What is the republican solution to ending mass shootings? Why don’t they ever offer solutions?

Well F U too, I do not take bullies lightly and have no fear of punks like the A-hole who called me a MFer and a piece of shit.

Do I smile and turn the other cheek?

Hell no, I have the ability to stand my ground, and will do so as long as these gun lovers demand their rights are mildly infringed is more valuable than the life of a kid sitting in a classroom.

do you really think that taking guns from sane, law abiding people will keep insane criminals from doing bad things?

the UK is now having a wave of knife crimes, the mid east is being suicide bombed. The problem is not guns, they problem is a sick society full of assholes like you.

Q. "do (I) really think that taking guns from sane, law abiding people will keep insane criminals from doing bad things?"

A. No, and I've never advocated that guns be confiscated unless under the law, and kept or destroyed via a due process examination by the judiciary.

However, if a gun owned by a sane and law abiding person is stolen and this insane or sane person uses the weapon to rob, kill or maim another person, the original owner should be held to answer civilly for any tort by the victim or the victims family.

so if someone steals your car and gets into a wreck killing another person, you are responsible? Do you ever think before posting?

Just like firearms, if you report it stolen then you are off the hook. Don't report it stolen and you might be held accountable.

geez, where do you get this crap? If someone steals a gun from my car and I don't realize its missing for several days and in the meantime he shoots another gangbanger with it, its not my responsibility.

Highly unlikely because my car is always locked when I leave it, but I do have a loaded gun (legally) in each of my cars. But if someone manages to steal the car with the gun in it by breaking the lock, what he does with the car and/or the gun is not my responsibility.

It depends on your location. But have your gun stolen and not knowing about it pretty fast means you aren't controlling your own guns.
Logic and reading skills are not really in your wheelhouse.
Actually they are. They just don't seem to be in yours. You made the statement that the illegal guns being used for crimes in Chicago come from outside the state. So these crimes are being committed by criminals buying out of state guns....yet liberals want to strip everyone of their Constitutional Right to bare arms.

If you meant something else, learn to say it effectively and do so.

And that statement hold up. Over 60% of the illegal guns in Chicago comes from outside sources. Most are purchased through legal means, transported to Chicago, sold on the streets to people that should not have them. This makes getting a gun in Chicago nearly as easy as buying a pack of gum.

Except there are no facts supporting that case. All the really know is guns get there but not necessarily by any nefarious intent.

I already showed where they came from. You just won't accept fact when it's dumped on your lap because it conflicts with your MORE GUNS routine. Well, Chitown is getting more guns from areas that have almost zero regulation. The listed Colorado as well but not since the new laws have passed. You want to keep bitching about the gun crime in Chicago but won't do a thing on an individual state level to stop it. All you have to do is require ALL guns sales to have to have Background checks in all 50 states. Then start picking up the gun buyers that transport and sell to the criminals in the larger cities. The Gun Crime will slowly go down as the Metro Cops confiscates the criminals weapons and there isn't a nice sweet pipeline in to replace them.
it's left up to the states for a reason. why are you about the gun anyway, the human is the idiot, not the gun. wow, you are a mess.
do you really think that taking guns from sane, law abiding people will keep insane criminals from doing bad things?

the UK is now having a wave of knife crimes, the mid east is being suicide bombed. The problem is not guns, they problem is a sick society full of assholes like you.

Q. "do (I) really think that taking guns from sane, law abiding people will keep insane criminals from doing bad things?"

A. No, and I've never advocated that guns be confiscated unless under the law, and kept or destroyed via a due process examination by the judiciary.

However, if a gun owned by a sane and law abiding person is stolen and this insane or sane person uses the weapon to rob, kill or maim another person, the original owner should be held to answer civilly for any tort by the victim or the victims family.

so if someone steals your car and gets into a wreck killing another person, you are responsible? Do you ever think before posting?

Just like firearms, if you report it stolen then you are off the hook. Don't report it stolen and you might be held accountable.

geez, where do you get this crap? If someone steals a gun from my car and I don't realize its missing for several days and in the meantime he shoots another gangbanger with it, its not my responsibility.

Highly unlikely because my car is always locked when I leave it, but I do have a loaded gun (legally) in each of my cars. But if someone manages to steal the car with the gun in it by breaking the lock, what he does with the car and/or the gun is not my responsibility.

It depends on your location. But have your gun stolen and not knowing about it pretty fast means you aren't controlling your own guns.

Oh really. The shooter in Denver was shooting at indigents and the indigents were armed. 4 wounded with no arrest in sight. Some idjit in here claimed that it was a crime of passion. No some guncrazy decided he just wanted to murder people and picked the least likely to be armed and protected. There were shots fired. The lone shooter nailed 4 and then just got in his car and drove off. The Cops have no idea who it was and couldn't identify the car. So the shootout did happen TODAY!
Logic and reading skills are not really in your wheelhouse.
Actually they are. They just don't seem to be in yours. You made the statement that the illegal guns being used for crimes in Chicago come from outside the state. So these crimes are being committed by criminals buying out of state guns....yet liberals want to strip everyone of their Constitutional Right to bare arms.

If you meant something else, learn to say it effectively and do so.

And that statement hold up. Over 60% of the illegal guns in Chicago comes from outside sources. Most are purchased through legal means, transported to Chicago, sold on the streets to people that should not have them. This makes getting a gun in Chicago nearly as easy as buying a pack of gum.

Except there are no facts supporting that case. All the really know is guns get there but not necessarily by any nefarious intent.

I already showed where they came from. You just won't accept fact when it's dumped on your lap because it conflicts with your MORE GUNS routine. Well, Chitown is getting more guns from areas that have almost zero regulation. The listed Colorado as well but not since the new laws have passed. You want to keep bitching about the gun crime in Chicago but won't do a thing on an individual state level to stop it. All you have to do is require ALL guns sales to have to have Background checks in all 50 states. Then start picking up the gun buyers that transport and sell to the criminals in the larger cities. The Gun Crime will slowly go down as the Metro Cops confiscates the criminals weapons and there isn't a nice sweet pipeline in to replace them.
it's left up to the states for a reason. why are you about the gun anyway, the human is the idiot, not the gun. wow, you are a mess.

It's like tax loopholes. Leave them and someone will take advantage of them. The sorta background checks are like that. close the loophole and the guns for the criminals access goes down. But I guess you think it's okay since it''s Capitalism at it's height.
back to the OP.

solutions to gun violence:

1. enforce the laws regarding crimes committed with guns
2. put insane people in safe places where they cant harm themselves or others
3. crack down hard on gangs and gang members in our cities
4. Change our culture of hate and violence as solutions to personal and political differences.
5. Stop the welfare system that has destroyed the black family unit.
6. Teach respect and understanding in the public schools
7. teach personal responsibility in the public schools.
8. allow teachers and school officials to be armed
9. Stop the anti-cop culture
10. Put God back in our public discourse
11. There are some weapons that no private citizen has a need for, bazookas, gattling guns, tanks, anti tank missiles, RPGs, etc. ban ownership of these types of weapons by private citizens------------I think those bans already exist.

Bottom line the problem is cultural, we have always had guns in this country, the mass murder events are relatively recent in the last 20 years or so. What has changed? the rise of liberalism and the fall of personal responsibility.
Actually they are. They just don't seem to be in yours. You made the statement that the illegal guns being used for crimes in Chicago come from outside the state. So these crimes are being committed by criminals buying out of state guns....yet liberals want to strip everyone of their Constitutional Right to bare arms.

If you meant something else, learn to say it effectively and do so.

And that statement hold up. Over 60% of the illegal guns in Chicago comes from outside sources. Most are purchased through legal means, transported to Chicago, sold on the streets to people that should not have them. This makes getting a gun in Chicago nearly as easy as buying a pack of gum.

Except there are no facts supporting that case. All the really know is guns get there but not necessarily by any nefarious intent.

I already showed where they came from. You just won't accept fact when it's dumped on your lap because it conflicts with your MORE GUNS routine. Well, Chitown is getting more guns from areas that have almost zero regulation. The listed Colorado as well but not since the new laws have passed. You want to keep bitching about the gun crime in Chicago but won't do a thing on an individual state level to stop it. All you have to do is require ALL guns sales to have to have Background checks in all 50 states. Then start picking up the gun buyers that transport and sell to the criminals in the larger cities. The Gun Crime will slowly go down as the Metro Cops confiscates the criminals weapons and there isn't a nice sweet pipeline in to replace them.
it's left up to the states for a reason. why are you about the gun anyway, the human is the idiot, not the gun. wow, you are a mess.

It's like tax loopholes. Leave them and someone will take advantage of them. The sorta background checks are like that. close the loophole and the guns for the criminals access goes down. But I guess you think it's okay since it''s Capitalism at it's height.

we have background checks for all legal gun purchases, there is no way to background check when one gangbanger trades a gun for a bag of crack or a grand father gives his shotgun to his grand son.
Actually they are. They just don't seem to be in yours. You made the statement that the illegal guns being used for crimes in Chicago come from outside the state. So these crimes are being committed by criminals buying out of state guns....yet liberals want to strip everyone of their Constitutional Right to bare arms.

If you meant something else, learn to say it effectively and do so.

And that statement hold up. Over 60% of the illegal guns in Chicago comes from outside sources. Most are purchased through legal means, transported to Chicago, sold on the streets to people that should not have them. This makes getting a gun in Chicago nearly as easy as buying a pack of gum.

Except there are no facts supporting that case. All the really know is guns get there but not necessarily by any nefarious intent.

I already showed where they came from. You just won't accept fact when it's dumped on your lap because it conflicts with your MORE GUNS routine. Well, Chitown is getting more guns from areas that have almost zero regulation. The listed Colorado as well but not since the new laws have passed. You want to keep bitching about the gun crime in Chicago but won't do a thing on an individual state level to stop it. All you have to do is require ALL guns sales to have to have Background checks in all 50 states. Then start picking up the gun buyers that transport and sell to the criminals in the larger cities. The Gun Crime will slowly go down as the Metro Cops confiscates the criminals weapons and there isn't a nice sweet pipeline in to replace them.
it's left up to the states for a reason. why are you about the gun anyway, the human is the idiot, not the gun. wow, you are a mess.

It's like tax loopholes. Leave them and someone will take advantage of them. The sorta background checks are like that. close the loophole and the guns for the criminals access goes down. But I guess you think it's okay since it''s Capitalism at it's height.
that isn't true and you know it.
And the 2nd amendment isn't about capitalism, it is a right given by my fore fathers and I'm not letting anyone take it.
Logic and reading skills are not really in your wheelhouse.
Actually they are. They just don't seem to be in yours. You made the statement that the illegal guns being used for crimes in Chicago come from outside the state. So these crimes are being committed by criminals buying out of state guns....yet liberals want to strip everyone of their Constitutional Right to bare arms.

If you meant something else, learn to say it effectively and do so.

And that statement hold up. Over 60% of the illegal guns in Chicago comes from outside sources. Most are purchased through legal means, transported to Chicago, sold on the streets to people that should not have them. This makes getting a gun in Chicago nearly as easy as buying a pack of gum.

Except there are no facts supporting that case. All the really know is guns get there but not necessarily by any nefarious intent.

I already showed where they came from. You just won't accept fact when it's dumped on your lap because it conflicts with your MORE GUNS routine. Well, Chitown is getting more guns from areas that have almost zero regulation. The listed Colorado as well but not since the new laws have passed. You want to keep bitching about the gun crime in Chicago but won't do a thing on an individual state level to stop it. All you have to do is require ALL guns sales to have to have Background checks in all 50 states. Then start picking up the gun buyers that transport and sell to the criminals in the larger cities. The Gun Crime will slowly go down as the Metro Cops confiscates the criminals weapons and there isn't a nice sweet pipeline in to replace them.

Okay, so lets say I'm going to legally buy guns and sell them to criminals. Why would I drive 200, 300, 500 miles away to do so? I don't have any criminals where I live?

Guns do end up in other states like people end up in other states. But that does not necessarily mean they were trafficked there. They can only trace a gun to it's last owner. Sometimes guns are sold several times afterwards with no paper trail.

A look at Hillary Clinton's claim about Vermont's gun pipeline to New York
Logic and reading skills are not really in your wheelhouse.
Actually they are. They just don't seem to be in yours. You made the statement that the illegal guns being used for crimes in Chicago come from outside the state. So these crimes are being committed by criminals buying out of state guns....yet liberals want to strip everyone of their Constitutional Right to bare arms.

If you meant something else, learn to say it effectively and do so.

And that statement hold up. Over 60% of the illegal guns in Chicago comes from outside sources. Most are purchased through legal means, transported to Chicago, sold on the streets to people that should not have them. This makes getting a gun in Chicago nearly as easy as buying a pack of gum.

Except there are no facts supporting that case. All the really know is guns get there but not necessarily by any nefarious intent.

I already showed where they came from. You just won't accept fact when it's dumped on your lap because it conflicts with your MORE GUNS routine. Well, Chitown is getting more guns from areas that have almost zero regulation. The listed Colorado as well but not since the new laws have passed. You want to keep bitching about the gun crime in Chicago but won't do a thing on an individual state level to stop it. All you have to do is require ALL guns sales to have to have Background checks in all 50 states. Then start picking up the gun buyers that transport and sell to the criminals in the larger cities. The Gun Crime will slowly go down as the Metro Cops confiscates the criminals weapons and there isn't a nice sweet pipeline in to replace them.

Okay, so lets say I'm going to legally buy guns and sell them to criminals. Why would I drive 200, 300, 500 miles away to do so? I don't have any criminals where I live?

Guns do end up in other states like people end up in other states. But that does not necessarily mean they were trafficked there. They can only trace a gun to it's last owner. Sometimes guns are sold several times afterwards with no paper trail.

A look at Hillary Clinton's claim about Vermont's gun pipeline to New York

Why would you travel up to 500 miles to go sell guns to criminals? Because you can sell them for 3 to 5 times what you paid for them in the states where they are easy to get. VICE Channel had a documentary series about various illegal activities, and one was called "The Iron Pipeline", and one of the gun runners said that what he paid 300 for in Texas, he could sell for up to 1500 in Chicago. That is only ONE gun, and you've already made almost a grand on it. Imagine if you do that 5 to 10 times (small enough amount to fit comfortably in the trunk of your car), and you do that once a month. That means you make 60 to 120 grand a year, for just a couple of days work per month.

Why wouldn't you sell them to criminals in your area? They know they can get guns cheap elsewhere if you charge them Chicago prices.
Actually they are. They just don't seem to be in yours. You made the statement that the illegal guns being used for crimes in Chicago come from outside the state. So these crimes are being committed by criminals buying out of state guns....yet liberals want to strip everyone of their Constitutional Right to bare arms.

If you meant something else, learn to say it effectively and do so.

And that statement hold up. Over 60% of the illegal guns in Chicago comes from outside sources. Most are purchased through legal means, transported to Chicago, sold on the streets to people that should not have them. This makes getting a gun in Chicago nearly as easy as buying a pack of gum.

Except there are no facts supporting that case. All the really know is guns get there but not necessarily by any nefarious intent.

I already showed where they came from. You just won't accept fact when it's dumped on your lap because it conflicts with your MORE GUNS routine. Well, Chitown is getting more guns from areas that have almost zero regulation. The listed Colorado as well but not since the new laws have passed. You want to keep bitching about the gun crime in Chicago but won't do a thing on an individual state level to stop it. All you have to do is require ALL guns sales to have to have Background checks in all 50 states. Then start picking up the gun buyers that transport and sell to the criminals in the larger cities. The Gun Crime will slowly go down as the Metro Cops confiscates the criminals weapons and there isn't a nice sweet pipeline in to replace them.

Okay, so lets say I'm going to legally buy guns and sell them to criminals. Why would I drive 200, 300, 500 miles away to do so? I don't have any criminals where I live?

Guns do end up in other states like people end up in other states. But that does not necessarily mean they were trafficked there. They can only trace a gun to it's last owner. Sometimes guns are sold several times afterwards with no paper trail.

A look at Hillary Clinton's claim about Vermont's gun pipeline to New York

Why would you travel up to 500 miles to go sell guns to criminals? Because you can sell them for 3 to 5 times what you paid for them in the states where they are easy to get. VICE Channel had a documentary series about various illegal activities, and one was called "The Iron Pipeline", and one of the gun runners said that what he paid 300 for in Texas, he could sell for up to 1500 in Chicago. That is only ONE gun, and you've already made almost a grand on it. Imagine if you do that 5 to 10 times (small enough amount to fit comfortably in the trunk of your car), and you do that once a month. That means you make 60 to 120 grand a year, for just a couple of days work per month.

Why wouldn't you sell them to criminals in your area? They know they can get guns cheap elsewhere if you charge them Chicago prices.
and excuse me for laughing :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg: how do you think:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:you'd stop that?:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:oh gawd:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
And that statement hold up. Over 60% of the illegal guns in Chicago comes from outside sources. Most are purchased through legal means, transported to Chicago, sold on the streets to people that should not have them. This makes getting a gun in Chicago nearly as easy as buying a pack of gum.

Except there are no facts supporting that case. All the really know is guns get there but not necessarily by any nefarious intent.

I already showed where they came from. You just won't accept fact when it's dumped on your lap because it conflicts with your MORE GUNS routine. Well, Chitown is getting more guns from areas that have almost zero regulation. The listed Colorado as well but not since the new laws have passed. You want to keep bitching about the gun crime in Chicago but won't do a thing on an individual state level to stop it. All you have to do is require ALL guns sales to have to have Background checks in all 50 states. Then start picking up the gun buyers that transport and sell to the criminals in the larger cities. The Gun Crime will slowly go down as the Metro Cops confiscates the criminals weapons and there isn't a nice sweet pipeline in to replace them.

Okay, so lets say I'm going to legally buy guns and sell them to criminals. Why would I drive 200, 300, 500 miles away to do so? I don't have any criminals where I live?

Guns do end up in other states like people end up in other states. But that does not necessarily mean they were trafficked there. They can only trace a gun to it's last owner. Sometimes guns are sold several times afterwards with no paper trail.

A look at Hillary Clinton's claim about Vermont's gun pipeline to New York

Why would you travel up to 500 miles to go sell guns to criminals? Because you can sell them for 3 to 5 times what you paid for them in the states where they are easy to get. VICE Channel had a documentary series about various illegal activities, and one was called "The Iron Pipeline", and one of the gun runners said that what he paid 300 for in Texas, he could sell for up to 1500 in Chicago. That is only ONE gun, and you've already made almost a grand on it. Imagine if you do that 5 to 10 times (small enough amount to fit comfortably in the trunk of your car), and you do that once a month. That means you make 60 to 120 grand a year, for just a couple of days work per month.

Why wouldn't you sell them to criminals in your area? They know they can get guns cheap elsewhere if you charge them Chicago prices.
and excuse me for laughing :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg: how do you think:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:you'd stop that?:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:oh gawd:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

Quick answer? Nationalize a set of gun laws that will protect everyone. If states want to make them even more strict, they can, but you need to have all states follow at least a basic framework of gun laws.

Otherwise.................you're right................sadly, it will never stop.
Except there are no facts supporting that case. All the really know is guns get there but not necessarily by any nefarious intent.

I already showed where they came from. You just won't accept fact when it's dumped on your lap because it conflicts with your MORE GUNS routine. Well, Chitown is getting more guns from areas that have almost zero regulation. The listed Colorado as well but not since the new laws have passed. You want to keep bitching about the gun crime in Chicago but won't do a thing on an individual state level to stop it. All you have to do is require ALL guns sales to have to have Background checks in all 50 states. Then start picking up the gun buyers that transport and sell to the criminals in the larger cities. The Gun Crime will slowly go down as the Metro Cops confiscates the criminals weapons and there isn't a nice sweet pipeline in to replace them.

Okay, so lets say I'm going to legally buy guns and sell them to criminals. Why would I drive 200, 300, 500 miles away to do so? I don't have any criminals where I live?

Guns do end up in other states like people end up in other states. But that does not necessarily mean they were trafficked there. They can only trace a gun to it's last owner. Sometimes guns are sold several times afterwards with no paper trail.

A look at Hillary Clinton's claim about Vermont's gun pipeline to New York

Why would you travel up to 500 miles to go sell guns to criminals? Because you can sell them for 3 to 5 times what you paid for them in the states where they are easy to get. VICE Channel had a documentary series about various illegal activities, and one was called "The Iron Pipeline", and one of the gun runners said that what he paid 300 for in Texas, he could sell for up to 1500 in Chicago. That is only ONE gun, and you've already made almost a grand on it. Imagine if you do that 5 to 10 times (small enough amount to fit comfortably in the trunk of your car), and you do that once a month. That means you make 60 to 120 grand a year, for just a couple of days work per month.

Why wouldn't you sell them to criminals in your area? They know they can get guns cheap elsewhere if you charge them Chicago prices.
and excuse me for laughing :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg: how do you think:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:you'd stop that?:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:oh gawd:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

Quick answer? Nationalize a set of gun laws that will protect everyone. If states want to make them even more strict, they can, but you need to have all states follow at least a basic framework of gun laws.

Otherwise.................you're right................sadly, it will never stop.

Criminals and crazy people will ignore your gun laws, try to grasp reality.
Actually they are. They just don't seem to be in yours. You made the statement that the illegal guns being used for crimes in Chicago come from outside the state. So these crimes are being committed by criminals buying out of state guns....yet liberals want to strip everyone of their Constitutional Right to bare arms.

If you meant something else, learn to say it effectively and do so.

And that statement hold up. Over 60% of the illegal guns in Chicago comes from outside sources. Most are purchased through legal means, transported to Chicago, sold on the streets to people that should not have them. This makes getting a gun in Chicago nearly as easy as buying a pack of gum.

Except there are no facts supporting that case. All the really know is guns get there but not necessarily by any nefarious intent.

I already showed where they came from. You just won't accept fact when it's dumped on your lap because it conflicts with your MORE GUNS routine. Well, Chitown is getting more guns from areas that have almost zero regulation. The listed Colorado as well but not since the new laws have passed. You want to keep bitching about the gun crime in Chicago but won't do a thing on an individual state level to stop it. All you have to do is require ALL guns sales to have to have Background checks in all 50 states. Then start picking up the gun buyers that transport and sell to the criminals in the larger cities. The Gun Crime will slowly go down as the Metro Cops confiscates the criminals weapons and there isn't a nice sweet pipeline in to replace them.

Okay, so lets say I'm going to legally buy guns and sell them to criminals. Why would I drive 200, 300, 500 miles away to do so? I don't have any criminals where I live?

Guns do end up in other states like people end up in other states. But that does not necessarily mean they were trafficked there. They can only trace a gun to it's last owner. Sometimes guns are sold several times afterwards with no paper trail.

A look at Hillary Clinton's claim about Vermont's gun pipeline to New York

Why would you travel up to 500 miles to go sell guns to criminals? Because you can sell them for 3 to 5 times what you paid for them in the states where they are easy to get. VICE Channel had a documentary series about various illegal activities, and one was called "The Iron Pipeline", and one of the gun runners said that what he paid 300 for in Texas, he could sell for up to 1500 in Chicago. That is only ONE gun, and you've already made almost a grand on it. Imagine if you do that 5 to 10 times (small enough amount to fit comfortably in the trunk of your car), and you do that once a month. That means you make 60 to 120 grand a year, for just a couple of days work per month.

Why wouldn't you sell them to criminals in your area? They know they can get guns cheap elsewhere if you charge them Chicago prices.

That makes absolutely no sense. If you can get five times the price for a gun in Chicago, why not get five times the price where you live or the nearest city? Why would illegal guns be cheaper where you live than in Chicago or New York? They're illegal.
And that statement hold up. Over 60% of the illegal guns in Chicago comes from outside sources. Most are purchased through legal means, transported to Chicago, sold on the streets to people that should not have them. This makes getting a gun in Chicago nearly as easy as buying a pack of gum.

Except there are no facts supporting that case. All the really know is guns get there but not necessarily by any nefarious intent.

I already showed where they came from. You just won't accept fact when it's dumped on your lap because it conflicts with your MORE GUNS routine. Well, Chitown is getting more guns from areas that have almost zero regulation. The listed Colorado as well but not since the new laws have passed. You want to keep bitching about the gun crime in Chicago but won't do a thing on an individual state level to stop it. All you have to do is require ALL guns sales to have to have Background checks in all 50 states. Then start picking up the gun buyers that transport and sell to the criminals in the larger cities. The Gun Crime will slowly go down as the Metro Cops confiscates the criminals weapons and there isn't a nice sweet pipeline in to replace them.

Okay, so lets say I'm going to legally buy guns and sell them to criminals. Why would I drive 200, 300, 500 miles away to do so? I don't have any criminals where I live?

Guns do end up in other states like people end up in other states. But that does not necessarily mean they were trafficked there. They can only trace a gun to it's last owner. Sometimes guns are sold several times afterwards with no paper trail.

A look at Hillary Clinton's claim about Vermont's gun pipeline to New York

Why would you travel up to 500 miles to go sell guns to criminals? Because you can sell them for 3 to 5 times what you paid for them in the states where they are easy to get. VICE Channel had a documentary series about various illegal activities, and one was called "The Iron Pipeline", and one of the gun runners said that what he paid 300 for in Texas, he could sell for up to 1500 in Chicago. That is only ONE gun, and you've already made almost a grand on it. Imagine if you do that 5 to 10 times (small enough amount to fit comfortably in the trunk of your car), and you do that once a month. That means you make 60 to 120 grand a year, for just a couple of days work per month.

Why wouldn't you sell them to criminals in your area? They know they can get guns cheap elsewhere if you charge them Chicago prices.

That makes absolutely no sense. If you can get five times the price for a gun in Chicago, why not get five times the price where you live or the nearest city? Why would illegal guns be cheaper where you live than in Chicago or New York? They're illegal.

Really? It's called availability. For instance, you can buy lobsters on the coast of Maine a hell of a lot cheaper than you can here in Amarillo TX. Why are they more expensive in Amarillo? Because they have to be shipped in, as they don't live in fresh water.

Why are guns more expensive in Chicago on the black market? Again........it's called availability. Because guns are so hard to come by in Chicago, the price naturally goes up. It's called supply and demand, something I thought you conservatives were well versed in. If it is easy to get a gun here in TX (and it is), they are cheap, because they are easy to get. In Chicago, it is much harder, so those people go to a state where it's easy to buy, then ship them back to a place where the gun laws are much more strict.
Well F U too, I do not take bullies lightly and have no fear of punks like the A-hole who called me a MFer and a piece of shit.

Do I smile and turn the other cheek?

Hell no, I have the ability to stand my ground, and will do so as long as these gun lovers demand their rights are mildly infringed is more valuable than the life of a kid sitting in a classroom.

do you really think that taking guns from sane, law abiding people will keep insane criminals from doing bad things?

the UK is now having a wave of knife crimes, the mid east is being suicide bombed. The problem is not guns, they problem is a sick society full of assholes like you.

Q. "do (I) really think that taking guns from sane, law abiding people will keep insane criminals from doing bad things?"

A. No, and I've never advocated that guns be confiscated unless under the law, and kept or destroyed via a due process examination by the judiciary.

However, if a gun owned by a sane and law abiding person is stolen and this insane or sane person uses the weapon to rob, kill or maim another person, the original owner should be held to answer civilly for any tort by the victim or the victims family.

so if someone steals your car and gets into a wreck killing another person, you are responsible? Do you ever think before posting?

If you left the car running, or unlocked with the keys in it, you damn well could be sued civilly. Do you know the difference a civil and criminal complaint? BTW, I do think about what I post, maybe you ought to try to do so.

Yes, how does a running car that you left unattended equate to an unloaded gun on your closet shelf?

like all libs you want to punish people for what they believe, not what they do. You have become the laughing stock of USMB, keep it up you are entertaining a lot of people with you idiocy.

The gun can be loaded and the car can be filled with gas.
Except there are no facts supporting that case. All the really know is guns get there but not necessarily by any nefarious intent.

I already showed where they came from. You just won't accept fact when it's dumped on your lap because it conflicts with your MORE GUNS routine. Well, Chitown is getting more guns from areas that have almost zero regulation. The listed Colorado as well but not since the new laws have passed. You want to keep bitching about the gun crime in Chicago but won't do a thing on an individual state level to stop it. All you have to do is require ALL guns sales to have to have Background checks in all 50 states. Then start picking up the gun buyers that transport and sell to the criminals in the larger cities. The Gun Crime will slowly go down as the Metro Cops confiscates the criminals weapons and there isn't a nice sweet pipeline in to replace them.

Okay, so lets say I'm going to legally buy guns and sell them to criminals. Why would I drive 200, 300, 500 miles away to do so? I don't have any criminals where I live?

Guns do end up in other states like people end up in other states. But that does not necessarily mean they were trafficked there. They can only trace a gun to it's last owner. Sometimes guns are sold several times afterwards with no paper trail.

A look at Hillary Clinton's claim about Vermont's gun pipeline to New York

Why would you travel up to 500 miles to go sell guns to criminals? Because you can sell them for 3 to 5 times what you paid for them in the states where they are easy to get. VICE Channel had a documentary series about various illegal activities, and one was called "The Iron Pipeline", and one of the gun runners said that what he paid 300 for in Texas, he could sell for up to 1500 in Chicago. That is only ONE gun, and you've already made almost a grand on it. Imagine if you do that 5 to 10 times (small enough amount to fit comfortably in the trunk of your car), and you do that once a month. That means you make 60 to 120 grand a year, for just a couple of days work per month.

Why wouldn't you sell them to criminals in your area? They know they can get guns cheap elsewhere if you charge them Chicago prices.

That makes absolutely no sense. If you can get five times the price for a gun in Chicago, why not get five times the price where you live or the nearest city? Why would illegal guns be cheaper where you live than in Chicago or New York? They're illegal.

Really? It's called availability. For instance, you can buy lobsters on the coast of Maine a hell of a lot cheaper than you can here in Amarillo TX. Why are they more expensive in Amarillo? Because they have to be shipped in, as they don't live in fresh water.

Why are guns more expensive in Chicago on the black market? Again........it's called availability. Because guns are so hard to come by in Chicago, the price naturally goes up. It's called supply and demand, something I thought you conservatives were well versed in. If it is easy to get a gun here in TX (and it is), they are cheap, because they are easy to get. In Chicago, it is much harder, so those people go to a state where it's easy to buy, then ship them back to a place where the gun laws are much more strict.

The money people pay to get an illegal gun is because it's illegal--not because of availability. You mean to tell me law abiding citizens in Chicago have no place to buy a firearm? You can buy guns off the internet if that's the case.

But that begs the question: Somebody buys guns legally in Texas. They have to submit to a background check. Now the government has the identity of that firearm. They run out of state and sell that firearm to a criminal. The criminal kills somebody with that firearm, and it's traced back to the original seller. What does he tell the cops?
So....we have given you pages of the actual solution to mass public shootings....what is your solution....?
Gun control policies that work. Other first world nations don’t even have this problem. Unfortunately for America where there are an endless supply of fucking guns, it would require ceasing production. Yeah, yeah, you don’t like that idea. Don’t bother telling me.

And ceasing production would do what?
Ceasing production of semi automatics specifically. Granted there are already a shitload of semi auto guns, but it would go a long way.

That's fine, but you didn't answer the question: what would that solve in your mind?
Um people would stop buying them. Could they get them illegally? Probably, but if production stopped it wouldn’t be a problem after awhile.
Allowing the leftist to stop and/or control any of us because of the society they have created around us is totally unexceptable.

I know, I know, how's about the liberal left somehow getting some sense back in life or better yet educating themselves on life ?? Now that would be the best solution of all, but I ain't counting on it after all I've seen over the years.

People are waiting for liberals to somehow abandon their wrecklace ideologies and/or thinking, but so far it ain't happening, and so on and on it just goes and it just goes.
back to the OP.

solutions to gun violence:

1. enforce the laws regarding crimes committed with guns
2. put insane people in safe places where they cant harm themselves or others
3. crack down hard on gangs and gang members in our cities
4. Change our culture of hate and violence as solutions to personal and political differences.
5. Stop the welfare system that has destroyed the black family unit.
6. Teach respect and understanding in the public schools
7. teach personal responsibility in the public schools.
8. allow teachers and school officials to be armed
9. Stop the anti-cop culture
10. Put God back in our public discourse
11. There are some weapons that no private citizen has a need for, bazookas, gattling guns, tanks, anti tank missiles, RPGs, etc. ban ownership of these types of weapons by private citizens------------I think those bans already exist.

Bottom line the problem is cultural, we have always had guns in this country, the mass murder events are relatively recent in the last 20 years or so. What has changed? the rise of liberalism and the fall of personal responsibility.

Thank you for your input. While I disagree with some of it, I agree with most of it. I won't cover what I agree with but I will discuss those that I don't.

2. Sounds good until you learn that we don't know when some are unstable until they go off the deep end. Some can be predicted and often times, the signals are overlooked. Next year, we will finally have on the books where a concerned family member or Cops can petition a Judge to have the dangerous person's guns removed. This falls well within the 14th amendment and the 10th. For some odd reason, the Colorado Republican Senate, last year, was handed a House bill that was voted on by both parties to this affect. The Senate was Republican controlled. The Senate wouldn't even let it get out of committee and it died like many bills do. This is a large reason the Republicans in the Senate are being sent home. At any state level, we can't afford party politics. So I agree with you but with provisions.

5. You can't stop welfare until you stop Corporate Welfare that causes much of it. There are many more Whites on welfare than any other race. And most of those whites are working one and two jobs trying to make ends meet. They have no choice but to get the assistance just to keep the wolf from the front door. And many still aren't making it. If a company cannot afford to pay their workers a living wage, they shouldn't be in business in the first place. What even worse, companies like Walmart and other large corporate business have come up with a novel way to decrease the unemployment numbers. Drop back on full time employees and have more Part Time Employees. In Sep of this year, nation wide, we gained 36,200 jobs and lowered the unemployment rate. But what we also had done is the loss of 26,200 full time jobs at the same time. That means we netted a whole bunch of Part Time Jobs and lost a whole bunch of full time jobs. But, my oh my, the unemployment rate did look better. But I have noticed that you can use SNAP (welfare) to get cash and buy things like Energy Drinks and Soda pop, just to name a few. This practice needs to be stopped. The saving there alone would enable for the present Welfare rate to cost much less. On this one, I disagree. But I do agree we need to clean it up.

8. Although the teachers in this state can be armed, the Teachers Associations and PTAs have decided not to allow it. The Teachers and Parents don't think it is a very good idea. I bow to the educators on this one so we our first total disagree.

10. Although I don't see anything wrong with students making a club out of Religion so they can practice their religion, I do see a problem with this. Who's God are you talking about? What Religion are you talking about? Would you allow practicing Muslims to stop anywhere they want and pray 5 times a day? And what about the Athiests. This can become a problem real fast. You can't exclude one Religion while promoting another. So I have a partial agree on this one.
And that statement hold up. Over 60% of the illegal guns in Chicago comes from outside sources. Most are purchased through legal means, transported to Chicago, sold on the streets to people that should not have them. This makes getting a gun in Chicago nearly as easy as buying a pack of gum.

Except there are no facts supporting that case. All the really know is guns get there but not necessarily by any nefarious intent.

I already showed where they came from. You just won't accept fact when it's dumped on your lap because it conflicts with your MORE GUNS routine. Well, Chitown is getting more guns from areas that have almost zero regulation. The listed Colorado as well but not since the new laws have passed. You want to keep bitching about the gun crime in Chicago but won't do a thing on an individual state level to stop it. All you have to do is require ALL guns sales to have to have Background checks in all 50 states. Then start picking up the gun buyers that transport and sell to the criminals in the larger cities. The Gun Crime will slowly go down as the Metro Cops confiscates the criminals weapons and there isn't a nice sweet pipeline in to replace them.
it's left up to the states for a reason. why are you about the gun anyway, the human is the idiot, not the gun. wow, you are a mess.

It's like tax loopholes. Leave them and someone will take advantage of them. The sorta background checks are like that. close the loophole and the guns for the criminals access goes down. But I guess you think it's okay since it''s Capitalism at it's height.
that isn't true and you know it.
And the 2nd amendment isn't about capitalism, it is a right given by my fore fathers and I'm not letting anyone take it.

What I stated is happening right now. You seem to be placing your hands over your ears and screaming "LaLaLa" over and over. You completely missed the point.

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