What is the republican solution to ending mass shootings? Why don’t they ever offer solutions?

When have I ever claimed I supported a law abiding, sane and sober person from buying a defensive gun.

Now, we can argue all day about what is and what is not a defensive gun.
ALL guns can be used for defense its not up to you to tell people what is or is not the best choice for them.
sure it is, ask him. He's got it all solved. he's a fking genius. He prefers to let people die though since he can't actually put in motion a solution.

You logic is amazing, as much so as it's absurdity.

More unregulated guns will equate to more deaths of innocent people.

I do not prefer to have people die and in fact I have little to do to create an environment which fits my principles.

That you and others attack my comments as a gun grabber, is just one more BIG LIE. Anyone can review my comments which I have held since Columbine.

[My niece and nephew grew up in Littleton Co. and attended Columbine before the mass killing. My brother-in-law moved the family to Texas the year before the murder of students one of whom was a friend of my niece]

I first fired a firearm when I was 8 years old, my grandfather was a police officer and he trained me on the basic safety issues. We didn't shoot at a target, but in a sort of canyon in San Mateo County. That was not my first lesson on gun safety, when my grandfather came home from work the gun belt was placed in the center of the dinning room table, so was a candy dish.

I made a move toward the candy and got a smack on the butt before I got close to the gun or the candy.

can you provide a link to one mass murder that was with an unregulated obtained gun?

Why would I bother. A lethal weapon is the common denominator of all mass murders by gun. Your observation, if I'm correct, is that regulated guns are the source of mass murder, and that blows a hole on the argument against vetting, licensing and registration of guns.

No..... registration is unconstitutional under the 14th Amendment, licensing costs money, and is again, unConstitutional...as Poll Taxes were unConstituitonal.... background checks do not stop criminals or mass shooters from getting guns...
Okay, so any level gun control is bad which is of course retarded on its own, but the right can’t even think of any alternatives to curbing gun violence. Saying “no” to everything accomplishes absolutely nothing. It’s astounding we are still at square one.

The Republican solution is simple:

If everyone would shoot everyone else until there was just one person left...then mass shootings would come to and end.

The problem with you on the left is we offered solutions, but none to your liking.

We say have more security in schools, allow willing teachers to arm themselves, get rid of gun-free zones, but as the Lost in Space robot used to say "That does not compute."

So whats the lefts solution? More gun regulations that make it harder on the law abiding citizens to get guns. Get rid of the scary looking weapons, and make sure a mass murderer has to change magazines more often to kill the people he desires to kill.

More guns in the hands of more persons is not a solution to gun violence.

Sure is....

We went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in 1997...to close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 17.25 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2018...guess what happened...

-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.
Then what you are talking about is outlawing gun manufacturing and sales which is completely unconstitutional. Gun manufactures are not going to stop making them on their own. A law would have to be passed prohibiting their industry which again, would be stopped by a federal court or eventually the Supreme Court.

The assault weapons ban was Constitutional

No, it wasn't.....D.C. v Heller, Friedman v Highland Park, Caetano v Massachusetts, and several other rulings.......... said it isn't.....the lower courts are ignoring the Supreme Court rulings...that should concern you...

Wow, more fake news. The Lower Courts are ruling using the 2nd, 10th and 14th amendment. Even the Supreme Court can't change those.

If you mean in the 19th and early 20th century, you would be right. But in the last 80 years, the lower courts have NOT disregarded the Supreme Court Rulings for Firearms. You keep spewing this same nonsense and it's


No. The lower courts are ignoring the Constitution, the Bill of Rights and about half a dozen Supreme Court rulings....
What anyone needs or doesn't need is not for you to decide
Never was
Never will be

So, legalize drunk driving because you drunks have to get home.

Should we bring back prohibition so nobody drives home drunk?

We should stop all gun toters & give them mental exams & throw them in jail if they fail the exam.

Drunk driving is illegal so those doing it can be stopped before the kill someone.

So, in the same light, we should stop toters & demand they take a test to show that are not mentally unfit to own a gun.

Sounds like a plan.

Again, everyone suffer from mental illness, so you would be arresting everyone that owns a gun.

You may not realize this but you even have mental illness along with every human the walk this planet.

So your plan is another ridiculous idea and oh not everyone drinks or does drugs.
Wow, you really are quite stupid. Everyone does not have ac mental illness.

Everyone suffer from some form of mental illness, so the stupid person is you.

I did not write acute nor did you in your response that I responded to but like the typical liar you are you change what I wrote because you were caught writing something stupid as usual...

The reality is the most idiotic thing someone can do is ban something because making it illegal make people want it more.

Many like you pass laws after law while refusing to accept society will never obey.

Now as you sit there writing your response telling me how stupid you are please note all humans go through depression, so all humans suffer from a form of mental illness, so your test will put everyone in jail and remember your first response did not state the type of mental illness but you will claim something else like the filthy liar you are.
Care to tell me where I am guilty of that? I have been called "Traitor" and "Liberal" and "Commie Bastard" just to name few by people claiming to already given the fix. And each time, that fix pretty well has been "More Guns".

Who said I was talking about you specifically?

And exactly whom are you talking about. Be specific. When you use a scattergun, you may or may not hit your intended target but you also hit unintended targets as well.
Then what you are talking about is outlawing gun manufacturing and sales which is completely unconstitutional. Gun manufactures are not going to stop making them on their own. A law would have to be passed prohibiting their industry which again, would be stopped by a federal court or eventually the Supreme Court.

The assault weapons ban was Constitutional

No, it wasn't.....D.C. v Heller, Friedman v Highland Park, Caetano v Massachusetts, and several other rulings.......... said it isn't.....the lower courts are ignoring the Supreme Court rulings...that should concern you...

Wow, more fake news. The Lower Courts are ruling using the 2nd, 10th and 14th amendment. Even the Supreme Court can't change those.

If you mean in the 19th and early 20th century, you would be right. But in the last 80 years, the lower courts have NOT disregarded the Supreme Court Rulings for Firearms. You keep spewing this same nonsense and it's


No. The lower courts are ignoring the Constitution, the Bill of Rights and about half a dozen Supreme Court rulings....

i wouldn't call you names but i do see YOU as an 'unamerican' type Daryl Hunt .

Who's America? I preach the America from the Eisenhower days. I like those ideals and America moved to be the greatest nation in the World lead by two people, Eisenhower and Nixon. Eisenhower made quite an impact even on Kennedy. There was no "Us against Them" or "If you are 100% in agreement then you must be the Enemy" like it is today. You live in the Trump America and I am still trying to figure out exactly that that is.
Okay, so any level gun control is bad which is of course retarded on its own, but the right can’t even think of any alternatives to curbing gun violence. Saying “no” to everything accomplishes absolutely nothing. It’s astounding we are still at square one.

The Republican solution is simple:

If everyone would shoot everyone else until there was just one person left...then mass shootings would come to and end.

The problem with you on the left is we offered solutions, but none to your liking.

We say have more security in schools, allow willing teachers to arm themselves, get rid of gun-free zones, but as the Lost in Space robot used to say "That does not compute."

So whats the lefts solution? More gun regulations that make it harder on the law abiding citizens to get guns. Get rid of the scary looking weapons, and make sure a mass murderer has to change magazines more often to kill the people he desires to kill.

More guns in the hands of more persons is not a solution to gun violence.

Guns in the hands of law abiding people do not increase the crime or murder rates. And the vast majority of guns in this country are in the hands of law abiding people who will never commit a crime with guns.

70% of all murders occur in very small very well defined areas of just 2% of all the counties in this country. If you really cared about lowering the murder rate this is where you would be focusing your attention
The Democrats control all the cities where inner city Black on Black violent crime occurs. They DON'T want to stop this violence, nor hold their constituents (voting Black people) accountable for this violence. Listen to the interviews of the relatives of the slain hood rats. "It wasn't his fault". "He was a good boy". ""He didn't really mean it". "The store owner (or cops) shouldn't have shot him". "He didn't deserve to die". Etc. All this for some gang member committing crimes with a GUN.
The Democrats control all the cities where inner city Black on Black violent crime occurs. They DON'T want to stop this violence, nor hold their constituents (voting Black people) accountable for this violence. Listen to the interviews of the relatives of the slain hood rats. "It wasn't his fault". "He was a good boy". ""He didn't really mean it". "The store owner (or cops) shouldn't have shot him". "He didn't deserve to die". Etc. All this for some gang member committing crimes with a GUN.

This is very true. Here in Cleveland, the Mayor hires ex-cons for his administration saying everybody should get a second chance. Well one of his second chancers just killed a woman two days ago, however the Mayor still stands by his policies and will likely hire more felons in the future.
Okay, so any level gun control is bad which is of course retarded on its own, but the right can’t even think of any alternatives to curbing gun violence. Saying “no” to everything accomplishes absolutely nothing. It’s astounding we are still at square one.

The Republican solution is simple:

If everyone would shoot everyone else until there was just one person left...then mass shootings would come to and end.

The problem with you on the left is we offered solutions, but none to your liking.

We say have more security in schools, allow willing teachers to arm themselves, get rid of gun-free zones, but as the Lost in Space robot used to say "That does not compute."

So whats the lefts solution? More gun regulations that make it harder on the law abiding citizens to get guns. Get rid of the scary looking weapons, and make sure a mass murderer has to change magazines more often to kill the people he desires to kill.

More guns in the hands of more persons is not a solution to gun violence.

Guns in the hands of law abiding people do not increase the crime or murder rates. And the vast majority of guns in this country are in the hands of law abiding people who will never commit a crime with guns.

70% of all murders occur in very small very well defined areas of just 2% of all the counties in this country. If you really cared about lowering the murder rate this is where you would be focusing your attention

You can't explain that to people.

Like I posted pages ago, if you took a nice safe upper middle-class suburb, made a law that everybody in that burb has to own a firearm, the crime rate and violent crime will not change. If you take all the guns out of an inner-city neighborhood, it will still be a violent place and murder on top of murder.

Guns don't change people one way or the other. It's failed liberal philosophy.
Care to tell me where I am guilty of that? I have been called "Traitor" and "Liberal" and "Commie Bastard" just to name few by people claiming to already given the fix. And each time, that fix pretty well has been "More Guns".

Who said I was talking about you specifically?

And exactly whom are you talking about. Be specific. When you use a scattergun, you may or may not hit your intended target but you also hit unintended targets as well.

I was referring to the leftist consensus here in this topic, not you specifically.
Okay, so any level gun control is bad which is of course retarded on its own, but the right can’t even think of any alternatives to curbing gun violence. Saying “no” to everything accomplishes absolutely nothing. It’s astounding we are still at square one.

The Republican solution is simple:

If everyone would shoot everyone else until there was just one person left...then mass shootings would come to and end.

The problem with you on the left is we offered solutions, but none to your liking.

We say have more security in schools, allow willing teachers to arm themselves, get rid of gun-free zones, but as the Lost in Space robot used to say "That does not compute."

So whats the lefts solution? More gun regulations that make it harder on the law abiding citizens to get guns. Get rid of the scary looking weapons, and make sure a mass murderer has to change magazines more often to kill the people he desires to kill.

More guns in the hands of more persons is not a solution to gun violence.
sure it is. evidence says so.
Well, that pretty well sums things up. The Right Guncrazies don't have any input to any solutions other than "More Guns". The people willing to discuss things about the OP just gets yelled down. And you wonder why things are so screwed up. And then you wonder why the voters don't take you seriously. You aren't right, you are just LOUD!!!!!
wow, you didn't read any of the thread I see.

I did. I saw one group yelling down the other group. If you (the group) didn't like what the other person had to say, it was "Pile On". I saw only one guncraze willing to discuss things in a civilized manner and I commented on that. Him we all could work with. But for the most part, the others need a lesson in manners and civics. And so do you.
so where are the responses to the solutions I gave? you said you read it all. I never heard from you. Go back to the beginning of the thread. I gave solutions you ignored.
Well, that pretty well sums things up. The Right Guncrazies don't have any input to any solutions other than "More Guns". The people willing to discuss things about the OP just gets yelled down. And you wonder why things are so screwed up. And then you wonder why the voters don't take you seriously. You aren't right, you are just LOUD!!!!!
wow, you didn't read any of the thread I see.

I did. I saw one group yelling down the other group. If you (the group) didn't like what the other person had to say, it was "Pile On". I saw only one guncraze willing to discuss things in a civilized manner and I commented on that. Him we all could work with. But for the most part, the others need a lesson in manners and civics. And so do you.
so where are the responses to the solutions I gave? you said you read it all. I never heard from you. Go back to the beginning of the thread. I gave solutions you ignored.

Duhryl thinks his control is the only one that will work just like he believes everyone should listen to him on what firearm and what ammo to use
The same shithead Liberals that say they want to ban AR-15s because they contribute to mass shootings are the same Liberal shitheads that are now talking about using nuclear weapons against firearm owners.

Talk about mass destruction.
Well, that pretty well sums things up. The Right Guncrazies don't have any input to any solutions other than "More Guns". The people willing to discuss things about the OP just gets yelled down. And you wonder why things are so screwed up. And then you wonder why the voters don't take you seriously. You aren't right, you are just LOUD!!!!!
wow, you didn't read any of the thread I see.

I did. I saw one group yelling down the other group. If you (the group) didn't like what the other person had to say, it was "Pile On". I saw only one guncraze willing to discuss things in a civilized manner and I commented on that. Him we all could work with. But for the most part, the others need a lesson in manners and civics. And so do you.
so where are the responses to the solutions I gave? you said you read it all. I never heard from you. Go back to the beginning of the thread. I gave solutions you ignored.

Duhryl thinks his control is the only one that will work just like he believes everyone should listen to him on what firearm and what ammo to use
Duhryl is a nutjob. I'll give him another nick name, it seems he likes them. he still hasn't responded to my solutions. until then, he's just a nutjob.
The same shithead Liberals that say they want to ban AR-15s because they contribute to mass shootings are the same Liberal shitheads that are now talking about using nuclear weapons against firearm owners.

Talk about mass destruction.
ahh Congressman Swalwell. thanks.
Everyone suffer from some form of mental illness, so the stupid person is you.

No...they don't.

Mabey you and everyone you hang out with does but hey...that's not "everyone"
everyone has mental illness. For sure. anyone can snap at a given event. it's proved through life and history. The problem is you think you can control people. I laugh at you for that thinking. you think taking a weapon away will change mental illness. too funny. and that is the stupid that is you.

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