What is the first thing you think of when you look at this?

On an unrelated note, I am a picker myself. I have always been fond of Martins and Yairis, but a few months ago a customer brought a Taylor 812 into the shop and borrowed $500. Of course, he lost it.

And now, I'm done on guitars. Sweetest sounding, best playing thing I've ever held. Sold everything else except one Martin and one Yairi, but that Taylor is an amazing guitar. I think it plays itself.
1. Army of Tennessee/Confederate Naval Ensign;
2. Another idiot who makes it harder on everybody who struggles to present history accurately;
3. Somebody spent the money to get a sewn cotton flag as opposed to a Chinese poly print one.
1. Army of Tennessee/Confederate Naval Ensign;
2. Another idiot who makes it harder on everybody who struggles to present history accurately;
3. Somebody spent the money to get a sewn cotton flag as opposed to a Chinese poly print one.

For the record, and not that it matters, that flag is 110 years old, and was last flown by living veterans of the Civil War at a UCV Post in the 20's. When I searched for an image in the OP, I looked for a "real" flag, and not a copy. Not sure why :confused:

You can buy it for $695.
The Confederate Flag is a lot of things to a lot of people - and not all necessarily negative. I was never much of a history buff, but there's been a lot of stretching of truth about the Civil War and how and why it began. Slavery was an add-on issue that exploded into the "ONLY" reason for the War and has essentially obscured the other reasons.

Good, bad or indifferent - the Confederate Flag is a symbol of an era in America's history. We can't change the past and should not erase all things symbolic of that past.

You've got your "redneck" element that refuses to put it behind them and continues to hang on to their ignorance and intolerance of blacks. Consider the source - not the entire population of the South.

NASCAR? Probably considered redneck - but it's far from it. It's a national "sport" enjoyed and followed by a broad spectrum of our population, most of whom don't give a damn one way or another about the Civil War or the Confederate Flag. NASCAR came about from the driving skills, souping up of vehicles, other "tricks of the trade" of moonshiners trying to outrun and outwit Revenuers on "Thunder Road." The thrill of speed ultimately turned into a race.

Those who are history buffs might like books written by Douglas Southall Freeman. I'm attaching one link I found - maybe there will be a chapter in his biography of Robert E. Lee that might capture someone's fancy.

Robert E. Lee (The Biography by Douglas Freeman, 1934)
It depends on the context.

If I see it on a historic site, a southern home, or a public building in one of the states involved in the Civil War in the South, I see it as having historical significance.

If I see it on the back of a pick-up truck, I avoid that truck and that person as best as I can. Hell, I'm a freakin' Northerner (means to them a N-loving person) and papist (by birth only). :eek:
It is the symbol of slavery.

Anyone who tries to tell you its about history is right.

ITS about the history of slavery in the US.

Why any group of people would hang onto a symbol that represents a NATIONAL SHAME is beyond me.
The truth of the matter is that the Civil war was about more than just slavery.

For some, though, the truth doesn't matter.
The truth of the matter is that the Civil war was about more than just slavery.

For some, though, the truth doesn't matter.

Without slavery it would have NEVER taken place.

This flag is internationally recognised with the world slavery.

You are the one on the wrong side of history.

No war has JUST ONE CAUSE.

This wars main cause was slavery.

Quit trying to rewrite history
I see people who were used as pawns and fed a line a crap (that most of them didn't understand) by other well heeled people who wanted to maintian their lives of oppulence and free labor and didn't give a crap about who sacrificed as long as they didn't have to.
The truth of the matter is that the Civil war was about more than just slavery.

For some, though, the truth doesn't matter.

Without slavery it would have NEVER taken place.

This flag is internationally recognised with the world slavery.

You are the one on the wrong side of history.

No war has JUST ONE CAUSE.

This wars main cause was slavery.

Quit trying to rewrite history

If truth matters you shouldn't be posting at all. Go read a history book.
1. Army of Tennessee/Confederate Naval Ensign;
2. Another idiot who makes it harder on everybody who struggles to present history accurately;
3. Somebody spent the money to get a sewn cotton flag as opposed to a Chinese poly print one.

For the record, and not that it matters, that flag is 110 years old, and was last flown by living veterans of the Civil War at a UCV Post in the 20's. When I searched for an image in the OP, I looked for a "real" flag, and not a copy. Not sure why :confused:

You can buy it for $695.

And that is a Battle flag, it is square instead of rectangular.....
1. Army of Tennessee/Confederate Naval Ensign;
2. Another idiot who makes it harder on everybody who struggles to present history accurately;
3. Somebody spent the money to get a sewn cotton flag as opposed to a Chinese poly print one.

For the record, and not that it matters, that flag is 110 years old, and was last flown by living veterans of the Civil War at a UCV Post in the 20's. When I searched for an image in the OP, I looked for a "real" flag, and not a copy. Not sure why :confused:

You can buy it for $695.
The price is a little steep for me, for one that is that old it is in amazingly good shape.
The truth of the matter is that the Civil war was about more than just slavery.

For some, though, the truth doesn't matter.

Without slavery it would have NEVER taken place.

This flag is internationally recognised with the world slavery.

You are the one on the wrong side of history.

No war has JUST ONE CAUSE.

This wars main cause was slavery.

Quit trying to rewrite history

If truth matters you shouldn't be posting at all. Go read a history book.

Now tell us how the civil war would have happened without slavery?

You cant because its not true.

You dont get to rewrite histroy for political purposes
Without slavery it would have NEVER taken place.

This flag is internationally recognised with the world slavery.

You are the one on the wrong side of history.

No war has JUST ONE CAUSE.

This wars main cause was slavery.

Quit trying to rewrite history

If truth matters you shouldn't be posting at all. Go read a history book.

Now tell us how the civil war would have happened without slavery?

You cant because its not true.

You dont get to rewrite histroy for political purposes

You really do need to read some history, tell us (for example) just how many black slave owners were there?
And that is a Battle flag, it is square instead of rectangular.....

That is one of those "yes, but" issues.
The regularly adopted St. Andrew's Cross battle flags in the Army of Northern Virginia were square, as they were in the Armies of Tennessee and Trans-Mississippi. The rectangular flag was to be a naval flag. Yet the rectangular flag was often used in the Army of Tennessee as well. General Polk's corps adopted a rectangular St. Michael's Cross design in reversed colors. The battle flag in the Army of the Trans-Mississippi was square and the colors reversed.

The John McNeill Camp of the Sons of Confederate Veterans has a pretty good site with info on the various flags:
Confederate Flags

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