What is the republican solution to ending mass shootings? Why don’t they ever offer solutions?

so if someone steals your car and gets into a wreck killing another person, you are responsible? Do you ever think before posting?

Just like firearms, if you report it stolen then you are off the hook. Don't report it stolen and you might be held accountable.
how would anyone know a gun is someone else's?

If the gun is used in a crime and it''s recovered. But that is if Background Checks were religiously enforced. They aren't so some guns will be untraceable even if recovered. Case in point, You buy a bunch of guns in Texas at gun shows. No background check. You then take them to Chicago where there is a large market for untraceable guns and you sell them for a large profit. The Guns were sold legal in Texas but they were transported to another state. If the sale transaction were to go through a Gun Dealer that is required by law too run the background check then a record of the sale will be on file for X number of years. There is still a problem. The Authorities in Chicago have no way of knowing where to look since the transaction is only on file with the original gun dealer that ran the background check and sold the gun. This is happening now. There is no chain of events to trace the guns back to the last legal purchaser who is the guilty party in another state.
gun shows do background checks.

Only if it's a Legally Licensed Gun Dealer. In most states, you can set up your own table and sell guns with NO background checks. Here,, even the dude with the 6 foot table still has to run his buyers through a background check through a legal licensed gun dealer and it costs a whopping 7 bucks and only couple of minutes of time. I use Texas as an example. It's not the worst but certainly not the best. But you can sell your guns at a gun show through private sales and not have a background check ran.
As the way it should be... why get into someone’s personal business?
And that statement hold up. Over 60% of the illegal guns in Chicago comes from outside sources. Most are purchased through legal means, transported to Chicago, sold on the streets to people that should not have them. This makes getting a gun in Chicago nearly as easy as buying a pack of gum.

Except there are no facts supporting that case. All the really know is guns get there but not necessarily by any nefarious intent.

I already showed where they came from. You just won't accept fact when it's dumped on your lap because it conflicts with your MORE GUNS routine. Well, Chitown is getting more guns from areas that have almost zero regulation. The listed Colorado as well but not since the new laws have passed. You want to keep bitching about the gun crime in Chicago but won't do a thing on an individual state level to stop it. All you have to do is require ALL guns sales to have to have Background checks in all 50 states. Then start picking up the gun buyers that transport and sell to the criminals in the larger cities. The Gun Crime will slowly go down as the Metro Cops confiscates the criminals weapons and there isn't a nice sweet pipeline in to replace them.

Okay, so lets say I'm going to legally buy guns and sell them to criminals. Why would I drive 200, 300, 500 miles away to do so? I don't have any criminals where I live?

Guns do end up in other states like people end up in other states. But that does not necessarily mean they were trafficked there. They can only trace a gun to it's last owner. Sometimes guns are sold several times afterwards with no paper trail.

A look at Hillary Clinton's claim about Vermont's gun pipeline to New York

Why would you travel up to 500 miles to go sell guns to criminals? Because you can sell them for 3 to 5 times what you paid for them in the states where they are easy to get. VICE Channel had a documentary series about various illegal activities, and one was called "The Iron Pipeline", and one of the gun runners said that what he paid 300 for in Texas, he could sell for up to 1500 in Chicago. That is only ONE gun, and you've already made almost a grand on it. Imagine if you do that 5 to 10 times (small enough amount to fit comfortably in the trunk of your car), and you do that once a month. That means you make 60 to 120 grand a year, for just a couple of days work per month.

Why wouldn't you sell them to criminals in your area? They know they can get guns cheap elsewhere if you charge them Chicago prices.

That makes absolutely no sense. If you can get five times the price for a gun in Chicago, why not get five times the price where you live or the nearest city? Why would illegal guns be cheaper where you live than in Chicago or New York? They're illegal.

It's supply and demand. Economics 101. You buy something where it cheap and sell it where you can make a profit. The Gun isn't illegal when you buy it and the price is low. But you transport it to an area where you can sell it illegally. The question is, exactly when did the weapon actually become illegal? But the end result is, it's now in the hands of the Violent Gangs in inner cities.
Okay, so any level gun control is bad which is of course retarded on its own, but the right can’t even think of any alternatives to curbing gun violence. Saying “no” to everything accomplishes absolutely nothing. It’s astounding we are still at square one.
Since almost every mass shooter is a Democrat, the easy solution is to deport all Democrats.
Just like firearms, if you report it stolen then you are off the hook. Don't report it stolen and you might be held accountable.
how would anyone know a gun is someone else's?

If the gun is used in a crime and it''s recovered. But that is if Background Checks were religiously enforced. They aren't so some guns will be untraceable even if recovered. Case in point, You buy a bunch of guns in Texas at gun shows. No background check. You then take them to Chicago where there is a large market for untraceable guns and you sell them for a large profit. The Guns were sold legal in Texas but they were transported to another state. If the sale transaction were to go through a Gun Dealer that is required by law too run the background check then a record of the sale will be on file for X number of years. There is still a problem. The Authorities in Chicago have no way of knowing where to look since the transaction is only on file with the original gun dealer that ran the background check and sold the gun. This is happening now. There is no chain of events to trace the guns back to the last legal purchaser who is the guilty party in another state.
gun shows do background checks.

Only if it's a Legally Licensed Gun Dealer. In most states, you can set up your own table and sell guns with NO background checks. Here,, even the dude with the 6 foot table still has to run his buyers through a background check through a legal licensed gun dealer and it costs a whopping 7 bucks and only couple of minutes of time. I use Texas as an example. It's not the worst but certainly not the best. But you can sell your guns at a gun show through private sales and not have a background check ran.
As the way it should be... why get into someone’s personal business?

It is everyone business when that gun bought legally in Texas brings a tidy profit when transported to Chicago and sold to the gangs. Exactly where did that gun become illegal? But it did somewhere along the chain.
Logic and reading skills are not really in your wheelhouse.
Actually they are. They just don't seem to be in yours. You made the statement that the illegal guns being used for crimes in Chicago come from outside the state. So these crimes are being committed by criminals buying out of state guns....yet liberals want to strip everyone of their Constitutional Right to bare arms.

If you meant something else, learn to say it effectively and do so.

And that statement hold up. Over 60% of the illegal guns in Chicago comes from outside sources. Most are purchased through legal means, transported to Chicago, sold on the streets to people that should not have them. This makes getting a gun in Chicago nearly as easy as buying a pack of gum.

Except there are no facts supporting that case. All the really know is guns get there but not necessarily by any nefarious intent.

I already showed where they came from. You just won't accept fact when it's dumped on your lap because it conflicts with your MORE GUNS routine. Well, Chitown is getting more guns from areas that have almost zero regulation. The listed Colorado as well but not since the new laws have passed. You want to keep bitching about the gun crime in Chicago but won't do a thing on an individual state level to stop it. All you have to do is require ALL guns sales to have to have Background checks in all 50 states. Then start picking up the gun buyers that transport and sell to the criminals in the larger cities. The Gun Crime will slowly go down as the Metro Cops confiscates the criminals weapons and there isn't a nice sweet pipeline in to replace them.
I already showed where they came from. You just won't accept fact when it's dumped on your lap because it conflicts with your MORE GUNS routine. Well, Chitown is getting more guns from areas that have almost zero regulation. The listed Colorado as well but not since the new laws have passed. You want to keep bitching about the gun crime in Chicago but won't do a thing on an individual state level to stop it. All you have to do is require ALL guns sales to have to have Background checks in all 50 states. Then start picking up the gun buyers that transport and sell to the criminals in the larger cities. The Gun Crime will slowly go down as the Metro Cops confiscates the criminals weapons and there isn't a nice sweet pipeline in to replace them.

Okay, so lets say I'm going to legally buy guns and sell them to criminals. Why would I drive 200, 300, 500 miles away to do so? I don't have any criminals where I live?

Guns do end up in other states like people end up in other states. But that does not necessarily mean they were trafficked there. They can only trace a gun to it's last owner. Sometimes guns are sold several times afterwards with no paper trail.

A look at Hillary Clinton's claim about Vermont's gun pipeline to New York

Why would you travel up to 500 miles to go sell guns to criminals? Because you can sell them for 3 to 5 times what you paid for them in the states where they are easy to get. VICE Channel had a documentary series about various illegal activities, and one was called "The Iron Pipeline", and one of the gun runners said that what he paid 300 for in Texas, he could sell for up to 1500 in Chicago. That is only ONE gun, and you've already made almost a grand on it. Imagine if you do that 5 to 10 times (small enough amount to fit comfortably in the trunk of your car), and you do that once a month. That means you make 60 to 120 grand a year, for just a couple of days work per month.

Why wouldn't you sell them to criminals in your area? They know they can get guns cheap elsewhere if you charge them Chicago prices.

That makes absolutely no sense. If you can get five times the price for a gun in Chicago, why not get five times the price where you live or the nearest city? Why would illegal guns be cheaper where you live than in Chicago or New York? They're illegal.

Really? It's called availability. For instance, you can buy lobsters on the coast of Maine a hell of a lot cheaper than you can here in Amarillo TX. Why are they more expensive in Amarillo? Because they have to be shipped in, as they don't live in fresh water.

Why are guns more expensive in Chicago on the black market? Again........it's called availability. Because guns are so hard to come by in Chicago, the price naturally goes up. It's called supply and demand, something I thought you conservatives were well versed in. If it is easy to get a gun here in TX (and it is), they are cheap, because they are easy to get. In Chicago, it is much harder, so those people go to a state where it's easy to buy, then ship them back to a place where the gun laws are much more strict.

The money people pay to get an illegal gun is because it's illegal--not because of availability. You mean to tell me law abiding citizens in Chicago have no place to buy a firearm? You can buy guns off the internet if that's the case.

But that begs the question: Somebody buys guns legally in Texas. They have to submit to a background check. Now the government has the identity of that firearm. They run out of state and sell that firearm to a criminal. The criminal kills somebody with that firearm, and it's traced back to the original seller. What does he tell the cops?

You can only trace the gun back to the original buyer if it came from a Gun Shop. If it's been passed along privately and no background checks are involved or it's an out of state background check where the gun is sold privately then you have no way to track it any further. This makes my head shake. This has got to be the dumbest way to do any kind of business in the world. Even a Car won't be handled this bad.
Okay, so any level gun control is bad which is of course retarded on its own, but the right can’t even think of any alternatives to curbing gun violence. Saying “no” to everything accomplishes absolutely nothing. It’s astounding we are still at square one.
Since almost every mass shooter is a Democrat, the easy solution is to deport all Democrats.

Mass Shooters don't have party affiliations. You are still playing the "Blame on the other side" routine. And that works on absolutely nothing.
Actually they are. They just don't seem to be in yours. You made the statement that the illegal guns being used for crimes in Chicago come from outside the state. So these crimes are being committed by criminals buying out of state guns....yet liberals want to strip everyone of their Constitutional Right to bare arms.

If you meant something else, learn to say it effectively and do so.

And that statement hold up. Over 60% of the illegal guns in Chicago comes from outside sources. Most are purchased through legal means, transported to Chicago, sold on the streets to people that should not have them. This makes getting a gun in Chicago nearly as easy as buying a pack of gum.

Except there are no facts supporting that case. All the really know is guns get there but not necessarily by any nefarious intent.

I already showed where they came from. You just won't accept fact when it's dumped on your lap because it conflicts with your MORE GUNS routine. Well, Chitown is getting more guns from areas that have almost zero regulation. The listed Colorado as well but not since the new laws have passed. You want to keep bitching about the gun crime in Chicago but won't do a thing on an individual state level to stop it. All you have to do is require ALL guns sales to have to have Background checks in all 50 states. Then start picking up the gun buyers that transport and sell to the criminals in the larger cities. The Gun Crime will slowly go down as the Metro Cops confiscates the criminals weapons and there isn't a nice sweet pipeline in to replace them.

Okay, so lets say I'm going to legally buy guns and sell them to criminals. Why would I drive 200, 300, 500 miles away to do so? I don't have any criminals where I live?

Guns do end up in other states like people end up in other states. But that does not necessarily mean they were trafficked there. They can only trace a gun to it's last owner. Sometimes guns are sold several times afterwards with no paper trail.

A look at Hillary Clinton's claim about Vermont's gun pipeline to New York

Why would you travel up to 500 miles to go sell guns to criminals? Because you can sell them for 3 to 5 times what you paid for them in the states where they are easy to get. VICE Channel had a documentary series about various illegal activities, and one was called "The Iron Pipeline", and one of the gun runners said that what he paid 300 for in Texas, he could sell for up to 1500 in Chicago. That is only ONE gun, and you've already made almost a grand on it. Imagine if you do that 5 to 10 times (small enough amount to fit comfortably in the trunk of your car), and you do that once a month. That means you make 60 to 120 grand a year, for just a couple of days work per month.

Why wouldn't you sell them to criminals in your area? They know they can get guns cheap elsewhere if you charge them Chicago prices.
Okay, so lets say I'm going to legally buy guns and sell them to criminals. Why would I drive 200, 300, 500 miles away to do so? I don't have any criminals where I live?

Guns do end up in other states like people end up in other states. But that does not necessarily mean they were trafficked there. They can only trace a gun to it's last owner. Sometimes guns are sold several times afterwards with no paper trail.

A look at Hillary Clinton's claim about Vermont's gun pipeline to New York

Why would you travel up to 500 miles to go sell guns to criminals? Because you can sell them for 3 to 5 times what you paid for them in the states where they are easy to get. VICE Channel had a documentary series about various illegal activities, and one was called "The Iron Pipeline", and one of the gun runners said that what he paid 300 for in Texas, he could sell for up to 1500 in Chicago. That is only ONE gun, and you've already made almost a grand on it. Imagine if you do that 5 to 10 times (small enough amount to fit comfortably in the trunk of your car), and you do that once a month. That means you make 60 to 120 grand a year, for just a couple of days work per month.

Why wouldn't you sell them to criminals in your area? They know they can get guns cheap elsewhere if you charge them Chicago prices.

That makes absolutely no sense. If you can get five times the price for a gun in Chicago, why not get five times the price where you live or the nearest city? Why would illegal guns be cheaper where you live than in Chicago or New York? They're illegal.

Really? It's called availability. For instance, you can buy lobsters on the coast of Maine a hell of a lot cheaper than you can here in Amarillo TX. Why are they more expensive in Amarillo? Because they have to be shipped in, as they don't live in fresh water.

Why are guns more expensive in Chicago on the black market? Again........it's called availability. Because guns are so hard to come by in Chicago, the price naturally goes up. It's called supply and demand, something I thought you conservatives were well versed in. If it is easy to get a gun here in TX (and it is), they are cheap, because they are easy to get. In Chicago, it is much harder, so those people go to a state where it's easy to buy, then ship them back to a place where the gun laws are much more strict.

The money people pay to get an illegal gun is because it's illegal--not because of availability. You mean to tell me law abiding citizens in Chicago have no place to buy a firearm? You can buy guns off the internet if that's the case.

But that begs the question: Somebody buys guns legally in Texas. They have to submit to a background check. Now the government has the identity of that firearm. They run out of state and sell that firearm to a criminal. The criminal kills somebody with that firearm, and it's traced back to the original seller. What does he tell the cops?

You can only trace the gun back to the original buyer if it came from a Gun Shop. If it's been passed along privately and no background checks are involved or it's an out of state background check where the gun is sold privately then you have no way to track it any further. This makes my head shake. This has got to be the dumbest way to do any kind of business in the world. Even a Car won't be handled this bad.
When I sell firearms I give people an option of no ability to trace the firearm by a serial number… I just print up a receipt were they purchased only by make and model if they want.
Actually they are. They just don't seem to be in yours. You made the statement that the illegal guns being used for crimes in Chicago come from outside the state. So these crimes are being committed by criminals buying out of state guns....yet liberals want to strip everyone of their Constitutional Right to bare arms.

If you meant something else, learn to say it effectively and do so.

And that statement hold up. Over 60% of the illegal guns in Chicago comes from outside sources. Most are purchased through legal means, transported to Chicago, sold on the streets to people that should not have them. This makes getting a gun in Chicago nearly as easy as buying a pack of gum.

Except there are no facts supporting that case. All the really know is guns get there but not necessarily by any nefarious intent.

I already showed where they came from. You just won't accept fact when it's dumped on your lap because it conflicts with your MORE GUNS routine. Well, Chitown is getting more guns from areas that have almost zero regulation. The listed Colorado as well but not since the new laws have passed. You want to keep bitching about the gun crime in Chicago but won't do a thing on an individual state level to stop it. All you have to do is require ALL guns sales to have to have Background checks in all 50 states. Then start picking up the gun buyers that transport and sell to the criminals in the larger cities. The Gun Crime will slowly go down as the Metro Cops confiscates the criminals weapons and there isn't a nice sweet pipeline in to replace them.
it's left up to the states for a reason. why are you about the gun anyway, the human is the idiot, not the gun. wow, you are a mess.

It's like tax loopholes. Leave them and someone will take advantage of them. The sorta background checks are like that. close the loophole and the guns for the criminals access goes down. But I guess you think it's okay since it''s Capitalism at it's height.
Criminals don’t buy firearms from Gun shows... It’s ridiculous to think so
Except there are no facts supporting that case. All the really know is guns get there but not necessarily by any nefarious intent.

I already showed where they came from. You just won't accept fact when it's dumped on your lap because it conflicts with your MORE GUNS routine. Well, Chitown is getting more guns from areas that have almost zero regulation. The listed Colorado as well but not since the new laws have passed. You want to keep bitching about the gun crime in Chicago but won't do a thing on an individual state level to stop it. All you have to do is require ALL guns sales to have to have Background checks in all 50 states. Then start picking up the gun buyers that transport and sell to the criminals in the larger cities. The Gun Crime will slowly go down as the Metro Cops confiscates the criminals weapons and there isn't a nice sweet pipeline in to replace them.

Okay, so lets say I'm going to legally buy guns and sell them to criminals. Why would I drive 200, 300, 500 miles away to do so? I don't have any criminals where I live?

Guns do end up in other states like people end up in other states. But that does not necessarily mean they were trafficked there. They can only trace a gun to it's last owner. Sometimes guns are sold several times afterwards with no paper trail.

A look at Hillary Clinton's claim about Vermont's gun pipeline to New York

Why would you travel up to 500 miles to go sell guns to criminals? Because you can sell them for 3 to 5 times what you paid for them in the states where they are easy to get. VICE Channel had a documentary series about various illegal activities, and one was called "The Iron Pipeline", and one of the gun runners said that what he paid 300 for in Texas, he could sell for up to 1500 in Chicago. That is only ONE gun, and you've already made almost a grand on it. Imagine if you do that 5 to 10 times (small enough amount to fit comfortably in the trunk of your car), and you do that once a month. That means you make 60 to 120 grand a year, for just a couple of days work per month.

Why wouldn't you sell them to criminals in your area? They know they can get guns cheap elsewhere if you charge them Chicago prices.
and excuse me for laughing :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg: how do you think:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:you'd stop that?:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:oh gawd:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

Quick answer? Nationalize a set of gun laws that will protect everyone. If states want to make them even more strict, they can, but you need to have all states follow at least a basic framework of gun laws.

Otherwise.................you're right................sadly, it will never stop.
We don’t need any more frivolous gun laws especially nationally
Except there are no facts supporting that case. All the really know is guns get there but not necessarily by any nefarious intent.

I already showed where they came from. You just won't accept fact when it's dumped on your lap because it conflicts with your MORE GUNS routine. Well, Chitown is getting more guns from areas that have almost zero regulation. The listed Colorado as well but not since the new laws have passed. You want to keep bitching about the gun crime in Chicago but won't do a thing on an individual state level to stop it. All you have to do is require ALL guns sales to have to have Background checks in all 50 states. Then start picking up the gun buyers that transport and sell to the criminals in the larger cities. The Gun Crime will slowly go down as the Metro Cops confiscates the criminals weapons and there isn't a nice sweet pipeline in to replace them.

Okay, so lets say I'm going to legally buy guns and sell them to criminals. Why would I drive 200, 300, 500 miles away to do so? I don't have any criminals where I live?

Guns do end up in other states like people end up in other states. But that does not necessarily mean they were trafficked there. They can only trace a gun to it's last owner. Sometimes guns are sold several times afterwards with no paper trail.

A look at Hillary Clinton's claim about Vermont's gun pipeline to New York

Why would you travel up to 500 miles to go sell guns to criminals? Because you can sell them for 3 to 5 times what you paid for them in the states where they are easy to get. VICE Channel had a documentary series about various illegal activities, and one was called "The Iron Pipeline", and one of the gun runners said that what he paid 300 for in Texas, he could sell for up to 1500 in Chicago. That is only ONE gun, and you've already made almost a grand on it. Imagine if you do that 5 to 10 times (small enough amount to fit comfortably in the trunk of your car), and you do that once a month. That means you make 60 to 120 grand a year, for just a couple of days work per month.

Why wouldn't you sell them to criminals in your area? They know they can get guns cheap elsewhere if you charge them Chicago prices.

That makes absolutely no sense. If you can get five times the price for a gun in Chicago, why not get five times the price where you live or the nearest city? Why would illegal guns be cheaper where you live than in Chicago or New York? They're illegal.

Really? It's called availability. For instance, you can buy lobsters on the coast of Maine a hell of a lot cheaper than you can here in Amarillo TX. Why are they more expensive in Amarillo? Because they have to be shipped in, as they don't live in fresh water.

Why are guns more expensive in Chicago on the black market? Again........it's called availability. Because guns are so hard to come by in Chicago, the price naturally goes up. It's called supply and demand, something I thought you conservatives were well versed in. If it is easy to get a gun here in TX (and it is), they are cheap, because they are easy to get. In Chicago, it is much harder, so those people go to a state where it's easy to buy, then ship them back to a place where the gun laws are much more strict.
Na, not really
back to the OP.

solutions to gun violence:

1. enforce the laws regarding crimes committed with guns
2. put insane people in safe places where they cant harm themselves or others
3. crack down hard on gangs and gang members in our cities
4. Change our culture of hate and violence as solutions to personal and political differences.
5. Stop the welfare system that has destroyed the black family unit.
6. Teach respect and understanding in the public schools
7. teach personal responsibility in the public schools.
8. allow teachers and school officials to be armed
9. Stop the anti-cop culture
10. Put God back in our public discourse
11. There are some weapons that no private citizen has a need for, bazookas, gattling guns, tanks, anti tank missiles, RPGs, etc. ban ownership of these types of weapons by private citizens------------I think those bans already exist.

Bottom line the problem is cultural, we have always had guns in this country, the mass murder events are relatively recent in the last 20 years or so. What has changed? the rise of liberalism and the fall of personal responsibility.

Thank you for your input. While I disagree with some of it, I agree with most of it. I won't cover what I agree with but I will discuss those that I don't.

2. Sounds good until you learn that we don't know when some are unstable until they go off the deep end. Some can be predicted and often times, the signals are overlooked. Next year, we will finally have on the books where a concerned family member or Cops can petition a Judge to have the dangerous person's guns removed. This falls well within the 14th amendment and the 10th. For some odd reason, the Colorado Republican Senate, last year, was handed a House bill that was voted on by both parties to this affect. The Senate was Republican controlled. The Senate wouldn't even let it get out of committee and it died like many bills do. This is a large reason the Republicans in the Senate are being sent home. At any state level, we can't afford party politics. So I agree with you but with provisions.

5. You can't stop welfare until you stop Corporate Welfare that causes much of it. There are many more Whites on welfare than any other race. And most of those whites are working one and two jobs trying to make ends meet. They have no choice but to get the assistance just to keep the wolf from the front door. And many still aren't making it. If a company cannot afford to pay their workers a living wage, they shouldn't be in business in the first place. What even worse, companies like Walmart and other large corporate business have come up with a novel way to decrease the unemployment numbers. Drop back on full time employees and have more Part Time Employees. In Sep of this year, nation wide, we gained 36,200 jobs and lowered the unemployment rate. But what we also had done is the loss of 26,200 full time jobs at the same time. That means we netted a whole bunch of Part Time Jobs and lost a whole bunch of full time jobs. But, my oh my, the unemployment rate did look better. But I have noticed that you can use SNAP (welfare) to get cash and buy things like Energy Drinks and Soda pop, just to name a few. This practice needs to be stopped. The saving there alone would enable for the present Welfare rate to cost much less. On this one, I disagree. But I do agree we need to clean it up.

8. Although the teachers in this state can be armed, the Teachers Associations and PTAs have decided not to allow it. The Teachers and Parents don't think it is a very good idea. I bow to the educators on this one so we our first total disagree.

10. Although I don't see anything wrong with students making a club out of Religion so they can practice their religion, I do see a problem with this. Who's God are you talking about? What Religion are you talking about? Would you allow practicing Muslims to stop anywhere they want and pray 5 times a day? And what about the Athiests. This can become a problem real fast. You can't exclude one Religion while promoting another. So I have a partial agree on this one.
South Dakota Attorney General
Okay, so lets say I'm going to legally buy guns and sell them to criminals. Why would I drive 200, 300, 500 miles away to do so? I don't have any criminals where I live?

Guns do end up in other states like people end up in other states. But that does not necessarily mean they were trafficked there. They can only trace a gun to it's last owner. Sometimes guns are sold several times afterwards with no paper trail.

A look at Hillary Clinton's claim about Vermont's gun pipeline to New York

Why would you travel up to 500 miles to go sell guns to criminals? Because you can sell them for 3 to 5 times what you paid for them in the states where they are easy to get. VICE Channel had a documentary series about various illegal activities, and one was called "The Iron Pipeline", and one of the gun runners said that what he paid 300 for in Texas, he could sell for up to 1500 in Chicago. That is only ONE gun, and you've already made almost a grand on it. Imagine if you do that 5 to 10 times (small enough amount to fit comfortably in the trunk of your car), and you do that once a month. That means you make 60 to 120 grand a year, for just a couple of days work per month.

Why wouldn't you sell them to criminals in your area? They know they can get guns cheap elsewhere if you charge them Chicago prices.

That makes absolutely no sense. If you can get five times the price for a gun in Chicago, why not get five times the price where you live or the nearest city? Why would illegal guns be cheaper where you live than in Chicago or New York? They're illegal.

Really? It's called availability. For instance, you can buy lobsters on the coast of Maine a hell of a lot cheaper than you can here in Amarillo TX. Why are they more expensive in Amarillo? Because they have to be shipped in, as they don't live in fresh water.

Why are guns more expensive in Chicago on the black market? Again........it's called availability. Because guns are so hard to come by in Chicago, the price naturally goes up. It's called supply and demand, something I thought you conservatives were well versed in. If it is easy to get a gun here in TX (and it is), they are cheap, because they are easy to get. In Chicago, it is much harder, so those people go to a state where it's easy to buy, then ship them back to a place where the gun laws are much more strict.

The money people pay to get an illegal gun is because it's illegal--not because of availability. You mean to tell me law abiding citizens in Chicago have no place to buy a firearm? You can buy guns off the internet if that's the case.

But that begs the question: Somebody buys guns legally in Texas. They have to submit to a background check. Now the government has the identity of that firearm. They run out of state and sell that firearm to a criminal. The criminal kills somebody with that firearm, and it's traced back to the original seller. What does he tell the cops?

You can only trace the gun back to the original buyer if it came from a Gun Shop. If it's been passed along privately and no background checks are involved or it's an out of state background check where the gun is sold privately then you have no way to track it any further. This makes my head shake. This has got to be the dumbest way to do any kind of business in the world. Even a Car won't be handled this bad.

I understand that, but in the event of a murder, don't you think authorities would question that owner and ask what he did with the gun?
How do you arrive at the idea that those three amendments allow gun regulation. As for your gun knowledge if is marginal at best. The AK is a much more efficient and reliable weapon than the M16 in all versions, and a pump shotgun is the best of all weapons for close quarters maximum effect warfare. The M16 is designed as a combat weapon. You and every idiot pile of shit gun grabber do not know what that means. Combat weapons are not designed for direct killing, They are designed for battlefield superiority. The idea being that in slow fire targeted shooting they can be used for lethal shots, but in large scale full bore action they can be used to cause debilitating injury to stop an enemy from being a viable opponent. By leaving that enemy alive and creating a problem for the enemy squad because the time and personnel required to care for each wounded puts three times the stress on the manpower as a death you can overcome them with much less effort and resources
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Gun control is not a viable option and is not congruent wth the existence of a free society. There is no amount of gun control that will satisfy a group bent on dominating a society. Any person that demands gun control is a threat to all of the citizens of a free country.
No amount of gun control will stop a murderer from committing murder.
No amount of reason will stop a person with no ability to do complex multiplanic analysis from restating an errant or untrue disproven idea.
No type of law will stop any person that is determined to commit any crime not to do so.
Guns do not have good and bad behavioral qualities as long as they operate as they were meant to they are not subject to any legal tort action.
Guns are inanimate objects and have no ability to break any law.
All of the gun control arguments and all of the proposals of those demanding more gun control would not have stopped a single shooting or mass murder that has ever been comitted. YOU dimshits are the largest group of murderers to ever draw breath.
how would anyone know a gun is someone else's?

If the gun is used in a crime and it''s recovered. But that is if Background Checks were religiously enforced. They aren't so some guns will be untraceable even if recovered. Case in point, You buy a bunch of guns in Texas at gun shows. No background check. You then take them to Chicago where there is a large market for untraceable guns and you sell them for a large profit. The Guns were sold legal in Texas but they were transported to another state. If the sale transaction were to go through a Gun Dealer that is required by law too run the background check then a record of the sale will be on file for X number of years. There is still a problem. The Authorities in Chicago have no way of knowing where to look since the transaction is only on file with the original gun dealer that ran the background check and sold the gun. This is happening now. There is no chain of events to trace the guns back to the last legal purchaser who is the guilty party in another state.
gun shows do background checks.

Only if it's a Legally Licensed Gun Dealer. In most states, you can set up your own table and sell guns with NO background checks. Here,, even the dude with the 6 foot table still has to run his buyers through a background check through a legal licensed gun dealer and it costs a whopping 7 bucks and only couple of minutes of time. I use Texas as an example. It's not the worst but certainly not the best. But you can sell your guns at a gun show through private sales and not have a background check ran.
As the way it should be... why get into someone’s personal business?

It is everyone business when that gun bought legally in Texas brings a tidy profit when transported to Chicago and sold to the gangs. Exactly where did that gun become illegal? But it did somewhere along the chain.

The gun became illegal when it was knowingly sold to felons. And, guess what? That is already illegal, and we can already arrest the seller when they sell the gun. We don't need any new laws to do that, we just need to keep them locked up when we arrest them.
Okay, so any level gun control is bad which is of course retarded on its own, but the right can’t even think of any alternatives to curbing gun violence. Saying “no” to everything accomplishes absolutely nothing. It’s astounding we are still at square one.
Since almost every mass shooter is a Democrat, the easy solution is to deport all Democrats.

Mass Shooters don't have party affiliations. You are still playing the "Blame on the other side" routine. And that works on absolutely nothing.

You mean except for the bernie sanders supporter who shot up the baseball team...right? Or the black lives matter supporter who murdered the 6 Dallas police officers....right?
Okay, so lets say I'm going to legally buy guns and sell them to criminals. Why would I drive 200, 300, 500 miles away to do so? I don't have any criminals where I live?

Guns do end up in other states like people end up in other states. But that does not necessarily mean they were trafficked there. They can only trace a gun to it's last owner. Sometimes guns are sold several times afterwards with no paper trail.

A look at Hillary Clinton's claim about Vermont's gun pipeline to New York

Why would you travel up to 500 miles to go sell guns to criminals? Because you can sell them for 3 to 5 times what you paid for them in the states where they are easy to get. VICE Channel had a documentary series about various illegal activities, and one was called "The Iron Pipeline", and one of the gun runners said that what he paid 300 for in Texas, he could sell for up to 1500 in Chicago. That is only ONE gun, and you've already made almost a grand on it. Imagine if you do that 5 to 10 times (small enough amount to fit comfortably in the trunk of your car), and you do that once a month. That means you make 60 to 120 grand a year, for just a couple of days work per month.

Why wouldn't you sell them to criminals in your area? They know they can get guns cheap elsewhere if you charge them Chicago prices.

That makes absolutely no sense. If you can get five times the price for a gun in Chicago, why not get five times the price where you live or the nearest city? Why would illegal guns be cheaper where you live than in Chicago or New York? They're illegal.

Really? It's called availability. For instance, you can buy lobsters on the coast of Maine a hell of a lot cheaper than you can here in Amarillo TX. Why are they more expensive in Amarillo? Because they have to be shipped in, as they don't live in fresh water.

Why are guns more expensive in Chicago on the black market? Again........it's called availability. Because guns are so hard to come by in Chicago, the price naturally goes up. It's called supply and demand, something I thought you conservatives were well versed in. If it is easy to get a gun here in TX (and it is), they are cheap, because they are easy to get. In Chicago, it is much harder, so those people go to a state where it's easy to buy, then ship them back to a place where the gun laws are much more strict.

The money people pay to get an illegal gun is because it's illegal--not because of availability. You mean to tell me law abiding citizens in Chicago have no place to buy a firearm? You can buy guns off the internet if that's the case.

But that begs the question: Somebody buys guns legally in Texas. They have to submit to a background check. Now the government has the identity of that firearm. They run out of state and sell that firearm to a criminal. The criminal kills somebody with that firearm, and it's traced back to the original seller. What does he tell the cops?

You can only trace the gun back to the original buyer if it came from a Gun Shop. If it's been passed along privately and no background checks are involved or it's an out of state background check where the gun is sold privately then you have no way to track it any further. This makes my head shake. This has got to be the dumbest way to do any kind of business in the world. Even a Car won't be handled this bad.

Wrong. Illegal gun sellers are routinely caught using actual police techniques......getting one criminal to rat out the gun seller, this is how they do it all the time. In fact, they catch them the same way they catch illegal drug sellers....with police sting operations....

Criminals do not have other criminals get background checks before they sell them the illegal guns...... that you think they would makes me shake my head.......

South Carolina man charged with buying guns for serial killer

When speaking to Spartanburg County Sheriff’s Office investigators on Nov. 6, 2016, Kohlhepp mentioned Lawson by name and told police Lawson had bought the guns for him. Once he had the firearms is his possession, the killer told investigators he “modified the hell out of them,” using instructions he found on the internet.


Five indicted in Michigan to Chicago straw purchasing scheme

Five men have been indicted in a straw purchasing scheme that brought at least nine handguns from Michigan to Chicago, the U.S. Attorney’s Office announced Tuesday.
The indictment alleges Michigan residents Cornelius Battle and Dalrick Drain bought guns from licensed dealers in Kalamazoo, Michigan, and then sold them to Chicago resident Nathaniel McElroy for higher prices. Battle and Drain allegedly falsified information on the required paperwork, saying they were buying the guns for themselves.

Man charged for trafficking guns from Arkansas to Chicago

According to Riccio, Kelley became the center of an investigation after authorities learned that he was responsible for trafficking hundreds of guns into the city over a five year period.

“Those guns were sold to street gang members on the city’s South side, primarily the 8th and 9th districts,” Riccio said, noting that Kelley previously lived in the Chicago area and made numerous gang contacts before relocating to Arkansas several years ago.

Feds bust Bend-to-Calif. gangs gun-trafficking ring

Authorities said Jacob Quesada, 24, employed straw purchasers Cynthia Job, 22, and Dennis Job, 64, all residents in Deschutes River Woods, to purchase a variety of guns, but mainly handguns, from retail stores and private parties around the Central Oregon area.

Soon after the firearms were purchased, Quesada would travel to Lodi and Stockton, Calif. areas by passenger trains and sell them to alleged gang members in the Central California area.

Investigators said they believe Quesada would receive cash for the firearms or would trade them for commercial amounts of methamphetamine, which was later distributed throughout the Central Oregon region.

There were more than 50 firearms purchased by the ring members from 2014 to 2016. Of those, 10 were later recovered by law enforcement in violent crimes in California.

Following the arrest of Quesada in Deschutes County in late August, investigators from ATF and CODE executed two search warrants at Quesada and Cynthia Job’s residence, located in DRW, south of Bend, and within 1,000 feet of an elementary school. A second search warrant was simultaneously executed at Dennis Job’s Deschutes River Woods home.

During the execution of the search warrants, detectives located and seized a commercial quantity of methamphetamine, as well as other evidence of the illegal possession, distribution and manufacturing of methamphetamine and the illegal distribution of firearms.

2 California Army National Guardsmen sentenced for illegally selling guns, ammunition

Court documents show the two men facilitated the sales of several AR-15s, ammunition and ballistic vests to an undercover Drug Enforcement Administration agent posing as a member of a Mexican drug cartel between September 2014 and March 2015.

The deals totaled more than $15,000, court records show.

The men bought the weapons and equipment from a source in Texas before selling them to the undercover agent. A federal judge authorized placing multiple tracking devices on Reyes’s vehicle throughout the investigation.

Authorities arrested Reyes and Casillas in April 2015 — one month after Casillas offered to sell the undercover agent a .50-caliber rifle for $15,000. Law enforcement executed a search warrant on both men’s residences, but never recovered the rifle.


Chicago police charge straw purchaser with four felonies

Mousheh also sold two guns, including a Glock 22, to a man she met on Facebook just days after legally buying the firearms. The man told police he had gang ties and was on probation for domestic battery charges. Law enforcement allege Mousheh knew about the man’s criminal background and inability to possess an FOID card, but sold the guns to him anyway. The man returned the Glock 22 to Mousheh, police said.

Mousheh was charged with two felony counts of illegal transfer of firearms and two felony counts of selling a firearm without a valid FOID, though law enforcement says she likely won’t face prison time.

“History has shown that these cases usually result in a plea of guilty in exchange for felony probation,” the department wrote in a statement released Wednesday. “Mousheh placed three semi-automatic firearms on the street, and was in possession of ammo that is capable of piercing a bullet proof vest.

Also, she admitted to buying a 50-round magazine for a Glock pistol.

The felony arrest is not expected to result in jail time, but will result in a permanent revocation of her FOID card.”

Illinois is one of a handful of states that requires possession of a FOID for all gun purchases and is considered to have some of the strictest gun control measures in the nation.

Detroit man built up arsenal, spoke fondly of explosives, feds say

Sebastian Gregerson, who goes by Abdurrahman Bin Mikaayl, has been charged with possession of an unregistered destructive device and unlicensed receipt of explosive materials. The bust followed an undercover operation that revealed Gregerson had been collecting the materials for the past 16 months.

“In my training and experience, and that of other agents upon whose expertise I am also relying, the purchase of training versions of these weapons makes it unlikely that the weapons were purchased for recreational use, such as hunting,” Ryan Schanberger, Special Agent with the Federal Bureau of Investigation, wrote in the complaint.

Items confiscated included firearms like an AK-47 and a Kel-Tec Sub 2000 9mm; 700 rounds of 7.62 ammo; a dozen 40-round AK-47 magazines; seven fixed-blade knives “of significant length,” two balaclava ski masks; holsters and a tactical vest; commercial grade road spikes and multiple training guns and dummy rounds.

The FBI launched an undercover investigation in April after a confidential informant told authorities Gregerson possessed grenades and bazookas.

The undercover agent, on multiple occasions, spoke with Gergerson about grenades, explosives, and he had even discussed his plans to carry out an attack on a building.

During the course of the investigation, Gergerson told undercover agents how to make explosives using shells of smoke grenades and expressed a desire for heavier explosives like fragmentation grenades and claymore mines, which he called “a magical piece of equipment.”

At one point, Gregerson invited the undercover agent to his home where he showed the agent items similar to the ones that were later confiscated. He referred to the items — like a tactical vest loaded with ammo and mags — “game day gear” and said, “I don’t play around.”

Some time later, the undercover agent arranged for Gregerson to buy five M67 fragmentation grenades from another undercover agent. They agreed to exchange the M67s for a Beretta 9mm pistol. On July 31, Gregerson and the first agent met with the source at a gas station and once the purchase was completed, federal agents moved in and arrested Gregerson.

---Reason for guns...criminals, the dangerously mentally ill, government inability to protect, government murder



Kinmonte Markell Brown, 28, and Dennis Wells, 24, of Greenville, North Carolina, are accused of trafficking more than a dozen firearms out of North Carolina into Providence from November 2014 to January 2015. Brown and Wells were arrested in February along with more than 30 other suspects following an extensive and long-standing investigation into drug dealing and gun trafficking. The investigation was a collaborative effort of local, state and federal law enforcement agencies, along with federal and state prosecutors whose common goal was to target violent crime and criminals in Rhode Island’s urban neighborhoods. Namely, the investigation went after the distribution of heroin and crack cocaine and gun running.

“This is like nothing that I have ever seen before,” U.S. attorney for Rhode Island Peter F. Neronha said in February, referring to the size, scope and collaboration of the law enforcement agencies involved in the investigation, which started with about 50 names of criminals who were considered “the worst guys in Providence.”

California Senator Arrested On Gun Trafficking Charges
California Senator Arrested On Gun Trafficking Charges

A state senator was arrested on charges of illegal gun trafficking and mail fraud on Wednesday.

As NPR's Richard Gonzales reports, Sen. Leland Yee was also the Democratic candidate for secretary of state in California. Richard filed this report for our Newscast unit:

"Senator Yee's arrest stunned California's political community.

"According to court documents, Yee allegedly was involved in a conspiracy to deal firearms without a license and to illegally import guns.

"He's also accused of participating in a scheme to defraud "citizens of honest services." State Senator Yee was one of twenty six people arrested in a series of raids after a federal investigation of Raymond "Shrimp Boy" Chow, a San Francisco Chinatown leader who has spent time in prison on gun charges.

"Yee is the third California Democrat to run afoul of the law in recent months."

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