I agree with you! NONE of us are perfect if we were wouldn't be on this forum... too busy doing other things!
So us peons knowing the country and ourselves are IMPERFECT recognize these imperfections but we don't destroy the only country in the world
that allows their citizens to vocalize these imperfections.

But the point of the comment was how uninformed those people who hate American and the basis for that hatred is ignorance, i.e. CNN/MSNBC viewers NOT aware of the glaring harm Biden, et.al. like him are doing to our country. My goodness telling illegals to "surge to the border" or "rid fossil fuels"
both totally destructive statements! Destructive description.. are you aware that 2 billion tires a year are made from 300 million barrels of oil or that 95% of roads are asphalt that uses 1.4 billion barrels of oil to produce?
Products made from petroleum | Ranken Energy Corporation
"Rid fossil fuels" means destruction of the US economy.
You are consistent with lying.
Land of the free, because of the brave.

Note: Politicians will send yours door to door looking for enemy.

If it gets to that point a few well placed MOAB would save our brave Soldiers from dangerous duty.

Notice it's seldom Politicians kids coming home blown apart.

Use the big weapons early on. Why fool with these enemies?
It's for the most part the majority of the voting population at least. We say we don't support it but then elect those who do.
Well, US voters are astonishingly, willfully ignorant and woefully propagandized with garbage, yes, but we aren't given any real choice, at least in terms of a decent candidate (like Brother West) who could ever win.

Even Trump, who agreed to do a number of disgusting things, was destroyed by the PermaState for not being monstrous enough, and not being at their beck and call.

They had it all teed up for Hillary, and then Trump interrupted their lovely plan for WWIII via Ukraine; they're STILL trying to get that omnicidal wet dream of theirs back on track even now!

As to the OP, it's kind of a word salad, but he IS correct in asserting that CNN/MSNBC are exceptionally poor sources of good information; even Fox News is better. :eek:
Well, US voters are astonishingly, willfully ignorant and woefully propagandized with garbage, yes, but we aren't given any real choice, at least in terms of a decent candidate (like Brother West) who could ever win.

Even Trump, who agreed to do a number of disgusting things, was destroyed by the PermaState for not being monstrous enough, and not being at their beck and call.

They had it all teed up for Hillary, and then Trump interrupted their lovely plan for WWIII via Ukraine; they're STILL trying to get that omnicidal wet dream of theirs back on track even now!

As to the OP, it's kind of a word salad, but he IS correct in asserting that CNN/MSNBC are exceptionally poor sources of good information; even Fox News is better. :eek:

That is setting the bar so incredibly low, which is what we so often do.
That is setting the bar so incredibly low, which is what we so often do.
Fox, which is of course incredibly odious and insane in numerous ways, is just the best of the worst (not saying much obviously), but primarily because it spends so much time mocking CNN and MSNBC, no doubt part of why the OP hates them so much.

But if he had just said that those two sources suck, we would have had a less interesting conversation. :)
Well, US voters are astonishingly, willfully ignorant and woefully propagandized with garbage, yes, but we aren't given any real choice, at least in terms of a decent candidate (like Brother West) who could ever win.

Even Trump, who agreed to do a number of disgusting things, was destroyed by the PermaState for not being monstrous enough, and not being at their beck and call.

They had it all teed up for Hillary, and then Trump interrupted their lovely plan for WWIII via Ukraine; they're STILL trying to get that omnicidal wet dream of theirs back on track even now!

As to the OP, it's kind of a word salad, but he IS correct in asserting that CNN/MSNBC are exceptionally poor sources of good information; even Fox News is better. :eek:
Thanks for your assessment regarding Trump (who by the way I personally detest his braggart, idiosyncratic ways, etc..) but I respect him getting things done as a few of my former bosses who I detested, were grudgingly able to do EXECUTE! And you are right Trump who had no financial need to be president, was confronted especially in the GOP with swamp dwellers that for decades manipulated Presidents...but not him...to a point.
So that's like you pointed out why the MSM did so much negative news about Trump because negative news sells advertising! They are totally happy
that Trump's running again so they can sell more advertising!!!
Thanks for your assessment regarding Trump (who by the way I personally detest his braggart, idiosyncratic ways, etc..) but I respect him getting things done as a few of my former bosses who I detested, were grudgingly able to do EXECUTE! And you are right Trump who had no financial need to be president, was confronted especially in the GOP with swamp dwellers that for decades manipulated Presidents...but not him...to a point.
So that's like you pointed out why the MSM did so much negative news about Trump because negative news sells advertising! They are totally happy
that Trump's running again so they can sell more advertising!!!
Some good points. :)
The rest of the planet stopped at some point. This country has not.

You mad bro?

The left is the party of slavery and segregation. Yes, they continue to hold people in bondage to this day. They try to disguise it by yelling equality, wrapping ethnic groups into little bouquets and offering trinkets out of the treasury etc. But its still there.

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