What is the republican solution to ending mass shootings? Why don’t they ever offer solutions?

And as long as your bunch keeps making the weapons so readily and easily available to them they will continue to use them. The Gun Runner and Supplier is as guilty as the criminal that shoots the gun. And you support the supplying of the arms to criminals. So stand up and take a bow.
You take the bow for supporting the criminals first by attacking the good citizens for the evilness of the bad people. The bad people can be stopped, but liberalism/leftism won't stop it ever, because it has a serious problem with sympathizing with the bad people who are just getting back at those "evil rich priveledged citizens" in life. Now Own it.

You mean it's wrong to take away the supply of guns from the criminals? You mean that your bunch supplying those guns is a good thing? Wow, what a concept. So keep supplying those arms that are used to kill 7 year olds and Grandmothers for their SS checks. Hope you are proud of yourself.
No, you lock the criminals up, and then there are no criminals to steal guns from the good people. No one is supplying guns to criminals except for the criminals getting them from other criminals who should have been locked up as well. Getting Demon-crats to get tough on crime and criminals is like attempting to pull lions teeth with ones bare hands. Nice try attempting to suggest that conservatives are responsible for arming criminals. You lose.

Are you against universal background checks that are vigorously enforced? That would stop the illegal buying, transporting and selling of illegal guns into the Metro Gang Areas along with exporting said guns to Mexican Cartels. Sorry, the Mexican Cartels get the good stuff because they can afford to pay for it. The Gangs just get the cheap junk. Wouldn't you say that anyone buying guns with the express purpose of selling them to a gang in Chicago is a Criminal?
And who is buying guns for the Express purpose of selling them to a gang or gang's in Chicago ???

I have already shown proof from various Sheriffs from the areas that the guns are coming from. Who is? Business People who are not breaking the law when they buy the guns. These folks are out of staters with panel trucks and lots of money. No laws are broken at that point. Even when they transport the guns across state lines, usually no laws are broken until they enter the destination state. At that point, it becomes criminal, they become criminal and the criminal sells his criminal guns. You want to have fewer guns in Gang Hands, stop it at the source. And it's pretty easy. Just start using Universal Background Checks at the source and enforce them. It won't make a difference at first but it will slowly shut off that flow as Law Abiding Citizens start adhering to the law. It's no big deal to stop by your local gun shop and do a 7 buck background check to buy a gun. Or go 3 tables over at a guns show, pay the 7 bucks, and have the Gun Dealer run the background check right on the spot. Colorado used to be on the list of gun exports to Chicago but since we went to the universal background checks and almost everyone abides by it, we came off that list. And I don't know of one single arrest over it. Usually, those that break that law are also bagged for much worse crimes so a misdemeanor or class 4 felony like that doesn't matter on the bust.

Make the Criminals become the Arms Dealers exclusively for the Gang Guns. Then use that to bust the Criminals for more serious crimes. And get their sorry butts off the streets. You want to get criminals off the streets but you don't want to restrict their flow of arms. You aren't making much sense.
You take the bow for supporting the criminals first by attacking the good citizens for the evilness of the bad people. The bad people can be stopped, but liberalism/leftism won't stop it ever, because it has a serious problem with sympathizing with the bad people who are just getting back at those "evil rich priveledged citizens" in life. Now Own it.

You mean it's wrong to take away the supply of guns from the criminals? You mean that your bunch supplying those guns is a good thing? Wow, what a concept. So keep supplying those arms that are used to kill 7 year olds and Grandmothers for their SS checks. Hope you are proud of yourself.
No, you lock the criminals up, and then there are no criminals to steal guns from the good people. No one is supplying guns to criminals except for the criminals getting them from other criminals who should have been locked up as well. Getting Demon-crats to get tough on crime and criminals is like attempting to pull lions teeth with ones bare hands. Nice try attempting to suggest that conservatives are responsible for arming criminals. You lose.

Are you against universal background checks that are vigorously enforced? That would stop the illegal buying, transporting and selling of illegal guns into the Metro Gang Areas along with exporting said guns to Mexican Cartels. Sorry, the Mexican Cartels get the good stuff because they can afford to pay for it. The Gangs just get the cheap junk. Wouldn't you say that anyone buying guns with the express purpose of selling them to a gang in Chicago is a Criminal?
And who is buying guns for the Express purpose of selling them to a gang or gang's in Chicago ???

I have already shown proof from various Sheriffs from the areas that the guns are coming from. Who is? Business People who are not breaking the law when they buy the guns. These folks are out of staters with panel trucks and lots of money. No laws are broken at that point. Even when they transport the guns across state lines, usually no laws are broken until they enter the destination state. At that point, it becomes criminal, they become criminal and the criminal sells his criminal guns. You want to have fewer guns in Gang Hands, stop it at the source. And it's pretty easy. Just start using Universal Background Checks at the source and enforce them. It won't make a difference at first but it will slowly shut off that flow as Law Abiding Citizens start adhering to the law. It's no big deal to stop by your local gun shop and do a 7 buck background check to buy a gun. Or go 3 tables over at a guns show, pay the 7 bucks, and have the Gun Dealer run the background check right on the spot. Colorado used to be on the list of gun exports to Chicago but since we went to the universal background checks and almost everyone abides by it, we came off that list. And I don't know of one single arrest over it. Usually, those that break that law are also bagged for much worse crimes so a misdemeanor or class 4 felony like that doesn't matter on the bust.

Make the Criminals become the Arms Dealers exclusively for the Gang Guns. Then use that to bust the Criminals for more serious crimes. And get their sorry butts off the streets. You want to get criminals off the streets but you don't want to restrict their flow of arms. You aren't making much sense.
Your first implication was that good people were supplying guns to gangs in Chicago. It was vague your input was. Ideas are good as long as they don't infringe on the good people. That's all people are saying.
You mean it's wrong to take away the supply of guns from the criminals? You mean that your bunch supplying those guns is a good thing? Wow, what a concept. So keep supplying those arms that are used to kill 7 year olds and Grandmothers for their SS checks. Hope you are proud of yourself.
No, you lock the criminals up, and then there are no criminals to steal guns from the good people. No one is supplying guns to criminals except for the criminals getting them from other criminals who should have been locked up as well. Getting Demon-crats to get tough on crime and criminals is like attempting to pull lions teeth with ones bare hands. Nice try attempting to suggest that conservatives are responsible for arming criminals. You lose.

Are you against universal background checks that are vigorously enforced? That would stop the illegal buying, transporting and selling of illegal guns into the Metro Gang Areas along with exporting said guns to Mexican Cartels. Sorry, the Mexican Cartels get the good stuff because they can afford to pay for it. The Gangs just get the cheap junk. Wouldn't you say that anyone buying guns with the express purpose of selling them to a gang in Chicago is a Criminal?
And who is buying guns for the Express purpose of selling them to a gang or gang's in Chicago ???

I have already shown proof from various Sheriffs from the areas that the guns are coming from. Who is? Business People who are not breaking the law when they buy the guns. These folks are out of staters with panel trucks and lots of money. No laws are broken at that point. Even when they transport the guns across state lines, usually no laws are broken until they enter the destination state. At that point, it becomes criminal, they become criminal and the criminal sells his criminal guns. You want to have fewer guns in Gang Hands, stop it at the source. And it's pretty easy. Just start using Universal Background Checks at the source and enforce them. It won't make a difference at first but it will slowly shut off that flow as Law Abiding Citizens start adhering to the law. It's no big deal to stop by your local gun shop and do a 7 buck background check to buy a gun. Or go 3 tables over at a guns show, pay the 7 bucks, and have the Gun Dealer run the background check right on the spot. Colorado used to be on the list of gun exports to Chicago but since we went to the universal background checks and almost everyone abides by it, we came off that list. And I don't know of one single arrest over it. Usually, those that break that law are also bagged for much worse crimes so a misdemeanor or class 4 felony like that doesn't matter on the bust.

Make the Criminals become the Arms Dealers exclusively for the Gang Guns. Then use that to bust the Criminals for more serious crimes. And get their sorry butts off the streets. You want to get criminals off the streets but you don't want to restrict their flow of arms. You aren't making much sense.
Your first implication was that good people were supplying guns to gangs in Chicago. It was vague your input was. Ideas are good as long as they don't infringe on the good people. That's all people are saying.

You can't arrest and convict someone for a thought. There has to be a crime. If buying those guns are not against the law then no matter how evil the thoughts are, no crime has been committed therefore, no arrest of conviction. Until proven otherwise, the law assumes these are law abiding citizens and treats them as such.
No, you lock the criminals up, and then there are no criminals to steal guns from the good people. No one is supplying guns to criminals except for the criminals getting them from other criminals who should have been locked up as well. Getting Demon-crats to get tough on crime and criminals is like attempting to pull lions teeth with ones bare hands. Nice try attempting to suggest that conservatives are responsible for arming criminals. You lose.

Are you against universal background checks that are vigorously enforced? That would stop the illegal buying, transporting and selling of illegal guns into the Metro Gang Areas along with exporting said guns to Mexican Cartels. Sorry, the Mexican Cartels get the good stuff because they can afford to pay for it. The Gangs just get the cheap junk. Wouldn't you say that anyone buying guns with the express purpose of selling them to a gang in Chicago is a Criminal?
And who is buying guns for the Express purpose of selling them to a gang or gang's in Chicago ???

I have already shown proof from various Sheriffs from the areas that the guns are coming from. Who is? Business People who are not breaking the law when they buy the guns. These folks are out of staters with panel trucks and lots of money. No laws are broken at that point. Even when they transport the guns across state lines, usually no laws are broken until they enter the destination state. At that point, it becomes criminal, they become criminal and the criminal sells his criminal guns. You want to have fewer guns in Gang Hands, stop it at the source. And it's pretty easy. Just start using Universal Background Checks at the source and enforce them. It won't make a difference at first but it will slowly shut off that flow as Law Abiding Citizens start adhering to the law. It's no big deal to stop by your local gun shop and do a 7 buck background check to buy a gun. Or go 3 tables over at a guns show, pay the 7 bucks, and have the Gun Dealer run the background check right on the spot. Colorado used to be on the list of gun exports to Chicago but since we went to the universal background checks and almost everyone abides by it, we came off that list. And I don't know of one single arrest over it. Usually, those that break that law are also bagged for much worse crimes so a misdemeanor or class 4 felony like that doesn't matter on the bust.

Make the Criminals become the Arms Dealers exclusively for the Gang Guns. Then use that to bust the Criminals for more serious crimes. And get their sorry butts off the streets. You want to get criminals off the streets but you don't want to restrict their flow of arms. You aren't making much sense.
Your first implication was that good people were supplying guns to gangs in Chicago. It was vague your input was. Ideas are good as long as they don't infringe on the good people. That's all people are saying.

You can't arrest and convict someone for a thought. There has to be a crime. If buying those guns are not against the law then no matter how evil the thoughts are, no crime has been committed therefore, no arrest of conviction. Until proven otherwise, the law assumes these are law abiding citizens and treats them as such.
So you're saying basically that because of what you just wrote, that all guns must be confiscated because you just can't read people's minds or thoughts these days ??? Do tell us your real thoughts Daryl, upon how you want everyone's guns now. Yes you do.
Are you against universal background checks that are vigorously enforced? That would stop the illegal buying, transporting and selling of illegal guns into the Metro Gang Areas along with exporting said guns to Mexican Cartels. Sorry, the Mexican Cartels get the good stuff because they can afford to pay for it. The Gangs just get the cheap junk. Wouldn't you say that anyone buying guns with the express purpose of selling them to a gang in Chicago is a Criminal?
And who is buying guns for the Express purpose of selling them to a gang or gang's in Chicago ???

I have already shown proof from various Sheriffs from the areas that the guns are coming from. Who is? Business People who are not breaking the law when they buy the guns. These folks are out of staters with panel trucks and lots of money. No laws are broken at that point. Even when they transport the guns across state lines, usually no laws are broken until they enter the destination state. At that point, it becomes criminal, they become criminal and the criminal sells his criminal guns. You want to have fewer guns in Gang Hands, stop it at the source. And it's pretty easy. Just start using Universal Background Checks at the source and enforce them. It won't make a difference at first but it will slowly shut off that flow as Law Abiding Citizens start adhering to the law. It's no big deal to stop by your local gun shop and do a 7 buck background check to buy a gun. Or go 3 tables over at a guns show, pay the 7 bucks, and have the Gun Dealer run the background check right on the spot. Colorado used to be on the list of gun exports to Chicago but since we went to the universal background checks and almost everyone abides by it, we came off that list. And I don't know of one single arrest over it. Usually, those that break that law are also bagged for much worse crimes so a misdemeanor or class 4 felony like that doesn't matter on the bust.

Make the Criminals become the Arms Dealers exclusively for the Gang Guns. Then use that to bust the Criminals for more serious crimes. And get their sorry butts off the streets. You want to get criminals off the streets but you don't want to restrict their flow of arms. You aren't making much sense.
Your first implication was that good people were supplying guns to gangs in Chicago. It was vague your input was. Ideas are good as long as they don't infringe on the good people. That's all people are saying.

You can't arrest and convict someone for a thought. There has to be a crime. If buying those guns are not against the law then no matter how evil the thoughts are, no crime has been committed therefore, no arrest of conviction. Until proven otherwise, the law assumes these are law abiding citizens and treats them as such.
So you're saying basically that because of what you just wrote, that all guns must be confiscated because you just can't read people's minds or thoughts these days ??? Do tell us your real thoughts Daryl, upon how you want everyone's guns now. Yes you do.

You seem to be trying to insult everyone else's intel on this one. The only one that gets insulted is you. Read it again or have someone smarter than you (like anyone with a higher than a 4th grade education level) read it to you and explain it to you.
You take the bow for supporting the criminals first by attacking the good citizens for the evilness of the bad people. The bad people can be stopped, but liberalism/leftism won't stop it ever, because it has a serious problem with sympathizing with the bad people who are just getting back at those "evil rich priveledged citizens" in life. Now Own it.

You mean it's wrong to take away the supply of guns from the criminals? You mean that your bunch supplying those guns is a good thing? Wow, what a concept. So keep supplying those arms that are used to kill 7 year olds and Grandmothers for their SS checks. Hope you are proud of yourself.
No, you lock the criminals up, and then there are no criminals to steal guns from the good people. No one is supplying guns to criminals except for the criminals getting them from other criminals who should have been locked up as well. Getting Demon-crats to get tough on crime and criminals is like attempting to pull lions teeth with ones bare hands. Nice try attempting to suggest that conservatives are responsible for arming criminals. You lose.

Are you against universal background checks that are vigorously enforced? That would stop the illegal buying, transporting and selling of illegal guns into the Metro Gang Areas along with exporting said guns to Mexican Cartels. Sorry, the Mexican Cartels get the good stuff because they can afford to pay for it. The Gangs just get the cheap junk. Wouldn't you say that anyone buying guns with the express purpose of selling them to a gang in Chicago is a Criminal?
And who is buying guns for the Express purpose of selling them to a gang or gang's in Chicago ???

I have already shown proof from various Sheriffs from the areas that the guns are coming from. Who is? Business People who are not breaking the law when they buy the guns. These folks are out of staters with panel trucks and lots of money. No laws are broken at that point. Even when they transport the guns across state lines, usually no laws are broken until they enter the destination state. At that point, it becomes criminal, they become criminal and the criminal sells his criminal guns. You want to have fewer guns in Gang Hands, stop it at the source. And it's pretty easy. Just start using Universal Background Checks at the source and enforce them. It won't make a difference at first but it will slowly shut off that flow as Law Abiding Citizens start adhering to the law. It's no big deal to stop by your local gun shop and do a 7 buck background check to buy a gun. Or go 3 tables over at a guns show, pay the 7 bucks, and have the Gun Dealer run the background check right on the spot. Colorado used to be on the list of gun exports to Chicago but since we went to the universal background checks and almost everyone abides by it, we came off that list. And I don't know of one single arrest over it. Usually, those that break that law are also bagged for much worse crimes so a misdemeanor or class 4 felony like that doesn't matter on the bust.

Make the Criminals become the Arms Dealers exclusively for the Gang Guns. Then use that to bust the Criminals for more serious crimes. And get their sorry butts off the streets. You want to get criminals off the streets but you don't want to restrict their flow of arms. You aren't making much sense.
Gee criminals don't obey the law

Imagine that
No, you lock the criminals up, and then there are no criminals to steal guns from the good people. No one is supplying guns to criminals except for the criminals getting them from other criminals who should have been locked up as well. Getting Demon-crats to get tough on crime and criminals is like attempting to pull lions teeth with ones bare hands. Nice try attempting to suggest that conservatives are responsible for arming criminals. You lose.

Are you against universal background checks that are vigorously enforced? That would stop the illegal buying, transporting and selling of illegal guns into the Metro Gang Areas along with exporting said guns to Mexican Cartels. Sorry, the Mexican Cartels get the good stuff because they can afford to pay for it. The Gangs just get the cheap junk. Wouldn't you say that anyone buying guns with the express purpose of selling them to a gang in Chicago is a Criminal?
And who is buying guns for the Express purpose of selling them to a gang or gang's in Chicago ???

I have already shown proof from various Sheriffs from the areas that the guns are coming from. Who is? Business People who are not breaking the law when they buy the guns. These folks are out of staters with panel trucks and lots of money. No laws are broken at that point. Even when they transport the guns across state lines, usually no laws are broken until they enter the destination state. At that point, it becomes criminal, they become criminal and the criminal sells his criminal guns. You want to have fewer guns in Gang Hands, stop it at the source. And it's pretty easy. Just start using Universal Background Checks at the source and enforce them. It won't make a difference at first but it will slowly shut off that flow as Law Abiding Citizens start adhering to the law. It's no big deal to stop by your local gun shop and do a 7 buck background check to buy a gun. Or go 3 tables over at a guns show, pay the 7 bucks, and have the Gun Dealer run the background check right on the spot. Colorado used to be on the list of gun exports to Chicago but since we went to the universal background checks and almost everyone abides by it, we came off that list. And I don't know of one single arrest over it. Usually, those that break that law are also bagged for much worse crimes so a misdemeanor or class 4 felony like that doesn't matter on the bust.

Make the Criminals become the Arms Dealers exclusively for the Gang Guns. Then use that to bust the Criminals for more serious crimes. And get their sorry butts off the streets. You want to get criminals off the streets but you don't want to restrict their flow of arms. You aren't making much sense.
Your first implication was that good people were supplying guns to gangs in Chicago. It was vague your input was. Ideas are good as long as they don't infringe on the good people. That's all people are saying.

You can't arrest and convict someone for a thought. There has to be a crime. If buying those guns are not against the law then no matter how evil the thoughts are, no crime has been committed therefore, no arrest of conviction. Until proven otherwise, the law assumes these are law abiding citizens and treats them as such.
If no crime has been committed that's how they should be treated.

And let me remind you that no one is responsible for a crime committed by another person
You mean it's wrong to take away the supply of guns from the criminals? You mean that your bunch supplying those guns is a good thing? Wow, what a concept. So keep supplying those arms that are used to kill 7 year olds and Grandmothers for their SS checks. Hope you are proud of yourself.
No, you lock the criminals up, and then there are no criminals to steal guns from the good people. No one is supplying guns to criminals except for the criminals getting them from other criminals who should have been locked up as well. Getting Demon-crats to get tough on crime and criminals is like attempting to pull lions teeth with ones bare hands. Nice try attempting to suggest that conservatives are responsible for arming criminals. You lose.

Are you against universal background checks that are vigorously enforced? That would stop the illegal buying, transporting and selling of illegal guns into the Metro Gang Areas along with exporting said guns to Mexican Cartels. Sorry, the Mexican Cartels get the good stuff because they can afford to pay for it. The Gangs just get the cheap junk. Wouldn't you say that anyone buying guns with the express purpose of selling them to a gang in Chicago is a Criminal?
And who is buying guns for the Express purpose of selling them to a gang or gang's in Chicago ???

I have already shown proof from various Sheriffs from the areas that the guns are coming from. Who is? Business People who are not breaking the law when they buy the guns. These folks are out of staters with panel trucks and lots of money. No laws are broken at that point. Even when they transport the guns across state lines, usually no laws are broken until they enter the destination state. At that point, it becomes criminal, they become criminal and the criminal sells his criminal guns. You want to have fewer guns in Gang Hands, stop it at the source. And it's pretty easy. Just start using Universal Background Checks at the source and enforce them. It won't make a difference at first but it will slowly shut off that flow as Law Abiding Citizens start adhering to the law. It's no big deal to stop by your local gun shop and do a 7 buck background check to buy a gun. Or go 3 tables over at a guns show, pay the 7 bucks, and have the Gun Dealer run the background check right on the spot. Colorado used to be on the list of gun exports to Chicago but since we went to the universal background checks and almost everyone abides by it, we came off that list. And I don't know of one single arrest over it. Usually, those that break that law are also bagged for much worse crimes so a misdemeanor or class 4 felony like that doesn't matter on the bust.

Make the Criminals become the Arms Dealers exclusively for the Gang Guns. Then use that to bust the Criminals for more serious crimes. And get their sorry butts off the streets. You want to get criminals off the streets but you don't want to restrict their flow of arms. You aren't making much sense.
Gee criminals don't obey the law

Imagine that

Then you don't have a problem with universal and enforceable background checks then, right?
Are you against universal background checks that are vigorously enforced? That would stop the illegal buying, transporting and selling of illegal guns into the Metro Gang Areas along with exporting said guns to Mexican Cartels. Sorry, the Mexican Cartels get the good stuff because they can afford to pay for it. The Gangs just get the cheap junk. Wouldn't you say that anyone buying guns with the express purpose of selling them to a gang in Chicago is a Criminal?
And who is buying guns for the Express purpose of selling them to a gang or gang's in Chicago ???

I have already shown proof from various Sheriffs from the areas that the guns are coming from. Who is? Business People who are not breaking the law when they buy the guns. These folks are out of staters with panel trucks and lots of money. No laws are broken at that point. Even when they transport the guns across state lines, usually no laws are broken until they enter the destination state. At that point, it becomes criminal, they become criminal and the criminal sells his criminal guns. You want to have fewer guns in Gang Hands, stop it at the source. And it's pretty easy. Just start using Universal Background Checks at the source and enforce them. It won't make a difference at first but it will slowly shut off that flow as Law Abiding Citizens start adhering to the law. It's no big deal to stop by your local gun shop and do a 7 buck background check to buy a gun. Or go 3 tables over at a guns show, pay the 7 bucks, and have the Gun Dealer run the background check right on the spot. Colorado used to be on the list of gun exports to Chicago but since we went to the universal background checks and almost everyone abides by it, we came off that list. And I don't know of one single arrest over it. Usually, those that break that law are also bagged for much worse crimes so a misdemeanor or class 4 felony like that doesn't matter on the bust.

Make the Criminals become the Arms Dealers exclusively for the Gang Guns. Then use that to bust the Criminals for more serious crimes. And get their sorry butts off the streets. You want to get criminals off the streets but you don't want to restrict their flow of arms. You aren't making much sense.
Your first implication was that good people were supplying guns to gangs in Chicago. It was vague your input was. Ideas are good as long as they don't infringe on the good people. That's all people are saying.

You can't arrest and convict someone for a thought. There has to be a crime. If buying those guns are not against the law then no matter how evil the thoughts are, no crime has been committed therefore, no arrest of conviction. Until proven otherwise, the law assumes these are law abiding citizens and treats them as such.
If no crime has been committed that's how they should be treated.

And let me remind you that no one is responsible for a crime committed by another person

Then you don't see a problem with universal and enforceable background checks.
No, you lock the criminals up, and then there are no criminals to steal guns from the good people. No one is supplying guns to criminals except for the criminals getting them from other criminals who should have been locked up as well. Getting Demon-crats to get tough on crime and criminals is like attempting to pull lions teeth with ones bare hands. Nice try attempting to suggest that conservatives are responsible for arming criminals. You lose.

Are you against universal background checks that are vigorously enforced? That would stop the illegal buying, transporting and selling of illegal guns into the Metro Gang Areas along with exporting said guns to Mexican Cartels. Sorry, the Mexican Cartels get the good stuff because they can afford to pay for it. The Gangs just get the cheap junk. Wouldn't you say that anyone buying guns with the express purpose of selling them to a gang in Chicago is a Criminal?
And who is buying guns for the Express purpose of selling them to a gang or gang's in Chicago ???

I have already shown proof from various Sheriffs from the areas that the guns are coming from. Who is? Business People who are not breaking the law when they buy the guns. These folks are out of staters with panel trucks and lots of money. No laws are broken at that point. Even when they transport the guns across state lines, usually no laws are broken until they enter the destination state. At that point, it becomes criminal, they become criminal and the criminal sells his criminal guns. You want to have fewer guns in Gang Hands, stop it at the source. And it's pretty easy. Just start using Universal Background Checks at the source and enforce them. It won't make a difference at first but it will slowly shut off that flow as Law Abiding Citizens start adhering to the law. It's no big deal to stop by your local gun shop and do a 7 buck background check to buy a gun. Or go 3 tables over at a guns show, pay the 7 bucks, and have the Gun Dealer run the background check right on the spot. Colorado used to be on the list of gun exports to Chicago but since we went to the universal background checks and almost everyone abides by it, we came off that list. And I don't know of one single arrest over it. Usually, those that break that law are also bagged for much worse crimes so a misdemeanor or class 4 felony like that doesn't matter on the bust.

Make the Criminals become the Arms Dealers exclusively for the Gang Guns. Then use that to bust the Criminals for more serious crimes. And get their sorry butts off the streets. You want to get criminals off the streets but you don't want to restrict their flow of arms. You aren't making much sense.
Gee criminals don't obey the law

Imagine that

Then you don't have a problem with universal and enforceable background checks then, right?

Criminals still won't obey the law
And who is buying guns for the Express purpose of selling them to a gang or gang's in Chicago ???

I have already shown proof from various Sheriffs from the areas that the guns are coming from. Who is? Business People who are not breaking the law when they buy the guns. These folks are out of staters with panel trucks and lots of money. No laws are broken at that point. Even when they transport the guns across state lines, usually no laws are broken until they enter the destination state. At that point, it becomes criminal, they become criminal and the criminal sells his criminal guns. You want to have fewer guns in Gang Hands, stop it at the source. And it's pretty easy. Just start using Universal Background Checks at the source and enforce them. It won't make a difference at first but it will slowly shut off that flow as Law Abiding Citizens start adhering to the law. It's no big deal to stop by your local gun shop and do a 7 buck background check to buy a gun. Or go 3 tables over at a guns show, pay the 7 bucks, and have the Gun Dealer run the background check right on the spot. Colorado used to be on the list of gun exports to Chicago but since we went to the universal background checks and almost everyone abides by it, we came off that list. And I don't know of one single arrest over it. Usually, those that break that law are also bagged for much worse crimes so a misdemeanor or class 4 felony like that doesn't matter on the bust.

Make the Criminals become the Arms Dealers exclusively for the Gang Guns. Then use that to bust the Criminals for more serious crimes. And get their sorry butts off the streets. You want to get criminals off the streets but you don't want to restrict their flow of arms. You aren't making much sense.
Your first implication was that good people were supplying guns to gangs in Chicago. It was vague your input was. Ideas are good as long as they don't infringe on the good people. That's all people are saying.

You can't arrest and convict someone for a thought. There has to be a crime. If buying those guns are not against the law then no matter how evil the thoughts are, no crime has been committed therefore, no arrest of conviction. Until proven otherwise, the law assumes these are law abiding citizens and treats them as such.
If no crime has been committed that's how they should be treated.

And let me remind you that no one is responsible for a crime committed by another person

Then you don't see a problem with universal and enforceable background checks.

It won't stop criminals will it?

No it won't.

Tell me how many guns are sold without background checks and please support it with actual evidence.

The tell me how many of those people who bought a gun without a background check committed a crime with that gun and again provide evidence

I have a feeling it isn't as big of a problem as you think just like mass shootings only account for less than 1% of all murder
5 million a year are transferred without BC. Documentation has been provided and ignored on this very thread
5 million a year are transferred without BC. Documentation has been provided and ignored on this very thread

That I didn't see it does not mean it was ignored

so please tell me what number post

and if it is an estimate have you verified its accuracy and/or the methodology and what part of that number were transfers from fathers to sons or between family members?
If I thought that more gun control would reduce the gun violence, I'd be for it however so far there is no real correlation. This issue isn't the inanimate object, it isn't the inanimate object that is the issue. It is our culture. We are a country that needs problems solved in a 30 minute sitcom. We have several generations that have not learned how to handle disappointment, of failure. We watch violent TV show, movies, play violent video games, social interaction is now reduced to Twitter and Facebook posts, we all want instant gratification, we believe we are entitled and our thoughts and feelings should supersede others. We have political leaders that bicker and fight and us inflammatory language.

It isn't a gun problem, we have a people problem.
Countries with strong gun control rarely have mass shootings.
---------------------- most are Police States with Japan being a full on Police State Brian Just a comment because I saw 'japan' mentioned .
to the OP

What is the democrat solution? gun control? how is that working in Chicago, Baltimore, and DC? Punishing law abiding citizens for the actions of criminals is always the first democrat solution to any problem.

In truth, just like the third reich, they are using cultural problems as an excuse for a nazi like take over of the country.
to the OP

What is the democrat solution? gun control? how is that working in Chicago, Baltimore, and DC? Punishing law abiding citizens for the actions of criminals is always the first democrat solution to any problem.

In truth, just like the third reich, they are using cultural problems as an excuse for a nazi like take over of the country.

The Democrat solution is ultimately total the disarmament of the civilian population.

Their Venezuelan cohorts managed this just five years ago. Look at the place now.
And who is buying guns for the Express purpose of selling them to a gang or gang's in Chicago ???

I have already shown proof from various Sheriffs from the areas that the guns are coming from. Who is? Business People who are not breaking the law when they buy the guns. These folks are out of staters with panel trucks and lots of money. No laws are broken at that point. Even when they transport the guns across state lines, usually no laws are broken until they enter the destination state. At that point, it becomes criminal, they become criminal and the criminal sells his criminal guns. You want to have fewer guns in Gang Hands, stop it at the source. And it's pretty easy. Just start using Universal Background Checks at the source and enforce them. It won't make a difference at first but it will slowly shut off that flow as Law Abiding Citizens start adhering to the law. It's no big deal to stop by your local gun shop and do a 7 buck background check to buy a gun. Or go 3 tables over at a guns show, pay the 7 bucks, and have the Gun Dealer run the background check right on the spot. Colorado used to be on the list of gun exports to Chicago but since we went to the universal background checks and almost everyone abides by it, we came off that list. And I don't know of one single arrest over it. Usually, those that break that law are also bagged for much worse crimes so a misdemeanor or class 4 felony like that doesn't matter on the bust.

Make the Criminals become the Arms Dealers exclusively for the Gang Guns. Then use that to bust the Criminals for more serious crimes. And get their sorry butts off the streets. You want to get criminals off the streets but you don't want to restrict their flow of arms. You aren't making much sense.
Your first implication was that good people were supplying guns to gangs in Chicago. It was vague your input was. Ideas are good as long as they don't infringe on the good people. That's all people are saying.

You can't arrest and convict someone for a thought. There has to be a crime. If buying those guns are not against the law then no matter how evil the thoughts are, no crime has been committed therefore, no arrest of conviction. Until proven otherwise, the law assumes these are law abiding citizens and treats them as such.
If no crime has been committed that's how they should be treated.

And let me remind you that no one is responsible for a crime committed by another person

Then you don't see a problem with universal and enforceable background checks.

we already have them. Try to buy a gun from a gun dealer in any state, you will go through a background check.

But we will never be able to implement background checks when one thug trades a gun to another thug for a bag of crack, or when a grandfather gives his shotgun to his grandson.
to the OP

What is the democrat solution? gun control? how is that working in Chicago, Baltimore, and DC? Punishing law abiding citizens for the actions of criminals is always the first democrat solution to any problem.

In truth, just like the third reich, they are using cultural problems as an excuse for a nazi like take over of the country.

The Democrat solution is ultimately total the disarmament of the civilian population.

Their Venezuelan cohorts managed this just five years ago. Look at the place now.

exactly, they, in their stupidity, want a system where only criminals and the government have guns. Hitler was quite successful with that system.
Okay, so any level gun control is bad which is of course retarded on its own, but the right can’t even think of any alternatives to curbing gun violence. Saying “no” to everything accomplishes absolutely nothing. It’s astounding we are still at square one.

How about we enforce the laws that are already on the books before we go adding yet more laws that will be unenforced?
to the OP

What is the democrat solution? gun control? how is that working in Chicago, Baltimore, and DC? Punishing law abiding citizens for the actions of criminals is always the first democrat solution to any problem.

In truth, just like the third reich, they are using cultural problems as an excuse for a nazi like take over of the country.

The Democrat solution is ultimately total the disarmament of the civilian population.

Their Venezuelan cohorts managed this just five years ago. Look at the place now.

exactly, they, in their stupidity, want a system where only criminals and the government have guns. Hitler was quite successful with that system.
--------------------------- aw , that can't happen here in the USA Redfish . That's what they think anyway . But these millennials and lefty dems of all ages are ready to giving everything away that has made America the best in the world Redfish .

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