What is THE specific evidence that 'Russia' hacked the election...


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
...and what EXACTLY does 'Hacked the election' mean?

Barry and libs claim Russia - and Putin - 'hacked the election'...but he has not given any specific evidence to support that accusation.

No one hacked the voting machines.

Julian Assange, who released all of the DNC's personal / party e-mails and more, has already declared the information was given to him by a DNC / Hillary Insider.

Did Barry just expel 35 Russian diplomats and is carrying on with this to distract people from what was in the DNC's leaked e-mails / Documents?!
It is gross malpractice for the liberal media to be using the phrase "hacked the election"....and they are all doing it, for the obvious reason.

They are run by the Democratic Party.

But, I say let them keep on with their methods. The Media now ranks down around cockroaches and head lice. Their obvious partnership with the Democratic Party has left the Democratic Party in shambles.
...and what EXACTLY does ...

Why do you hate America?

Our silent heroes who work tirelessly day and night to keep us safe have the intel. But to disclose anything would be to give it all away and reveal methods and more.

grow up
Why do you hate America?

Our silent heroes who work tirelessly day and night to keep us safe have the intel. And Obama lies to protects your fascist democrat party.....

...and what EXACTLY does ...

Why do you hate America?

Our silent heroes who work tirelessly day and night to keep us safe have the intel. But to disclose anything would be to give it all away and reveal methods and more.

grow up
Why do you hate America?

Our silent heroes who work tirelessly day and night to keep us safe have the intel. And Obama lies to protects your fascist democrat party.....


What planet do you post from? I thought this was a politics forum, not a sand box for pussies to piss in
...and what EXACTLY does ...

Why do you hate America?

Our silent heroes who work tirelessly day and night to keep us safe have the intel. But to disclose anything would be to give it all away and reveal methods and more.

grow up
Why do you hate America?

Our silent heroes who work tirelessly day and night to keep us safe have the intel. And Obama lies to protects your fascist democrat party.....


What planet do you post from? I thought this was a politics forum, not a sand box for pussies to piss in
Pull your panties up of you're done....
The accusation is that the DNC emails being released impacted the election because of the corruption they uncovered in the DNC.

If the DNC was not corrupt, would the election have been impacted?

Snowflakes are really sore losers. This is what happens when everyone gets a trophy.
Really? The intel community has been saying otherwise for ages now. Nothing new. Russia is playing cyber war games with the USA

why do you side with America's enemies? Does your hate for a US President go that deep?

It's a serious mental illness you have
No proof.....I've heard lots of stories of Chinese hacking....
By all means follow blindly like a rube
The accusation is that the DNC emails being released impacted the election because of the corruption they uncovered in the DNC.

If the DNC was not corrupt, would the election have been impacted?

Snowflakes are really sore losers. This is what happens when everyone gets a trophy.
So you didn't see the polls go up and down with the releases as they did with other things?

what frigging world do you inhabit?

Republicans and the whole intel community are onboard with this one?

Why do you people hate America and Obama so much?

If you feel that helpless, used up and left behind ... go move to Russia
...and what EXACTLY does ...

Why do you hate America?

Our silent heroes who work tirelessly day and night to keep us safe have the intel. But to disclose anything would be to give it all away and reveal methods and more.

grow up
So you have no clue and no evidnce...you just took tne word of the man who said if you liked your plan you could keep it - got it.
No proof.....I've heard lots of stories of Chinese hacking....
By all means follow blindly like a rube
The minute I tell you how I see you

you know how I did it.

grow up. Stop hating America. Your feelings of inadequacy should not lead to this kind of unpatriotism
...and what EXACTLY does ...

Why do you hate America?

Our silent heroes who work tirelessly day and night to keep us safe have the intel. But to disclose anything would be to give it all away and reveal methods and more.

grow up
So you have no clue and no evidnce...you just took tne word of the man who said if you liked your plan you could keep it - got it.
Why not be like Snowden and reveal all of our sources?

stop being childish
The accusation is that the DNC emails being released impacted the election because of the corruption they uncovered in the DNC.

If the DNC was not corrupt, would the election have been impacted?

Snowflakes are really sore losers. This is what happens when everyone gets a trophy.
So you didn't see the polls go up and down with the releases as they did with other things?

what frigging world do you inhabit?

Republicans and the whole intel community are onboard with this one?

Why do you people hate America and Obama so much?

If you feel that helpless, used up and left behind ... go move to Russia
So SOMEONE exposed Hillary and the DBC's dirty laundry. That someone was Julian Assange, and he said he got it from a liberal insider.
...and what EXACTLY does ...

Why do you hate America?

Our silent heroes who work tirelessly day and night to keep us safe have the intel. But to disclose anything would be to give it all away and reveal methods and more.

grow up
So you have no clue and no evidnce...you just took tne word of the man who said if you liked your plan you could keep it - got it.
Why not be like Snowden and reveal all of our sources?

stop being childish
Again, you admit you have no clue...got it.
...and what EXACTLY does ...

Why do you hate America?

Our silent heroes who work tirelessly day and night to keep us safe have the intel. But to disclose anything would be to give it all away and reveal methods and more.

grow up
So you have no clue and no evidnce...you just took tne word of the man who said if you liked your plan you could keep it - got it.
Why not be like Snowden and reveal all of our sources?

stop being childish
Again, you admit you have no clue...got it.

Why not be like Snowden and reveal all of our sources?

stop being childish

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