What is the republican solution to ending mass shootings? Why don’t they ever offer solutions?

Well, that pretty well sums things up. The Right Guncrazies don't have any input to any solutions other than "More Guns". The people willing to discuss things about the OP just gets yelled down. And you wonder why things are so screwed up. And then you wonder why the voters don't take you seriously. You aren't right, you are just LOUD!!!!!
wow, you didn't read any of the thread I see.

I did. I saw one group yelling down the other group. If you (the group) didn't like what the other person had to say, it was "Pile On". I saw only one guncraze willing to discuss things in a civilized manner and I commented on that. Him we all could work with. But for the most part, the others need a lesson in manners and civics. And so do you.
so where are the responses to the solutions I gave? you said you read it all. I never heard from you. Go back to the beginning of the thread. I gave solutions you ignored.

Some of your ideas are already being incorporated. While most are more dangerous than need be. I like what we have done here and it's effective to prevent school and mass shootings. While we can never completely stop them if they are in Vogue, we can minimize the damage. And putting more guns in everyone's hands is not the answer.
My number one solution is this, commit a crime with a gun, you get the death penalty. I bet gun violence would melt away.

I suggest you search the Internet for the Allegory of the Cave. IMO all you see are shadows of reality, and never seem to get it (reality). Of course you are not alone and for that solutions cannot never be discussed rationally, calmly and with respect for both sides of this wedge issue.

You motherfucking idiot!!!!!

Move to another country. You know SHIT about your own.


Punk, a cowardly person who uses fowl language and fighting words when safely confined in a cage, or hiding behind a keyboard. Aptly applies to you Mr. BLF. You would not have the balls to say this to my face (unless of course you came armed and ready to commit a felony).
Trump uses fowl language & you kiss his fast ass every day.

So your real name is Wry Catcher. Who knew? You are just a cowardly POS hiding behind a keyboard too.

Well F U too, I do not take bullies lightly and have no fear of punks like the A-hole who called me a MFer and a piece of shit.

Do I smile and turn the other cheek?

Hell no, I have the ability to stand my ground, and will do so as long as these gun lovers demand their rights are mildly infringed is more valuable than the life of a kid sitting in a classroom.

do you really think that taking guns from sane, law abiding people will keep insane criminals from doing bad things?

the UK is now having a wave of knife crimes, the mid east is being suicide bombed. The problem is not guns, they problem is a sick society full of assholes like you.

Q. "do (I) really think that taking guns from sane, law abiding people will keep insane criminals from doing bad things?"

A. No, and I've never advocated that guns be confiscated unless under the law, and kept or destroyed via a due process examination by the judiciary.

However, if a gun owned by a sane and law abiding person is stolen and this insane or sane person uses the weapon to rob, kill or maim another person, the original owner should be held to answer civilly for any tort by the victim or the victims family.

so if someone steals your car and gets into a wreck killing another person, you are responsible? Do you ever think before posting?
Okay, so any level gun control is bad which is of course retarded on its own, but the right can’t even think of any alternatives to curbing gun violence. Saying “no” to everything accomplishes absolutely nothing. It’s astounding we are still at square one.

The Republican solution is simple:

If everyone would shoot everyone else until there was just one person left...then mass shootings would come to and end.

The problem with you on the left is we offered solutions, but none to your liking.

We say have more security in schools, allow willing teachers to arm themselves, get rid of gun-free zones, but as the Lost in Space robot used to say "That does not compute."

So whats the lefts solution? More gun regulations that make it harder on the law abiding citizens to get guns. Get rid of the scary looking weapons, and make sure a mass murderer has to change magazines more often to kill the people he desires to kill.

More guns in the hands of more persons is not a solution to gun violence.

Guns in the hands of law abiding people do not increase the crime or murder rates. And the vast majority of guns in this country are in the hands of law abiding people who will never commit a crime with guns.

70% of all murders occur in very small very well defined areas of just 2% of all the counties in this country. If you really cared about lowering the murder rate this is where you would be focusing your attention

"Law abiding people" can become "criminals" instantaneously.
Okay, so any level gun control is bad which is of course retarded on its own, but the right can’t even think of any alternatives to curbing gun violence. Saying “no” to everything accomplishes absolutely nothing. It’s astounding we are still at square one.

The Republican solution is simple:

If everyone would shoot everyone else until there was just one person left...then mass shootings would come to and end.

The problem with you on the left is we offered solutions, but none to your liking.

We say have more security in schools, allow willing teachers to arm themselves, get rid of gun-free zones, but as the Lost in Space robot used to say "That does not compute."

So whats the lefts solution? More gun regulations that make it harder on the law abiding citizens to get guns. Get rid of the scary looking weapons, and make sure a mass murderer has to change magazines more often to kill the people he desires to kill.

More guns in the hands of more persons is not a solution to gun violence.

Guns in the hands of law abiding people do not increase the crime or murder rates. And the vast majority of guns in this country are in the hands of law abiding people who will never commit a crime with guns.

70% of all murders occur in very small very well defined areas of just 2% of all the counties in this country. If you really cared about lowering the murder rate this is where you would be focusing your attention

You can't explain that to people.

Like I posted pages ago, if you took a nice safe upper middle-class suburb, made a law that everybody in that burb has to own a firearm, the crime rate and violent crime will not change. If you take all the guns out of an inner-city neighborhood, it will still be a violent place and murder on top of murder.

Guns don't change people one way or the other. It's failed liberal philosophy.

Every criminal was a "Law Abiding Person" once.
The same shithead Liberals that say they want to ban AR-15s because they contribute to mass shootings are the same Liberal shitheads that are now talking about using nuclear weapons against firearm owners.

Talk about mass destruction.
ahh Congressman Swalwell. thanks.

"Compassionate: This Democratic Representative Is So Opposed To Gun Violence That He's Willing To Nuke The Entire Country To Stop It
November 19th, 2018


Wow. Compassionate and humane: Democratic representative Eric Swalwell is such a champion of peace that he just announced he would be willing to nuke the entire country to stop gun violence once and for all.


While gun owners have never offered to nuke the country to stop gun violence, Swalwell stepped up to the plate and vowed to do it himself. Once again, we see that progressives are the ones with values like compassion, kindness, and civility, while Republicans have failed to do anything to stop firearm abuse. Have you ever heard of a Republican suggesting they'd bathe the country in nuclear fire in order to prevent another mass shooting?

We didn't think so.

Swalwell's plan seems to hold water: should the entire country be covered in nuclear fallout, very few people would be able to use gun violence, because they would be dead. Studies have shown that in a post-apocalyptic wasteland, people would be forced to resort to cobbled-together weapons made out of pipes, or even melee weapons as they struggle for survival.

"I'd like to see people perform a mass shooting when there's really only a few thousand people left," Swalwell said in an interview Sunday. "School shootings and active shooter situations would be a thing of the past."

"Sure, we'd have Super Mutants and stuff to deal with, but we'll find a solution to them when the time comes," he said, quickly adding, "Though I know what the solution probably is already: nukes."

A brave champion of peace and justice! Great job, Rep. Swalwell. You give us hope for the green, glowy, radioactive future!"
Compassionate: This Democratic Representative Is So Opposed To Gun Violence That He's Willing To Nuke The Entire Country To Stop It
The Republican solution is simple:

If everyone would shoot everyone else until there was just one person left...then mass shootings would come to and end.

The problem with you on the left is we offered solutions, but none to your liking.

We say have more security in schools, allow willing teachers to arm themselves, get rid of gun-free zones, but as the Lost in Space robot used to say "That does not compute."

So whats the lefts solution? More gun regulations that make it harder on the law abiding citizens to get guns. Get rid of the scary looking weapons, and make sure a mass murderer has to change magazines more often to kill the people he desires to kill.

More guns in the hands of more persons is not a solution to gun violence.

Guns in the hands of law abiding people do not increase the crime or murder rates. And the vast majority of guns in this country are in the hands of law abiding people who will never commit a crime with guns.

70% of all murders occur in very small very well defined areas of just 2% of all the counties in this country. If you really cared about lowering the murder rate this is where you would be focusing your attention

You can't explain that to people.

Like I posted pages ago, if you took a nice safe upper middle-class suburb, made a law that everybody in that burb has to own a firearm, the crime rate and violent crime will not change. If you take all the guns out of an inner-city neighborhood, it will still be a violent place and murder on top of murder.

Guns don't change people one way or the other. It's failed liberal philosophy.

Every criminal was a "Law Abiding Person" once.

Do you have a point behind that comment or what?
Punk, a cowardly person who uses fowl language and fighting words when safely confined in a cage, or hiding behind a keyboard. Aptly applies to you Mr. BLF. You would not have the balls to say this to my face (unless of course you came armed and ready to commit a felony).
Trump uses fowl language & you kiss his fast ass every day.

So your real name is Wry Catcher. Who knew? You are just a cowardly POS hiding behind a keyboard too.

Well F U too, I do not take bullies lightly and have no fear of punks like the A-hole who called me a MFer and a piece of shit.

Do I smile and turn the other cheek?

Hell no, I have the ability to stand my ground, and will do so as long as these gun lovers demand their rights are mildly infringed is more valuable than the life of a kid sitting in a classroom.

do you really think that taking guns from sane, law abiding people will keep insane criminals from doing bad things?

the UK is now having a wave of knife crimes, the mid east is being suicide bombed. The problem is not guns, they problem is a sick society full of assholes like you.

Q. "do (I) really think that taking guns from sane, law abiding people will keep insane criminals from doing bad things?"

A. No, and I've never advocated that guns be confiscated unless under the law, and kept or destroyed via a due process examination by the judiciary.

However, if a gun owned by a sane and law abiding person is stolen and this insane or sane person uses the weapon to rob, kill or maim another person, the original owner should be held to answer civilly for any tort by the victim or the victims family.

so if someone steals your car and gets into a wreck killing another person, you are responsible? Do you ever think before posting?

If you left the car running, or unlocked with the keys in it, you damn well could be sued civilly. Do you know the difference a civil and criminal complaint? BTW, I do think about what I post, maybe you ought to try to do so.
wow, you didn't read any of the thread I see.

I did. I saw one group yelling down the other group. If you (the group) didn't like what the other person had to say, it was "Pile On". I saw only one guncraze willing to discuss things in a civilized manner and I commented on that. Him we all could work with. But for the most part, the others need a lesson in manners and civics. And so do you.
so where are the responses to the solutions I gave? you said you read it all. I never heard from you. Go back to the beginning of the thread. I gave solutions you ignored.

Duhryl thinks his control is the only one that will work just like he believes everyone should listen to him on what firearm and what ammo to use
Duhryl is a nutjob. I'll give him another nick name, it seems he likes them. he still hasn't responded to my solutions. until then, he's just a nutjob.

I responded but you don't like the responses. So you admit defeat by insults and uncivil behavior. Then you wonder why the "Common Sense" gun reg are taking hold all over the nation. The mass shootings will be dealt with WITHOUT your help.

No you think your uber-regulation is the only solution
wow, you didn't read any of the thread I see.

I did. I saw one group yelling down the other group. If you (the group) didn't like what the other person had to say, it was "Pile On". I saw only one guncraze willing to discuss things in a civilized manner and I commented on that. Him we all could work with. But for the most part, the others need a lesson in manners and civics. And so do you.
so where are the responses to the solutions I gave? you said you read it all. I never heard from you. Go back to the beginning of the thread. I gave solutions you ignored.

Some of your ideas are already being incorporated. While most are more dangerous than need be. I like what we have done here and it's effective to prevent school and mass shootings. While we can never completely stop them if they are in Vogue, we can minimize the damage. And putting more guns in everyone's hands is not the answer.
My number one solution is this, commit a crime with a gun, you get the death penalty. I bet gun violence would melt away.

Won't make even a slight dent. Most Mass Shooters know the final outcome is probably that either the cops are going kill them or they are going to take their own lives. The Death Penalty won't make a difference on way or another. But since I am what you claim I am, you'll try and insult your way around this. Works for me, cupcake.

and your ideas won't make one iota of a difference in the death toll of mass shootings which is only 1% of all murders anyway
Okay, so any level gun control is bad which is of course retarded on its own, but the right can’t even think of any alternatives to curbing gun violence. Saying “no” to everything accomplishes absolutely nothing. It’s astounding we are still at square one.

The Republican solution is simple:

If everyone would shoot everyone else until there was just one person left...then mass shootings would come to and end.

The problem with you on the left is we offered solutions, but none to your liking.

We say have more security in schools, allow willing teachers to arm themselves, get rid of gun-free zones, but as the Lost in Space robot used to say "That does not compute."

So whats the lefts solution? More gun regulations that make it harder on the law abiding citizens to get guns. Get rid of the scary looking weapons, and make sure a mass murderer has to change magazines more often to kill the people he desires to kill.

More guns in the hands of more persons is not a solution to gun violence.

Guns in the hands of law abiding people do not increase the crime or murder rates. And the vast majority of guns in this country are in the hands of law abiding people who will never commit a crime with guns.

70% of all murders occur in very small very well defined areas of just 2% of all the counties in this country. If you really cared about lowering the murder rate this is where you would be focusing your attention

"Law abiding people" can become "criminals" instantaneously.

MEaningless drivel

Maybe we should treat you like a criminal after all it's just a matter of time before you commit a crime

We should put you on a sex offenders list as well because you're nothing but a rapist in waiting

Do you see how utterly ridiculous the "criminal in waiting" idea is yet?
The Republican solution is simple:

If everyone would shoot everyone else until there was just one person left...then mass shootings would come to and end.

The problem with you on the left is we offered solutions, but none to your liking.

We say have more security in schools, allow willing teachers to arm themselves, get rid of gun-free zones, but as the Lost in Space robot used to say "That does not compute."

So whats the lefts solution? More gun regulations that make it harder on the law abiding citizens to get guns. Get rid of the scary looking weapons, and make sure a mass murderer has to change magazines more often to kill the people he desires to kill.

More guns in the hands of more persons is not a solution to gun violence.

Guns in the hands of law abiding people do not increase the crime or murder rates. And the vast majority of guns in this country are in the hands of law abiding people who will never commit a crime with guns.

70% of all murders occur in very small very well defined areas of just 2% of all the counties in this country. If you really cared about lowering the murder rate this is where you would be focusing your attention

You can't explain that to people.

Like I posted pages ago, if you took a nice safe upper middle-class suburb, made a law that everybody in that burb has to own a firearm, the crime rate and violent crime will not change. If you take all the guns out of an inner-city neighborhood, it will still be a violent place and murder on top of murder.

Guns don't change people one way or the other. It's failed liberal philosophy.

Every criminal was a "Law Abiding Person" once.

You don't stomp on people's rights because something "might" happen
Duhryl thinks his control is the only one that will work just like he believes everyone should listen to him on what firearm and what ammo to use
Duhryl is a nutjob. I'll give him another nick name, it seems he likes them. he still hasn't responded to my solutions. until then, he's just a nutjob.

I responded but you don't like the responses. So you admit defeat by insults and uncivil behavior. Then you wonder why the "Common Sense" gun reg are taking hold all over the nation. The mass shootings will be dealt with WITHOUT your help.
sure you did, after I posted that. I posted that because you didn't read my posts till I asked you to. yet you were in here bitching. number one solution, commit a crime with a gun, death sentence.

Either you're serious about it or not.

I read your posts. Mostly, none of your ideas are workable in reality. Meanwhile, I am taking my "Suggestions" which are not even my suggestions and posting them in here of the things are ARE working.
no, no they're not working. I haven't seen one of your ideas that has worked. not one. commit a crime with a gun, and you die. any crime. you get convicted of using a gun bye!!!

You are off topic.
Well, that pretty well sums things up. The Right Guncrazies don't have any input to any solutions other than "More Guns". The people willing to discuss things about the OP just gets yelled down. And you wonder why things are so screwed up. And then you wonder why the voters don't take you seriously. You aren't right, you are just LOUD!!!!!
wow, you didn't read any of the thread I see.

I did. I saw one group yelling down the other group. If you (the group) didn't like what the other person had to say, it was "Pile On". I saw only one guncraze willing to discuss things in a civilized manner and I commented on that. Him we all could work with. But for the most part, the others need a lesson in manners and civics. And so do you.
so where are the responses to the solutions I gave? you said you read it all. I never heard from you. Go back to the beginning of the thread. I gave solutions you ignored.

Some of your ideas are already being incorporated. While most are more dangerous than need be. I like what we have done here and it's effective to prevent school and mass shootings. While we can never completely stop them if they are in Vogue, we can minimize the damage. And putting more guns in everyone's hands is not the answer.

But do you know that the reason you have no mass shootings was because of what you've done?

We've done nothing about it here and have had no mass shootings. It's just a matter of when some kook is going to fly off the handle and where.

Because we stopped at least one before it even got to the school front gate. It's not just gun regulation, it also requires a total rethink of your Society. It's now almost impossible to get that weapon (any weapon) onto our school ground because the community is involved. The Communities best weapon is being aware and getting tips to the place it needs to go. More guns are not the answer. It's community involvement. We are small compared to other areas yet even WE almost had one ourselves. No community is immune if you don't get the community involved. That's the best prevention of Mass School Shootings.
I did. I saw one group yelling down the other group. If you (the group) didn't like what the other person had to say, it was "Pile On". I saw only one guncraze willing to discuss things in a civilized manner and I commented on that. Him we all could work with. But for the most part, the others need a lesson in manners and civics. And so do you.
so where are the responses to the solutions I gave? you said you read it all. I never heard from you. Go back to the beginning of the thread. I gave solutions you ignored.

Duhryl thinks his control is the only one that will work just like he believes everyone should listen to him on what firearm and what ammo to use
Duhryl is a nutjob. I'll give him another nick name, it seems he likes them. he still hasn't responded to my solutions. until then, he's just a nutjob.

I responded but you don't like the responses. So you admit defeat by insults and uncivil behavior. Then you wonder why the "Common Sense" gun reg are taking hold all over the nation. The mass shootings will be dealt with WITHOUT your help.

No you think your uber-regulation is the only solution

I did. I saw one group yelling down the other group. If you (the group) didn't like what the other person had to say, it was "Pile On". I saw only one guncraze willing to discuss things in a civilized manner and I commented on that. Him we all could work with. But for the most part, the others need a lesson in manners and civics. And so do you.
so where are the responses to the solutions I gave? you said you read it all. I never heard from you. Go back to the beginning of the thread. I gave solutions you ignored.

Some of your ideas are already being incorporated. While most are more dangerous than need be. I like what we have done here and it's effective to prevent school and mass shootings. While we can never completely stop them if they are in Vogue, we can minimize the damage. And putting more guns in everyone's hands is not the answer.
My number one solution is this, commit a crime with a gun, you get the death penalty. I bet gun violence would melt away.

Won't make even a slight dent. Most Mass Shooters know the final outcome is probably that either the cops are going kill them or they are going to take their own lives. The Death Penalty won't make a difference on way or another. But since I am what you claim I am, you'll try and insult your way around this. Works for me, cupcake.

and your ideas won't make one iota of a difference in the death toll of mass shootings which is only 1% of all murders anyway

Some of your ideas are already being incorporated. While most are more dangerous than need be. I like what we have done here and it's effective to prevent school and mass shootings. While we can never completely stop them if they are in Vogue, we can minimize the damage. And putting more guns in everyone's hands is not the answer.
My number one solution is this, commit a crime with a gun, you get the death penalty. I bet gun violence would melt away.

Won't make even a slight dent. Most Mass Shooters know the final outcome is probably that either the cops are going kill them or they are going to take their own lives. The Death Penalty won't make a difference on way or another. But since I am what you claim I am, you'll try and insult your way around this. Works for me, cupcake.
I'm not talking about mass murders, I'm talking crime with a gun. you know there are other crimes where suspects use guns right? Please don't put yourself into the nutjob category again.

If you want to talk about something other than mass murders, start another line and we can talk it about it. Otherwise, this is about Mass Shootings. And try being nicer. You will get much further with me if you are civil.
well guns aren't the number one tool for mass murders. so? box cutters took out ~600 people on 9/11. name another mass murder bigger than that day!!!

That worked because the doors into the cabin could easily been kicked in and most weren't even kept locked. There was no firearm in the Cockpit either. I usually don't advocate more guns but in this case, it might have made a difference. Here are the ways they have stopped this.

1. At least one member of the Cockpit is armed.

2. The doors have been hardened and lock automatically where they lock when they close. You need a key to get them open.

3. More Air Marshals.

If you try that now on anything other than a week hopper flight it won't work. You can't get the guns onto the flight. Even if you use plastic type of knives, they aren't much good when you can't get through the door and the Air Marshals are objecting to it. 9-11 was quite a wakeup call and did make changes in the Airline Industry.
My number one solution is this, commit a crime with a gun, you get the death penalty. I bet gun violence would melt away.

Won't make even a slight dent. Most Mass Shooters know the final outcome is probably that either the cops are going kill them or they are going to take their own lives. The Death Penalty won't make a difference on way or another. But since I am what you claim I am, you'll try and insult your way around this. Works for me, cupcake.
I'm not talking about mass murders, I'm talking crime with a gun. you know there are other crimes where suspects use guns right? Please don't put yourself into the nutjob category again.

If you want to talk about something other than mass murders, start another line and we can talk it about it. Otherwise, this is about Mass Shootings. And try being nicer. You will get much further with me if you are civil.
well guns aren't the number one tool for mass murders. so? box cutters took out ~600 people on 9/11. name another mass murder bigger than that day!!!

That worked because the doors into the cabin could easily been kicked in and most weren't even kept locked. There was no firearm in the Cockpit either. I usually don't advocate more guns but in this case, it might have made a difference. Here are the ways they have stopped this.

1. At least one member of the Cockpit is armed.

2. The doors have been hardened and lock automatically where they lock when they close. You need a key to get them open.

3. More Air Marshals.

If you try that now on anything other than a week hopper flight it won't work. You can't get the guns onto the flight. Even if you use plastic type of knives, they aren't much good when you can't get through the door and the Air Marshals are objecting to it. 9-11 was quite a wakeup call and did make changes in the Airline Industry.
wow, everything that was suggested for schools and shot down. Excuse the pun.
Punk, a cowardly person who uses fowl language and fighting words when safely confined in a cage, or hiding behind a keyboard. Aptly applies to you Mr. BLF. You would not have the balls to say this to my face (unless of course you came armed and ready to commit a felony).
Trump uses fowl language & you kiss his fast ass every day.

So your real name is Wry Catcher. Who knew? You are just a cowardly POS hiding behind a keyboard too.

Well F U too, I do not take bullies lightly and have no fear of punks like the A-hole who called me a MFer and a piece of shit.

Do I smile and turn the other cheek?

Hell no, I have the ability to stand my ground, and will do so as long as these gun lovers demand their rights are mildly infringed is more valuable than the life of a kid sitting in a classroom.

do you really think that taking guns from sane, law abiding people will keep insane criminals from doing bad things?

the UK is now having a wave of knife crimes, the mid east is being suicide bombed. The problem is not guns, they problem is a sick society full of assholes like you.

Q. "do (I) really think that taking guns from sane, law abiding people will keep insane criminals from doing bad things?"

A. No, and I've never advocated that guns be confiscated unless under the law, and kept or destroyed via a due process examination by the judiciary.

However, if a gun owned by a sane and law abiding person is stolen and this insane or sane person uses the weapon to rob, kill or maim another person, the original owner should be held to answer civilly for any tort by the victim or the victims family.

so if someone steals your car and gets into a wreck killing another person, you are responsible? Do you ever think before posting?

Just like firearms, if you report it stolen then you are off the hook. Don't report it stolen and you might be held accountable.
Duhryl is a nutjob. I'll give him another nick name, it seems he likes them. he still hasn't responded to my solutions. until then, he's just a nutjob.

I responded but you don't like the responses. So you admit defeat by insults and uncivil behavior. Then you wonder why the "Common Sense" gun reg are taking hold all over the nation. The mass shootings will be dealt with WITHOUT your help.
sure you did, after I posted that. I posted that because you didn't read my posts till I asked you to. yet you were in here bitching. number one solution, commit a crime with a gun, death sentence.

Either you're serious about it or not.

I read your posts. Mostly, none of your ideas are workable in reality. Meanwhile, I am taking my "Suggestions" which are not even my suggestions and posting them in here of the things are ARE working.
no, no they're not working. I haven't seen one of your ideas that has worked. not one. commit a crime with a gun, and you die. any crime. you get convicted of using a gun bye!!!

You are off topic.
how so? Killing off those who like to use guns for violence eliminates a probable mass murderer. you're confused.
Trump uses fowl language & you kiss his fast ass every day.

So your real name is Wry Catcher. Who knew? You are just a cowardly POS hiding behind a keyboard too.

Well F U too, I do not take bullies lightly and have no fear of punks like the A-hole who called me a MFer and a piece of shit.

Do I smile and turn the other cheek?

Hell no, I have the ability to stand my ground, and will do so as long as these gun lovers demand their rights are mildly infringed is more valuable than the life of a kid sitting in a classroom.

do you really think that taking guns from sane, law abiding people will keep insane criminals from doing bad things?

the UK is now having a wave of knife crimes, the mid east is being suicide bombed. The problem is not guns, they problem is a sick society full of assholes like you.

Q. "do (I) really think that taking guns from sane, law abiding people will keep insane criminals from doing bad things?"

A. No, and I've never advocated that guns be confiscated unless under the law, and kept or destroyed via a due process examination by the judiciary.

However, if a gun owned by a sane and law abiding person is stolen and this insane or sane person uses the weapon to rob, kill or maim another person, the original owner should be held to answer civilly for any tort by the victim or the victims family.

so if someone steals your car and gets into a wreck killing another person, you are responsible? Do you ever think before posting?

Just like firearms, if you report it stolen then you are off the hook. Don't report it stolen and you might be held accountable.
how would anyone know a gun is someone else's?

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