What is the medical status of current Covid vaccinations and boosters?

So no one on this thread knows anything about what these shots actually do inside your body? :eek:

I do.
The mRNA is absorbed into the ribosomes of our cells, and cause our cells to start growing spike proteins.
The idea being that instead of injecting dead pathogens like a normal vax does, they inject something that tries to get our own bodies to start growing a vax inside of us.
Very dangerous, since there is no control over quality or quantity.
Strangely enough none of that has happened either you dumb bitch.

It is well documented this mRNA vax is at least 10 times the adverse side effects of any real vaccine.
This is not the latest, so there have been more deaths since this.



A total of 81 articles analyzed confirmed cardiovascular complications post‐COVID‐19 mRNA vaccines in 17,636 individuals and reported 284 deaths with any mRNA vaccine. Of 17,636 cardiovascular events with any mRNA vaccine, 17,192 were observed with the BNT162b2 (Pfizer−BioNTech) vaccine, 444 events with mRNA‐1273 (Moderna). Thrombosis was frequently reported with any mRNA vaccine (n = 13,936), followed by stroke (n = 758), myocarditis (n = 511), myocardial infarction (n = 377), pulmonary embolism (n = 301), and arrhythmia (n = 254). Stratifying the results by vaccine type showed that thrombosis (80.8%) was common in the BNT162b2 cohort, while stroke (39.9%) was common with mRNA‐1273 for any dose. The time between the vaccination dosage and the first symptom onset averaged 5.6 and 4.8 days with the mRNA‐1273 vaccine and BNT162b2, respectively. The mRNA‐1273 cohort reported 56 deaths compared to the 228 with BNT162b2, while the rest were discharged or transferred to the ICU.
I was skeptical about the whole covid epidemic, but decided that I should get the vax anyway.
The idea being that if everyone did what they wanted, then nothing would work.
If anything is going to work, then everyone has to do it.
So I followed the herd and got the Moderna.
The first was fine.
The second almost killed me.
It started about 12 hours later, with my feet suddenly getting ice cold.
Within minutes was convulsively shaking so bad I could not stand up.
Nothing could get me warm.
Then every 4 hours I had to throw up.
The convulsions died down, but I was still cold, and was still throwing up for 2 days.
Then sick, weak, and memory loss for months.
Food for thought

The antivaxxers go to witch doctors and shamans and use vudu to 'shake it off, shake it off.'

What a bunch of mindlessly chatter chipmunks and chipmunkettes.
I was skeptical about the whole covid epidemic, but decided that I should get the vax anyway.
The idea being that if everyone did what they wanted, then nothing would work.
If anything is going to work, then everyone has to do it.
So I followed the herd and got the Moderna.
The first was fine.
The second almost killed me.
It started about 12 hours later, with my feet suddenly getting ice cold.
Within minutes was convulsively shaking so bad I could not stand up.
Nothing could get me warm.
Then every 4 hours I had to throw up.
The convulsions died down, but I was still cold, and was still throwing up for 2 days.
Then sick, weak, and memory loss for months.
Did you get lab work done to find out what you were ill from?
After all the bullshit our government fed us about vaccines, why would anyone ever believe anything they ever said again? I think all these new vaccines are bogus. MAGA
My brother in another state distant from mine is a doctor and was a pharmacist before that. He knows medicine inside out on a molecular level. He had seen over 400, 000 patients when doctors were notified to start recommending the COVID-19 vaccine. He recommended I take it and so did my doctor in my town. WOW!!! I was torn as my instincts told me not to but my brother loves me and we have a sincere and close relationship so I felt I should take the vax. He wouldn't give me wrong advice, after all.

I wrestled with the two forces, one feeling I shouldn't take the vax despite two well-respected doctors advising me to and the other, my instincts and research. I decided NOT to take the vax.

My brother and his wife took the vax as soon as it was available and within a few months, my brother contracted Covid-19. However, he had been working every day at his clinic and stopping in at the five nursing homes and two Hospice companies he was the Medical Director of where no one had been sick with COVID. All remained COVID-free after their vax, including my sister-in-law.

Fast forward, more than a year, I think, maybe more or less, my brother and I were emailing and I asked him if he was still recommending the vax to patients. This was just last week. Here is his response, verbatim:

"No, I am now very skeptical of the COVID-19 injections, especially with the cardiac complications. I am not recommending them until we get more definitive studies."

I know a lady in her early 70s who was in fit condition until she took the vax and boosters and has since contracted cancer. My husband took the one dose of J&J vax and soon after developed something he never had and that was eczema all around the vaccination site and up and down his arm from his elbow to his shoulder. Very severe too. He was prescribed a medicinal cream that helps control it but it will always come and go and I hope and pray that is his only side effect of the vax. He took no boosters.

I am still and shall remain, an anti-vaxxer and very healthy, as of this post
I do.
The mRNA is absorbed into the ribosomes of our cells, and cause our cells to start growing spike proteins.
The idea being that instead of injecting dead pathogens like a normal vax does, they inject something that tries to get our own bodies to start growing a vax inside of us.
Very dangerous, since there is no control over quality or quantity.
Nanotechnology self assembled
Yeah, it's better to get polio than the vaccine.

Touching, to see you care so much about my health.

Make sure you take all the recommended boosters and be the first in line for every brand new miracle vaccine that comes out.

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Aqua Athena, no vax is 100% free of reactions. None. Ever.

The point is that it does far more good than bad.

It's your choice, no one is forcing you.
Aqua Athena, no vax is 100% free of reactions. None. Ever.

The point is that it does far more good than bad.

It's your choice, no one is forcing you.
No, the point here is that the vax was originally going to prevent the transmission of COVID-19. FAIL!!!!! THEN it was supposed to make the symptoms milder if you took the vax. It was never supposed to kill you or cause you other debilitating diseases. It was approved too soon by the FDA. It is responsible for killing millions of people of all ages and still rages on in people who took the vaccine and boosters. Others just may be on borrowed time, others not. For me....that vaccine is not worth the risk as I have no other pre-existing health conditions. I would literally be willing to die sooner than later than to risk my life and limbs by taking the vaccine.

And stop talking down to people by stating
"It's your choice, no one is forcing you." Who doesn't know that!!!!!

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