What is the difference between WWII and Liberation of Iraq???


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Do most of you think the US military methodically, systematically plan to "air raid villages and killing civilians"?

Do most of you think that of the 100,000 Iraqi civilian deaths almost all were done by the US military?

If you do, why? Why would you think YOUR fellow Americans would methodically, systematically, without hesitation shoot innocent men,women children?

Why would you believe that most of the 100,000 Iraqi deaths were at the hands of Americans... and not the terrorists? WhY?

I do NOT believe our military has ever Methodically and without any forethought planned the destruction of civilians.

Yet many of you blame the US military for most of the 100,000 Iraqi deaths! And if you do not only do I feel sorry for you but you are dead wrong!

From 2003 liberation of Iraq through 2012 here are the numbers:
Period Starting
  • 1-Jan-03 7,338
  • 1-Jul-03 220
  • 1-Jan-04 1,051
  • 1-Jul-04 1,724
  • 1-Jan-05 430
  • 1-Jul-05 583
  • 1-Jan-06 393
  • 1-Jul-06 498
  • 1-Jan-07 678
  • 1-Jul-07 645
  • 1-Jan-08 427
  • 1-Jul-08 101
  • 1-Jan-09 45
  • 1-Jul-09 23
  • 1-Jan-10 11
  • 1-Jul-10 6
  • 1-Jan-11 9
  • 1-Jul-11 7
  • Total 14,189
Civilian deaths from violence in 2012 :: Iraq Body Count

$Screen Shot 2013-06-22 at 7.31.30 PM.png

14,189 Iraqi deaths that can be attributed to US troops !
NOT 100,000 as many of you America haters suggest!

The difference between WWII and Liberation of Iraq is the Allies in WWII bombed to destroy war making industries and in doing so bombed civilians!
Calculations of the death-toll from the Anglo-American bombing of Dresden in February 1945 have varied widely, but never ceased to be dramatic. Figures suggested have ranged from 35,000 through 100,000, and even up to half a million at the wilder fringes of speculation.
Death Toll Debate: How Many Died in the Bombing of Dresden? - SPIEGEL ONLINE

"Within the first two to four months of the bombings, the acute effects killed 90,000–166,000 people in Hiroshima and 60,000–80,000 in Nagasaki, with roughly half of the deaths in each city occurring on the first day."
Nearly 300,000 directly from the atomic blasts!
Atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

What is the difference between WWII and Liberation of Iraq civilian death tolls is ignorance on the part of people today regarding the Liberation of Iraq!
Instead of hearing/reading positive media output as WWII "journalists" did.. we have the "if it bleeds and hurts GOP.. IT LEADS" hacks!
These hacks during Iraq repeated rare stories. Abu Ghraib constant headlines yet ONLY 20 US soldiers were involved... YET we heard/read daily
the vicious treatment these 20 soldiers did and ASSUMED ALL OUR TROOPS did that!

Again... the Major difference between WWII and Liberation of Iraq is during WWII millions of civilians were killed by the ALLIES but the MSM
knowing that would incite the terrorists of WWII didn't do what the idiots did during Liberation of Iraq!
Not only were less then 15% of known Iraqi civilians deaths at the hands of US troops... BUT our MSM has NEVER told us that! NEVER!
I found that out from the above web site!
Japan attacked us. Germany declared war on us.
You don't really understand global/petro politics do you?

When Iraq invaded Kuwait on 2 August 1990 the dominate rationale was Iraq would be controlling Kuwait's oil but shipping lanes and could have put a strangle hold on at that time US OIL importation!

For someone living in their parents basement, this would not be a concern... but for people that make decisions that affect millions of people's lives,
it was vital to national security that Kuwait not remain in Iraq control..
Simple as that!
What is the difference between WWII and Liberation of Iraq???


"Honor and truth" are qualities you attribute to Roosevelt?

You obviously know nothing about Roosevelt. He was almost as big a criminal as Lincoln. All the politicians liberals admire are greate frauds and mass murderers.
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What is the difference between WWII and Liberation of Iraq???

Emperor Hirohito launched a sneak attack on the sovereign nation of the United States and delivered a declaration of war the next day. Three days later, Germany declared war on the United States.

Emperor Bush launched a sneak attack on the sovereign nation of Iraq. No declaration of war was ever delivered.
What is the difference between WWII and Liberation of Iraq???

Emperor Hirohito launched a sneak attack on the sovereign nation of the United States and delivered a declaration of war the next day. Three days later, Germany declared war on the United States.

Emperor Bush launched a sneak attack on the sovereign nation of Iraq. No declaration of war was ever delivered.

Horse manure.

Not only did congress authorize military action but there was no ‘sneak attack.’ Iraq was warned that if they did not meet certain requirements, we were going to attack.

There was nothing illegal either, that is an asinine lie convoluted by the left to attack Bush. Sad and utter bull.
Japan attacked us. Germany declared war on us.
You don't really understand global/petro politics do you?

When Iraq invaded Kuwait on 2 August 1990 the dominate rationale was Iraq would be controlling Kuwait's oil but shipping lanes and could have put a strangle hold on at that time US OIL importation!

For someone living in their parents basement, this would not be a concern... but for people that make decisions that affect millions of people's lives,
it was vital to national security that Kuwait not remain in Iraq control..
Simple as that!

So you just proved the difference between WWII and Iraq. WWII was self defense against direct military action taken against us;

Iraq was blood for oil.

btw, I love how people think that if a country like Iraq controls alot of oil, they can control the world somehow by, for example, withholding their oil from the market.

That's laughable. A country like Iraq is more dependent on selling its oil than the rest of the world is dependent on buying it. A country like Iraq would fall apart if it lost its oil revenues.
The BIGGEST difference is Americans in WWII would NEVER accuse their OWN soldiers as these traitor,idiots did:

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid(D) "The war is lost, the surge is not accomplishing anything "

U.S. Rep. John Murtha(D) "Our troops killed innocent civilians in cold blood,”

Senator Kerry (D) "American soldiers going into the homes of Iraqis in the dead of night, terrorizing kids and children."

Durbin (D) "must have been done by Nazis, Soviets"--action of Americans in the treatment of their prisoners.
Senator Obama said "troops are air-raiding villages and killing civilians,"

Americans in WWII were much smarter then to HELP the enemy by calling American troops "Terrorists" Civilian killers"...
WWII Americans would NEVER consider making such statements as they would with common sense KNOW that the enemy would use those statements!
ONLY idiots in America today much like many on this board DON"T comprehend the simple fact the enemy loved to have those statements!
And as I've written before a Harvard study showed that:

A Harvard study found here THE "EMBOLDENMENT EFFECT"

"Are insurgents in Iraq emboldened by voices in the news media expressing dissent or calling for troop withdrawals from Iraq?
The short answer is YES!!!
according to Radha Iyengar, a Robert Wood Johnson Scholar in health policy research at Harvard and Jonathan Monten of the Belfer Center at the university's Kennedy School of Government.

Are insurgents affected by information on US casualty sensitivity?
Using data on attacks and variation in access to international news across Iraqi provinces, we identify an “emboldenment” effect by comparing the rate of insurgent
attacks in areas with higher and lower access to information about U.S news after public statements critical of the war.
We find in periods after a spike in war-critical statements, insurgent attacks increases by 5-10 percent.

Only Americans today are so stupid as the above traitors show by calling our troops equal to Nazis, the Soviets!
To me... that shows how absolutely without a shred of common sense, smarts these people are!

Kerry the dick was one of MANY DEMOCRATS that called for Saddam's removal which unless you are a real idiot you don't accomplish without some resistance from Saddam!

"Without a question, we need to disarm Saddam. He is a brutal, murderous dictator, leading an oppressive regime .... He presents a particularly grievous threat because he is so consistently prone to miscalculation ... And now he is miscalculating America's response to his continued deceit and his consistent grasp for weapons of mass destruction ....
So the threat of Saddam Hussein with weapons of mass destruction is real ....
"Kerry , Jan. 23. 2003.
Japan attacked us. Germany declared war on us.
You don't really understand global/petro politics do you?

When Iraq invaded Kuwait on 2 August 1990 the dominate rationale was Iraq would be controlling Kuwait's oil but shipping lanes and could have put a strangle hold on at that time US OIL importation!

For someone living in their parents basement, this would not be a concern... but for people that make decisions that affect millions of people's lives,
it was vital to national security that Kuwait not remain in Iraq control..
Simple as that!

So you just proved the difference between WWII and Iraq. WWII was self defense against direct military action taken against us;

Iraq was blood for oil.

btw, I love how people think that if a country like Iraq controls alot of oil, they can control the world somehow by, for example, withholding their oil from the market.

That's laughable. A country like Iraq is more dependent on selling its oil than the rest of the world is dependent on buying it. A country like Iraq would fall apart if it lost its oil revenues.

Laughable? Well now you've PROVED you are totally ignorant of Global/petro economics and that you live in your parents basement because:
A) You never lived through the gas lines caused by the Iranian crisis of 1979 or the gas lines

The reasons behind the crisis were clear: the Iranian revolution, a resulting worldwide panic.
On May 9, California started enforcing gas rationing in several counties, including Riverside.
One day, only people with odd-numbered license plates could buy gas; the next, only people with even-numbered plates.

I got the job in early June, stuck in the tiny shoebox-shaped station for nine hours. No bathroom break. The station was off the Route 60 Freeway, from Los Angeles to Riverside, which turned into Interstate 10, headed all the way to Florida.

Florencio, the manager, who looked like a tanned young Richard Gere, was insane. He kept a baseball bat behind the register, where I dispensed jerky sticks and candy bars and took money after people pumped unleaded. Of course, not everyone paid, especially that summer.

Florencio spent much of his time unloading cases of Budweiser and oil and supervising the irregular delivery trucks filling the underground tanks, but he had the uncanny ability to know when someone was going to bolt without paying. One time I saw him staring at the owner of an ancient Buick the color of vanilla pudding. Suddenly he ran inside for the bat. The driver jumped in his car. Florencio leapt on the hood and beat on the windshield until it shattered. To no avail: the guy sped out, sliding my boss off the car like a crab. Florencio shouted that at least the man would pay more for a new windshield than he’d stolen in gas.
Iraq wasn’t ‘liberated,’ it was illegally invaded.

Nothing illegal about it douche. Under the terms of the cease fire put into place after the 1st Gulf war, which Sadam ignored, we had EVERY legal right to resume hostilities. Try to look to other sources for your history lesson than Rachael Madcow, Chris Matthews and MSNBC.
Potential world domination by a powerful, totalitarian right-wing regime vs. a minor annoyance in an obscure part of the world.

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