What is the republican solution to ending mass shootings? Why don’t they ever offer solutions?

Well, that pretty well sums things up. The Right Guncrazies don't have any input to any solutions other than "More Guns". The people willing to discuss things about the OP just gets yelled down. And you wonder why things are so screwed up. And then you wonder why the voters don't take you seriously. You aren't right, you are just LOUD!!!!!
wow, you didn't read any of the thread I see.

I did. I saw one group yelling down the other group. If you (the group) didn't like what the other person had to say, it was "Pile On". I saw only one guncraze willing to discuss things in a civilized manner and I commented on that. Him we all could work with. But for the most part, the others need a lesson in manners and civics. And so do you.
so where are the responses to the solutions I gave? you said you read it all. I never heard from you. Go back to the beginning of the thread. I gave solutions you ignored.

Some of your ideas are already being incorporated. While most are more dangerous than need be. I like what we have done here and it's effective to prevent school and mass shootings. While we can never completely stop them if they are in Vogue, we can minimize the damage. And putting more guns in everyone's hands is not the answer.

You motherfucking idiot!!!!!

Move to another country. You know SHIT about your own.


Punk, a cowardly person who uses fowl language and fighting words when safely confined in a cage, or hiding behind a keyboard. Aptly applies to you Mr. BLF. You would not have the balls to say this to my face (unless of course you came armed and ready to commit a felony).

So that was bird language?

I didn't know birds could cuss

Parrots can, thus they're foul fowl.
Sure there's a reason. Most of the sellers at gun shows are licensed dealers. As such, they are (by law) required to do a background check be it at a gun show or in their place of business. Even people who sell their personal firearms usually ask for ID of some sort. It would kind of be stupid not to because if that weapon is used in a crime, the detectives will trace it back to the last owner and they would have to answer questions about it.

Guns used in crimes are statistically stolen or purchased from straw buyers.
No actually. At gun shows, they are exempt from needing background checks. As long as the dealer doesn’t have previous knowledge that someone is a dangerous felon, they can sell it.

Anyone with an FFL MUST run a background check the only people who don't are people who enter into private sales

And private sales are a problem, should they be regulated?
how are private sales an issue? name an incident from a gun bought on a private sale.

Pick a street corner in Chicago. Those "Illegal Weapons" started out as legal sales at a gun show in Texas.
Well, that pretty well sums things up. The Right Guncrazies don't have any input to any solutions other than "More Guns". The people willing to discuss things about the OP just gets yelled down. And you wonder why things are so screwed up. And then you wonder why the voters don't take you seriously. You aren't right, you are just LOUD!!!!!
wow, you didn't read any of the thread I see.

I did. I saw one group yelling down the other group. If you (the group) didn't like what the other person had to say, it was "Pile On". I saw only one guncraze willing to discuss things in a civilized manner and I commented on that. Him we all could work with. But for the most part, the others need a lesson in manners and civics. And so do you.
so where are the responses to the solutions I gave? you said you read it all. I never heard from you. Go back to the beginning of the thread. I gave solutions you ignored.

Some of your ideas are already being incorporated. While most are more dangerous than need be. I like what we have done here and it's effective to prevent school and mass shootings. While we can never completely stop them if they are in Vogue, we can minimize the damage. And putting more guns in everyone's hands is not the answer.
My number one solution is this, commit a crime with a gun, you get the death penalty. I bet gun violence would melt away.
Well, that pretty well sums things up. The Right Guncrazies don't have any input to any solutions other than "More Guns". The people willing to discuss things about the OP just gets yelled down. And you wonder why things are so screwed up. And then you wonder why the voters don't take you seriously. You aren't right, you are just LOUD!!!!!
wow, you didn't read any of the thread I see.

I did. I saw one group yelling down the other group. If you (the group) didn't like what the other person had to say, it was "Pile On". I saw only one guncraze willing to discuss things in a civilized manner and I commented on that. Him we all could work with. But for the most part, the others need a lesson in manners and civics. And so do you.
so where are the responses to the solutions I gave? you said you read it all. I never heard from you. Go back to the beginning of the thread. I gave solutions you ignored.

Duhryl thinks his control is the only one that will work just like he believes everyone should listen to him on what firearm and what ammo to use
Duhryl is a nutjob. I'll give him another nick name, it seems he likes them. he still hasn't responded to my solutions. until then, he's just a nutjob.

I responded but you don't like the responses. So you admit defeat by insults and uncivil behavior. Then you wonder why the "Common Sense" gun reg are taking hold all over the nation. The mass shootings will be dealt with WITHOUT your help.
wow, you didn't read any of the thread I see.

I did. I saw one group yelling down the other group. If you (the group) didn't like what the other person had to say, it was "Pile On". I saw only one guncraze willing to discuss things in a civilized manner and I commented on that. Him we all could work with. But for the most part, the others need a lesson in manners and civics. And so do you.
so where are the responses to the solutions I gave? you said you read it all. I never heard from you. Go back to the beginning of the thread. I gave solutions you ignored.

Duhryl thinks his control is the only one that will work just like he believes everyone should listen to him on what firearm and what ammo to use
Duhryl is a nutjob. I'll give him another nick name, it seems he likes them. he still hasn't responded to my solutions. until then, he's just a nutjob.

I responded but you don't like the responses. So you admit defeat by insults and uncivil behavior. Then you wonder why the "Common Sense" gun reg are taking hold all over the nation. The mass shootings will be dealt with WITHOUT your help.
sure you did, after I posted that. I posted that because you didn't read my posts till I asked you to. yet you were in here bitching. number one solution, commit a crime with a gun, death sentence.

Either you're serious about it or not.
Well, that pretty well sums things up. The Right Guncrazies don't have any input to any solutions other than "More Guns". The people willing to discuss things about the OP just gets yelled down. And you wonder why things are so screwed up. And then you wonder why the voters don't take you seriously. You aren't right, you are just LOUD!!!!!
wow, you didn't read any of the thread I see.

I did. I saw one group yelling down the other group. If you (the group) didn't like what the other person had to say, it was "Pile On". I saw only one guncraze willing to discuss things in a civilized manner and I commented on that. Him we all could work with. But for the most part, the others need a lesson in manners and civics. And so do you.
so where are the responses to the solutions I gave? you said you read it all. I never heard from you. Go back to the beginning of the thread. I gave solutions you ignored.

Some of your ideas are already being incorporated. While most are more dangerous than need be. I like what we have done here and it's effective to prevent school and mass shootings. While we can never completely stop them if they are in Vogue, we can minimize the damage. And putting more guns in everyone's hands is not the answer.
My number one solution is this, commit a crime with a gun, you get the death penalty. I bet gun violence would melt away.

Won't make even a slight dent. Most Mass Shooters know the final outcome is probably that either the cops are going kill them or they are going to take their own lives. The Death Penalty won't make a difference on way or another. But since I am what you claim I am, you'll try and insult your way around this. Works for me, cupcake.
wow, you didn't read any of the thread I see.

I did. I saw one group yelling down the other group. If you (the group) didn't like what the other person had to say, it was "Pile On". I saw only one guncraze willing to discuss things in a civilized manner and I commented on that. Him we all could work with. But for the most part, the others need a lesson in manners and civics. And so do you.
so where are the responses to the solutions I gave? you said you read it all. I never heard from you. Go back to the beginning of the thread. I gave solutions you ignored.

Some of your ideas are already being incorporated. While most are more dangerous than need be. I like what we have done here and it's effective to prevent school and mass shootings. While we can never completely stop them if they are in Vogue, we can minimize the damage. And putting more guns in everyone's hands is not the answer.
My number one solution is this, commit a crime with a gun, you get the death penalty. I bet gun violence would melt away.

Won't make even a slight dent. Most Mass Shooters know the final outcome is probably that either the cops are going kill them or they are going to take their own lives. The Death Penalty won't make a difference on way or another. But since I am what you claim I am, you'll try and insult your way around this. Works for me, cupcake.
I'm not talking about mass murders, I'm talking crime with a gun. you know there are other crimes where suspects use guns right? Please don't put yourself into the nutjob category again.
I did. I saw one group yelling down the other group. If you (the group) didn't like what the other person had to say, it was "Pile On". I saw only one guncraze willing to discuss things in a civilized manner and I commented on that. Him we all could work with. But for the most part, the others need a lesson in manners and civics. And so do you.
so where are the responses to the solutions I gave? you said you read it all. I never heard from you. Go back to the beginning of the thread. I gave solutions you ignored.

Duhryl thinks his control is the only one that will work just like he believes everyone should listen to him on what firearm and what ammo to use
Duhryl is a nutjob. I'll give him another nick name, it seems he likes them. he still hasn't responded to my solutions. until then, he's just a nutjob.

I responded but you don't like the responses. So you admit defeat by insults and uncivil behavior. Then you wonder why the "Common Sense" gun reg are taking hold all over the nation. The mass shootings will be dealt with WITHOUT your help.
sure you did, after I posted that. I posted that because you didn't read my posts till I asked you to. yet you were in here bitching. number one solution, commit a crime with a gun, death sentence.

Either you're serious about it or not.

I read your posts. Mostly, none of your ideas are workable in reality. Meanwhile, I am taking my "Suggestions" which are not even my suggestions and posting them in here of the things are ARE working.
I did. I saw one group yelling down the other group. If you (the group) didn't like what the other person had to say, it was "Pile On". I saw only one guncraze willing to discuss things in a civilized manner and I commented on that. Him we all could work with. But for the most part, the others need a lesson in manners and civics. And so do you.
so where are the responses to the solutions I gave? you said you read it all. I never heard from you. Go back to the beginning of the thread. I gave solutions you ignored.

Some of your ideas are already being incorporated. While most are more dangerous than need be. I like what we have done here and it's effective to prevent school and mass shootings. While we can never completely stop them if they are in Vogue, we can minimize the damage. And putting more guns in everyone's hands is not the answer.
My number one solution is this, commit a crime with a gun, you get the death penalty. I bet gun violence would melt away.

Won't make even a slight dent. Most Mass Shooters know the final outcome is probably that either the cops are going kill them or they are going to take their own lives. The Death Penalty won't make a difference on way or another. But since I am what you claim I am, you'll try and insult your way around this. Works for me, cupcake.
I'm not talking about mass murders, I'm talking crime with a gun. you know there are other crimes where suspects use guns right? Please don't put yourself into the nutjob category again.

If you want to talk about something other than mass murders, start another line and we can talk it about it. Otherwise, this is about Mass Shootings. And try being nicer. You will get much further with me if you are civil.
so where are the responses to the solutions I gave? you said you read it all. I never heard from you. Go back to the beginning of the thread. I gave solutions you ignored.

Duhryl thinks his control is the only one that will work just like he believes everyone should listen to him on what firearm and what ammo to use
Duhryl is a nutjob. I'll give him another nick name, it seems he likes them. he still hasn't responded to my solutions. until then, he's just a nutjob.

I responded but you don't like the responses. So you admit defeat by insults and uncivil behavior. Then you wonder why the "Common Sense" gun reg are taking hold all over the nation. The mass shootings will be dealt with WITHOUT your help.
sure you did, after I posted that. I posted that because you didn't read my posts till I asked you to. yet you were in here bitching. number one solution, commit a crime with a gun, death sentence.

Either you're serious about it or not.

I read your posts. Mostly, none of your ideas are workable in reality. Meanwhile, I am taking my "Suggestions" which are not even my suggestions and posting them in here of the things are ARE working.
no, no they're not working. I haven't seen one of your ideas that has worked. not one. commit a crime with a gun, and you die. any crime. you get convicted of using a gun bye!!!
so where are the responses to the solutions I gave? you said you read it all. I never heard from you. Go back to the beginning of the thread. I gave solutions you ignored.

Some of your ideas are already being incorporated. While most are more dangerous than need be. I like what we have done here and it's effective to prevent school and mass shootings. While we can never completely stop them if they are in Vogue, we can minimize the damage. And putting more guns in everyone's hands is not the answer.
My number one solution is this, commit a crime with a gun, you get the death penalty. I bet gun violence would melt away.

Won't make even a slight dent. Most Mass Shooters know the final outcome is probably that either the cops are going kill them or they are going to take their own lives. The Death Penalty won't make a difference on way or another. But since I am what you claim I am, you'll try and insult your way around this. Works for me, cupcake.
I'm not talking about mass murders, I'm talking crime with a gun. you know there are other crimes where suspects use guns right? Please don't put yourself into the nutjob category again.

If you want to talk about something other than mass murders, start another line and we can talk it about it. Otherwise, this is about Mass Shootings. And try being nicer. You will get much further with me if you are civil.
well guns aren't the number one tool for mass murders. so? box cutters took out ~600 people on 9/11. name another mass murder bigger than that day!!!
Ban all Liberals from owning guns.

Ban all Liberals from selling / giving guns to terrorists, Mexican Drug Cartels, violent illegal gangs.

Arrest any Liberal who ever again calls for the rape of the President's son by pedophiles or women in his administration, who pay for thugs to beat up Americans supporting other candidates, who call for the stalking and harassment of opposition party politicians, of anyone who incites violence by using violent rhetoric resulting in violence - like the attempted assassinations of opposition political party members....BEGIN HOLDING THEM ACCOUTABILITY FOR INCITING VIOLENCE.
Ban all Liberals from owning guns.

Ban all Liberals from selling / giving guns to terrorists, Mexican Drug Cartels, violent illegal gangs.

Arrest any Liberal who ever again calls for the rape of the President's son by pedophiles or women in his administration, who pay for thugs to beat up Americans supporting other candidates, who call for the stalking and harassment of opposition party politicians, of anyone who incites violence by using violent rhetoric resulting in violence - like the attempted assassinations of opposition political party members....BEGIN HOLDING THEM ACCOUTABILITY FOR INCITING VIOLENCE.
winner winner chicken dinner my friend.
Won't make even a slight dent. Most Mass Shooters know the final outcome is probably that either the cops are going kill them or they are going to take their own lives.

Most times they kill themselves before they see one badge. These creeps are scared to death of being imprisoned. That's why they plan carrying out their idiocy in gun free zones. Get rid of gun-free zones and they have to worry about anyplace to commit a mass murder.
wow, you didn't read any of the thread I see.

I did. I saw one group yelling down the other group. If you (the group) didn't like what the other person had to say, it was "Pile On". I saw only one guncraze willing to discuss things in a civilized manner and I commented on that. Him we all could work with. But for the most part, the others need a lesson in manners and civics. And so do you.
so where are the responses to the solutions I gave? you said you read it all. I never heard from you. Go back to the beginning of the thread. I gave solutions you ignored.

Some of your ideas are already being incorporated. While most are more dangerous than need be. I like what we have done here and it's effective to prevent school and mass shootings. While we can never completely stop them if they are in Vogue, we can minimize the damage. And putting more guns in everyone's hands is not the answer.
My number one solution is this, commit a crime with a gun, you get the death penalty. I bet gun violence would melt away.

Won't make even a slight dent. Most Mass Shooters know the final outcome is probably that either the cops are going kill them or they are going to take their own lives. The Death Penalty won't make a difference on way or another. But since I am what you claim I am, you'll try and insult your way around this. Works for me, cupcake.
BTW, we just had two events yesterday, one here in Chicago at a hospital and the other in Denver, CO. In Chicago, the suspect is dead, in Denver, last I heard, was still on the loose. domestic disputes. See the thing is, you lefturds think you can control minds. hilarious. truly hilarious.
Well, that pretty well sums things up. The Right Guncrazies don't have any input to any solutions other than "More Guns". The people willing to discuss things about the OP just gets yelled down. And you wonder why things are so screwed up. And then you wonder why the voters don't take you seriously. You aren't right, you are just LOUD!!!!!
wow, you didn't read any of the thread I see.

I did. I saw one group yelling down the other group. If you (the group) didn't like what the other person had to say, it was "Pile On". I saw only one guncraze willing to discuss things in a civilized manner and I commented on that. Him we all could work with. But for the most part, the others need a lesson in manners and civics. And so do you.
so where are the responses to the solutions I gave? you said you read it all. I never heard from you. Go back to the beginning of the thread. I gave solutions you ignored.

Some of your ideas are already being incorporated. While most are more dangerous than need be. I like what we have done here and it's effective to prevent school and mass shootings. While we can never completely stop them if they are in Vogue, we can minimize the damage. And putting more guns in everyone's hands is not the answer.

But do you know that the reason you have no mass shootings was because of what you've done?

We've done nothing about it here and have had no mass shootings. It's just a matter of when some kook is going to fly off the handle and where.
Well, that pretty well sums things up. The Right Guncrazies don't have any input to any solutions other than "More Guns". The people willing to discuss things about the OP just gets yelled down. And you wonder why things are so screwed up. And then you wonder why the voters don't take you seriously. You aren't right, you are just LOUD!!!!!
wow, you didn't read any of the thread I see.

I did. I saw one group yelling down the other group. If you (the group) didn't like what the other person had to say, it was "Pile On". I saw only one guncraze willing to discuss things in a civilized manner and I commented on that. Him we all could work with. But for the most part, the others need a lesson in manners and civics. And so do you.
so where are the responses to the solutions I gave? you said you read it all. I never heard from you. Go back to the beginning of the thread. I gave solutions you ignored.

Some of your ideas are already being incorporated. While most are more dangerous than need be. I like what we have done here and it's effective to prevent school and mass shootings. While we can never completely stop them if they are in Vogue, we can minimize the damage. And putting more guns in everyone's hands is not the answer.

But do you know that the reason you have no mass shootings was because of what you've done?

We've done nothing about it here and have had no mass shootings. It's just a matter of when some kook is going to fly off the handle and where.
that is all it's about. And the lefturds think they can control that. They can't ever be honest.
Some of your ideas are already being incorporated. While most are more dangerous than need be. I like what we have done here and it's effective to prevent school and mass shootings. While we can never completely stop them if they are in Vogue, we can minimize the damage. And putting more guns in everyone's hands is not the answer.
My number one solution is this, commit a crime with a gun, you get the death penalty. I bet gun violence would melt away.

Won't make even a slight dent. Most Mass Shooters know the final outcome is probably that either the cops are going kill them or they are going to take their own lives. The Death Penalty won't make a difference on way or another. But since I am what you claim I am, you'll try and insult your way around this. Works for me, cupcake.
I'm not talking about mass murders, I'm talking crime with a gun. you know there are other crimes where suspects use guns right? Please don't put yourself into the nutjob category again.

If you want to talk about something other than mass murders, start another line and we can talk it about it. Otherwise, this is about Mass Shootings. And try being nicer. You will get much further with me if you are civil.
well guns aren't the number one tool for mass murders. so? box cutters took out ~600 people on 9/11. name another mass murder bigger than that day!!!

Actually, that number is 3,000......
Ban all Liberals from owning guns.

Ban all Liberals from selling / giving guns to terrorists, Mexican Drug Cartels, violent illegal gangs.

Arrest any Liberal who ever again calls for the rape of the President's son by pedophiles or women in his administration, who pay for thugs to beat up Americans supporting other candidates, who call for the stalking and harassment of opposition party politicians, of anyone who incites violence by using violent rhetoric resulting in violence - like the attempted assassinations of opposition political party members....BEGIN HOLDING THEM ACCOUTABILITY FOR INCITING VIOLENCE.

Yes...you are correct......

Analysis | The surprising way gun violence is dividing America

In the most Democratic regions, gun violence is more often committed against another, crimes that probably generate more news coverage and fear. In the most Republican areas, it is more often committed against oneself, suicides that may not attract as much attention.


As the below charts show, Democratic areas (measured by the party that controls the congressional district) are far more likely to experience almost all forms of malicious gun violence than Republican areas.
wow, you didn't read any of the thread I see.

I did. I saw one group yelling down the other group. If you (the group) didn't like what the other person had to say, it was "Pile On". I saw only one guncraze willing to discuss things in a civilized manner and I commented on that. Him we all could work with. But for the most part, the others need a lesson in manners and civics. And so do you.
so where are the responses to the solutions I gave? you said you read it all. I never heard from you. Go back to the beginning of the thread. I gave solutions you ignored.

Some of your ideas are already being incorporated. While most are more dangerous than need be. I like what we have done here and it's effective to prevent school and mass shootings. While we can never completely stop them if they are in Vogue, we can minimize the damage. And putting more guns in everyone's hands is not the answer.

But do you know that the reason you have no mass shootings was because of what you've done?

We've done nothing about it here and have had no mass shootings. It's just a matter of when some kook is going to fly off the handle and where.
that is all it's about. And the lefturds think they can control that. They can't ever be honest.

If there were a magic solution to stop mass murders I would sign on. But for now, the way to solve the problem is only a matter of opinion and trial and error. I don't believe turning our schools into structures found in war torn regions is necessarily the answer.

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