What is the monetary system in Heaven?

What is the difference between the bottom level of heaven, and the top? I'm fascinated...
What is the difference between the bottom level of heaven, and the top? I'm fascinated...
Of course the obvious question here is how could we possibly know what heaven is like? We can see what heaven is not --it is not in our space time like maybe hidden under the Moon Titan or something.

That's no problem because our existence here and now transcends the mechanical space/time of our universe, so there are many forms of existence.

What I'm seeing is that we can believe in life after death if we want, but its precise nature most likely is far beyond our ability to comprehend.

So, if you're rich on Earth, do you get a better spot in Heaven?

If you're poor, and pray hard, can you upgrade your status in Heaven?
If you're rich on earth, you will likely have no place in God's Kingdom. Christ told you your heart is with the "riches" you accumulate. Better to store up riches in faith than material accumulation.
Well, you know, on one post I'm being told that there are levels in heaven based upon Earthly situations.

What are those situations?

And what are the differences in the heavenly levels?

So, if I start as an atheist, live my life well and help everyone that I can, I should go to heaven if it exists, right?

Do I have to spend my afterlife cleaning up poop from the higher levels above?
Or, because I'm a non-believer, I won't make it to heaven.

So then only Christians get to heaven... Who's on the bottom level then?
Because shite, if guilty priests can make it up there... That's not somewhere I want to be...
What I'm getting so far from this conversation, is that the more you donate during life to the Church, the higher level you will have in Heaven.

That may be the theory, though those that lived under it may disagree, but we're digressing and this thread's about our nature beyond our earthly lives.
I'm sorry, but I made the thread. And it's about the monetary system after our earthly lives. There's gotta be a system. Call it what you will, but it's probably very closely related to Communism. Meaning that there is no system. We share everything.

Unless this other BS that I'm hearing about levels in heaven is true... Because then... I'm outta the argument. I'm not going to argue that, because I don't want to be there if that's true.
I'm sorry, but I made the thread. And it's about the monetary system after our earthly lives. There's gotta be a system. Call it what you will, but it's probably very closely related to Communism. Meaning that there is no system. We share everything.

Unless this other BS that I'm hearing about levels in heaven is true... Because then... I'm outta the argument. I'm not going to argue that, because I don't want to be there if that's true.
If it's important to you then you can simply decide to believe that when we die we travel to a communist worker's paradise where all the evil capitalists are cast into eternal torment, but that would be your ideological decision.

My preference is to found my understanding on what is real, what we can sense around us, and what has been revealed in the sacred texts.

Are we still together on this?
Are there caste levels in heaven?

And if so, how do people achieve them?

That's my question. I don't know what the heck you're talking about... My argument is that there shouldn't be caste levels.
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When we die, as long as we're all good, we should be equal if an afterlife exists. But now I'm being told that there are different levels of heaven...
And some of the cocksuckers could potentially get into the higher levels of heaven, than people who are plain good.
So, if you're rich on Earth, do you get a better spot in Heaven?

If you're poor, and pray hard, can you upgrade your status in Heaven?
You'd have to have a physical form to need or want money. That is not an option in what you call " Heaven ".

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