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What is the monetary system in Heaven?

You have to understand the serious issues I have with that...
This is what I was thinking before, that this is important. The nature of heaven is from what we can put together here is that there'd have to be some kind of identity/diversity, that we could differentiate between ourselves and others. Another important point is that there'd have to be some kind of progress. My temptation is to say "infinite progress" but my personal guess is that in the next life there's no locality, no time nor space --the reason being is that in this universe they don't exist on the quantum level and the only reason we use the ideas in our daily lives is because they're useful to an extent.

The problem being that w/o locality, time, space so much becomes very VERY hard to understand. Like, we're setting aside cause and effect even. So what DOES this mean for us?
I think I hear you, and I have to agree with your question. I ponder it too a lot, and it makes no sense to me, so I continue to ask these questions in these threads. Even though I'm an atheist. Not to necessarily be a troll, but because I'm hoping to hear something that makes sense to me.
Gold is valuable because it's rare. Imagine a city nearly the size of the moon being made of gold. The metal's only value would be as construction material.
Gold is the worst construction material. It is soft and melts easily. There's only one reason for gold, and I don't know if you're ready for that answer yet..
No, I haven't done a world wide study of Christianity, but I did grow up steeped in Christianity, and I accepted all the customary premises of the religion as unquestionable fact. It was only when I did an indepth study of the bible with the intention of becoming a better Christian that I discovered so many contradictions, and horrendous actions that were condoned, or even commanded by the god of the Bible. Sincerity doesn't really figure into it. I Sincerily believed all I was taught. It was only after study that I saw how much I wasn't taught. I believe the people that have, and in many cases still do use the Bible to justify every vile belief they hold were and are sincere in their beliefs. As I said before, you can find something in the Bible to justify the claim that God supports anything you might want him to support.

Generally the word god is not capitalized unless it is referring to a specific god. If you were to say "thank you God" in a prayer, that would be capitalized because it is being used as a name. Saying "my god" does not call for a capital.

I have no complaints against Christianity in and of it's self, or the people who follow it. If it gives you comfort, and you think it helps you to make better moral choices, then that is a wonderful thing, and you should hold that close. I suspect that your sense of comfort might be less pronounced if you didn't just ignore the uncomfortable parts.
I felt the same way. And then I got into Sitchin in my 20's. And ancient astronaut theory after that. And suddenly, things began to make a lot more sense. I don't know about you, but try to learn a little about it if you haven't already, not just you but everyone. I'm going to make a thread again, soon. It would be great to hear thoughts and ideas about it. This has been a great thread! (except for the one who is ignored) Love you peeps!
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Your level of service in this life.
I agree, but still don't understand what the different tiers of heaven could be about. What's the difference between levels 1-x, with the top level being "god". Is it like super-hero powers that you get as you upgrade? Is it like Freemasonry, where there really isn't a difference? Or is it like a phone-app game, where you have to purchase upgrades with manna? :)
We should argue this again in Valhalla, 50 years from now when we're all dead and wasted on beer!
I think I hear you, and I have to agree with your question. I ponder it too a lot, and it makes no sense to me, so I continue to ask these questions in these threads. Even though I'm an atheist. Not to necessarily be a troll, but because I'm hoping to hear something that makes sense to me.
What is it that you don’t understand?
So I guess, pretty much all of us get very low-level status in Heaven. Because we're all bad. We wouldn't be here if we're good. We'll have to sweep the clouds of the heavenly poop rained down upon us every day.

Priests and other clergy, must be above us, taking "care" of children. But the lower clouds are meant for judges that allow or deny people into the castes of heaven.

So is Heaven a caste system? That's not cool... No way... I'm not into that...
Can you point to that in the Bible, because mine says the opposite. You are royalty. Does the child of a King start at the lowest level? Nope. He is pampered and spoiled from the day He arrives. How much more is our Heavenly Father:
So if you who are evil know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good things to those who ask Him! In everything, then, do to others as you would have them do to you.

This is your place in Heaven and when you return with Christ to earth:
And if you are Christ’s, then you are Abraham’s offspring, heirs according to promise. – Galatians 3:29
And your inheritance is based on nothing but your faith in Christ. Google the promises made to Abraham by God, to see some of what you are entitled to as the child of El Shaddai, the Mover of Mountains.

Behold what manner of love the Father has given to us, that we should be called children of God. And that is what we are! The reason the world does not know us is that it did not know Him
When you are reborn in Jesus, you are no longer a son of man, you are a Son of the Most High. Angels stand before God. You will sit with Him at His table. You are a King, a Saint, a Priest, and co-heir with Jesus and will rule and reign with Christ. You have a coronation scheduled on the day you arrive to receive various crowns for your works done for Christ's sake down here. Your life here is merely your basic training.

...we know that when Christ appears, we will be like Him, for we will see Him as He is.
God is no respecter of persons. When you accept the trade off < (your sin record vs Christ's pure record) that Christ offered you, to God, you look like the shinning light of His beloved Son, Jesus, and will be treated accordingly. You are co-heirs with your brother, Jesus, the Messiah, to everything God has created.
and if children, then heirs — heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ, if so it be that we suffer with Him, that we may be also glorified together

There is no lower level in Heaven, because "bad" doesn't enter Heaven. It is a sin free zone. Christ took all your "bad" to the cross and paid for it, and gave you His perfect record to enter Heaven with. It was His gift to you, because He loves you.
Accept the gift...
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Well other religious people in this thread have said that there is a caste system. You get a higher status in heaven, based on your earthly donations or beliefs... Not sure on that one... Because that would require some sort of monetary system, to show you are allowed more stuff than the average dude.

So I seriously disagree with that idea. I'm just saying what they were saying. I don't think there should be a difference. And i don't think there should be a monetary system in heaven, if it exists.
And, there aren't different levels of Heaven, based on Earthly donations or how many times you went to church. Because that's kinda silly...
Can you point to that in the Bible, because mine says the opposite. You are royalty. Does the child of a King start at the lowest level? Nope. He is pampered and spoiled from the day He arrives. How much more is our Heavenly Father:
So if you who are evil know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good things to those who ask Him! In everything, then, do to others as you would have them do to you.

This is your place in Heaven and when you return with Christ to earth:
And if you are Christ’s, then you are Abraham’s offspring, heirs according to promise. – Galatians 3:29
And your inheritance is based on nothing but your faith in Christ. Google the promises made to Abraham by God, to see some of what you are entitled to as the child of El Shaddai, the Mover of Mountains.

Behold what manner of love the Father has given to us, that we should be called children of God. And that is what we are! The reason the world does not know us is that it did not know Him
When you are reborn in Jesus, you are no longer a son of man, you are a Son of the Most High. Angels stand before God. You will sit with Him at His table. You are a King, a Saint, a Priest, and co-heir with Jesus and will rule and reign with Christ. You have a coronation scheduled on the day you arrive to receive various crowns for your works done for Christ's sake down here. Your life here is merely your basic training.

...we know that when Christ appears, we will be like Him, for we will see Him as He is.
God is no respecter of persons. When you accept the trade off < (your sin record vs Christ's pure record) that Christ offered you, to God, you look like the shinning light of His beloved Son, Jesus, and will be treated accordingly. You are co-heirs with your brother, Jesus, the Messiah, to everything God has created.
and if children, then heirs — heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ, if so it be that we suffer with Him, that we may be also glorified together

There is no lower level in Heaven, because "bad" doesn't enter Heaven. It is a sin free zone. Christ took all your "bad" to the cross and paid for it, and gave you His perfect record to enter Heaven with. It was His gift to you, because He loves you.
Accept the gift...
Thanks, this really needed to be said. It's unfortunate that all too many take the "we're all sinners" route but imho it just doesn't wash.
Well other religious people in this thread have said that there is a caste system. You get a higher status in heaven, based on your earthly donations or beliefs... Not sure on that one... Because that would require some sort of monetary system, to show you are allowed more stuff than the average dude.

So I seriously disagree with that idea. I'm just saying what they were saying. I don't think there should be a difference. And i don't think there should be a monetary system in heaven, if it exists.
Somehow the only way this can make sense to me is the idea that the (1) there is no life anywhere in this plane after death, and (2) any form of "existence" beyond our earthly times has to be so far advanced that we have no way of grasping it. A state w/o locality, w/o time/space, w/o state --but with far far greater constraints and far far greater freedom.

Somehow the only way this can make sense to me is the idea that the (1) there is no life anywhere in this plane after death, and (2) any form of "existence" beyond our earthly times has to be so far advanced that we have no way of grasping it. A state w/o locality, w/o time/space, w/o state --but with far far greater constraints and far far greater freedom.

I agree. Heaven definitely isn't a place that treats some people better than others, based on their physical amounts of belief. But, that's what they think... So the whole OP thing is mute in that case. That's how I roll. But others disagree and think that the amount they give to the church, gives them a right to a higher level in heaven. I'm not saying this, it was said in this thread multiple times by different people.

First of all, there is no God, and there is no Heaven. So this is all totally religious people saying that there is a caste system in "Heaven". And to have a caste system, there has to be some sort of financial system that determines who gets the better stuff.
...Heaven definitely isn't a place that treats some people better than others, based on their physical amounts of belief. But, that's what they think...
What I'm getting from u is that you think that others think wrong, but ur not saying what you think is true. In the past I've heard some say that "when ur dead ur dead" but that's like saying "a tree is a tree" --so is there some kind of persistence or awareness w/o or after our physical bodies? My own take is that we can't know, but what we do know is that our existence here and now is beyond time and space --your prefrontal lobes give u the power to live out alternative universes and then return here do chose what u want of your own free will.

Then again, u may want to say that it's all just nuts'n'bolts knocking around and our brains are making this up. Then you may be right but I intuitively see that as your choice while other paths are my choice.
...there is no God, and there is no Heaven...
--That's what u don't believe and it's my take that's nobody else believes in the God u don't believe in either --same goes for the Heaven u don't believe in. Meanwhile we're both physically alive right now & the question is what are we going to do about it? My personal preference is to consider the option of running around saying others are deluded to be a waste of time and my preference is to see a lot of truth in many places.

Sure, what others think is limited and unsupported by the facts, but it doesn't matter. My thinking is that it'd be more useful to figure out just what it is that the facts do support? The question we got is what is the nature of our own selves, our free will. Just how far do we transcend reality before we run up against our limitations?
Well other religious people in this thread have said that there is a caste system. You get a higher status in heaven, based on your earthly donations or beliefs... Not sure on that one... Because that would require some sort of monetary system, to show you are allowed more stuff than the average dude.

So I seriously disagree with that idea. I'm just saying what they were saying. I don't think there should be a difference. And i don't think there should be a monetary system in heaven, if it exists.
At our coronation we are all rewarded with our crown or crowns. These are the categories:
The crown of victory for all those who ran the good race while they were here, for Christ's sake.
The crown of rejoicing for those who have joy in Christ's righteousness.
The crown of righteousness for those who look forward to Christ's return.
The crown of glory for those who were given a flock and cared for them eagerly.
The crown of life for those who faithfully persevere in trial and tribulation.
Let me give you an example and see what you think about this person being worthy of a crown, that you and I may not qualify for:
There was a teenager in a school in Colorado with her whole life ahead of her. Another teenager stuck a gun in her chest and asked her if she believed in Christ. Knowing what was to come, she answered, "YES." Her reply cost her her life.
I will stand up and cheer that little girl for her crown of life. She deserves it. Do you think she's worthy, considering? I think you'd cheer for her too.

It is not a caste system. If you are in Heaven, you are already royalty. And our Father rewards good behavior in Heaven just like our fathers here on earth do. Did it bother you as a child to be rewarded with a allowance for doing your chores?
Did you ever go over and above on a project for your boss and get a bonus? Did it bother you that those who sat idly by while you worked your butt off did not receive a bonus too?

For every compassionate tear you shed, for every time you sacrifice something for the Lord (even giving something up for Lent). Even when you sing a hymn, God considers that a sacrifice of your time for Him. Whenever you say, "Thank God." you praise Him. Treasures are laid up for you by your Father when you get there.

Go get some crowns to go with your Royal status...
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So, if you're rich on Earth, do you get a better spot in Heaven?

If you're poor, and pray hard, can you upgrade your status in Heaven?

Why would you need money in heaven? What would you spend it on ? Certainly not on beer.

Remember the old proverb, "In Heaven there is no beer, that's why we drink it here"

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