Then you most likely won't learn anything from it.
I don't understand.
How does the universe having no purpose mean that I can't learn anything from it?

You are the universe. Your problem is not to learn from you - your problem is to learn at all - specially because you are a member of the anglo-american part of the universe, where it seems to me to win a cup of the own shit is thousands and millions times more worthful than to lose wrong thoughts, imaginations and ideas. The world you are living in is unbelievable intentional ignorant, unbelievable agressive arrogant and unbelievable fat and nevertheless the same time unbelievable hungry. "You" are doing continiously wars, "you" have to many weapons - even weapons for wars - in the civil society, to many people are in prisons ... I can see a nearly endless stream of problems ... You may learn a lot - but what can you really learn? How to make a pi-bill out of natural laws? Or how to create with laws a more perfect system of injustice? Or how to make wars out of every communication - for example about the most simple laws and facts of physics? ... Be happy if the purpose of the universe is it not to teach the USA anything ...

The universe doesn't care what you do.

In this way thinks every criminal. And indeed the universe seems not to know what justice is. The sun shines for everyone.

That might cause you discomfort but that's just a fact.

Some call it "discomfort" - others "an interesting adventure". So if you could give me any explanation or idea, why not only nothing is existing, then I would be interested to hear this idea. Why exist structures (your thoughts for example) ? Why exists not only nothing? And whatever the reason for this wonder of all wonders could be: is it really plausible to think it's without purpose?

I never said nothing exists...I said that the universe exists for no purpose.
Why should it have a purpose?

Because it is. My father for example was famous for his intuitive talent to be able to make out of everything what seemed to be worthless something what's more worthful. I guess this means nothing is worthless what exists. If nothing is worthless then I guess this means somehow also everything makes sense. The only problem we have is to see this sense.

Maybe it just exists to fill in a big gap.

But what's with the big gap? Why exists it? And why not to build a rainbow over this chasm and to step over?

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"Purpose" is something humans experience. No humans, no purpose.
If there was no purpose, then there would be no order.

order: the arrangement or disposition of people or things in relation to each other according to a particular sequence, pattern, or method.

method: a particular form of procedure for accomplishing or approaching something, especially a systematic or established one.
Why do you assume there is order?
Things are destroyed and created every moment.
We know it was created. Without a shadow of doubt we know the universe had a beginning.

"Creation" and "beginning are not synonymous. Again, we can employ a poetic term to a situation as a metaphor, but we run the risk that readers who lack penetrating thought may take it literally. Religious fanatics do this to the extreme. Did Jesus really mean one should put out one's eye or cut off one's arm? Obviously, he was presenting such an unacceptable contrast in order to provoke thought. Obvious, that is, to objective thought. Of course, that is only objective in the context of a being's thought processes. There is no verifiable 'thought' going on anywhere outside the head of a human.
"Purpose" is something humans experience. No humans, no purpose.
If there was no purpose, then there would be no order.

order: the arrangement or disposition of people or things in relation to each other according to a particular sequence, pattern, or method.

method: a particular form of procedure for accomplishing or approaching something, especially a systematic or established one.
Why do you assume there is order?
Things are destroyed and created every moment.
We know it was created. Without a shadow of doubt we know the universe had a beginning.

"Creation" and "beginning are not synonymous. Again, we can employ a poetic term to a situation as a metaphor, but we run the risk that readers who lack penetrating thought may take it literally. Religious fanatics do this to the extreme. Did Jesus really mean one should put out one's eye or cut off one's arm? Obviously, he was presenting such an unacceptable contrast in order to provoke thought. Obvious, that is, to objective thought. Of course, that is only objective in the context of a being's thought processes. There is no verifiable 'thought' going on anywhere outside the head of a human.
Right. Which is why Jesus taught to not rationalize sin but instead to die to self to see objective reality thus releasing the power sin holds over us and allowing us to learn, grow and evolve. It is entirely possible to be objective and when one does, the rewards in this life are huge.
"Purpose" is something humans experience. No humans, no purpose.
If there was no purpose, then there would be no order.

order: the arrangement or disposition of people or things in relation to each other according to a particular sequence, pattern, or method.

method: a particular form of procedure for accomplishing or approaching something, especially a systematic or established one.
Why do you assume there is order?
Things are destroyed and created every moment.
We know it was created. Without a shadow of doubt we know the universe had a beginning.

"Creation" and "beginning are not synonymous. Again, we can employ a poetic term to a situation as a metaphor, but we run the risk that readers who lack penetrating thought may take it literally. Religious fanatics do this to the extreme. Did Jesus really mean one should put out one's eye or cut off one's arm? Obviously, he was presenting such an unacceptable contrast in order to provoke thought. Obvious, that is, to objective thought. Of course, that is only objective in the context of a being's thought processes. There is no verifiable 'thought' going on anywhere outside the head of a human.
Right. Which is why Jesus taught to not rationalize sin but instead to die to self to see objective reality thus releasing the power sin holds over us and allowing us to learn, grow and evolve. It is entirely possible to be objective and when one does, the rewards in this life are huge.
So you can sin, but need to realize your sin. I prefer the one where Jesus dies on the cross for my sins, releasing me from any consequences with the Big Guy. Much simpler.
If there was no purpose, then there would be no order.

order: the arrangement or disposition of people or things in relation to each other according to a particular sequence, pattern, or method.

method: a particular form of procedure for accomplishing or approaching something, especially a systematic or established one.
Why do you assume there is order?
Things are destroyed and created every moment.
We know it was created. Without a shadow of doubt we know the universe had a beginning.

"Creation" and "beginning are not synonymous. Again, we can employ a poetic term to a situation as a metaphor, but we run the risk that readers who lack penetrating thought may take it literally. Religious fanatics do this to the extreme. Did Jesus really mean one should put out one's eye or cut off one's arm? Obviously, he was presenting such an unacceptable contrast in order to provoke thought. Obvious, that is, to objective thought. Of course, that is only objective in the context of a being's thought processes. There is no verifiable 'thought' going on anywhere outside the head of a human.
Right. Which is why Jesus taught to not rationalize sin but instead to die to self to see objective reality thus releasing the power sin holds over us and allowing us to learn, grow and evolve. It is entirely possible to be objective and when one does, the rewards in this life are huge.
So you can sin, but need to realize your sin. I prefer the one where Jesus dies on the cross for my sins, releasing me from any consequences with the Big Guy. Much simpler.
I would have been shocked if you had seen it any other way.
Why do you assume there is order?
Things are destroyed and created every moment.
We know it was created. Without a shadow of doubt we know the universe had a beginning.

"Creation" and "beginning are not synonymous. Again, we can employ a poetic term to a situation as a metaphor, but we run the risk that readers who lack penetrating thought may take it literally. Religious fanatics do this to the extreme. Did Jesus really mean one should put out one's eye or cut off one's arm? Obviously, he was presenting such an unacceptable contrast in order to provoke thought. Obvious, that is, to objective thought. Of course, that is only objective in the context of a being's thought processes. There is no verifiable 'thought' going on anywhere outside the head of a human.
Right. Which is why Jesus taught to not rationalize sin but instead to die to self to see objective reality thus releasing the power sin holds over us and allowing us to learn, grow and evolve. It is entirely possible to be objective and when one does, the rewards in this life are huge.
So you can sin, but need to realize your sin. I prefer the one where Jesus dies on the cross for my sins, releasing me from any consequences with the Big Guy. Much simpler.
I would have been shocked if you had seen it any other way.
I'm one of the only people here who goes by what the bible says.
We know it was created. Without a shadow of doubt we know the universe had a beginning.

"Creation" and "beginning are not synonymous. Again, we can employ a poetic term to a situation as a metaphor, but we run the risk that readers who lack penetrating thought may take it literally. Religious fanatics do this to the extreme. Did Jesus really mean one should put out one's eye or cut off one's arm? Obviously, he was presenting such an unacceptable contrast in order to provoke thought. Obvious, that is, to objective thought. Of course, that is only objective in the context of a being's thought processes. There is no verifiable 'thought' going on anywhere outside the head of a human.
Right. Which is why Jesus taught to not rationalize sin but instead to die to self to see objective reality thus releasing the power sin holds over us and allowing us to learn, grow and evolve. It is entirely possible to be objective and when one does, the rewards in this life are huge.
So you can sin, but need to realize your sin. I prefer the one where Jesus dies on the cross for my sins, releasing me from any consequences with the Big Guy. Much simpler.
I would have been shocked if you had seen it any other way.
I'm one of the only people here who goes by what the bible says.
I think you must be confused about what the Bible says about homosexuality.
If there was no purpose, then there would be no order.

order: the arrangement or disposition of people or things in relation to each other according to a particular sequence, pattern, or method.

method: a particular form of procedure for accomplishing or approaching something, especially a systematic or established one.
Why do you assume there is order?
Things are destroyed and created every moment.
We know it was created. Without a shadow of doubt we know the universe had a beginning.

"Creation" and "beginning are not synonymous. Again, we can employ a poetic term to a situation as a metaphor, but we run the risk that readers who lack penetrating thought may take it literally. Religious fanatics do this to the extreme. Did Jesus really mean one should put out one's eye or cut off one's arm? Obviously, he was presenting such an unacceptable contrast in order to provoke thought. Obvious, that is, to objective thought. Of course, that is only objective in the context of a being's thought processes. There is no verifiable 'thought' going on anywhere outside the head of a human.
Right. Which is why Jesus taught to not rationalize sin but instead to die to self to see objective reality thus releasing the power sin holds over us and allowing us to learn, grow and evolve. It is entirely possible to be objective and when one does, the rewards in this life are huge.
So you can sin, but need to realize your sin. I prefer the one where Jesus dies on the cross for my sins, releasing me from any consequences with the Big Guy. Much simpler.

How incredibly ill-informed, pedantic, and childish your view of the world seems to be.
"Creation" and "beginning are not synonymous. Again, we can employ a poetic term to a situation as a metaphor, but we run the risk that readers who lack penetrating thought may take it literally. Religious fanatics do this to the extreme. Did Jesus really mean one should put out one's eye or cut off one's arm? Obviously, he was presenting such an unacceptable contrast in order to provoke thought. Obvious, that is, to objective thought. Of course, that is only objective in the context of a being's thought processes. There is no verifiable 'thought' going on anywhere outside the head of a human.
Right. Which is why Jesus taught to not rationalize sin but instead to die to self to see objective reality thus releasing the power sin holds over us and allowing us to learn, grow and evolve. It is entirely possible to be objective and when one does, the rewards in this life are huge.
So you can sin, but need to realize your sin. I prefer the one where Jesus dies on the cross for my sins, releasing me from any consequences with the Big Guy. Much simpler.
I would have been shocked if you had seen it any other way.
I'm one of the only people here who goes by what the bible says.
I think you must be confused about what the Bible says about homosexuality.
What do you know? You don't take the bible literally, you make up your own meanings.
Why do you assume there is order?
Things are destroyed and created every moment.
We know it was created. Without a shadow of doubt we know the universe had a beginning.

"Creation" and "beginning are not synonymous. Again, we can employ a poetic term to a situation as a metaphor, but we run the risk that readers who lack penetrating thought may take it literally. Religious fanatics do this to the extreme. Did Jesus really mean one should put out one's eye or cut off one's arm? Obviously, he was presenting such an unacceptable contrast in order to provoke thought. Obvious, that is, to objective thought. Of course, that is only objective in the context of a being's thought processes. There is no verifiable 'thought' going on anywhere outside the head of a human.
Right. Which is why Jesus taught to not rationalize sin but instead to die to self to see objective reality thus releasing the power sin holds over us and allowing us to learn, grow and evolve. It is entirely possible to be objective and when one does, the rewards in this life are huge.
So you can sin, but need to realize your sin. I prefer the one where Jesus dies on the cross for my sins, releasing me from any consequences with the Big Guy. Much simpler.

How incredibly ill-informed, pedantic, and childish your view of the world seems to be.
Got that from the bible.
Right. Which is why Jesus taught to not rationalize sin but instead to die to self to see objective reality thus releasing the power sin holds over us and allowing us to learn, grow and evolve. It is entirely possible to be objective and when one does, the rewards in this life are huge.
So you can sin, but need to realize your sin. I prefer the one where Jesus dies on the cross for my sins, releasing me from any consequences with the Big Guy. Much simpler.
I would have been shocked if you had seen it any other way.
I'm one of the only people here who goes by what the bible says.
I think you must be confused about what the Bible says about homosexuality.
What do you know? You don't take the bible literally, you make up your own meanings.
I'm in good company.

Chris Langan:
You have to prove that the universe is a self-referential system. Then you have to examine the attributes of this system, analyze the system to determine how it behaves. It turns out that in certain ways it behaves mentally like a mind. The natural question to ask then is: whose mind are we talking about? The answer to that question is the mind of God.

Chris Langan:
I believe in the theory of evolution, but I believe as well in the allegorical truth of creation theory. In other words, I believe that evolution, including the principle of natural selection, is one of the tools used by God to create mankind. Mankind is then a participant in the creation of the universe itself, so that we have a closed loop. I believe that there is a level on which science and religious metaphor are mutually compatible.
We know it was created. Without a shadow of doubt we know the universe had a beginning.

"Creation" and "beginning are not synonymous. Again, we can employ a poetic term to a situation as a metaphor, but we run the risk that readers who lack penetrating thought may take it literally. Religious fanatics do this to the extreme. Did Jesus really mean one should put out one's eye or cut off one's arm? Obviously, he was presenting such an unacceptable contrast in order to provoke thought. Obvious, that is, to objective thought. Of course, that is only objective in the context of a being's thought processes. There is no verifiable 'thought' going on anywhere outside the head of a human.
Right. Which is why Jesus taught to not rationalize sin but instead to die to self to see objective reality thus releasing the power sin holds over us and allowing us to learn, grow and evolve. It is entirely possible to be objective and when one does, the rewards in this life are huge.
So you can sin, but need to realize your sin. I prefer the one where Jesus dies on the cross for my sins, releasing me from any consequences with the Big Guy. Much simpler.

How incredibly ill-informed, pedantic, and childish your view of the world seems to be.
Got that from the bible.
No. I'm pretty sure he got it from observing your behavior.
This is an example of disorder in nature...

So you can sin, but need to realize your sin. I prefer the one where Jesus dies on the cross for my sins, releasing me from any consequences with the Big Guy. Much simpler.
I would have been shocked if you had seen it any other way.
I'm one of the only people here who goes by what the bible says.
I think you must be confused about what the Bible says about homosexuality.
What do you know? You don't take the bible literally, you make up your own meanings.
I'm in good company.

Chris Langan:
You have to prove that the universe is a self-referential system. Then you have to examine the attributes of this system, analyze the system to determine how it behaves. It turns out that in certain ways it behaves mentally like a mind. The natural question to ask then is: whose mind are we talking about? The answer to that question is the mind of God.

Chris Langan:
I believe in the theory of evolution, but I believe as well in the allegorical truth of creation theory. In other words, I believe that evolution, including the principle of natural selection, is one of the tools used by God to create mankind. Mankind is then a participant in the creation of the universe itself, so that we have a closed loop. I believe that there is a level on which science and religious metaphor are mutually compatible.
They both make no sense. Now you know.
"Creation" and "beginning are not synonymous. Again, we can employ a poetic term to a situation as a metaphor, but we run the risk that readers who lack penetrating thought may take it literally. Religious fanatics do this to the extreme. Did Jesus really mean one should put out one's eye or cut off one's arm? Obviously, he was presenting such an unacceptable contrast in order to provoke thought. Obvious, that is, to objective thought. Of course, that is only objective in the context of a being's thought processes. There is no verifiable 'thought' going on anywhere outside the head of a human.
Right. Which is why Jesus taught to not rationalize sin but instead to die to self to see objective reality thus releasing the power sin holds over us and allowing us to learn, grow and evolve. It is entirely possible to be objective and when one does, the rewards in this life are huge.
So you can sin, but need to realize your sin. I prefer the one where Jesus dies on the cross for my sins, releasing me from any consequences with the Big Guy. Much simpler.

How incredibly ill-informed, pedantic, and childish your view of the world seems to be.
Got that from the bible.
No. I'm pretty sure he got it from observing your behavior.
Actually I'm saying that I got that from the bible. You fucking noob. :lol:
I would have been shocked if you had seen it any other way.
I'm one of the only people here who goes by what the bible says.
I think you must be confused about what the Bible says about homosexuality.
What do you know? You don't take the bible literally, you make up your own meanings.
I'm in good company.

Chris Langan:
You have to prove that the universe is a self-referential system. Then you have to examine the attributes of this system, analyze the system to determine how it behaves. It turns out that in certain ways it behaves mentally like a mind. The natural question to ask then is: whose mind are we talking about? The answer to that question is the mind of God.

Chris Langan:
I believe in the theory of evolution, but I believe as well in the allegorical truth of creation theory. In other words, I believe that evolution, including the principle of natural selection, is one of the tools used by God to create mankind. Mankind is then a participant in the creation of the universe itself, so that we have a closed loop. I believe that there is a level on which science and religious metaphor are mutually compatible.
They both make no sense. Now you know.
I see. So you believe you are more intelligent than Chris Langan?
Right. Which is why Jesus taught to not rationalize sin but instead to die to self to see objective reality thus releasing the power sin holds over us and allowing us to learn, grow and evolve. It is entirely possible to be objective and when one does, the rewards in this life are huge.
So you can sin, but need to realize your sin. I prefer the one where Jesus dies on the cross for my sins, releasing me from any consequences with the Big Guy. Much simpler.

How incredibly ill-informed, pedantic, and childish your view of the world seems to be.
Got that from the bible.
No. I'm pretty sure he got it from observing your behavior.
Actually I'm saying that I got that from the bible. You fucking noob. :lol:
If I am fucking noob, then how is it that I have made you look so foolish?
I'm one of the only people here who goes by what the bible says.
I think you must be confused about what the Bible says about homosexuality.
What do you know? You don't take the bible literally, you make up your own meanings.
I'm in good company.

Chris Langan:
You have to prove that the universe is a self-referential system. Then you have to examine the attributes of this system, analyze the system to determine how it behaves. It turns out that in certain ways it behaves mentally like a mind. The natural question to ask then is: whose mind are we talking about? The answer to that question is the mind of God.

Chris Langan:
I believe in the theory of evolution, but I believe as well in the allegorical truth of creation theory. In other words, I believe that evolution, including the principle of natural selection, is one of the tools used by God to create mankind. Mankind is then a participant in the creation of the universe itself, so that we have a closed loop. I believe that there is a level on which science and religious metaphor are mutually compatible.
They both make no sense. Now you know.
I see. So you believe you are more intelligent than Chris Langan?
I make more sense than he does.
So you can sin, but need to realize your sin. I prefer the one where Jesus dies on the cross for my sins, releasing me from any consequences with the Big Guy. Much simpler.

How incredibly ill-informed, pedantic, and childish your view of the world seems to be.
Got that from the bible.
No. I'm pretty sure he got it from observing your behavior.
Actually I'm saying that I got that from the bible. You fucking noob. :lol:
If I am fucking noob, then how is it that I have made you look so foolish?

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