What is the goal of Islam?

Nat, the Palestinians aren't even Israel unless they sneak in. That's not apartheid.

I think you're losing it (no surprise)......quote......."the Palestinians aren't even Israel......."???

So, there are NO Palestinians in Israel?
Not as Israeli citizens. That's why they're called Palestinians. You may think that's an honest mistake, because Democrats confuse Mexicans sneaking across the border with U S citizens all the time.
and spelling mistakes have nothing to do with what you posted Nat !! 'Big deal 'that muslims recognize a few characters from earlier religious writings . That means nothing more then that the writer of the holy books of islam was a good stealer of ideas . A plagiarist I guess !!

Fine, I really don't care about your opinions about Islam....I, for one, don't like any of the brainwashing of religion.......However, if you call Mohammed a "plagiarist", then you are also calling the founding fathers a bunch of plagiarists.....
You really can't pick and choose when to exercise your bigotry.
Not as Israeli citizens. That's why they're called Palestinians. You may think that's an honest mistake, because Democrats confuse Mexicans sneaking across the border with U S citizens all the time.

Careful there...try as you will, but your red neck is showing through.....but, cheer up, those Mexicans will soon vote...and guess for which party?
Not as Israeli citizens. That's why they're called Palestinians. You may think that's an honest mistake, because Democrats confuse Mexicans sneaking across the border with U S citizens all the time.

Careful there...try as you will, but your red neck is showing through.....but, cheer up, those Mexicans will soon vote...and guess for which party?

We know your plan...

Guess you want them to join the serial voters and walking dead!!!
Not as Israeli citizens. That's why they're called Palestinians. You may think that's an honest mistake, because Democrats confuse Mexicans sneaking across the border with U S citizens all the time.

Careful there...try as you will, but your red neck is showing through.....but, cheer up, those Mexicans will soon vote...and guess for which party?

If the invading Mexicans vote to overturn the Constitution, I'm going to serve them a 2nd Amendment remedy. No joke.

We'll send them back to their own country that they neglected by letting criminals take power. Why let a weak people who chose criminals to rule over them into this country and chose criminals again to rule over them (and therefore us)?

They should remedy the wrongs in their own home country instead of running here and turning into the same shithole they left.
If the invading Mexicans vote to overturn the Constitution, I'm going to serve them a 2nd Amendment remedy. No joke.

We'll send them back to their own country that they neglected by letting criminals take power. Why let a weak people who chose criminals to rule over them into this country and chose criminals again to rule over them (and therefore us)?

They should remedy the wrongs in their own home country instead of running here and turning into the same shithole they left.

Hey, bigot, did you ever wonder why so many of our states have Mexican names???
Go play with your guns....
If the invading Mexicans vote to overturn the Constitution, I'm going to serve them a 2nd Amendment remedy. No joke.

We'll send them back to their own country that they neglected by letting criminals take power. Why let a weak people who chose criminals to rule over them into this country and chose criminals again to rule over them (and therefore us)?

They should remedy the wrongs in their own home country instead of running here and turning into the same shithole they left.

Hey, bigot, did you ever wonder why so many of our states have Mexican names???
Go play with your guns....

New Mexico is a Mexican name? That's the closest to that I can find. Think they would take California in trade?
oh geez , now Nat is calling names and being silly . islam is just a copying of Judaism and Christianity as far as I can see Nat . He11 , islam uses the names right out of earlier holy books and that should be easily seen . By the way , how is my spelling ??
If the invading Mexicans vote to overturn the Constitution, I'm going to serve them a 2nd Amendment remedy. No joke.

We'll send them back to their own country that they neglected by letting criminals take power. Why let a weak people who chose criminals to rule over them into this country and chose criminals again to rule over them (and therefore us)?

They should remedy the wrongs in their own home country instead of running here and turning into the same shithole they left.

Hey, bigot, did you ever wonder why so many of our states have Mexican names???
Go play with your guns....

You got some to say other than the race card?
... tell me why women should have no rights and why they are forced to cover themselves.
Tell us why Christians were perfectly fine with that, and many still are, for centuries?

Women in America have rights. You have avoided answering the question as to why Muslims today do not believe women should have rights. As always, you divert to the past and bash Christians.

When were Christian women forced to cover their bodies, endure genital mutilation and get stoned to death for some minor infraction?

Answer those and, for once, try focusing on the subject at hand instead of being a coward and changing the subject.

The left constantly reminds people that we have separation of church and state. Muslims are incapable of separating their religion and government, so do you agree that they should not be allowed to ever run this country?
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If you are Muslim, tell me why women should have no rights and why they are forced to cover themselves.
Muslim women have Islamic rights........that is all they need. ..... :cool:

The right to serve their men and obey oppressive laws or get stoned to death. I think human beings innately need more than that. I pity those born into Muslim families because they will never know true freedom. How typical of tyrannical minds to believe that people only need what they choose to allow.
Islam is a very strange religion to me. I'm curious about the goals of Islam multiple contexts. For example, what is the goal in the transformation of the individual? What is the ultimate goal of the religion for the world? Does Islam have inherit political/legal goals? Is Jihad ultimately a goal of Islam?
Who can tell me?

Every Religion has the same big picture called, "The Golden Rule". TREAT OTHERS LIKE YOU WANT TO BE TREATED!

Wasn't the divide of Christianity and Muslim when Moses went to the Mountain to make 10 commandments? Wasn't the maker of Muslim Moses cousin who had people make a gold calf?

Strange how powerful families can steer entire Countries. :cranky:
Last time I was there it was amazing, I was struck at how many bullet holes and craters were visible from my Hotel window.

Now as for your bigotry...did you get that from a family member or did you just become your own little kkk?

I have NO problem with the common Israeli....my problem is with the power-crazed leadership that maintains its choke hold on its own population by fear-mongering, and the Arab population through apartheid.

Hyperbole much?

Arabs in Israel are 100 times better off then in the West Bank, sorry.

Using the word "Apartheid" makes you look silly.
Last time I was there it was amazing, I was struck at how many bullet holes and craters were visible from my Hotel window.

Now as for your bigotry...did you get that from a family member or did you just become your own little kkk?

I have NO problem with the common Israeli....my problem is with the power-crazed leadership that maintains its choke hold on its own population by fear-mongering, and the Arab population through apartheid.

Hyperbole much?

Arabs in Israel are 100 times better off then in the West Bank, sorry.

Using the word "Apartheid" makes you look silly.
Nah. Opening his mouth makes him look silly.
an arab from Israel was asked why he voted for Bibi in this latest election . The arab said that some arabs like him sleep in caves with their goats but he being in Israel he asks his daughter what kinda wall paper she wants in her bedroom . I think that's a pretty good example of why some arabs voted for Bibi and Liqud !!
The last 2 posters on this thread would probably state that blacks were a lot better off n the south under their "masters."

I'm sure that right wing nitwits know more about apartheid than this guy...So I'm posting this for more intelligent and less bigoted posters.

Desmond Tutu, the noted civil rights leader who became the first black archbishop of Cape Town, compared Israel's treatment of the Palestinians to the apartheid regime that discriminated against blacks in his native South Africa.

Tutu, the Nobel Peace laureate, told News24, a South African media entity, criticized Israeli policies toward the Palestinians in the territories as "humiliating."

"I have witnessed the systemic humiliation of Palestinian men, women and children by members of the Israeli security forces," he said in a statement.

"Their humiliation is familiar to all black South Africans who were corralled and harassed and insulted and assaulted by the security forces of the apartheid government."

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