What is the republican solution to ending mass shootings? Why don’t they ever offer solutions?

My number one solution is this, commit a crime with a gun, you get the death penalty. I bet gun violence would melt away.

Won't make even a slight dent. Most Mass Shooters know the final outcome is probably that either the cops are going kill them or they are going to take their own lives. The Death Penalty won't make a difference on way or another. But since I am what you claim I am, you'll try and insult your way around this. Works for me, cupcake.
I'm not talking about mass murders, I'm talking crime with a gun. you know there are other crimes where suspects use guns right? Please don't put yourself into the nutjob category again.

If you want to talk about something other than mass murders, start another line and we can talk it about it. Otherwise, this is about Mass Shootings. And try being nicer. You will get much further with me if you are civil.
well guns aren't the number one tool for mass murders. so? box cutters took out ~600 people on 9/11. name another mass murder bigger than that day!!!

That worked because the doors into the cabin could easily been kicked in and most weren't even kept locked. There was no firearm in the Cockpit either. I usually don't advocate more guns but in this case, it might have made a difference. Here are the ways they have stopped this.

1. At least one member of the Cockpit is armed.

2. The doors have been hardened and lock automatically where they lock when they close. You need a key to get them open.

3. More Air Marshals.

If you try that now on anything other than a week hopper flight it won't work. You can't get the guns onto the flight. Even if you use plastic type of knives, they aren't much good when you can't get through the door and the Air Marshals are objecting to it. 9-11 was quite a wakeup call and did make changes in the Airline Industry.
so they didn't go after the box cutter as the solution!!! badda BOOM!!

Everyone suffer from some form of mental illness, so the stupid person is you.

No...they don't.

Mabey you and everyone you hang out with does but hey...that's not "everyone"

Actually, he is correct. I am thought to be pretty stable yet I have been diagnosed with long term PTSD. While I am not prone to play with guns, gasoline or any other destructive things, I know that I have at least one card missing in the Deck. Most are like that if you look close enough.
Well F U too, I do not take bullies lightly and have no fear of punks like the A-hole who called me a MFer and a piece of shit.

Do I smile and turn the other cheek?

Hell no, I have the ability to stand my ground, and will do so as long as these gun lovers demand their rights are mildly infringed is more valuable than the life of a kid sitting in a classroom.

do you really think that taking guns from sane, law abiding people will keep insane criminals from doing bad things?

the UK is now having a wave of knife crimes, the mid east is being suicide bombed. The problem is not guns, they problem is a sick society full of assholes like you.

Q. "do (I) really think that taking guns from sane, law abiding people will keep insane criminals from doing bad things?"

A. No, and I've never advocated that guns be confiscated unless under the law, and kept or destroyed via a due process examination by the judiciary.

However, if a gun owned by a sane and law abiding person is stolen and this insane or sane person uses the weapon to rob, kill or maim another person, the original owner should be held to answer civilly for any tort by the victim or the victims family.

so if someone steals your car and gets into a wreck killing another person, you are responsible? Do you ever think before posting?

Just like firearms, if you report it stolen then you are off the hook. Don't report it stolen and you might be held accountable.
how would anyone know a gun is someone else's?

If the gun is used in a crime and it''s recovered. But that is if Background Checks were religiously enforced. They aren't so some guns will be untraceable even if recovered. Case in point, You buy a bunch of guns in Texas at gun shows. No background check. You then take them to Chicago where there is a large market for untraceable guns and you sell them for a large profit. The Guns were sold legal in Texas but they were transported to another state. If the sale transaction were to go through a Gun Dealer that is required by law too run the background check then a record of the sale will be on file for X number of years. There is still a problem. The Authorities in Chicago have no way of knowing where to look since the transaction is only on file with the original gun dealer that ran the background check and sold the gun. This is happening now. There is no chain of events to trace the guns back to the last legal purchaser who is the guilty party in another state.
do you really think that taking guns from sane, law abiding people will keep insane criminals from doing bad things?

the UK is now having a wave of knife crimes, the mid east is being suicide bombed. The problem is not guns, they problem is a sick society full of assholes like you.

Q. "do (I) really think that taking guns from sane, law abiding people will keep insane criminals from doing bad things?"

A. No, and I've never advocated that guns be confiscated unless under the law, and kept or destroyed via a due process examination by the judiciary.

However, if a gun owned by a sane and law abiding person is stolen and this insane or sane person uses the weapon to rob, kill or maim another person, the original owner should be held to answer civilly for any tort by the victim or the victims family.

so if someone steals your car and gets into a wreck killing another person, you are responsible? Do you ever think before posting?

Just like firearms, if you report it stolen then you are off the hook. Don't report it stolen and you might be held accountable.
how would anyone know a gun is someone else's?

If the gun is used in a crime and it''s recovered. But that is if Background Checks were religiously enforced. They aren't so some guns will be untraceable even if recovered. Case in point, You buy a bunch of guns in Texas at gun shows. No background check. You then take them to Chicago where there is a large market for untraceable guns and you sell them for a large profit. The Guns were sold legal in Texas but they were transported to another state. If the sale transaction were to go through a Gun Dealer that is required by law too run the background check then a record of the sale will be on file for X number of years. There is still a problem. The Authorities in Chicago have no way of knowing where to look since the transaction is only on file with the original gun dealer that ran the background check and sold the gun. This is happening now. There is no chain of events to trace the guns back to the last legal purchaser who is the guilty party in another state.
gun shows do background checks.
Won't make even a slight dent. Most Mass Shooters know the final outcome is probably that either the cops are going kill them or they are going to take their own lives. The Death Penalty won't make a difference on way or another. But since I am what you claim I am, you'll try and insult your way around this. Works for me, cupcake.
I'm not talking about mass murders, I'm talking crime with a gun. you know there are other crimes where suspects use guns right? Please don't put yourself into the nutjob category again.

If you want to talk about something other than mass murders, start another line and we can talk it about it. Otherwise, this is about Mass Shootings. And try being nicer. You will get much further with me if you are civil.
well guns aren't the number one tool for mass murders. so? box cutters took out ~600 people on 9/11. name another mass murder bigger than that day!!!

That worked because the doors into the cabin could easily been kicked in and most weren't even kept locked. There was no firearm in the Cockpit either. I usually don't advocate more guns but in this case, it might have made a difference. Here are the ways they have stopped this.

1. At least one member of the Cockpit is armed.

2. The doors have been hardened and lock automatically where they lock when they close. You need a key to get them open.

3. More Air Marshals.

If you try that now on anything other than a week hopper flight it won't work. You can't get the guns onto the flight. Even if you use plastic type of knives, they aren't much good when you can't get through the door and the Air Marshals are objecting to it. 9-11 was quite a wakeup call and did make changes in the Airline Industry.
so they didn't go after the box cutter as the solution!!! badda BOOM!!


They banned box cutter on flights. But for mass shootings, there are more ways to stop them than going to a armed prison style school. One of the best things about America, even when we have a severe problem, we try and not give up all our rights to prevent it from happening again.

You dropped the mike a bit too early.
I'm not talking about mass murders, I'm talking crime with a gun. you know there are other crimes where suspects use guns right? Please don't put yourself into the nutjob category again.

If you want to talk about something other than mass murders, start another line and we can talk it about it. Otherwise, this is about Mass Shootings. And try being nicer. You will get much further with me if you are civil.
well guns aren't the number one tool for mass murders. so? box cutters took out ~600 people on 9/11. name another mass murder bigger than that day!!!

That worked because the doors into the cabin could easily been kicked in and most weren't even kept locked. There was no firearm in the Cockpit either. I usually don't advocate more guns but in this case, it might have made a difference. Here are the ways they have stopped this.

1. At least one member of the Cockpit is armed.

2. The doors have been hardened and lock automatically where they lock when they close. You need a key to get them open.

3. More Air Marshals.

If you try that now on anything other than a week hopper flight it won't work. You can't get the guns onto the flight. Even if you use plastic type of knives, they aren't much good when you can't get through the door and the Air Marshals are objecting to it. 9-11 was quite a wakeup call and did make changes in the Airline Industry.
so they didn't go after the box cutter as the solution!!! badda BOOM!!


They banned box cutter on flights. But for mass shootings, there are more ways to stop them than going to a armed prison style school. One of the best things about America, even when we have a severe problem, we try and not give up all our rights to prevent it from happening again.

You dropped the mike a bit too early.
whoa, you just said in an airplane it's a good thing. what's the difference?

And what rights would anyone be giving up BTW?

Box cutters, no knives, no any blades. Doesn't make it the solution otherwise they wouldn't have buttoned up the doors and provided armed pilots. hmmmmm once agian

Last edited:
Q. "do (I) really think that taking guns from sane, law abiding people will keep insane criminals from doing bad things?"

A. No, and I've never advocated that guns be confiscated unless under the law, and kept or destroyed via a due process examination by the judiciary.

However, if a gun owned by a sane and law abiding person is stolen and this insane or sane person uses the weapon to rob, kill or maim another person, the original owner should be held to answer civilly for any tort by the victim or the victims family.

so if someone steals your car and gets into a wreck killing another person, you are responsible? Do you ever think before posting?

Just like firearms, if you report it stolen then you are off the hook. Don't report it stolen and you might be held accountable.
how would anyone know a gun is someone else's?

If the gun is used in a crime and it''s recovered. But that is if Background Checks were religiously enforced. They aren't so some guns will be untraceable even if recovered. Case in point, You buy a bunch of guns in Texas at gun shows. No background check. You then take them to Chicago where there is a large market for untraceable guns and you sell them for a large profit. The Guns were sold legal in Texas but they were transported to another state. If the sale transaction were to go through a Gun Dealer that is required by law too run the background check then a record of the sale will be on file for X number of years. There is still a problem. The Authorities in Chicago have no way of knowing where to look since the transaction is only on file with the original gun dealer that ran the background check and sold the gun. This is happening now. There is no chain of events to trace the guns back to the last legal purchaser who is the guilty party in another state.
gun shows do background checks.

Only if it's a Legally Licensed Gun Dealer. In most states, you can set up your own table and sell guns with NO background checks. Here,, even the dude with the 6 foot table still has to run his buyers through a background check through a legal licensed gun dealer and it costs a whopping 7 bucks and only couple of minutes of time. I use Texas as an example. It's not the worst but certainly not the best. But you can sell your guns at a gun show through private sales and not have a background check ran.
so if someone steals your car and gets into a wreck killing another person, you are responsible? Do you ever think before posting?

Just like firearms, if you report it stolen then you are off the hook. Don't report it stolen and you might be held accountable.
how would anyone know a gun is someone else's?

If the gun is used in a crime and it''s recovered. But that is if Background Checks were religiously enforced. They aren't so some guns will be untraceable even if recovered. Case in point, You buy a bunch of guns in Texas at gun shows. No background check. You then take them to Chicago where there is a large market for untraceable guns and you sell them for a large profit. The Guns were sold legal in Texas but they were transported to another state. If the sale transaction were to go through a Gun Dealer that is required by law too run the background check then a record of the sale will be on file for X number of years. There is still a problem. The Authorities in Chicago have no way of knowing where to look since the transaction is only on file with the original gun dealer that ran the background check and sold the gun. This is happening now. There is no chain of events to trace the guns back to the last legal purchaser who is the guilty party in another state.
gun shows do background checks.

Only if it's a Legally Licensed Gun Dealer. In most states, you can set up your own table and sell guns with NO background checks. Here,, even the dude with the 6 foot table still has to run his buyers through a background check through a legal licensed gun dealer and it costs a whopping 7 bucks and only couple of minutes of time. I use Texas as an example. It's not the worst but certainly not the best. But you can sell your guns at a gun show through private sales and not have a background check ran.
look dude, I know of no place that happens. you're all over the place, come on man!!!
Ban all Liberals from owning guns.

Ban all Liberals from selling / giving guns to terrorists, Mexican Drug Cartels, violent illegal gangs.

Arrest any Liberal who ever again calls for the rape of the President's son by pedophiles or women in his administration, who pay for thugs to beat up Americans supporting other candidates, who call for the stalking and harassment of opposition party politicians, of anyone who incites violence by using violent rhetoric resulting in violence - like the attempted assassinations of opposition political party members....BEGIN HOLDING THEM ACCOUTABILITY FOR INCITING VIOLENCE.

Using your own yardstick, I guess Trump should be arrested. But I don't see that happening any time soon.
Ban all Liberals from owning guns.

Ban all Liberals from selling / giving guns to terrorists, Mexican Drug Cartels, violent illegal gangs.

Arrest any Liberal who ever again calls for the rape of the President's son by pedophiles or women in his administration, who pay for thugs to beat up Americans supporting other candidates, who call for the stalking and harassment of opposition party politicians, of anyone who incites violence by using violent rhetoric resulting in violence - like the attempted assassinations of opposition political party members....BEGIN HOLDING THEM ACCOUTABILITY FOR INCITING VIOLENCE.

Using your own yardstick, I guess Trump should be arrested. But I don't see that happening any time soon.
Why? Trump has done none of those things.
Just like firearms, if you report it stolen then you are off the hook. Don't report it stolen and you might be held accountable.
how would anyone know a gun is someone else's?

If the gun is used in a crime and it''s recovered. But that is if Background Checks were religiously enforced. They aren't so some guns will be untraceable even if recovered. Case in point, You buy a bunch of guns in Texas at gun shows. No background check. You then take them to Chicago where there is a large market for untraceable guns and you sell them for a large profit. The Guns were sold legal in Texas but they were transported to another state. If the sale transaction were to go through a Gun Dealer that is required by law too run the background check then a record of the sale will be on file for X number of years. There is still a problem. The Authorities in Chicago have no way of knowing where to look since the transaction is only on file with the original gun dealer that ran the background check and sold the gun. This is happening now. There is no chain of events to trace the guns back to the last legal purchaser who is the guilty party in another state.
gun shows do background checks.

Only if it's a Legally Licensed Gun Dealer. In most states, you can set up your own table and sell guns with NO background checks. Here,, even the dude with the 6 foot table still has to run his buyers through a background check through a legal licensed gun dealer and it costs a whopping 7 bucks and only couple of minutes of time. I use Texas as an example. It's not the worst but certainly not the best. But you can sell your guns at a gun show through private sales and not have a background check ran.
look dude, I know of no place that happens. you're all over the place, come on man!!!

I use Texas as just and example. But here are just a few tidbits that show I am not all over the place but the procurement of the Illegal Guns in Chitown does come from all over the place.

Most Guns in Chicago Crimes Come From Out of State: Report

Where 50,000 Guns Recovered in Chicago Came From

Chicago says the illegal guns fueling the city's violence mostly come from out of state
Just like firearms, if you report it stolen then you are off the hook. Don't report it stolen and you might be held accountable.
how would anyone know a gun is someone else's?

If the gun is used in a crime and it''s recovered. But that is if Background Checks were religiously enforced. They aren't so some guns will be untraceable even if recovered. Case in point, You buy a bunch of guns in Texas at gun shows. No background check. You then take them to Chicago where there is a large market for untraceable guns and you sell them for a large profit. The Guns were sold legal in Texas but they were transported to another state. If the sale transaction were to go through a Gun Dealer that is required by law too run the background check then a record of the sale will be on file for X number of years. There is still a problem. The Authorities in Chicago have no way of knowing where to look since the transaction is only on file with the original gun dealer that ran the background check and sold the gun. This is happening now. There is no chain of events to trace the guns back to the last legal purchaser who is the guilty party in another state.
gun shows do background checks.

Only if it's a Legally Licensed Gun Dealer. In most states, you can set up your own table and sell guns with NO background checks. Here,, even the dude with the 6 foot table still has to run his buyers through a background check through a legal licensed gun dealer and it costs a whopping 7 bucks and only couple of minutes of time. I use Texas as an example. It's not the worst but certainly not the best. But you can sell your guns at a gun show through private sales and not have a background check ran.
look dude, I know of no place that happens. you're all over the place, come on man!!!

I use Texas as just and example. But here are just a few tidbits that show I am not all over the place but the procurement of the Illegal Guns in Chitown does come from all over the place.

Most Guns in Chicago Crimes Come From Out of State: Report

Where 50,000 Guns Recovered in Chicago Came From

Chicago says the illegal guns fueling the city's violence mostly come from out of state
Just like firearms, if you report it stolen then you are off the hook. Don't report it stolen and you might be held accountable.
how would anyone know a gun is someone else's?

If the gun is used in a crime and it''s recovered. But that is if Background Checks were religiously enforced. They aren't so some guns will be untraceable even if recovered. Case in point, You buy a bunch of guns in Texas at gun shows. No background check. You then take them to Chicago where there is a large market for untraceable guns and you sell them for a large profit. The Guns were sold legal in Texas but they were transported to another state. If the sale transaction were to go through a Gun Dealer that is required by law too run the background check then a record of the sale will be on file for X number of years. There is still a problem. The Authorities in Chicago have no way of knowing where to look since the transaction is only on file with the original gun dealer that ran the background check and sold the gun. This is happening now. There is no chain of events to trace the guns back to the last legal purchaser who is the guilty party in another state.
gun shows do background checks.

Only if it's a Legally Licensed Gun Dealer. In most states, you can set up your own table and sell guns with NO background checks. Here,, even the dude with the 6 foot table still has to run his buyers through a background check through a legal licensed gun dealer and it costs a whopping 7 bucks and only couple of minutes of time. I use Texas as an example. It's not the worst but certainly not the best. But you can sell your guns at a gun show through private sales and not have a background check ran.
look dude, I know of no place that happens. you're all over the place, come on man!!!

I use Texas as just and example. But here are just a few tidbits that show I am not all over the place but the procurement of the Illegal Guns in Chitown does come from all over the place.

Most Guns in Chicago Crimes Come From Out of State: Report

Where 50,000 Guns Recovered in Chicago Came From

Chicago says the illegal guns fueling the city's violence mostly come from out of state
how would anyone know a gun is someone else's?

If the gun is used in a crime and it''s recovered. But that is if Background Checks were religiously enforced. They aren't so some guns will be untraceable even if recovered. Case in point, You buy a bunch of guns in Texas at gun shows. No background check. You then take them to Chicago where there is a large market for untraceable guns and you sell them for a large profit. The Guns were sold legal in Texas but they were transported to another state. If the sale transaction were to go through a Gun Dealer that is required by law too run the background check then a record of the sale will be on file for X number of years. There is still a problem. The Authorities in Chicago have no way of knowing where to look since the transaction is only on file with the original gun dealer that ran the background check and sold the gun. This is happening now. There is no chain of events to trace the guns back to the last legal purchaser who is the guilty party in another state.
gun shows do background checks.

Only if it's a Legally Licensed Gun Dealer. In most states, you can set up your own table and sell guns with NO background checks. Here,, even the dude with the 6 foot table still has to run his buyers through a background check through a legal licensed gun dealer and it costs a whopping 7 bucks and only couple of minutes of time. I use Texas as an example. It's not the worst but certainly not the best. But you can sell your guns at a gun show through private sales and not have a background check ran.
look dude, I know of no place that happens. you're all over the place, come on man!!!

I use Texas as just and example. But here are just a few tidbits that show I am not all over the place but the procurement of the Illegal Guns in Chitown does come from all over the place.

Most Guns in Chicago Crimes Come From Out of State: Report

Where 50,000 Guns Recovered in Chicago Came From

Chicago says the illegal guns fueling the city's violence mostly come from out of state
Look, I never said that guns didn't come from out of state. I said that there isn't a gun show that doesn't run background checks. stay focused alice.
how would anyone know a gun is someone else's?

If the gun is used in a crime and it''s recovered. But that is if Background Checks were religiously enforced. They aren't so some guns will be untraceable even if recovered. Case in point, You buy a bunch of guns in Texas at gun shows. No background check. You then take them to Chicago where there is a large market for untraceable guns and you sell them for a large profit. The Guns were sold legal in Texas but they were transported to another state. If the sale transaction were to go through a Gun Dealer that is required by law too run the background check then a record of the sale will be on file for X number of years. There is still a problem. The Authorities in Chicago have no way of knowing where to look since the transaction is only on file with the original gun dealer that ran the background check and sold the gun. This is happening now. There is no chain of events to trace the guns back to the last legal purchaser who is the guilty party in another state.
gun shows do background checks.

Only if it's a Legally Licensed Gun Dealer. In most states, you can set up your own table and sell guns with NO background checks. Here,, even the dude with the 6 foot table still has to run his buyers through a background check through a legal licensed gun dealer and it costs a whopping 7 bucks and only couple of minutes of time. I use Texas as an example. It's not the worst but certainly not the best. But you can sell your guns at a gun show through private sales and not have a background check ran.
look dude, I know of no place that happens. you're all over the place, come on man!!!

I use Texas as just and example. But here are just a few tidbits that show I am not all over the place but the procurement of the Illegal Guns in Chitown does come from all over the place.

Most Guns in Chicago Crimes Come From Out of State: Report

Where 50,000 Guns Recovered in Chicago Came From

Chicago says the illegal guns fueling the city's violence mostly come from out of state
So you are saying the only people in Chicago who have guns are criminals, despite the fact that Liberals want to strip law-abiding citizens of their right to own a gun...?! Got it. Thank you.
how would anyone know a gun is someone else's?

If the gun is used in a crime and it''s recovered. But that is if Background Checks were religiously enforced. They aren't so some guns will be untraceable even if recovered. Case in point, You buy a bunch of guns in Texas at gun shows. No background check. You then take them to Chicago where there is a large market for untraceable guns and you sell them for a large profit. The Guns were sold legal in Texas but they were transported to another state. If the sale transaction were to go through a Gun Dealer that is required by law too run the background check then a record of the sale will be on file for X number of years. There is still a problem. The Authorities in Chicago have no way of knowing where to look since the transaction is only on file with the original gun dealer that ran the background check and sold the gun. This is happening now. There is no chain of events to trace the guns back to the last legal purchaser who is the guilty party in another state.
gun shows do background checks.

Only if it's a Legally Licensed Gun Dealer. In most states, you can set up your own table and sell guns with NO background checks. Here,, even the dude with the 6 foot table still has to run his buyers through a background check through a legal licensed gun dealer and it costs a whopping 7 bucks and only couple of minutes of time. I use Texas as an example. It's not the worst but certainly not the best. But you can sell your guns at a gun show through private sales and not have a background check ran.
look dude, I know of no place that happens. you're all over the place, come on man!!!

I use Texas as just and example. But here are just a few tidbits that show I am not all over the place but the procurement of the Illegal Guns in Chitown does come from all over the place.

Most Guns in Chicago Crimes Come From Out of State: Report

Where 50,000 Guns Recovered in Chicago Came From

Chicago says the illegal guns fueling the city's violence mostly come from out of state
wow you really wanted to make that point eh? wrong, but whatever!
If the gun is used in a crime and it''s recovered. But that is if Background Checks were religiously enforced. They aren't so some guns will be untraceable even if recovered. Case in point, You buy a bunch of guns in Texas at gun shows. No background check. You then take them to Chicago where there is a large market for untraceable guns and you sell them for a large profit. The Guns were sold legal in Texas but they were transported to another state. If the sale transaction were to go through a Gun Dealer that is required by law too run the background check then a record of the sale will be on file for X number of years. There is still a problem. The Authorities in Chicago have no way of knowing where to look since the transaction is only on file with the original gun dealer that ran the background check and sold the gun. This is happening now. There is no chain of events to trace the guns back to the last legal purchaser who is the guilty party in another state.
gun shows do background checks.

Only if it's a Legally Licensed Gun Dealer. In most states, you can set up your own table and sell guns with NO background checks. Here,, even the dude with the 6 foot table still has to run his buyers through a background check through a legal licensed gun dealer and it costs a whopping 7 bucks and only couple of minutes of time. I use Texas as an example. It's not the worst but certainly not the best. But you can sell your guns at a gun show through private sales and not have a background check ran.
look dude, I know of no place that happens. you're all over the place, come on man!!!

I use Texas as just and example. But here are just a few tidbits that show I am not all over the place but the procurement of the Illegal Guns in Chitown does come from all over the place.

Most Guns in Chicago Crimes Come From Out of State: Report

Where 50,000 Guns Recovered in Chicago Came From

Chicago says the illegal guns fueling the city's violence mostly come from out of state
So you are saying the only people in Chicago who have guns are criminals, despite the fact that Liberals want to strip law-abiding citizens of their right to own a gun...?! Got it. Thank you.
Well done easy!! as always, you be thinking.
I did. I saw one group yelling down the other group. If you (the group) didn't like what the other person had to say, it was "Pile On". I saw only one guncraze willing to discuss things in a civilized manner and I commented on that. Him we all could work with. But for the most part, the others need a lesson in manners and civics. And so do you.
so where are the responses to the solutions I gave? you said you read it all. I never heard from you. Go back to the beginning of the thread. I gave solutions you ignored.

Some of your ideas are already being incorporated. While most are more dangerous than need be. I like what we have done here and it's effective to prevent school and mass shootings. While we can never completely stop them if they are in Vogue, we can minimize the damage. And putting more guns in everyone's hands is not the answer.
My number one solution is this, commit a crime with a gun, you get the death penalty. I bet gun violence would melt away.

Won't make even a slight dent. Most Mass Shooters know the final outcome is probably that either the cops are going kill them or they are going to take their own lives. The Death Penalty won't make a difference on way or another. But since I am what you claim I am, you'll try and insult your way around this. Works for me, cupcake.
BTW, we just had two events yesterday, one here in Chicago at a hospital and the other in Denver, CO. In Chicago, the suspect is dead, in Denver, last I heard, was still on the loose. domestic disputes. See the thing is, you lefturds think you can control minds. hilarious. truly hilarious.

Yes, more guns so we can have more shootouts.
If the gun is used in a crime and it''s recovered. But that is if Background Checks were religiously enforced. They aren't so some guns will be untraceable even if recovered. Case in point, You buy a bunch of guns in Texas at gun shows. No background check. You then take them to Chicago where there is a large market for untraceable guns and you sell them for a large profit. The Guns were sold legal in Texas but they were transported to another state. If the sale transaction were to go through a Gun Dealer that is required by law too run the background check then a record of the sale will be on file for X number of years. There is still a problem. The Authorities in Chicago have no way of knowing where to look since the transaction is only on file with the original gun dealer that ran the background check and sold the gun. This is happening now. There is no chain of events to trace the guns back to the last legal purchaser who is the guilty party in another state.
gun shows do background checks.

Only if it's a Legally Licensed Gun Dealer. In most states, you can set up your own table and sell guns with NO background checks. Here,, even the dude with the 6 foot table still has to run his buyers through a background check through a legal licensed gun dealer and it costs a whopping 7 bucks and only couple of minutes of time. I use Texas as an example. It's not the worst but certainly not the best. But you can sell your guns at a gun show through private sales and not have a background check ran.
look dude, I know of no place that happens. you're all over the place, come on man!!!

I use Texas as just and example. But here are just a few tidbits that show I am not all over the place but the procurement of the Illegal Guns in Chitown does come from all over the place.

Most Guns in Chicago Crimes Come From Out of State: Report

Where 50,000 Guns Recovered in Chicago Came From

Chicago says the illegal guns fueling the city's violence mostly come from out of state
wow you really wanted to make that point eh? wrong, but whatever!

Wow, when you are faced with facts, it is a bit scary, ain't it.
so where are the responses to the solutions I gave? you said you read it all. I never heard from you. Go back to the beginning of the thread. I gave solutions you ignored.

Some of your ideas are already being incorporated. While most are more dangerous than need be. I like what we have done here and it's effective to prevent school and mass shootings. While we can never completely stop them if they are in Vogue, we can minimize the damage. And putting more guns in everyone's hands is not the answer.
My number one solution is this, commit a crime with a gun, you get the death penalty. I bet gun violence would melt away.

Won't make even a slight dent. Most Mass Shooters know the final outcome is probably that either the cops are going kill them or they are going to take their own lives. The Death Penalty won't make a difference on way or another. But since I am what you claim I am, you'll try and insult your way around this. Works for me, cupcake.
BTW, we just had two events yesterday, one here in Chicago at a hospital and the other in Denver, CO. In Chicago, the suspect is dead, in Denver, last I heard, was still on the loose. domestic disputes. See the thing is, you lefturds think you can control minds. hilarious. truly hilarious.

Yes, more guns so we can have more shootouts.
and more to my point about a crime with a gun gets death sentence. hmmmm again, you're against that. your objective is all wrong. you're worried about guns and I'm worried about lives.

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