What is the Possibility of Obama Declaring Martial Law and Suspending the 2016 Elections?

What is the Possibility of Obama Declaring Martial Law and Suspending the 2016 Elections?

  • 100%: It's happening baby (9/11 Insider I created this one for you)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 60%-99%: More likely to happen. Obama wants to king.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
I know it sounds crazy and it's exactly what they other side was saying before Bush left office. However, I have never seen such a combative and do-it-by-myself President. He was like this when his party controlled Congress and had Pelosi and Reid as heads of both chambers of Congress. More than likely Democrats lose the senate in 2014. With both houses gone and the majority of states lead by Republicans, Obama might start to act more on his own. If he passes amnesty on his own, there will be chaos. ISIS could get an attack through and it would be chaos. A number of items could fall into his hands!

"Never let a good crisis go do waste."

Obama could use the crisis as a power grab and declare martial law. Soon thereafter he could use this power grab to suspend election and remain in power indefinitely. Presidents (not just Obama) have shown and ability to bypass Congress and act unilaterally. Imagine what a President could do if martial law was enacted and there was no elections!

I put this happening in the 5% realm of possibilities. I think Obama is a narcissist, but I think he has checked out and wants his reign to end.

I would count on it

Most Americans would welcome a third and forth term for our President


There is nothing in our Constitution that prohibits Obama from running for a third or forth term

I hope you are talking tongue and cheek, because that about as incorrect of a stated as one can make!
I'm sure our president will run for a third term and win overwhelmingly again

Not bad for an "empty chair"

hahahahahahaahaha..I'll bet you my house and jeep that he doesn't.

3rd term..LMAO..You're either severely mentally disabled.... absolutely clueless about the constitution....or you're a clown and an agitator. One of the three..maybe all three..

*Pro Tip*
22nd amendment.

The 22nd amendment only applies to US citizens. As a Kenyan, President Obama is free to run as many times as he wants

Where in the Constitution does it prohibit Kenyans from running for multiple terms?
Hint: There is another amendment that prohibits that smokey!
I know it sounds crazy and it's exactly what they other side was saying before Bush left office. However, I have never seen such a combative and do-it-by-myself President. He was like this when his party controlled Congress and had Pelosi and Reid as heads of both chambers of Congress. More than likely Democrats lose the senate in 2014. With both houses gone and the majority of states lead by Republicans, Obama might start to act more on his own. If he passes amnesty on his own, there will be chaos. ISIS could get an attack through and it would be chaos. A number of items could fall into his hands!

"Never let a good crisis go do waste."

Obama could use the crisis as a power grab and declare martial law. Soon thereafter he could use this power grab to suspend election and remain in power indefinitely. Presidents (not just Obama) have shown and ability to bypass Congress and act unilaterally. Imagine what a President could do if martial law was enacted and there was no elections!

I put this happening in the 5% realm of possibilities. I think Obama is a narcissist, but I think he has checked out and wants his reign to end.

I would count on it

Most Americans would welcome a third and forth term for our President


There is nothing in our Constitution that prohibits Obama from running for a third or forth term

I hope you are talking tongue and cheek, because that about as incorrect of a stated as one can make!

Point to where in the Constitution it prohibits a Kenyan from running for a third term

If it is not explicitly pointed out, he can run
I know it sounds crazy and it's exactly what they other side was saying before Bush left office. However, I have never seen such a combative and do-it-by-myself President. He was like this when his party controlled Congress and had Pelosi and Reid as heads of both chambers of Congress. More than likely Democrats lose the senate in 2014. With both houses gone and the majority of states lead by Republicans, Obama might start to act more on his own. If he passes amnesty on his own, there will be chaos. ISIS could get an attack through and it would be chaos. A number of items could fall into his hands!

"Never let a good crisis go do waste."

Obama could use the crisis as a power grab and declare martial law. Soon thereafter he could use this power grab to suspend election and remain in power indefinitely. Presidents (not just Obama) have shown and ability to bypass Congress and act unilaterally. Imagine what a President could do if martial law was enacted and there was no elections!

I put this happening in the 5% realm of possibilities. I think Obama is a narcissist, but I think he has checked out and wants his reign to end.

I would count on it

Most Americans would welcome a third and forth term for our President


There is nothing in our Constitution that prohibits Obama from running for a third or forth term

I hope you are talking tongue and cheek, because that about as incorrect of a stated as one can make!

Point to where in the Constitution it prohibits a Kenyan from running for a third term

If it is not explicitly pointed out, he can run

^ Retard thinks Kenyans are not persons.
The way Obama, Holder, and Sharpton are ramping up the black/white race division.

There could easily be a nation wide race riot in all of the major cities over a police shooting or beating of a black suspect.

Forcing Obama to put on hold the up coming election and declare Martial Law.

And the Obamabot liberals will say it's the right thing to do. ...... :cool:

Oh, balderdash!

You people (what do you mean YOU people?) are full of it. You secretly wish this would happen so that your racist prophesies would be fulfilled.

Thank god very few people actually want this to happen.

I think have stated I think it has <5% chance of happening, which I think that would be in line with most other Presidents in my lifetime. And I don't openly or secretly pray for it! If he did make this power grab, there would have to be a catastrophic catalyst (like a large scale terrorist attack), their would be a police state and life wouldn't be so peachy.

Again, I don't think it's going to happen. First, I think Obama is counting the days down and WANTS to leave office to start making his millions to hear his own voice. Second, I think he is a narcissist, but not really evil. It would take an evil person to do this. Third, I think he is too incompetent to pull off such a large feat!
Point to where in the Constitution it prohibits a Kenyan from running for a third term

If it is not explicitly pointed out, he can run
LMAO..point to where the constitution says kenyans can serve multiple terms.
see what I did there?
hahahahahaha ..right..hahahaha..I know you're just a hyperpartisan agitator...so does everyone else.

I wish obama would try it, though...but not for the reason you claim..

If he did, it would be the last straw so to speak and hasten the collapse. Then we could get on with rebuilding a new, smaller nation out of the rubble.

Not a student of history, I see.
Point to where in the Constitution it prohibits a Kenyan from running for a third term

If it is not explicitly pointed out, he can run
LMAO..point to where the constitution says kenyans can serve multiple terms.
see what I did there?
Doesn't have to

The Constitution is mute on the Constitutional rights of Kenyan citizens. As a Kenyan, President Obama is free to run for a third term until the issue works its way through the court system
Point to where in the Constitution it prohibits a Kenyan from running for a third term

If it is not explicitly pointed out, he can run
LMAO..point to where the constitution says kenyans can serve multiple terms.
see what I did there?
Doesn't have to

The Constitution is mute on the Constitutional rights of Kenyan citizens. As a Kenyan, President Obama is free to run for a third term until the issue works its way through the court system
sure...sure..whatever you say...
see ya
Point to where in the Constitution it prohibits a Kenyan from running for a third term

If it is not explicitly pointed out, he can run
LMAO..point to where the constitution says kenyans can serve multiple terms.
see what I did there?
Doesn't have to

The Constitution is mute on the Constitutional rights of Kenyan citizens. As a Kenyan, President Obama is free to run for a third term until the issue works its way through the court system
What makes you think Kenyans citizens are not people?
I'm sure our president will run for a third term and win overwhelmingly again

Not bad for an "empty chair"

hahahahahahaahaha..I'll bet you my house and jeep that he doesn't.

3rd term..LMAO..You're either severely mentally disabled.... absolutely clueless about the constitution....or you're a clown and an agitator. One of the three..maybe all three..

*Pro Tip*
22nd amendment.
so stupid you can't tell when you're being punked!
I know it sounds crazy and it's exactly what they other side was saying before Bush left office. However, I have never seen such a combative and do-it-by-myself President. He was like this when his party controlled Congress and had Pelosi and Reid as heads of both chambers of Congress. More than likely Democrats lose the senate in 2014. With both houses gone and the majority of states lead by Republicans, Obama might start to act more on his own. If he passes amnesty on his own, there will be chaos. ISIS could get an attack through and it would be chaos. A number of items could fall into his hands!

"Never let a good crisis go do waste."

Obama could use the crisis as a power grab and declare martial law. Soon thereafter he could use this power grab to suspend election and remain in power indefinitely. Presidents (not just Obama) have shown and ability to bypass Congress and act unilaterally. Imagine what a President could do if martial law was enacted and there was no elections!

I put this happening in the 5% realm of possibilities. I think Obama is a narcissist, but I think he has checked out and wants his reign to end.

I would count on it

Most Americans would welcome a third and forth term for our President


There is nothing in our Constitution that prohibits Obama from running for a third or forth term

Perhaps, but there is 'US' who can sure prevent it, and will

oh no! the appeal to the masses ploy!
I know it sounds crazy and it's exactly what they other side was saying before Bush left office. However, I have never seen such a combative and do-it-by-myself President. He was like this when his party controlled Congress and had Pelosi and Reid as heads of both chambers of Congress. More than likely Democrats lose the senate in 2014. With both houses gone and the majority of states lead by Republicans, Obama might start to act more on his own. If he passes amnesty on his own, there will be chaos. ISIS could get an attack through and it would be chaos. A number of items could fall into his hands!

"Never let a good crisis go do waste."

Obama could use the crisis as a power grab and declare martial law. Soon thereafter he could use this power grab to suspend election and remain in power indefinitely. Presidents (not just Obama) have shown and ability to bypass Congress and act unilaterally. Imagine what a President could do if martial law was enacted and there was no elections!

I put this happening in the 5% realm of possibilities. I think Obama is a narcissist, but I think he has checked out and wants his reign to end.

I would count on it

Most Americans would welcome a third and forth term for our President


There is nothing in our Constitution that prohibits Obama from running for a third or forth term

Funny how democrats are wrong about everything. The Twenty Second Amendment to the constitution states:
No person shall be elected to the office of the President more than twice, and no person who has held the office of President, or acted as President, for more than two years of a term to which some other person was elected President shall be elected to the office of the President more than once. But this article shall not apply to any person holding the office of President when this article was proposed by the Congress, and shall not prevent any person who may be holding the office of President, or acting as President, during the term within which this article becomes operative from holding the office of President or acting as President during the remainder of such term.

I assume Obama is a person. Limp wrist-ed person, but a person none-the-less.
another asshat making false assumptions ...

I would count on it

Most Americans would welcome a third and forth term for our President

hahahahahaha ..right..hahahaha..I know you're just a hyperpartisan agitator...so does everyone else.

I wish obama would try it, though...but not for the reason you claim..

If he did, it would be the last straw so to speak and hasten the collapse. Then we could get on with rebuilding a new, smaller nation out of the rubble.

I'm sure our president will run for a third term and win overwhelmingly again

Not bad for an "empty chair"

And then as green sludge, Obama will take over the whole wide world, as purple sludge says in an incredulous voice, "WWWuuuuutttttt?"
Point to where in the Constitution it prohibits a Kenyan from running for a third term

If it is not explicitly pointed out, he can run
LMAO..point to where the constitution says kenyans can serve multiple terms.
see what I did there?
Doesn't have to

The Constitution is mute on the Constitutional rights of Kenyan citizens. As a Kenyan, President Obama is free to run for a third term until the issue works its way through the court system
What makes you think Kenyans citizens are not people?
IUC Exclusive The Duke was The Queen Of Hollywood

I would count on it

Most Americans would welcome a third and forth term for our President

hahahahahaha ..right..hahahaha..I know you're just a hyperpartisan agitator...so does everyone else.

I wish obama would try it, though...but not for the reason you claim..

If he did, it would be the last straw so to speak and hasten the collapse. Then we could get on with rebuilding a new, smaller nation out of the rubble.

I'm sure our president will run for a third term and win overwhelmingly again

Not bad for an "empty chair"

And then as green sludge, Obama will take over the whole wide world, as purple sludge says in an incredulous voice, "WWWuuuuutttttt?"

This wont happen because Obama is not smart enough to form a plan. Hell, he still cant figure out why there are 19 holes at the golf course. :badgrin:


I remember that Reagan went golfing the day after the Marines were blown up in Lebanon.
Caught in another lie Fakey Jakey. Read it and weep. You liberals lie almost as much as your POS president does.

Did Ronald Reagan Actually Go Golfing The Day After The Beirut Bombing In 1983

because the NET says it its automatically true.:rofl: its common knowledge he DID.:rolleyes-41: Thats why Crusader Retard hates jake so much.He hates it when Jake exposes the truth about his hero, and idol he worships.This is why Obama said he wanted to be like reagan in his inaguaration speech.He admired his fellow mass murderer Reagan and the way he betrayed americans.Obozo has done an EXCELLENT job following his footsteps shitting on the constituion and a traiter to americans just as his hero reagan did.two peas in a pod.:up:
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got to cross my fingers crusader retard doesnt see this.He'll go into meltdown mode knowing the truth about his hero mass murderer and his cousin reagan is being exposed for the corrupt bastard he was.:biggrin:
This wont happen because Obama is not smart enough to form a plan. Hell, he still cant figure out why there are 19 holes at the golf course. :badgrin:


I remember that Reagan went golfing the day after the Marines were blown up in Lebanon.
yep,the reaganut zombies like to pretend it never happened problem is they werent there,we were and remember it.hee hee.

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