What is the goal of Islam?

Hey, Nat..... Apartheid? How did all them Arabs go the polls? Or did Obama and the Democrats send them a bunch of fictitious ones?

I'm not asking YOU to believe if there's apartheid in Israel.....that'd be like you all of a sudden finding the other half of your brain.....Check out the UN sanctions against Israel (which we, so far have vetoed) ...once you do that get back on here about apartheid (if you even know what that means).
Right wingers' ignorance of Islam is expected......But some of them may be genuinely (if silently) surprised that Islam also recognizes Abraham, Moses AND Jesus as prophets.
big deal Nat !!
big deal Nat , I mean , first there was Judism then Christianity and 700 years [about] after Christianity some arab founded islam , as I already said , big deal !!
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Notice that right wingers are ALL for women rights vis-a-vis Islam....but if you mention a woman's right to choose in this free country or equal pay for women, then they go ballistic.

Hypocrisy anyone???
Nat, those sanctions were vetoed for a reason. You can't have apartheid when the Arabs in Israel have full rights.

You must be confusing them with terrorists who keep bombing and shooting rockets at innocent civilians (Google Palestinians and Hamas). Didn't realize you were a terrorist sympathizer!
big deal Nat , I mean , first there was Judism then Christianity and 700years [about] after Christianity some arab founded islan , as I already said , big deal !!

Hey, I'm not asking you to convert to a newer religion but, if I may, I am asking for you to learn how to spell better.
Notice that right wingers are ALL for women rights vis-a-vis Islam....but if you mention a woman's right to choose in this free country or equal pay for women, then they go ballistic.

Hypocrisy anyone???
Why don't you do a little research on how little women are paid, who work for the Obama administration?
Nat, those sanctions were vetoed for a reason. You can't have apartheid when the Arabs in Israel have full rights.

You must be confusing them with terrorists who keep bombing and shooting rockets at innocent civilians (Google Palestinians and Hamas). Didn't realize you were a terrorist sympathizer!

In you libel tirade, don't forget to also label me an anti-Semite for pointing out the obvious........If you think that Palestinians have equal rights as Israelis....just stay stupid.....I don't really care.
Nat, the Palestinians aren't even in Israel unless they sneak in. That's not apartheid. So sue me and let the courts tell you that your stupidity isn't my fault. And BTW, Hamas is a terrorist organization. Just ask our government.
Nat, the Palestinians aren't even Israel unless they sneak in. That's not apartheid.

I think you're losing it (no surprise)......quote......."the Palestinians aren't even Israel......."???

So, there are NO Palestinians in Israel?
and spelling mistakes have nothing to do with what you posted Nat !! 'Big deal 'that muslims recognize a few characters from earlier religious writings . That means nothing more then that the writer of the holy books of islam was a good stealer of ideas . A plagiarist I guess !!

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