what is the left gonna do when Trump wins in 20/20 ?

and win he will !! seeing how they are still in shock and throwing childish hysterical tantrums like spoiled teen aged girls because they didnt get what they wanted in 20/16 what will the insane idiots of the left do when he beats there stupid asses again ???
I don’t think he is going to win. He’s making a joke out of our country. Its embarrassing and I think most people are tired of the drama
you are an idiot ....you really are .......strong military,unemployment at all time low especially for blacks !! forcing members of nato to pay their fair share ,arming the Ukraine against Russia, destroying the caliphate,stopping illegal immigration, factory jobs returning to the US,prison reform, lower taxes for all Americans,stock market at all time highs [good for middle class 401 ks and retirement plans] VA accountability act , energy independence, and on and on and on .....no one from the idiotic left has done this much to improve the lives of Americans ......ever !! new trade deals to offset our dependence on the leftist's ally the Chicoms !!and the Chicoms are only holding out in the hopes that an American hating socialist traitor like you will take office so they can continue to shit on America the country you hate Nazi .
Listen man, you can’t call me an idiot and then ramble off a list of half truths and spun up rhetoric. Nobody will respect that. The vast majority of those points I can easily deconstruct and show the dishonesty what you’re trying to credit Trump with but I don't think we have time for that novel. I will give him credit for championing back factory jobs although I don’t think that will last, and he has done some good deregulation. The rest of your list is a bunch of hot air.
what is the left gonna do when Trump wins in 20/20 ?
The ONE thing they are purely good at:



and win he will !! seeing how they are still in shock and throwing childish hysterical tantrums like spoiled teen aged girls because they didnt get what they wanted in 20/16 what will the insane idiots of the left do when he beats there stupid asses again ???


I expect him to win.

and he will continue to embarrass us

but since I am have every right and freedom and privilege that YOU have it seems that his being president has little affect on my life.

are we all making more money?

then so am I!

are we all freer?

then so am I!

His victory may be embarrassing and he may be an asshole but I'll still sit in my home and fart in his direction and call him a liar and a dirt bag. There is nothing you or he can do about it.
and win he will !! seeing how they are still in shock and throwing childish hysterical tantrums like spoiled teen aged girls because they didnt get what they wanted in 20/16 what will the insane idiots of the left do when he beats there stupid asses again ???
I don’t think he is going to win. He’s making a joke out of our country. Its embarrassing and I think most people are tired of the drama

Who says "most people are tired of the "drama"", or Trump is making a joke out of our country? WHO?? (hint: no one, its all in your head)
You say shit that's not true and never prove anything.
If you want drama and a joke, please look at the proposed democrat policies that 2020 voters will reject:

1. Open borders, tear down the southern border fence/wall
2. Sanctuary cities & states
3. Free college
4. Single Payer Healthcare, aka rationed healthcare, "Medicare for all"
5. Eliminate ICE and DHS, turn the US into the EU, with muslim "no go zones"
6. Promote Globalism, whatever Wall Street wants Wall Street gets, see K-Street Cash
7. Paris Climate Change Treaty where the US pays $trillions to poor countries
8. Stupid trade agreements, e.g tax breaks to move factories overseas
9. Let China run roughshod over the US for trade and intellectual property
10. Let NK develop nukes and ICBM delivery systems, have no one capable of dealing with NK
11. Raise taxes to 70% on the wealthy, especially on corporations so they relocate overseas
12. Opioid problem running rampant across the US
13. Gangs like MS-13 running rampant across the US
14. No steel or mining industries due to foreign "dumping" of subsidized products
15. No new pipelines
16. No offshore drilling
17. The dems' "Central Committee" appoints super-delegates to subvert real voters in primaries
18. Pack the US Supreme Court to promote liberal policies
19. Impeach anyone they deem not liberal enough, like Kavanaugh
20. Use the Federal Government to punish conservatives, like the IRS and Lois Lerner hounded conservatives
21. Use the Intel community to spy on the opposition party, like Hillary, FusionGPS, and the FBI/DOJ spied on Trump
22. Block voter ID laws to ensure fraud, and promote "vote harvesting" to steal elections
23. Refuse to provide funding for border walls/security, which DHS says is desperately needed.
24. Give $Trillions to Mexico and Central America for a Marshal Plan, but not help US citizens living in tent cities
25. Impose gun control, outlaw private gun sales, outlaw AR style rifles, restrict sales of bullets, etc.
26. "Green New Deal" Impose a "carbon tax" to punish anyone who works, heats their home, flies, or has a car
27. Anti-business democrat socialists caused Amazon to flee NYC taking 25,000 good paying jobs to VA
28. REPARATIONS to blacks to pay for slavery, $trillions owed by US voters
29. Excuse the murder of unwanted newborns, i.e. "infanticide"
30. Change the Electoral College to popular vote
31. All prisoners get to vote, even the Boston Marathon Bomber, so says Bernie
32. LGBTQ rights, trannys in military
33. Hunt down suspected white supremacists, increase domestic surveillance
34. Add Senators and congressmen for DC and Puerto Rico
I’m saying it. That’s not no one. I come across many people from around the world on a daily basis. Some love Trump. But the vast majority are asking what the fuck is going on. Say Trump is a laughing stock. I don’t blame them. They guy acts like a spoiled child. Disgraceful
you met all these people at the international gay convention in Shitfrancisco !
I thought you’d last longer before digressing to the petty insults. You lose, Thanks for playing
the only people going to prison are Clinton and Obamas lackeys for trying to stage a coup !
Yeah, whatever happened to lock her up? I thought that was gonna happen so fast, just like repeal and replace and Mexico paying for a wall! Haha
and win he will !! seeing how they are still in shock and throwing childish hysterical tantrums like spoiled teen aged girls because they didnt get what they wanted in 20/16 what will the insane idiots of the left do when he beats there stupid asses again ???
I caution this thought that trump has it in the bag, he doesnt. You severely underestimate the power the left has to organize, and their drive to get trump out of the White House.

I have this feeling that there will be a lot of disappointed Republicans come election day, and one of the ways that will happen is people thinking he is a sure fire win, and then become complacent.

Look at the media. Conservatives and trump have a lot of bad press, even if it is in the left wing pundits. Remember, the democrats outnumber conservatives. They took the house in 2018, and they are going to be even more determined during 2020.

I just think trump has a tougher journey than most people realize.
the patriotic American base is enraged and motivated !! unlike leftists we do not riot and screem and cry we go to the ballot box !! you should hear the people in the real world vowing to vote for Trump !! now we all know the left will commit voter fraud and dispute the outcome of the election when they lose but Americans with one grain of common sense can see that Trump is working hard to make American lives better .
the only people going to prison are Clinton and Obamas lackeys for trying to stage a coup !
Yeah, whatever happened to lock her up? I thought that was gonna happen so fast, just like repeal and replace and Mexico paying for a wall! Haha
its coming !! once Barr starts prosecuting !! dems like you are to weak and spineless to keep their mouths shut they will start ratting on each other over the whole email and Russia hoax scandal !
and win he will !! seeing how they are still in shock and throwing childish hysterical tantrums like spoiled teen aged girls because they didnt get what they wanted in 20/16 what will the insane idiots of the left do when he beats there stupid asses again ???
I don’t think he is going to win. He’s making a joke out of our country. Its embarrassing and I think most people are tired of the drama
you are an idiot ....you really are .......strong military,unemployment at all time low especially for blacks !! forcing members of nato to pay their fair share ,arming the Ukraine against Russia, destroying the caliphate,stopping illegal immigration, factory jobs returning to the US,prison reform, lower taxes for all Americans,stock market at all time highs [good for middle class 401 ks and retirement plans] VA accountability act , energy independence, and on and on and on .....no one from the idiotic left has done this much to improve the lives of Americans ......ever !! new trade deals to offset our dependence on the leftist's ally the Chicoms !!and the Chicoms are only holding out in the hopes that an American hating socialist traitor like you will take office so they can continue to shit on America the country you hate Nazi .
Listen man, you can’t call me an idiot and then ramble off a list of half truths and spun up rhetoric. Nobody will respect that. The vast majority of those points I can easily deconstruct and show the dishonesty what you’re trying to credit Trump with but I don't think we have time for that novel. I will give him credit for championing back factory jobs although I don’t think that will last, and he has done some good deregulation. The rest of your list is a bunch of hot air.
explain what is untrue about the list .
What will Americans do? What we always do. We get up, face the day, get through the day, go home, go to bed and hope for a better next day. But sooner or later, we are going to have to pick up the damned pieces like we always do.
and win he will !! seeing how they are still in shock and throwing childish hysterical tantrums like spoiled teen aged girls because they didnt get what they wanted in 20/16 what will the insane idiots of the left do when he beats there stupid asses again ???
I don’t think he is going to win. He’s making a joke out of our country. Its embarrassing and I think most people are tired of the drama
Nobody can tell me any policy of his that is working, His best year was his first, when his policy hadn’t yet taken hold... he has nothing to run on at this point.
the only people going to prison are Clinton and Obamas lackeys for trying to stage a coup !
Yeah, whatever happened to lock her up? I thought that was gonna happen so fast, just like repeal and replace and Mexico paying for a wall! Haha
its coming !! once Barr starts prosecuting !! dems like you are to weak and spineless to keep their mouths shut they will start ratting on each other over the whole email and Russia hoax scandal !
Haha. It’s been coming for 3 years. Keep holding your breath
The president is right. If any Radical Dimm gets into office this country is going to hell in a hand basket. What The president has done, despite the establishment and swamp, has been remarkable!
and win he will !! seeing how they are still in shock and throwing childish hysterical tantrums like spoiled teen aged girls because they didnt get what they wanted in 20/16 what will the insane idiots of the left do when he beats there stupid asses again ???
I don’t think he is going to win. He’s making a joke out of our country. Its embarrassing and I think most people are tired of the drama
you are an idiot ....you really are .......strong military,unemployment at all time low especially for blacks !! forcing members of nato to pay their fair share ,arming the Ukraine against Russia, destroying the caliphate,stopping illegal immigration, factory jobs returning to the US,prison reform, lower taxes for all Americans,stock market at all time highs [good for middle class 401 ks and retirement plans] VA accountability act , energy independence, and on and on and on .....no one from the idiotic left has done this much to improve the lives of Americans ......ever !! new trade deals to offset our dependence on the leftist's ally the Chicoms !!and the Chicoms are only holding out in the hopes that an American hating socialist traitor like you will take office so they can continue to shit on America the country you hate Nazi .
Listen man, you can’t call me an idiot and then ramble off a list of half truths and spun up rhetoric. Nobody will respect that. The vast majority of those points I can easily deconstruct and show the dishonesty what you’re trying to credit Trump with but I don't think we have time for that novel. I will give him credit for championing back factory jobs although I don’t think that will last, and he has done some good deregulation. The rest of your list is a bunch of hot air.
explain what is untrue about the list.
Well let’s just start with the first two so I don’t end up writing a novel. “Strong military and unemployment rate” yes he has raised funds for the military and yes there are record low unemployment rates. That’s the truth part. The faux is in boasting that Trump is responsible for those things. Our military has always been strong, the strongest in the world. Trump and republicans may have had a few new planes built but he has also gutted the state department and botched our Middle East foreign policy to the point that Mad dog Mattis quit his position, and he was a guy yall once loved. A strong argument can be made that his isolationist policies have made us weaker.

As for the unemployment rate, esp. the black UE rate, trump rode the end of an 8 year wave. I’m glad the UE rates are low, I’m glad he has been able to keep it there. But the majority of the change came during Obama’s term, back when it was scorched earth and the numbers were fake... but now it’s all a credit to trumps best economy ever. Such a transparent talking point. Don’t expect respect if you keep boasting about the UE rate as something that Trump is responsible for.
and win he will !! seeing how they are still in shock and throwing childish hysterical tantrums like spoiled teen aged girls because they didnt get what they wanted in 20/16 what will the insane idiots of the left do when he beats there stupid asses again ???

What are you going to do when he is in indicted, and put in prison.

And going to prison he will.
Yep. It's Mueller time.

Oh wait.
the only people going to prison are Clinton and Obamas lackeys for trying to stage a coup !
Yeah, whatever happened to lock her up? I thought that was gonna happen so fast, just like repeal and replace and Mexico paying for a wall! Haha
its coming !! once Barr starts prosecuting !! dems like you are to weak and spineless to keep their mouths shut they will start ratting on each other over the whole email and Russia hoax scandal !
Haha. It’s been coming for 3 years. Keep holding your breath
McCabe' sorry ass is about to be the first rat caught in the trap !
the only people going to prison are Clinton and Obamas lackeys for trying to stage a coup !
Yeah, whatever happened to lock her up? I thought that was gonna happen so fast, just like repeal and replace and Mexico paying for a wall! Haha
its coming !! once Barr starts prosecuting !! dems like you are to weak and spineless to keep their mouths shut they will start ratting on each other over the whole email and Russia hoax scandal !
Haha. It’s been coming for 3 years. Keep holding your breath
McCabe' sorry ass is about to be the first rat caught in the trap !
About to be? Just like Hillary was about to be locked up after Trump won?! Yeah right
I don't know what the entire left will do, but if we break it down we might make reasonable guesses.

The moderate Left that is more concerned about getting things done will be OK.

The single issue tunnel vision wonks will see the death of all their little leftwing progroms and likely flip out. ("Better get your abortions now!"- type of idiots)

The Marxist left is going to go insane, many will have aneurisms, some will have strokes and the vast majority will swear they are moving to Ca-Nada (but unfortunately, they wont).
There isn’t a moderate left.
and win he will !! seeing how they are still in shock and throwing childish hysterical tantrums like spoiled teen aged girls because they didnt get what they wanted in 20/16 what will the insane idiots of the left do when he beats there stupid asses again ???
I caution this thought that trump has it in the bag, he doesnt. You severely underestimate the power the left has to organize, and their drive to get trump out of the White House.

I have this feeling that there will be a lot of disappointed Republicans come election day, and one of the ways that will happen is people thinking he is a sure fire win, and then become complacent.

Look at the media. Conservatives and trump have a lot of bad press, even if it is in the left wing pundits. Remember, the democrats outnumber conservatives. They took the house in 2018, and they are going to be even more determined during 2020.

I just think trump has a tougher journey than most people realize.
If Trump loses then Republicans will simply be forced to go to war.

Democrats don’t have the brains nor the brawn to win a war.

There are hundreds of thousands of people throughout the country and throughout the economic ladder who are willing to do absolutely anything and everything to give a future to their descendants and children, far more than the system can handle.

Democrats and the rest of their globalist leftist buddies around the world are going to be destroyed. They just have to choose between an AK 47 or a scimitar delivering the final blow.
and win he will !! seeing how they are still in shock and throwing childish hysterical tantrums like spoiled teen aged girls because they didnt get what they wanted in 20/16 what will the insane idiots of the left do when he beats there stupid asses again ???
I caution this thought that trump has it in the bag, he doesnt. You severely underestimate the power the left has to organize, and their drive to get trump out of the White House.

I have this feeling that there will be a lot of disappointed Republicans come election day, and one of the ways that will happen is people thinking he is a sure fire win, and then become complacent.

Look at the media. Conservatives and trump have a lot of bad press, even if it is in the left wing pundits. Remember, the democrats outnumber conservatives. They took the house in 2018, and they are going to be even more determined during 2020.

I just think trump has a tougher journey than most people realize.
If Trump loses then Republicans will simply be forced to go to war.

Democrats don’t have the brains nor the brawn to win a war.

There are hundreds of thousands of people throughout the country and throughout the economic ladder who are willing to do absolutely anything and everything to give a future to their descendants and children, far more than the system can handle.

Democrats and the rest of their globalist leftist buddies around the world are going to be destroyed. They just have to choose between an AK 47 or a scimitar delivering the final blow.

Are you suggesting an armed Insurrection? Either vote for my way or I will destroy you is your motto? Well, cupcake, bring it on. The Nation has survived much worse than your bunch of violent sick puppies and will again. And you win a award.

What will Americans do? What we always do. We get up, face the day, get through the day, go home, go to bed and hope for a better next day. But sooner or later, we are going to have to pick up the damned pieces like we always do.

Yep, now if you could get through at least one full day without whining we'd all be much better off.

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