What is the liberal view of America?


Diamond Member
Jan 29, 2013
The Big Easy
I have asked this before and never got a reasonable answer. Its a serious question, do not respond with talking points.

Tell us what you on the left see as your end game for our country.

Do you want a socialist state?
Do you want guaranteed income for every citizen?
Do you want government run medicine?
Do you want a media that only puts out what the government allows?
Do you want 65-70% income taxes like Europe?
Do you want to do away with police and the military?
Do you want Sharia law?
Do you want abortion on demand as birth control?
Do you want the government in every aspect of your life?
Do you want all history erased and replaced with government propaganda?
Do you want all religion banned?
Do you want free speech limited to government approved speech?
Do you want the constitution rewritten or cancelled?
Do you want California and New York to decide our national elections?

What exactly do you want this country to become?

and again, no talking points like "I want everyone to love each other" or "I want Trump impeached".

Try to actually think about it and tell us what you want for our country.
Do you want a socialist state? Depends on what kind...I do want a social democracy like South Korea, Japan, Norway, Britain or Germany. Yep, nearly every successful country on earth follows this model and I don't believe we should be any different.
Do you want guaranteed income for every citizen? We'll have to figure it out but when automation takes over I think maybe we should lean that way.
Do you want government run medicine? Run, no! Regulate yes.
Do you want a media that only puts out what the government allows? No, that is something you wish for. I want a free media that can attack the president and inform the people on the wrong doings of government.
Do you want 65-70% income taxes like Europe? For the super rich. Sure, just like the 1950's and 60's.
Do you want to do away with police and the military? Fuck no. I want strong both.
Do you want Sharia law? No, I want no religion at all to be within government.
Do you want abortion on demand as birth control? It should be a choice.
Do you want the government in every aspect of your life? No, on social issues I want less government and drug policy should be be up to the person.
Do you want all history erased and replaced with government propaganda? No, I want history taught for what occurred.
Do you want all religion banned? No, but I do want government to stay out of it.
Do you want free speech limited to government approved speech? No, that is something you want.
Do you want the constitution rewritten or cancelled? We would be better off with some fine toning, certainly.
Do you want California and New York to decide our national elections? No,

What exactly do you want this country to become? After 200 years I'd say I'd want us to follow a model that works and aims for the highest quality of life for all. Norway, Germany, etc seem to have good systems that do exactly that.
I have asked this before and never got a reasonable answer.
What makes you think you'll this time get "a reasonable answer?"

Seeing as every question you've asked is binary, there are only three valid direct answer options: "yes," "no," or some form of "I don't know. "
I have asked this before and never got a reasonable answer. Its a serious question, do not respond with talking points.

Tell us what you on the left see as your end game for our country.

Do you want a socialist state?
Do you want guaranteed income for every citizen?
Do you want government run medicine?
Do you want a media that only puts out what the government allows?
Do you want 65-70% income taxes like Europe?
Do you want to do away with police and the military?
Do you want Sharia law?
Do you want abortion on demand as birth control?
Do you want the government in every aspect of your life?
Do you want all history erased and replaced with government propaganda?
Do you want all religion banned?
Do you want free speech limited to government approved speech?
Do you want the constitution rewritten or cancelled?
Do you want California and New York to decide our national elections?

What exactly do you want this country to become?

and again, no talking points like "I want everyone to love each other" or "I want Trump impeached".

Try to actually think about it and tell us what you want for our country.

You're living the liberal view of America because over time, almost everything conservatives advocate for loses in the political arena.
I have asked this before and never got a reasonable answer. Its a serious question, do not respond with talking points.

Tell us what you on the left see as your end game for our country.


Do you want a socialist state? No.

Do you want guaranteed income for every citizen? Not sure...not enough data on this idea to know if it's feasible (you mean the idea of guaranteed minimum income?)

Do you want government run medicine? Yes, in part. For those that can not get health AFFORDABLE insurance, there should be a government option - whether it's medicare expansion or something like single payer with those who can afford it purchasing private insurance - I'm open to ideas.

Do you want a media that only puts out what the government allows? Never. Where on earth do you get that idea?

Do you want 65-70% income taxes like Europe? Not sure. Depends on WHAT we get for our taxes.

Do you want to do away with police and the military? WTF? No.

Do you want Sharia law? WTF? No. Don't want Biblical law either.

Do you want abortion on demand as birth control? I want abortion to be legal and safe and private.

Do you want the government in every aspect of your life? You mean like in deciding who I marry or whether a homosexual couple can adopt a child or whether or not I have an abortion?

Do you want all history erased and replaced with government propaganda? No. Do you?

Do you want all religion banned? Of course not. Do you? (or...is not only some religions?)

Do you want free speech limited to government approved speech? Nope. But - free speech has limits...like, inciting riots or slander/libel and free speech doesn't apply to private property or business'.

Do you want the constitution rewritten or cancelled? No. I totally oppose movements calling for a "Constitutional Convention".

Do you want California and New York to decide our national elections? I think the system we have now has worked for a long time. Let's stick with it. Do you wish to exclude California and New York?

What exactly do you want this country to become? A diverse, prosperous and tolerant society. The same generous and many-faceted culture we've always been. I want to enjoy my tacos and General Tso chicken knowing they stand next door to each other. I want a country that values justice, equality of opportunity, education for all, and especially values humor. I would like to think we can respected and relied upon around the world, and that we stand true to our principles - free speech, freedom of religion, freedom to associate, a free media and the people's right to determine their own destiny.
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I find it comical that one of your Qs is "Do you want Shira Law ". Then the other is "Do you want to ban all religion ".

Those contradict each other .
I think Cato explains it best.

Cato's Mission

Today, those who subscribe to the principles of the American Revolution — individual liberty, limited government, the free market, and the rule of law — call themselves by a variety of terms, including conservative, libertarian, classical liberal, and liberal. We see problems with all of those terms. "Conservative" smacks of an unwillingness to change, of a desire to preserve the status quo. Only in America do people seem to refer to free-market capitalism — the most progressive, dynamic, and ever-changing system the world has ever known — as conservative. Additionally, many contemporary American conservatives favor state intervention in some areas, most notably in trade and into our private lives.

"Classical liberal" is a bit closer to the mark, but the word "classical" fails to capture the contemporary vibrancy of the ideas of freedom.

"Liberal" may well be the perfect word in most of the world — the liberals in societies from China to Iran to South Africa to Argentina tend to be supporters of human rights and free markets — but its meaning has clearly been altered in the contemporary United States.

The Jeffersonian philosophy that animates Cato's work has increasingly come to be called "libertarianism" or "market liberalism." It combines an appreciation for entrepreneurship, the market process, and lower taxes with strict respect for civil liberties and skepticism about the benefits of both the welfare state and foreign military adventurism.

This vision brings the wisdom of the American Founders to bear on the problems of today. As did the Founders, it looks to the future with optimism and excitement, eager to discover what great things women and men will do in the coming century. Market liberals appreciate the complexity of a great society, recognizing that socialism and government planning are just too clumsy for the modern world. It is — or used to be — the conventional wisdom that a more complex society needs more government, but the truth is just the opposite. The simpler the society, the less damage government planning does. Planning is cumbersome in an agricultural society, costly in an industrial economy, and impossible in the information age. Today collectivism and planning are outmoded and backward, a drag on social progress.

Libertarians have a cosmopolitan, inclusive vision for society. We applaud the progressive extension of the promises of the Declaration of Independence to more people, especially to women, African-Americans, religious minorities, and gay and lesbian people. Our greatest challenge today is to continue to extend the promise of political freedom and economic opportunity to those who are still denied it, in our own country and around the world.
Liberals (leftists, communists, marxists, freeloaders - all the same shit) have always believed that the U.S. is a country where there is always somebody else able to provide for them.
Yo! Redfish !

You dropped this turd of a thread here and we humored you by responding. As you are one of the least intelligent people here, I know how hard it was for you to type it all out. That's why I even gave you ten seconds. I like to encourage dummies to do better.

Now, come back and thank your superiors for giving you the facts that you so desperately need.
Liberals (leftists, communists, marxists, freeloaders - all the same shit) have always believed that the U.S. is a country where there is always somebody else able to provide for them.

And you believe we should be a country that allows the riches to rule over everyone else. Do you realize how fucked up your reality is? You reality pretty much says that we shouldn't work together and we should let everything fall apart until we're no better then a third world shit hole.

Guess, what civilization is all about working together and helping others.
Liberals (leftists, communists, marxists, freeloaders - all the same shit) have always believed that the U.S. is a country where there is always somebody else able to provide for them.

And you believe we should be a country that allows the riches to rule over everyone else. Do you realize how fucked up your reality is? You reality pretty much says that we shouldn't work together and we should let everything fall apart until we're no better then a third world shit hole.

Guess, what civilization is all about working together and helping others.
Absolutely. But you leftist clowns believe that helping others should be legislated.
The real dead beats are the ones that allow our water supply to be poisoned as they sit around with their fingers up their asses. The real dead beats don't do a damn thing to improve our educational system or to seek for better within our society.

The real scum are conservatives that live a lie and would have us living in our own shit whether then do what is right.
They won't be happy until Americans are as impoverished, starving, enslaved, and brainwashed as the average North Korean.

That is what you want.

Name a country in europe that has most of its population impoverished, starved or enslaved? You don't know shit about what you're talking about and you're the brainwashed one.
Liberals (leftists, communists, marxists, freeloaders - all the same shit) have always believed that the U.S. is a country where there is always somebody else able to provide for them.

And you believe we should be a country that allows the riches to rule over everyone else. Do you realize how fucked up your reality is? You reality pretty much says that we shouldn't work together and we should let everything fall apart until we're no better then a third world shit hole.

Guess, what civilization is all about working together and helping others.
I see you changed your screen name. What's up with that?
Left Wingers want marxist economics which enslaves the middle class to government.
Left Wingers want an amoral culture which always self destructs.

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