What is THE specific evidence that 'Russia' hacked the election...

Who was President when 3,000 Americans were killed on 9/11????
Who was the President who dragged the US into an UN-authorized, UN-Constitutional war to help the terrorists that killed 3,000 Americans take over their own country?

The same guy who has shown no evidence that the Russians 'hacked the election'.

Trump willl end up being Putins PUPPET
So what's the evidence, snowflake?

It's embarassing how you keep arguing so strenuously but keep admitting you have no clue what evidence, if any, exists...
The accusation is that the DNC emails being released impacted the election because of the corruption they uncovered in the DNC.

If the DNC was not corrupt, would the election have been impacted?

Snowflakes are really sore losers. This is what happens when everyone gets a trophy.
What were criminal about the 33,000 emails???? Conservative Amerika never told the nation what was so horrific-criminal about the servers nor emails???
Still no clue what evidence, if any, Obama has - got it.

What would YOU and your ilk do with a clue or EVIDENCE?????
STILL no evidence....

17 Intelligence agency's would beg to differ with...........
And what evidence do they have....besides circumstantial (admittedly)?
No proof.....I've heard lots of stories of Chinese hacking....
By all means follow blindly like a rube
The minute I tell you how I see you

you know how I did it.

grow up. Stop hating America. Your feelings of inadequacy should not lead to this kind of unpatriotism
Written like a two yr old.......... Why didnt they provide details eh.......
No proof.....I've heard lots of stories of Chinese hacking....
By all means follow blindly like a rube
The minute I tell you how I see you

you know how I did it.

grow up. Stop hating America. Your feelings of inadequacy should not lead to this kind of unpatriotism
Written like a two yr old.......... Why didnt they provide details eh.......
Oh.....details will be coming out!!!!!
Barry actually PUBLICLY declared he was about to start a war - to order a Cyber ATTACK - with Russia....THEN admitted he had no clue what they had done, if anything, by ordering an investigation....again, AFTER he admittedly was about to order an attack against them.

...and what EXACTLY does 'Hacked the election' mean?

Barry and libs claim Russia - and Putin - 'hacked the election'...but he has not given any specific evidence to support that accusation.

No one hacked the voting machines.

Julian Assange, who released all of the DNC's personal / party e-mails and more, has already declared the information was given to him by a DNC / Hillary Insider.

Did Barry just expel 35 Russian diplomats and is carrying on with this to distract people from what was in the DNC's leaked e-mails / Documents?!

There is no other explanation for An orange clown winning. It had to be the Ruskies. The bulldyke was leading in all the polls. It had to be the Ruskies. She won all the debates. It had to be the Ruskies. Few if any of the main stream GOP leaders supported him. It had to be the Ruskies. She won the popular vote. It had to be the Ruskies. No celebrities voted for him. It had to be the Ruskies. Global warming is real. It had to be the Ruskies. That idiot Dubya Bush planned 911. It had to be the Ruskies. Obamacare has made healthcare affordable for everyone and it's gonna keep getting cheaper. It had to be the Ruskies. He bragged about grabbing women's genitalia. It had to be the Ruskies. Oh it was the Ruskies alright.
Why would somebody side with a Russian KGB agent turned politician, over a US President?

It's a mental illness, this type of hatred
No clue - got it.

(Cause the President has lied to the American people so many times....)
The President "Only" Lied to Republican Amerka!!!!! What is wrong with lying to a tribe of people who are not AMERICANS. The President was right to lie to ALL you "Knuckle Dragging-Neanderthal's parading around as Americans!!!!!
Who was President when 3,000 Americans were killed on 9/11????
Who was the President who dragged the US into an UN-authorized, UN-Constitutional war to help the terrorists that killed 3,000 Americans take over their own country?

The same guy who has shown no evidence that the Russians 'hacked the election'.

Trump willl end up being Putins PUPPET
So what's the evidence, snowflake?

It's embarassing how you keep arguing so strenuously but keep admitting you have no clue what evidence, if any, exists...

You are the only knuckle-head asking for a clue!!!!!! You are going to be known as "Clueless Conservative" sniffing the ground Looking-for-a GOD DAM CLUE!!!! Conservatives don't know what to do with Clues!!!! You and your ilk are.....DNA incapable of reading clues.......why bother.
Democrats were embarassed - their own personal, private e-mails were exposed, showing they are RACIST, SEXIST, ANTI-CATHOLIC, HOMOPHOBIC, ANTI-SEMITES,... RIGGED THEIR OWN PRIMARY...FED HILLARY DEBATE QUESTIONS IN ADVANCE, ETC...

So, to distract from that AND try to come across as 'the victim' the 'Russians hacked the election' story was born...

'Our polls showed Hillary' - the worst candidate in US hostory - 'should have won in a landslide. She didn't, so obviously the election had to be stolen' ... except their loss in so many other elections across the country kinda shoots a huge hole in that theory....
Why would somebody side with a Russian KGB agent turned politician, over a US President?

It's a mental illness, this type of hatred
No clue - got it.

(Cause the President has lied to the American people so many times....)
The President "Only" Lied to Republican Amerka!!!!! What is wrong with lying to a tribe of people who are not AMERICANS. The President was right to lie to ALL you "Knuckle Dragging-Neanderthal's parading around as Americans!!!!!
'The President only lied....'

'What's wrong with the President lying...?'

No proof.....I've heard lots of stories of Chinese hacking....
By all means follow blindly like a rube
The minute I tell you how I see you

you know how I did it.

grow up. Stop hating America. Your feelings of inadequacy should not lead to this kind of unpatriotism
Written like a two yr old.......... Why didnt they provide details eh.......
Oh.....details will be coming out!!!!!
At least you didn't claim it was rwnj site......Claims require proof not more claims
You people are Nero and his Fiddle

but not to worry

Liberals have always saved America in her time of need
Still no clue....got it.

(Yeah, Hillary & Barry did such a great job saving Stephens & 3 other Americans in their time of need....)
Who was President when 3,000 Americans were killed on 9/11????
Who was President when 3000 Americans were killed at Pearl Harbor?
Dumfuck. The answer is irrelevant.
Democrats were embarassed - their own personal, private e-mails were exposed, showing they are RACIST, SEXIST, ANTI-CATHOLIC, HOMOPHOBIC, ANTI-SEMITES,... RIGGED THEIR OWN PRIMARY...FED HILLARY DEBATE QUESTIONS IN ADVANCE, ETC...

So, to distract from that AND try to come across as 'the victim' the 'Russians hacked the election' story was born...

'Our polls showed Hillary' - the worst candidate in US hostory - 'should have won in a landslide. She didn't, so obviously the election had to be stolen' ... except their loss in so many other elections across the country kinda shoots a huge hole in that theory....

Meh! Trump lost the popular vote by 3 million votes!!!!! Where's Trump's mandate he claims he has??????????????
Who was President when 3,000 Americans were killed on 9/11????
Who was the President who dragged the US into an UN-authorized, UN-Constitutional war to help the terrorists that killed 3,000 Americans take over their own country?

The same guy who has shown no evidence that the Russians 'hacked the election'.

Trump willl end up being Putins PUPPET
So what's the evidence, snowflake?

It's embarassing how you keep arguing so strenuously but keep admitting you have no clue what evidence, if any, exists...

You are the only knuckle-head asking for a clue!!!!!! You are going to be known as "Clueless Conservative" sniffing the ground Looking-for-a GOD DAM CLUE!!!! Conservatives don't know what to do with Clues!!!! You and your ilk are.....DNA incapable of reading clues.......why bother.
Still no evidence, but like a lemming you are going to follow Barry off that cliff based on President 'If you like your plan you can keep your plan' Obama's claim that 'Russians hacked the election -trust me?!

Who was the President who dragged the US into an UN-authorized, UN-Constitutional war to help the terrorists that killed 3,000 Americans take over their own country?

The same guy who has shown no evidence that the Russians 'hacked the election'.

Trump willl end up being Putins PUPPET
So what's the evidence, snowflake?

It's embarassing how you keep arguing so strenuously but keep admitting you have no clue what evidence, if any, exists...

You are the only knuckle-head asking for a clue!!!!!! You are going to be known as "Clueless Conservative" sniffing the ground Looking-for-a GOD DAM CLUE!!!! Conservatives don't know what to do with Clues!!!! You and your ilk are.....DNA incapable of reading clues.......why bother.
Still no evidence, but like a lemming you are going to follow Barry off that cliff based on President 'If you like your plan you can keep your plan' Obama's claim that 'Russians hacked the election -trust me?!


What would conservative America do with the evidence???? You conservatives do not read for comprehension.........let alone do you dinosaur brains have the capacity to fact check nor research.......
Again, you admit you have no evidence. Pathetic.

Anyone else want to try to bail him out?
The accusation is that the DNC emails being released impacted the election because of the corruption they uncovered in the DNC.

If the DNC was not corrupt, would the election have been impacted?

Snowflakes are really sore losers. This is what happens when everyone gets a trophy.
So you didn't see the polls go up and down with the releases as they did with other things?

what frigging world do you inhabit?

Republicans and the whole intel community are onboard with this one?

Why do you people hate America and Obama so much?

If you feel that helpless, used up and left behind ... go move to Russia

Julian Assange hacked the DNC, not Russia. They have yet to show any proof that the Russians hacked the election in any way.
Why would somebody side with a Russian KGB agent turned politician, over a US President?

It's a mental illness, this type of hatred
No clue - got it.

(Cause the President has lied to the American people so many times....)
The President "Only" Lied to Republican Amerka!!!!! What is wrong with lying to a tribe of people who are not AMERICANS. The President was right to lie to ALL you "Knuckle Dragging-Neanderthal's parading around as Americans!!!!!
'The President only lied....'

'What's wrong with the President lying...?'


No......you don't realize. Lying to you tribal conservative ideologues who put your 20th century ideology over your country......you conservatives deserve to lied to in spades.

Good on President elect Obama.
The accusation is that the DNC emails being released impacted the election because of the corruption they uncovered in the DNC.

If the DNC was not corrupt, would the election have been impacted?

Snowflakes are really sore losers. This is what happens when everyone gets a trophy.
So you didn't see the polls go up and down with the releases as they did with other things?

what frigging world do you inhabit?

Republicans and the whole intel community are onboard with this one?

Why do you people hate America and Obama so much?

If you feel that helpless, used up and left behind ... go move to Russia

Julian Assange hacked the DNC, not Russia. They have yet to show any proof that the Russians hacked the election in any way.

Republican voters siding with Putin and Russia!!! Reagan is turning over in his grave.......so is Nancy.
Why would somebody side with a Russian KGB agent turned politician, over a US President?

It's a mental illness, this type of hatred
No clue - got it.

(Cause the President has lied to the American people so many times....)
The President "Only" Lied to Republican Amerka!!!!! What is wrong with lying to a tribe of people who are not AMERICANS. The President was right to lie to ALL you "Knuckle Dragging-Neanderthal's parading around as Americans!!!!!
'The President only lied....'

'What's wrong with the President lying...?'


No......you don't realize. Lying to you tribal conservative ideologues who put your 20th century ideology over your country......you conservatives deserve to lied to in spades.

Good on President elect Obama.
You just tried to justify the President of the US lying to the American people ... and can't come up with evidence to support his latest claim / lie.... ROFLOL!

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