What is the reason that republicans think Trump is a good president?


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
*Mod note: the following does not contain insulting language towards anyone*

Why do republicans overwhelmingly like Trump? I can’t figure it out. I get that the tax bill was a “win” for the GOP (finally the majority in both chambers can actually pass something!), but is that it? The economy isn’t doing bad, I’ll concede, but Trump’s policies have nothing to do with that besides making investors happy with his rhetoric. This is good for the supply side of the economy, but it does nothing for the demand side. Wages are still WAY behind on inflation (and yes, the problem got worse under Obama).

Beyond that, the only campaign promises Trump has kept were through executive order. Should anyone find that impressive? I’m sure he wishes he could just sign his name to make the border wall happen, but our REPUBLICAN controlled Congress was not on board with it primarily because the practicality of building a border as designed makes no goddamn sense. They could fund the wall all they could, but they knew the actual construction would go nowhere.
What is the reason that republicans think Trump is a good president?
I am not a republican but...
I can only think of one thing which of course is all I ever wanted from any president/politician:
His complete and total disdain and distaste for anything that is PC and his savage approach to all things and people that are PC...he has the PC crowd reacting like slugs/snails that have been salted...just take an "HONEST" look around you, you'll see it.
What is the reason that republicans think Trump is a good president?
I am not a republican but...
I can only think of one thing which of course is all I ever wanted from any president/politician:
His complete and total disdain and distaste for anything that is PC and his savage approach to all things and people that are PC...he has the PC crowd reacting like slugs/snails that have been salted...just take an "HONEST" look around you, you'll see it.

If you support Trump and vote republican, you are a republican, no matter what else you might want to be. Sorry if that embarrasses you. It would embarrass me too.
What is the reason that republicans think Trump is a good president?
I am not a republican but...
I can only think of one thing which of course is all I ever wanted from any president/politician:
His complete and total disdain and distaste for anything that is PC and his savage approach to all things and people that are PC...he has the PC crowd reacting like slugs/snails that have been salted...just take an "HONEST" look around you, you'll see it.
Okay, so he doesn’t like PC stuff. So? Why does that somehow mean he is a good president? That is just non sense. This coming from a progressive who agrees with you that the left gets way carried away with PC outrage. It just doesn’t have anything to do with being a good president.
*Mod note: the following does not contain insulting language towards anyone*

Why do republicans overwhelmingly like Trump? I can’t figure it out. I get that the tax bill was a “win” for the GOP (finally the majority in both chambers can actually pass something!), but is that it? The economy isn’t doing bad, I’ll concede, but Trump’s policies have nothing to do with that besides making investors happy with his rhetoric. This is good for the supply side of the economy, but it does nothing for the demand side. Wages are still WAY behind on inflation (and yes, the problem got worse under Obama).

Beyond that, the only campaign promises Trump has kept were through executive order. Should anyone find that impressive? I’m sure he wishes he could just sign his name to make the border wall happen, but our REPUBLICAN controlled Congress was not on board with it primarily because the practicality of building a border as designed makes no goddamn sense. They could fund the wall all they could, but they knew the actual construction would go nowhere.

1. Makes the left cry

2. Makes the left cry

3. Makes the left see shrinks

4. Makes the left go crazy

5 see one thru 4.
What is the reason that republicans think Trump is a good president?
I am not a republican but...
I can only think of one thing which of course is all I ever wanted from any president/politician:
His complete and total disdain and distaste for anything that is PC and his savage approach to all things and people that are PC...he has the PC crowd reacting like slugs/snails that have been salted...just take an "HONEST" look around you, you'll see it.

If you support Trump and vote republican, you are a republican, no matter what else you might want to be. Sorry if that embarrasses you. It would embarrass me too.

Good economy

Plenty of jobs

No new wars

The mandate gone

The supreme Court will lean right till the day I die.

What's to be embarrassed by?
Okay, so he doesn’t like PC stuff. So? Why does that somehow mean he is a good president? That is just non sense. This coming from a progressive who agrees with you that the left gets way carried away with PC outrage. It just doesn’t have anything to do with being a good president.
This is the problem with liberalism, you are pretending I said "trump doesn't like PC stuff"!!
everything on the left is "pretend", "make-believe" "restating statements" so that they say what you wish they said instead of what they really say...try reposting the above with the first sentence quoting me exactly!!!!...OK?
Okay, so he doesn’t like PC stuff. So? Why does that somehow mean he is a good president? That is just non sense. This coming from a progressive who agrees with you that the left gets way carried away with PC outrage. It just doesn’t have anything to do with being a good president.
This is the problem with liberalism, you are pretending I said "trump doesn't like PC stuff"!!
everything on the left is "pretend", "make-believe" "restating statements" so that they say what you wish they said instead of what they really say...try reposting the above with the first sentence quoting me exactly!!!!...OK?
Why does it matter if you are republican or not? You like him because he is non-PC. That’s just lame.
Why does it matter if you are republican or not?
I would tell you to ask the OP who titled this thread but I'm afraid he is a bit confused and would be of little help or use to you on this matter.

You like him because he is non-PC. That’s just lame.
No, that is just a lame, make believe way to say what I said [many politicians claim to be "non-PC"...you're right, it is just so lame put that way]....I like that he is out to savagely destroy PC.
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What is the reason that republicans think Trump is a good president?

Because he stopped the terrifying alternative from becoming reality...


*Mod note: the following does not contain insulting language towards anyone*

Why do republicans overwhelmingly like Trump? I can’t figure it out. I get that the tax bill was a “win” for the GOP (finally the majority in both chambers can actually pass something!), but is that it? The economy isn’t doing bad, I’ll concede, but Trump’s policies have nothing to do with that besides making investors happy with his rhetoric. This is good for the supply side of the economy, but it does nothing for the demand side. Wages are still WAY behind on inflation (and yes, the problem got worse under Obama).

Beyond that, the only campaign promises Trump has kept were through executive order. Should anyone find that impressive? I’m sure he wishes he could just sign his name to make the border wall happen, but our REPUBLICAN controlled Congress was not on board with it primarily because the practicality of building a border as designed makes no goddamn sense. They could fund the wall all they could, but they knew the actual construction would go nowhere.
That quite possibly is the DUMBEST question I've read ALL YEAR.

Either you've been living on ANOTHER PLANET, or you are COMPLETELY ignorant to current events.

However, as I do believe you ARE ignorant, and IGNORE all PRESIDENT Trump's accomplishments, and you ARE playing STUPID, let's just use some icing on the cake as ONE good reason why the MAJORITY of Americans LIKE PRESIDENT TRUMP...

US named the world’s most competitive economy

US named the world's most competitive economy

That is ALL because of our GREAT president that has PUT AMERICA FIRST.

Suck on that.
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*Mod note: the following does not contain insulting language towards anyone*

Why do republicans overwhelmingly like Trump? I can’t figure it out. I get that the tax bill was a “win” for the GOP (finally the majority in both chambers can actually pass something!), but is that it? The economy isn’t doing bad, I’ll concede, but Trump’s policies have nothing to do with that besides making investors happy with his rhetoric. This is good for the supply side of the economy, but it does nothing for the demand side. Wages are still WAY behind on inflation (and yes, the problem got worse under Obama).

Beyond that, the only campaign promises Trump has kept were through executive order. Should anyone find that impressive? I’m sure he wishes he could just sign his name to make the border wall happen, but our REPUBLICAN controlled Congress was not on board with it primarily because the practicality of building a border as designed makes no goddamn sense. They could fund the wall all they could, but they knew the actual construction would go nowhere.
That quite possibly is the DUMBEST question I've read ALL YEAR.

Either you've been living on ANOTHER PLANET, or you are COMPLETELY ignorant to current events.

However, as I believe you ARE ignorant, and IGNORE all PRESIDENT Trump's accomplishments, and you ARE playing STUPID, let's just use some icing on the cake as ONE good reason why the MAJORITY of Americans LIKE PRESIDENT TRUMP...

US named the world’s most competitive economy

US named the world's most competitive economy

That is ALL because of our GREAT president that has PUT AMERICA FIRST.

Suck on that.
And THAT, pocahontas lokie, you thinking that's "FUNNY," is why you leftist MOB shysters are all LOSERS.
What is the reason that republicans think Trump is a good president?
I am not a republican but...
I can only think of one thing which of course is all I ever wanted from any president/politician:
His complete and total disdain and distaste for anything that is PC and his savage approach to all things and people that are PC...he has the PC crowd reacting like slugs/snails that have been salted...just take an "HONEST" look around you, you'll see it.

If you support Trump and vote republican, you are a republican, no matter what else you might want to be. Sorry if that embarrasses you. It would embarrass me too.
If you support Trump and vote republican, you are a republican, no matter what else you might want to be. Sorry if that embarrasses you. It would embarrass me too.
See, that's why I don't support homosexuality
or same sex marriage...

That would mean I'm a lesbian
and will marry another woman...I like men too much

You're such an idiot
*Mod note: the following does not contain insulting language towards anyone*

Why do republicans overwhelmingly like Trump? I can’t figure it out. I get that the tax bill was a “win” for the GOP (finally the majority in both chambers can actually pass something!), but is that it? The economy isn’t doing bad, I’ll concede, but Trump’s policies have nothing to do with that besides making investors happy with his rhetoric. This is good for the supply side of the economy, but it does nothing for the demand side. Wages are still WAY behind on inflation (and yes, the problem got worse under Obama).

Beyond that, the only campaign promises Trump has kept were through executive order. Should anyone find that impressive? I’m sure he wishes he could just sign his name to make the border wall happen, but our REPUBLICAN controlled Congress was not on board with it primarily because the practicality of building a border as designed makes no goddamn sense. They could fund the wall all they could, but they knew the actual construction would go nowhere.
Obama wanted to control anyone he disagreed with, peoples firearm ownership was none of that motherfuckers business... personal income was none off that motherfuckers business... what kind of vehicle anyone owned was none of that motherfuckers business... etc...
Obama deserves his legacy erased by trump, because Obama is a fucking shit stain,

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