What is the Greatest Threat to America today?

Polarization is the largest political threat as it perpetuates disinformation and prevents actions from being taken to actually get stuff done.

Automation is the largest economical threat as it will put millions of people out of work.

Iran is the largest physical threat as we no longer have decent relations with them and they will be going nuclear soon with the ability to fund and be a breeding ground for terrorist groups who see us as a main target.
Polarization is the largest political threat as it perpetuates disinformation and prevents actions from being taken to actually get stuff done.

Automation is the largest economical threat as it will put millions of people out of work.

Iran is the largest physical threat as we no longer have decent relations with them and they will be going nuclear soon with the ability to fund and be a breeding ground for terrorist groups who see us as a main target.
I agree with all three except as far as Iran -- they are indeed a major physical threat -- but only because our foreign policy continually destabilizes the region and allows countries that were previously in check -- to grow their influence and power over the region...
Black culture is responsible for countless violent crimes and murders. You'd be hard pressed to come up with something more dangerous than that. Yeah, yeah, i know, pointing that out is racist. :blahblah:
No, pointing it out WHILE NOT having a solution for it is both racist and the ramblings of a cuck.....

So again..as I have asked you dic suckers before....what are you going to do about it?
Shame is a highly effective tool. It god rid of the KKK, it should work here too.
Democrats were threat to America, since America.

Today, the most dangerous part of Democrats are vapid feminists.
The mainstream media and our educational institutions whom have done everything thing in their power and been profoundly successful in attacking and demonizing our men and women in the armed forces which has led to them loosing all of our wars being lost after they won them in the first place since the Korean War.
In order to impeach and remove a president there must be a crime.

As someone said you can indict or impeach a ham sandwich.

To actually remove a President requires a actual crime....the senate unlike the house understands this.
Someone`s pulling your chain on that one. Abuse of power is very much impeachable. If presidents are allowed to shake down foreign leaders in an effort to meddle in our elections then what is the point in having elections at all? George Soros will be free to travel the world and pay foreign leaders to announce bogus investigations regarding politicians that Soros wants to see defeated. We`ll no longer have a country.
Abuse of power is enough to impeach. You don't need to commit a crime.
Must Impeachable Offenses Be Violations of the Criminal Code?
Trump doesn't have to have committed a crime to be impeached
Of course the more astute on here know as well as I ---if not better and I do not want to preach to the choir but for the clueless and coinfused visitors to this board....I speak of how divided America has become....recognizing of course that we have never been all that united.

Yet what is happening now is so bitter and so full of hatred it harkens back to the era of The War Between The States.

This latest insanity of the Democrats with their ridiculous and shameful desire to remove a duly elected President just adds to the great divide in this Nation.

“We must strive to love our country more than we hate our neighbor:” a former CIA officer’s plea to America

Blob supporters mailing bombs to political opponents, blob supporters shooting political opponents, blob supporters running over political opponents with their cars.

So I guess you are a blob sucker!
The mainstream media and our educational institutions whom have done everything thing in their power and been profoundly successful in attacking and demonizing our men and women in the armed forces which has led to them loosing all of our wars being lost after they won them in the first place since the Korean War.

We did "loose"all our wars. Learn English!
The biggest threat to America is rampant stupidity. Wingers on both sides, but predominantly liberals, do not have the God-given sense to read a sentence and understand what is being said. That leads to political strife and confusion. There are far too many examples of adults on this forum who are functionally illiterate. That extends across the nation. Stupid people are everywhere it seems!
While Democrats are out there, McCarthy was a drunken loudmouth threat who was way off base accusing everyone of being a communist. He himself was a threat to america.
While Democrats are out there, McCarthy was a drunken loudmouth threat who was way off base accusing everyone of being a communist. He himself was a threat to america.

So, why are so many Communists in government today?
Where are all these communists? Capitalists have never had it so made. The wealthy are raking it in....
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While Democrats are out there, McCarthy was a drunken loudmouth threat who was way off base accusing everyone of being a communist. He himself was a threat to america.

So, why are so many Communists in government today?

It is not just 'today' communists began infiltrating our government back in the 30's and WWII was a boon for them...for a lil while lots of Americans had a very high opinion of Uncle Joe Stalin and the comintern infiltrated many communists into our federal bureaucracy....our world of academia is saturated with them and many of them eventually go into the federal government.

Good Old Uncle Joe Stalin | AMERICAN HERITAGE
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