What is the Republican justification for why Georgia Secretary of State tried to limit voting on the Saturday after Thanksgiving?

Coming from Retail and Wholesale.....Thanksgiving weekend, black Friday, is the BUSIEST workday of the entire year, and busiest 4 day work weekend of the year.

For retail and Hospitality industry, it is a huge working long holiday weekend.

most all ....busting their butt that weekend working and catering to the rest of you and your and my shopping and eating and drinking whims, .....is a poorer, younger person, or single mom....and their managers.

It would affect a certain sector of citizens, much much more than others like you who had a Monday thru Friday 9 to 5 or thereabouts, job.....

Retail and hospitality jobs, usually never get to celebrate the Holidays with family, as everyone else gets to....any holiday, not just T-day or Christmas..... are spent working! It sucks wind! But a lot of money to be made for the owners!
Another I think who missed the point completely, but oh well. Have a wonderful Sunday my friend.
Do you celebrate Thanksgiving for four days?
Immaterial what I or anybody else does. Still doesn't change the fact that nobody is disinfranchised if they don't get to vote the Saturday after Thanskgiving.
Coming from Retail and Wholesale.....Thanksgiving weekend, black Friday, is the BUSIEST workday of the entire year, and busiest 4 day work weekend of the year.

For retail and Hospitality industry, it is a huge working long holiday weekend.

most all ....busting their butt that weekend working and catering to the rest of you and your and my shopping and eating and drinking whims, .....is a poorer, younger person, or single mom....and their managers.

It would affect a certain sector of citizens, much much more than others like you who had a Monday thru Friday 9 to 5 or thereabouts, job.....

Retail and hospitality jobs, usually never get to celebrate the Holidays with family, as everyone else gets to....any holiday, not just T-day or Christmas..... are spent working! It sucks wind! But a lot of money to be made for the owners!

The difference is you accept that when you take the job. I spent about ten years in medical. I was told when I took these jobs I may be working nights, weekends and holidays because I could be on call. Nobody used cell phones back then so you had to carry around a pager. Besides having to carry around the pager, at the time I had an African Gray parrot that learned to mimic the stupid thing so well you couldn't tell if the beeping was the pager or the bird.

On Thanksgiving I always worked the following Friday and Saturday whether I was on call or not, but again, I knew that going in. Same thing if Christmas fell on a Tuesday or Thursday when everybody else just had a long weekend.

So it's different when you take a job knowing when you're going to work compared to a job where you know you're not going to work and somebody springs that on you last minute.
Lol you’re right I woudnt care if people were given an extra day to vote in a Republican district. In general you don’t either, but since you are in a position to defend the GOP and fear democrats have an advantage, you are conveniently whining about workers’ rights all of a sudden. See any normal person would embrace the fact that people would get more time to vote. Not your lot though! More time for early voting means more time for democrat votes. Can’t have that! Stand up for worker’s rights because that Friday was some retarded, obscure confederate holiday no one should give a fuck about. Never mind the fact that many election workers in addition to paid ones are volunteers lol.

Forget about whether or not this whole thing is legal or not. You don’t actually care. You just look for excuses to limit democrats voting and defend the GOP. You don’t have real principles with this shit.

I'm for following the law, not allowing some judge to use judicial legislation to favor his or her candidate or party.

Never in my life have I voted outside of election day. Never needed to, even when I had a full time plus job. There were enough hours to do both--work and vote. Therefore if I could do it, anybody can do it. If it were up to me, we'd have a constitutional amendment against able bodied people using early and absentee voting. I believe if you are too lazy to vote, stay home and let the people who feel voting is important enough to be inconvenienced for one day. If long lines are the problem, take that up with your county or election board and make changes.
I'm for following the law, not allowing some judge to use judicial legislation to favor his or her candidate or party.

Never in my life have I voted outside of election day. Never needed to, even when I had a full time plus job. There were enough hours to do both--work and vote. Therefore if I could do it, anybody can do it. If it were up to me, we'd have a constitutional amendment against able bodied people using early and absentee voting. I believe if you are too lazy to vote, stay home and let the people who feel voting is important enough to be inconvenienced for one day. If long lines are the problem, take that up with your county or election board and make changes.
Lol I can’t get over how fucking stupid this logic is. You think early voters are lazy therefore that is the reason they shouldn’t be allowed to do it? That’s ridiculous. It doesn’t even hold water anyway. The reason why people want to vote early is because if they live in big metro areas, they have the potential to be waiting in line for hours to vote. If you were in their position, you’d do the same thing.

You all just need to admit that you did not at all care about voting methods prior to Obama being president. The GOP called it a faux crisis and you blindly believed it. If you actually could think for yourself, you would not be siding with the GOP over this. I mean my god, a judge ruled that it was legal to have this Saturday open to voting. Don’t give this shit about you caring about the law. You want to cherry pick the judge rulings you like. Because this judge sided with democrats, your knee jerk reaction is to call it illegal. It’s so goddamn transparent lol
Lol I can’t get over how fucking stupid this logic is. You think early voters are lazy therefore that is the reason they shouldn’t be allowed to do it? That’s ridiculous. It doesn’t even hold water anyway. The reason why people want to vote early is because if they live in big metro areas, they have the potential to be waiting in line for hours to vote. If you were in their position, you’d do the same thing.

You all just need to admit that you did not at all care about voting methods prior to Obama being president. The GOP called it a faux crisis and you blindly believed it. If you actually could think for yourself, you would not be siding with the GOP over this. I mean my god, a judge ruled that it was legal to have this Saturday open to voting. Don’t give this shit about you caring about the law. You want to cherry pick the judge rulings you like. Because this judge sided with democrats, your knee jerk reaction is to call it illegal. It’s so goddamn transparent lol

He ruled biased in favor of the Democrats. He knows Democrats are lazy good for nothings and it favors them. But that's irrelevant here. What is relevant is he ruled against the law, again, called judicial legislation. We don't appoint or elect judges to make or change laws on the bench, we elect and appoint judges to make sure the law is followed which in this case it wasn't.

The dirty little secret is that Republicans would crawl covered in honey over a hill of biting ants to get to the polls. If Democrats have to wait 15 minutes to vote they'll bitch like all hell or just not vote at all. They're so lazy they won't even do that. So they want the mail man to deliver a ballot to their door step and pick it up at their door step when they fill it out. Voting isn't nearly as important to them as it is for Republicans.
Lol I can’t get over how fucking stupid this logic is. You think early voters are lazy therefore that is the reason they shouldn’t be allowed to do it? That’s ridiculous. It doesn’t even hold water anyway. The reason why people want to vote early is because if they live in big metro areas, they have the potential to be waiting in line for hours to vote. If you were in their position, you’d do the same thing.

You all just need to admit that you did not at all care about voting methods prior to Obama being president. The GOP called it a faux crisis and you blindly believed it. If you actually could think for yourself, you would not be siding with the GOP over this. I mean my god, a judge ruled that it was legal to have this Saturday open to voting. Don’t give this shit about you caring about the law. You want to cherry pick the judge rulings you like. Because this judge sided with democrats, your knee jerk reaction is to call it illegal. It’s so goddamn transparent lol
Who isn’t being allowed to vote early, Simp?
He ruled biased in favor of the Democrats. He knows Democrats are lazy good for nothings and it favors them. But that's irrelevant here. What is relevant is he ruled against the law, again, called judicial legislation. We don't appoint or elect judges to make or change laws on the bench, we elect and appoint judges to make sure the law is followed which in this case it wasn't.

The dirty little secret is that Republicans would crawl covered in honey over a hill of biting ants to get to the polls. If Democrats have to wait 15 minutes to vote they'll bitch like all hell or just not vote at all. They're so lazy they won't even do that. So they want the mail man to deliver a ballot to their door step and pick it up at their door step when they fill it out. Voting isn't nearly as important to them as it is for Republicans.
Lol you knew absolutely nothing about this law before you opened this thread for the first time. You had a complete knee jerk reaction to it because the ruling favored democrats. That’s it. That’s all it came down to.

Oh god spare me this nauseating, cringey machismo rant. It’s so stupid. Right Ray we get it. You think Democrats are lazy moochers. That’s not you though! Nope! You’re tough as nails! You’re a big manly macho man in comparison to those bottom feeders!

I sure hope that rant of yours was validating for your clear insecurities you hold deep inside.
Lol you knew absolutely nothing about this law before you opened this thread for the first time. You had a complete knee jerk reaction to it because the ruling favored democrats. That’s it. That’s all it came down to.

Oh god spare me this nauseating, cringey machismo rant. It’s so stupid. Right Ray we get it. You think Democrats are lazy moochers. That’s not you though! Nope! You’re tough as nails! You’re a big manly macho man in comparison to those bottom feeders!

I sure hope that rant of yours was validating for your clear insecurities you hold deep inside.

I used to be a big macho man, but at this age, I'm extremely ill and still make it to the polls to vote. It's less that the judge ruled in Democrats favor, it's that he changed the law on the bench. Judges are not to do that. If you want laws changed, it has to be done by legislatures--not judges. This isn't the former USSR............. yet.
lol stop pretending you knew anything about this law before you first opened this thread. You just knee jerk defend anything the GOP does. You can’t think for yourself.

I knew about the law before you started this BS thread. I actually saw accurate reporting on it. Perhaps you should change the fucking channel and stop listening to the propaganda media. Also don't think your running away from my posts are going unnoticed. How many times does it take to prove you're full of shit, before you finally admit it.

I used to be a big macho man, but at this age, I'm extremely ill and still make it to the polls to vote. It's less that the judge ruled in Democrats favor, it's that he changed the law on the bench. Judges are not to do that. If you want laws changed, it has to be done by legislatures--not judges. This isn't the former USSR............. yet.
Any guy who claims to be a macho man is definitely not one.

He changed the law on the bench? The one you knew nothing about previously? You think you understand this law better than a judge?
Any guy who claims to be a macho man is definitely not one.

He changed the law on the bench? The one you knew nothing about previously? You think you understand this law better than a judge?

No he's violating the law from the bench. The law is very specific, the commie judge should be impeached.

No he's violating the law from the bench. The law is very specific, the commie judge should be impeached.

The fact that you call this guy a commie despite knowing absolutely nothing about him only proves my point.
From the law:

82Voting shall be conducted during normal business hours on weekdays during such period
83 and shall be conducted on the second Saturday prior to a primary or election during the
84 hours of 9:00 A.M. through 4:00 P.M.; provided, however, that in primaries and elections
85 in which there are no federal or state candidates on the ballot, no Saturday voting hours
86 shall be required; and provided, further, that, if such second Saturday is a public and legal
87 holiday pursuant to Code Section 1-4-1, if such second Saturday follows a public and
88 legal holiday occurring on the Thursday or Friday immediately preceding such second
89 Saturday, or if such second Saturday immediately precedes a public and legal holiday
90 occurring on the following Sunday or Monday, such advance voting shall not be held on
91 such second Saturday but shall be held on the third Saturday prior to such primary,
92 election, or runoff. Except as otherwise provided in this paragraph, counties and
93 municipalities may extend the hours for voting beyond regular business hours and may
94 provide for additional voting locations pursuant to Code Section 21-2-382 to suit the
95 needs of the electors of the jurisdiction at their option."

Rafael the warlock just thinks he's special and can skirt the law.

Thanks for posting. The law was obviously put in there to protect state employees from having to come back to work in the middle of a holiday weekend. The asshole activist judge justified it like this - Cox said that state law "does not specifically prohibit counties from conducting advanced voting on Saturday, November 26, 2022, for a runoff election."

A judge actually said that.
Any guy who claims to be a macho man is definitely not one.

He changed the law on the bench? The one you knew nothing about previously? You think you understand this law better than a judge?

I said I used to be, not now. 6'3" well built 250 lbs. black belt in Kempo. I would say back in the day it wouldn't have been smart to mess with me.

This law is not ambiguous in any way. You don't need to be a judge or lawyer to understand it, just a basic knowledge of the English language will suffice. And WTF do you keep bringing up I didn't know about the law until you brought it up? What does that have to do with the price of rice in China?
The fact that you call this guy a commie despite knowing absolutely nothing about him only proves my point.

I guarantee I know more about him than you. And any judge that would ignore this black letter law has no business being on the bench.

if such second Saturday follows a public and
88 legal holiday occurring on the Thursday or Friday immediately preceding such second
89 Saturday, or if such second Saturday immediately precedes a public and legal holiday
90 occurring on the following Sunday or Monday, such advance voting shall not be held on
91 such second Saturday but shall be held on the third Saturday prior to such primary,
92 election, or runoff.
I know you don't believe any law should be enforced if it creates some perceived inconvenience for your cult, and just because Rafael the warlock say it does, doesn't make it so. No one is disadvantaged when the law is applied equally. And despite the lies your cult is telling, the law applies to runoff elections.


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