What is THE specific evidence that 'Russia' hacked the election...

Obama said yo!

Trump said......its deplorable all these rural god dam red state white hill billy's voted for me!!!! Hell they don't even make enough money to stay in one of my hotels!!!!
...and what EXACTLY does ...

Why do you hate America?

Our silent heroes who work tirelessly day and night to keep us safe have the intel. But to disclose anything would be to give it all away and reveal methods and more.

grow up
Why do you hate America?

Our silent heroes who work tirelessly day and night to keep us safe have the intel. And Obama lies to protects your fascist democrat party.....

Why would somebody side with a Russian KGB agent turned politician, over a US President?

It's a mental illness, this type of hatred
Why would somebody side with a Russian KGB agent turned politician, over a US President?

It's a mental illness, this type of hatred
No clue - got it.

(Cause the President has lied to the American people so many times....)
The accusation is that the DNC emails being released impacted the election because of the corruption they uncovered in the DNC.

If the DNC was not corrupt, would the election have been impacted?

Snowflakes are really sore losers. This is what happens when everyone gets a trophy.
What were criminal about the 33,000 emails???? Conservative Amerika never told the nation what was so horrific-criminal about the servers nor emails???
You people are Nero and his Fiddle

but not to worry

Liberals have always saved America in her time of need
Still no clue....got it.

(Yeah, Hillary & Barry did such a great job saving Stephens & 3 other Americans in their time of need....)
The accusation is that the DNC emails being released impacted the election because of the corruption they uncovered in the DNC.

If the DNC was not corrupt, would the election have been impacted?

Snowflakes are really sore losers. This is what happens when everyone gets a trophy.
What were criminal about the 33,000 emails???? Conservative Amerika never told the nation what was so horrific-criminal about the servers nor emails???
Still no clue what evidence, if any, Obama has - got it.
The accusation is that the DNC emails being released impacted the election because of the corruption they uncovered in the DNC.

If the DNC was not corrupt, would the election have been impacted?

Snowflakes are really sore losers. This is what happens when everyone gets a trophy.
Still no clue what evidence, if any, Obama has - got it.

What were criminal about the 33,000 emails???? Conservative Amerika never told the nation what was so horrific-criminal about the servers nor emails???
What would YOU and your ilk do with a clue or EVIDENCE?????
The accusation is that the DNC emails being released impacted the election because of the corruption they uncovered in the DNC.

If the DNC was not corrupt, would the election have been impacted?

Snowflakes are really sore losers. This is what happens when everyone gets a trophy.
What were criminal about the 33,000 emails???? Conservative Amerika never told the nation what was so horrific-criminal about the servers nor emails???
Still no clue what evidence, if any, Obama has - got it.

What would YOU and your ilk do with a clue or EVIDENCE?????
STILL no evidence....
Who was President when 3,000 Americans were killed on 9/11????
Who was the President who dragged the US into an UN-authorized, UN-Constitutional war to help the terrorists that killed 3,000 Americans take over their own country?

The same guy who has shown no evidence that the Russians 'hacked the election'.
Who was President when 3,000 Americans were killed on 9/11????
Who was the President who dragged the US into an UN-authorized, UN-Constitutional war to help the terrorists that killed 3,000 Americans take over their own country?

The same guy who has shown no evidence that the Russians 'hacked the election'.

Trump willl end up being Putins PUPPET
The accusation is that the DNC emails being released impacted the election because of the corruption they uncovered in the DNC.

If the DNC was not corrupt, would the election have been impacted?

Snowflakes are really sore losers. This is what happens when everyone gets a trophy.
What were criminal about the 33,000 emails???? Conservative Amerika never told the nation what was so horrific-criminal about the servers nor emails???
Still no clue what evidence, if any, Obama has - got it.

What would YOU and your ilk do with a clue or EVIDENCE?????
STILL no evidence....

17 Intelligence agency's would beg to differ with...........

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