What is the Greatest Threat to America today?

I have been desperately trying in a couple of places on the internet the last few hours with trying to point out that we have made a horrible choice as human beings to get rid of physical media. I have been censored in places for expressing this and on SteveHoffman's music forum for making an an analogy to Nazis concerning this saying how we have accomplished more than they could have imagined by becoming too dependent on streaming and solely the internet by both communicating and getting information. The fn' problem isn't making Nazi analogies but declaring certain people as such. But even then...what if it is true?!

I have become GREATLY concerned how it is becoming more and more apparent to me that the only way to communicate with human beings (on a large scale) is through basically only Facebook and Twitter. This is VERY disturbing to me. I am afraid that something much more is afoot and am very concerned about our future and near future for that matter and NO I am not talking about politics. It is something else. It's not about those in power. It is about certain faceless fcks who are in power and have made it impossible to get information out to the masses. This does include NOT media but mainstream media as to whom are the reason along with our educational institutions are the reasons why the U.S. have lost their wars since the 1950's when we actually had won them all along (with MAYBE the exception of Afghanistan). I really wish someone could for once in my life explain to me how I am wrong.

I have been desperately trying in a couple of places on the internet the last few hours with trying to point out that we have made a horrible choice as human beings to get rid of physical media.
You have made a good point here. I grew up with print media. Physically large newspapers that you spread out on the floor and read stories that were long and "continued on page 5." These long stories covered so much more in depth than the internet and televised media do now. Thirty-second sound bites or even interviews with the players don't cover the intricacies of what is actually going on and supply background information to explain it adequately.

This is my third impeachment in Washington. I want to know the chronology of who said/did what to whom. Who their contacts were. Most of these situations involve a rather large cast of players. This current trump impeachment deal is a hydra. It involves so many players that one needs to diagram it on a chalk board.

I also want a return to formal debates in which each participant must remain behind his/her podium and strict time limits are imposed on a person's opportunity to speak. No prowling around the stage, stalker tactics, personal attacks, or talking over someone else. "Mr. Jones: you have three minutes to address this issue/Ms. Smith, you have three minutes for rebuttal."

And no more running for cover off stage, calling security, or diving out the back door into a waiting car when a tough question is asked. I remember Speaker Ryan freaking out when people delivered boxes of petitions to his office, I think on behalf of Planned Parenthood, rather than speaking to their leaders, listening to their concerns, and explaining his position. He was afraid to face his constituents.
Should all presidents be allowed to shake down foreign leaders for personal favors like meddling in our elections or just this president? As soon as the GOP legalizes this behavior we`ll no longer have a country. George Soros can go from one country to the next with a bundle of money and do the same as Trump and his henchmen did. Who can stop him?
Should all presidents be allowed to shake down foreign leaders for personal favors like meddling in our elections or just this president? As soon as the GOP legalizes this behavior we`ll no longer have a country. George Soros can go from one country to the next with a bundle of money and do the same as Trump and his henchmen did. Who can stop him?

No when a Democrat is the president Dershowitz will flip flop and claim he studied the Constitution alittle bit more and now it's a crime.
The same as it’s always been the battle between group rights and individual rights.
Of course the more astute on here know as well as I ---if not better and I do not want to preach to the choir but for the clueless and coinfused visitors to this board....I speak of how divided America has become....recognizing of course that we have never been all that united.

Yet what is happening now is so bitter and so full of hatred it harkens back to the era of The War Between The States.

This latest insanity of the Democrats with their ridiculous and shameful desire to remove a duly elected President just adds to the great divide in this Nation.

“We must strive to love our country more than we hate our neighbor:” a former CIA officer’s plea to America
You megga nuts need to get off of Fox Fuckin news and learn some facts. Clinton was a duly elected president too, as was Obama and blow hards had no problems making their lives a living hell, now did you?
Of course the more astute on here know as well as I ---if not better and I do not want to preach to the choir but for the clueless and coinfused visitors to this board....I speak of how divided America has become....recognizing of course that we have never been all that united.

Yet what is happening now is so bitter and so full of hatred it harkens back to the era of The War Between The States.

This latest insanity of the Democrats with their ridiculous and shameful desire to remove a duly elected President just adds to the great divide in this Nation.

“We must strive to love our country more than we hate our neighbor:” a former CIA officer’s plea to America
You megga nuts need to get off of Fox Fuckin news and learn some facts. Clinton was a duly elected president too, as was Obama and blow hards had no problems making their lives a living hell, now did you?
Unlike Trump, there were real crimes alleged against Clinton. So maybe you should learn some facts before you alow you nonsense to flow from your keyboard.
In order to impeach and remove a president there must be a crime.

As someone said you can indict or impeach a ham sandwich.

To actually remove a President requires a actual crime....the senate unlike the house understands this.
Well, for heaven's sake, subscribe to paper newspapers, if not having them feels like such a threat! We take three papers and read them every morning. Washington Times, Financial Times, Wall Street Journal.
Of course the more astute on here know as well as I ---if not better and I do not want to preach to the choir but for the clueless and coinfused visitors to this board....I speak of how divided America has become....recognizing of course that we have never been all that united.

Yet what is happening now is so bitter and so full of hatred it harkens back to the era of The War Between The States.

This latest insanity of the Democrats with their ridiculous and shameful desire to remove a duly elected President just adds to the great divide in this Nation.

“We must strive to love our country more than we hate our neighbor:” a former CIA officer’s plea to America
You megga nuts need to get off of Fox Fuckin news and learn some facts. Clinton was a duly elected president too, as was Obama and blow hards had no problems making their lives a living hell, now did you?
No one attempted to remove either from office the moment they were sworn in.
Dip shit.
Clinton was a duly elected president too, as was Obama and blow hards had no problems making their lives a living hell, now did you?

Sure --- this is plainly payback time. I'm surprised it took so long, but we had 9/11 and two wars in there, and that blocked the payback till now.
Black culture is responsible for countless violent crimes and murders. You'd be hard pressed to come up with something more dangerous than that. Yeah, yeah, i know, pointing that out is racist. :blahblah:
No, pointing it out WHILE NOT having a solution for it is both racist and the ramblings of a cuck.....

So again..as I have asked you dic suckers before....what are you going to do about it?
Clinton was a duly elected president too, as was Obama and blow hards had no problems making their lives a living hell, now did you?

Sure --- this is plainly payback time. I'm surprised it took so long, but we had 9/11 and two wars in there, and that blocked the payback till now.
Obama decided to turn the page on holding the Bush admin accountable for using 9/11 to get us into a bullshit war in Iraq...…

I am sure he gave Bush a pass because of how much of a radical anti-white racist muslim terrorist Obama was...

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