What is the specific Democrat solution for securing the border? They had 8 years


Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2015
Like every other nation on earth, we have borders and those borders should be secure. We should be able to determine whom we accept into our country as residents.

Dems whine, but do they have a specific alternative?
They were for borders before they were against them. Hmmm, seems the timing of the flip flop came about around the same time Soros bought the party....
Like every other nation on earth, we have borders and those borders should be secure. We should be able to determine whom we accept into our country as residents.

Dems whine, but do they have a specific alternative?
The deportations currently being conducted are for ILLEGAL ALIEN CRIMINALS.

If Obama had obeyed Federal Law, Trump wouldn't have to deal with his mess.

THink "BLAME BUSH". I "BLAME OBAMA" for our immigration issues.
their plan is to do whatever is contrary to the popular opinion. Nothing excites them more then to force their ideology onto other, even if they don't really believe it themselves. They obviously don't care what happens to the working poor of this country.
Like every other nation on earth, we have borders and those borders should be secure. We should be able to determine whom we accept into our country as residents.

Dems whine, but do they have a specific alternative?

The left wing plan is to make life so miserable that they have to build a wall to keep people in, not out.

At least, historically that is how they operate.
Like every other nation on earth, we have borders and those borders should be secure. We should be able to determine whom we accept into our country as residents.

Dems whine, but do they have a specific alternative?

The left wing plan is to make life so miserable that they have to build a wall to keep people in, not out.

At least, historically that is how they operate.
Make everyone's life miserable so the liberal's miserable lives don't seem so bad.

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