What is the most gutsy thing that you have ever done?

I drove 50 minutes from home to a trail in the mountains during the pitch dark on Valentine's Day. I went to my friend's special place to talk to him after he passed away. The darkness unsettles me normally, but I was there all alone to remember him without fear. Maybe it was stupid, but I wanted to be there and I felt fearless after doing so.
Joined the Marines. Wisdom teeth? I had mine out in Parris Is. with two shots novocain and back to training chomping down on a hunk of gauze.
I have a total of eight teeth removed at one time is what I was saying about me and so I have no idea how a typical wisdom removal procedure feels because I didn't have one done.

God bless you always!!!

i hitchhiked alot when i was younger - i'd say it was both dumb AND gutsy
Bridge diving here. Not sure the height of them but one was high enough when I hit the water all my clothes tore off. And there were girls present. :cool: :auiqs.jpg:
And all the crown jewels were shown. You lucky devil.
I have a total of eight teeth removed at one time is what I was saying about me and so I have no idea how a typical wisdom removal procedure feels because I didn't have one done.

God bless you always!!!

Geez, it took almost an hour for my dentist to remove my tooth, I can't imagine how long it was for yours.
^^^ I honestly do not know how long it took to work on my mouth. I am just glad that I didn't wake up before the doctor was done because I used to work with a girl who went through that kind of horror when her wisdom removal procedure was done. She went to a different doctor and the word that I can't say did not give her enough of the sleeping medicine and what made her experience worse is that she was not put back to sleep for the remainder of what had to be done to her.

God bless you and her always!!!


P.S. Was there a lawsuit against her doctor? I do not think so.
Something foolish.

There is a creek near us, the hubby and I take walks down our country road to the small bridge that crosses over it a few times a week to see how the beaver dam is doing and to see if the farmer with property adjacent to the river has ripped it apart again....cuz it floods part of his farmland...but those busy beavers just rebuild it...!!!!

On the other side of the road bridge is all woods....

Matt and I decided to go down that side and take a stroll in to the woods following the river's edge...it was lovely! We could hear the trickles of the water running, flowers of water lillies floating in the water....just glorious.... We were having a grand old time in our adventure....

We came across this big tree that had this sap flowing out of it up high...maybe 6 or 7 feet high...it was still oozing and fresh... At first we thought nothing of it, then even thought maybe a deer scratched it or bull moose, with their antlers....

We just stood there and stared at it a bit....and I started to look around at other things and move onward... Then at about the same time my hubby is shouting at me to come back...I remembered a Discovery channel show I had just seen the prevous night about these certain trees that ooze a real sweet sap, that BLACK BEARS like when they scratch it with their paws my husband is shouting, those ain't no antlers, those are BEAR claw scratches...he grabs me, picks up a huge stick and is repeating walk walk walk walk as he is pushing me from behind for us to get out of the woods and back on to the road...!!! He kept the stick in his hand till we made it home...as if the stick could help us...hahaha!

He's 6'3" and I'm only 5'3" but I think he was more scared than I was....!!

We no longer take our walks without bear spray!! :)
Quit my job in Ohio, moved 1900 miles away to the Arizona desert where I'd never been before. With 21% mortgage rates I didn't feel like going through another winter being stuck in my apartment. Had little money and no job lined up but did have a degree and 5 years of COBOL programming experience.
That's nothing I yank a tooth out with nothing but a leather man multi tool and vodka
Steve Martin played that dentist in "Little Shop of Horrors" and Bill Murray played his masochistic patient. Maybe y'all went to the same school.
I once used a grocery coupon a day after it expired.
Quit my job in Ohio, moved 1900 miles away to the Arizona desert where I'd never been before. With 21% mortgage rates I didn't feel like going through another winter being stuck in my apartment. Had little money and no job lined up but did have a degree and 5 years of COBOL programming experience.
I can top that one.
I once used a grocery coupon a day after it expired.
Some places are nice enough to still take coupons.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. My local Burger King sometimes won't even take them and will still give you the deals. I've been told that the coupons are eventually thrown away at the end of the day.

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