What is the Possibility of Obama Declaring Martial Law and Suspending the 2016 Elections?

What is the Possibility of Obama Declaring Martial Law and Suspending the 2016 Elections?

  • 100%: It's happening baby (9/11 Insider I created this one for you)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 60%-99%: More likely to happen. Obama wants to king.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
I really don't think Our Kenyan President will run again.

I do believe it's not impossible that Soros might pull an Argentina and set up Moochelle to run instead. No term limit worry there! Possibly no country-of-birth argument either. But pliability? I dunno, she might just be a bit too far leftist even for Georgie. He does have money that could be confiscated in the name of equality....
It's not going to happen. Obama is more interested in being an Ex-President with all the perks and income opportunities than actually doing the job of President.
I know it sounds crazy and it's exactly what they other side was saying before Bush left office. However, I have never seen such a combative and do-it-by-myself President. He was like this when his party controlled Congress and had Pelosi and Reid as heads of both chambers of Congress. More than likely Democrats lose the senate in 2014. With both houses gone and the majority of states lead by Republicans, Obama might start to act more on his own. If he passes amnesty on his own, there will be chaos. ISIS could get an attack through and it would be chaos. A number of items could fall into his hands!

"Never let a good crisis go do waste."

Obama could use the crisis as a power grab and declare martial law. Soon thereafter he could use this power grab to suspend election and remain in power indefinitely. Presidents (not just Obama) have shown and ability to bypass Congress and act unilaterally. Imagine what a President could do if martial law was enacted and there was no elections!

I put this happening in the 5% realm of possibilities. I think Obama is a narcissist, but I think he has checked out and wants his reign to end.

I would count on it

Most Americans would welcome a third and forth term for our President


There is nothing in our Constitution that prohibits Obama from running for a third or forth term

I hope you are talking tongue and cheek, because that about as incorrect of a stated as one can make!

Point to where in the Constitution it prohibits a Kenyan from running for a third term

If it is not explicitly pointed out, he can run

I doubt Our Kenyan President has enough imagination to think of declaring Himself president for life but it's easy seeing the potential for George (sell out America for fun and profit) Soros perhaps ponying up enough bucks to make it happen. How? Maybe by funding some big enough riots in enough places that martial law would be but a penstroke (or phone call) away.

Don't rule out, though, the possibility of Moochelle taking on Hillary (or what mentally remains of the woman who was once Hillary) for the Demomarxist nomination....

No, I don't think that will happen but would not be at all surprised if it did.
More stupidity from the right.
I really don't think Our Kenyan President will run again.

I do believe it's not impossible that Soros might pull an Argentina and set up Moochelle to run instead. No term limit worry there! Possibly no country-of-birth argument either. But pliability? I dunno, she might just be a bit too far leftist even for Georgie. He does have money that could be confiscated in the name of equality....

The 'country of birth' argument regarding Obama was never particularly good. There's as much evidence he was born in orbit as born in Kenya.
  • I remember the day reagan kick it. The newscasters were lauding his praises, exclaiming on what a great man he was, and what a great President he was. I thought at the time, that although I had heard some singing his praises, it seemed that after he died, he apparently had grown about ten feet taller. He ruined the southeast when he did his "tax" thing, and the plants in our area closed and all the unemployment started. Seems like all the republicanites have short term memories.

    So, Reagan, by far, it the most overrated
Point to where in the Constitution it prohibits a Kenyan from running for a third term

If it is not explicitly pointed out, he can run
LMAO..point to where the constitution says kenyans can serve multiple terms.
see what I did there?
Doesn't have to

The Constitution is mute on the Constitutional rights of Kenyan citizens. As a Kenyan, President Obama is free to run for a third term until the issue works its way through the court system
What makes you think Kenyans citizens are not people?
IUC Exclusive The Duke was The Queen Of Hollywood
That's just plain stupid.
Crazies right and left and up and down like to accuse others of the stupidest things.
Point to where in the Constitution it prohibits a Kenyan from running for a third term

If it is not explicitly pointed out, he can run
LMAO..point to where the constitution says kenyans can serve multiple terms.
see what I did there?
Doesn't have to

The Constitution is mute on the Constitutional rights of Kenyan citizens. As a Kenyan, President Obama is free to run for a third term until the issue works its way through the court system
What makes you think Kenyans citizens are not people?
IUC Exclusive The Duke was The Queen Of Hollywood
That's just plain stupid.
yes, your post is...
I know it sounds crazy and it's exactly what they other side was saying before Bush left office.

Link, please?

He won't be able to find one, cuz it never happened.

NEVER, say never.

Read the comments:

POLL When Will George W. Bush Leave Office The BRAD BLOG

Here is another:

Will Bush Declare A “National Emergency” And Stay In Office?
thanks could not find them!
I know it sounds crazy and it's exactly what they other side was saying before Bush left office.

Link, please?

He won't be able to find one, cuz it never happened.

NEVER, say never.

Read the comments:

POLL When Will George W. Bush Leave Office The BRAD BLOG

Here is another:

Will Bush Declare A “National Emergency” And Stay In Office?
thanks could not find them!

Oh it is my pleasure. Now all we need do is wait for the apologizes.
I know it sounds crazy and it's exactly what they other side was saying before Bush left office.

Link, please?

He won't be able to find one, cuz it never happened.

NEVER, say never.

Read the comments:

POLL When Will George W. Bush Leave Office The BRAD BLOG

Here is another:

Will Bush Declare A “National Emergency” And Stay In Office?
thanks could not find them!

Oh it is my pleasure. Now all we need do is wait for the apologizes.
I'll get the beer!
Point to where in the Constitution it prohibits a Kenyan from running for a third term

If it is not explicitly pointed out, he can run
LMAO..point to where the constitution says kenyans can serve multiple terms.
see what I did there?
Doesn't have to

The Constitution is mute on the Constitutional rights of Kenyan citizens. As a Kenyan, President Obama is free to run for a third term until the issue works its way through the court system
What makes you think Kenyans citizens are not people?
IUC Exclusive The Duke was The Queen Of Hollywood
That's just plain stupid.
yes, your post is...
Love it when children use i know you are but what am I arguments. Back to the playground little boy.

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