What is THE specific evidence that 'Russia' hacked the election...


Obviously NOT...we're asking for evidence to back up the claim, & you can't give any.
You are a conservative nim rod........you are not entitled to clues nor evidence.
Only because you have none.

You already admitted Barry is lying.

President Obama only lied to Republican Ideologues of which are still living in the 20th Century!!! Now please tell me what's wrong with lying to tribal ideologue conservatives parading around as both humans and Americans.

GOP Equals ......... Hating America!!!
How's you Russian?????
How's my Russian? God you are so childish and pathetic.

Why can't you just admit there is no evidence? If there was any you would have posted it by now.
Evidence? That's so 1800... sounds like a tool of the patriarchy to me.

Who needs evidence when things can be just asserted? The OP is dumb.
How's you Russian?????
How's my Russian? God you are so childish and pathetic.

Why can't you just admit there is no evidence? If there was any you would have posted it by now.
Why can't you and your ilk admit the GOP is warming to Russian President Vladimir Putin even as evidence of his regime’s interference in the election intensifies. …

Back in July 2014 just 10 percent of Republicans held a favorable view of Putin, according to a poll conducted by the Economist and YouGov. By September of 2016, that number rose to 24 percent. And it's even higher today: 37 percent of Republicans view Putin favorably, the poll found in December.

All you un-American Red State traitors need to start learning Russian!!! Putin won't take to kindly to you English conservative Hill Billies not learning the language of your new MASTERS.
Evidence? That's so 1800... sounds like a tool of the patriarchy to me.

Who needs evidence when things can be just asserted? The OP is dumb.

The art of the deal....Indiana style brought to you by Con-man Trump will cost Indiana tax payers $7million dollars. You red state clowns are fools
As I said Rasta
- You have already admitted Barry Lied
- Until you show evidence I am ignoring you
...and what EXACTLY does 'Hacked the election' mean?

Barry and libs claim Russia - and Putin - 'hacked the election'...but he has not given any specific evidence to support that accusation.

No one hacked the voting machines.

Julian Assange, who released all of the DNC's personal / party e-mails and more, has already declared the information was given to him by a DNC / Hillary Insider.

Did Barry just expel 35 Russian diplomats and is carrying on with this to distract people from what was in the DNC's leaked e-mails / Documents?!

It's 100% certain-- CONFIRMED now by 17 different intelligence agencies, the FBI & CIA, and Republican intelligence committee members, along with the entire senate that Russia did in fact intervene into our National Election by hacking into DNC databases to not only leak Hillary Clinton's emails, but those of DNC officials in order to sway the election to Trump. They are also responsible for most of the fake news that was put out on social media outlets.
FBI, CIA agree on Russia's role in election hacks
Lindsey Graham Says 99 Percent Of Senate Agrees On Russian Hacks

The Russians recently hacked into the PENTAGON, and this article describes how they did it.
Russian hack almost brought the U.S. military to its knees

Prior to Obama (which is bi-partisan--Republicans are on board) taking this historic action of kicking Russian diplomats and their families out of this country, the New York Times put out an article with a Russian diplomat stating that they did in fact, have contact with the Trump campaign--which appears to have grown legs.

If they find collusion with anyone within the Trump campaign or anyone that is or has been associated with Trump, this will be considered TREASON, which is punishable by life in prison.

Trump does have financial ties to Russia. In fact, he has conflicts of interest coming out of every door.
Donald Trump's Many, Many, Many, Many Ties to Russia


Obama will be disclosing more information over the next coming weeks.
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As I said Rasta
- You have already admitted Barry Lied
- Until you show evidence I am ignoring you

Obama only lied to GOP conservative ideologues!!!! who only parade around as Americans!!!! You haven't proven that your ideologue Love America.
...and what EXACTLY does 'Hacked the election' mean?

Barry and libs claim Russia - and Putin - 'hacked the election'...but he has not given any specific evidence to support that accusation.

No one hacked the voting machines.

Julian Assange, who released all of the DNC's personal / party e-mails and more, has already declared the information was given to him by a DNC / Hillary Insider.

Did Barry just expel 35 Russian diplomats and is carrying on with this to distract people from what was in the DNC's leaked e-mails / Documents?!

It's 100% certain-- CONFIRMED now by 17 different intelligence agencies, the FBI & CIA, and Republican intelligence committee members, along with the entire senate that Russia did in fact intervene into our National Election by hacking into DNC databases to not only leak Hillary Clinton's emails, but those of DNC officials in order to sway the election to Trump. They are also responsible for most of the fake news that was put out on social media outlets.
FBI, CIA agree on Russia's role in election hacks
Lindsey Graham Says 99 Percent Of Senate Agrees On Russian Hacks

The Russians recently hacked in the PENTAGON, and this article describes how they did it.
Russian hack almost brought the U.S. military to its knees

Prior to Obama (which is bi-partisan--Republicans are on board) taking this historic action of kicking Russian diplomats and their families out of this country, the New York Times put out an article with a Russian diplomat stating that they did in fact, have contact with the Trump campaign--which appears to have grown legs.

If they find collusion with anyone within the Trump campaign or anyone that is or has been associated with Trump, this will be considered TREASON, which is punishable by life in prison.

Trump does have financial ties to Russia. In fact, he has conflicts of interest coming out of every door.
Donald Trump's Many, Many, Many, Many Ties to Russia

Nice declaration that 'it has been confirmed' ... with no evidence to support the claim.

...and Snowflakes damn-well know the FBI has already said there is no merit to the claim Trump is connected to Putin or the Russian Govt. It's just a continuous lie in the face of proven (FBI) fact.
Evidence? That's so 1800... sounds like a tool of the patriarchy to me.

Who needs evidence when things can be just asserted? The OP is dumb.

The art of the deal....Indiana style brought to you by Con-man Trump will cost Indiana tax payers $7million dollars. You red state clowns are fools

Yes it may seen funny now but the Carrier deal orchestrated by Tiny Hands Trump will cost Indiana tax payer $700,000 a year for 10 years!!!! Meanwhile the remaining jobs at the Indiana plant will be automated as well!!! So much for saving jobs. Face it Indianian got fleeced for $7.0 million.
Carrier Will Receive $7 Million in Tax Breaks to Keep Jobs in Indiana
...and what EXACTLY does 'Hacked the election' mean?

Barry and libs claim Russia - and Putin - 'hacked the election'...but he has not given any specific evidence to support that accusation.

No one hacked the voting machines.

Julian Assange, who released all of the DNC's personal / party e-mails and more, has already declared the information was given to him by a DNC / Hillary Insider.

Did Barry just expel 35 Russian diplomats and is carrying on with this to distract people from what was in the DNC's leaked e-mails / Documents?!

It's 100% certain-- CONFIRMED now by 17 different intelligence agencies, the FBI & CIA, and Republican intelligence committee members, along with the entire senate that Russia did in fact intervene into our National Election by hacking into DNC databases to not only leak Hillary Clinton's emails, but those of DNC officials in order to sway the election to Trump. They are also responsible for most of the fake news that was put out on social media outlets.
FBI, CIA agree on Russia's role in election hacks
Lindsey Graham Says 99 Percent Of Senate Agrees On Russian Hacks

The Russians recently hacked in the PENTAGON, and this article describes how they did it.
Russian hack almost brought the U.S. military to its knees

Prior to Obama (which is bi-partisan--Republicans are on board) taking this historic action of kicking Russian diplomats and their families out of this country, the New York Times put out an article with a Russian diplomat stating that they did in fact, have contact with the Trump campaign--which appears to have grown legs.

If they find collusion with anyone within the Trump campaign or anyone that is or has been associated with Trump, this will be considered TREASON, which is punishable by life in prison.

Trump does have financial ties to Russia. In fact, he has conflicts of interest coming out of every door.
Donald Trump's Many, Many, Many, Many Ties to Russia

Nice declaration that 'it has been confirmed' ... with no evidence to support the claim.

...and Snowflakes damn-well know the FBI has already said there is no merit to the claim Trump is connected to Putin or the Russian Govt. It's just a continuous lie in the face of proven (FBI) fact.
So FBI is saying the CIA and 17 other U.S. Intelligence Agencies....Are lying????
...and what EXACTLY does 'Hacked the election' mean?

Barry and libs claim Russia - and Putin - 'hacked the election'...but he has not given any specific evidence to support that accusation.

No one hacked the voting machines.

Julian Assange, who released all of the DNC's personal / party e-mails and more, has already declared the information was given to him by a DNC / Hillary Insider.

Did Barry just expel 35 Russian diplomats and is carrying on with this to distract people from what was in the DNC's leaked e-mails / Documents?!

It's 100% certain-- CONFIRMED now by 17 different intelligence agencies, the FBI & CIA, and Republican intelligence committee members, along with the entire senate that Russia did in fact intervene into our National Election by hacking into DNC databases to not only leak Hillary Clinton's emails, but those of DNC officials in order to sway the election to Trump. They are also responsible for most of the fake news that was put out on social media outlets.
FBI, CIA agree on Russia's role in election hacks
Lindsey Graham Says 99 Percent Of Senate Agrees On Russian Hacks

The Russians recently hacked in the PENTAGON, and this article describes how they did it.
Russian hack almost brought the U.S. military to its knees

Prior to Obama (which is bi-partisan--Republicans are on board) taking this historic action of kicking Russian diplomats and their families out of this country, the New York Times put out an article with a Russian diplomat stating that they did in fact, have contact with the Trump campaign--which appears to have grown legs.

If they find collusion with anyone within the Trump campaign or anyone that is or has been associated with Trump, this will be considered TREASON, which is punishable by life in prison.

Trump does have financial ties to Russia. In fact, he has conflicts of interest coming out of every door.
Donald Trump's Many, Many, Many, Many Ties to Russia

Nice declaration that 'it has been confirmed' ... with no evidence to support the claim.

...and Snowflakes damn-well know the FBI has already said there is no merit to the claim Trump is connected to Putin or the Russian Govt. It's just a continuous lie in the face of proven (FBI) fact.
So FBI is saying the CIA and 17 other U.S. Intelligence Agencies....Are lying????

The FBI has stated that Russia hacked the election. The New York times stated that a Russian diplomat did in fact have contact with the Trump campaign, and yes Trump does have financial ties to banks in Russia.
FBI, CIA agree on Russia's role in election hacks
Russian hack almost brought the U.S. military to its knees
Donald Trump's Many, Many, Many, Many Ties to Russia

I know it's very difficult for many of you to actually read articles, but the world and information doesn't really all revolve around what FOX News and Rush Limbaugh tells you.

This information is on every other major new network station in this country and abroad also.

We know now for a FACT that Russia hacked into DNC databases to leak information about Hillary Clinton, and other DNC officials, along with putting fake news on social media outlets to sway the election to Donald Trump. The ENTIRE Senate agrees with this assessment, who are privy to this intelligence are not arguing with it. They are in total agreement with Obama's action to remove all Russian diplomats and their families from this country, while Senate Republicans are promising more sanctions against Russia.
Lindsey Graham Says 99 Percent Of Senate Agrees On Russian Hacks
McCain, Graham promise more Russia sanctions in 2017

Is there something you don't understand about that? The only one that is denying it--is Trump, and his phsyco-babble interpreters that have been with him through-out this campaign.


Obama will be releasing more information about these hacks in the coming weeks. And right now you have investigative reporters (looking for their Pulitzer prize) working 24 hours a day 7 days a week to try and prove collusion with Russia and the Trump campaign--GUARANTEED.
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No proof.....I've heard lots of stories of Chinese hacking....
By all means follow blindly like a rube
The minute I tell you how I see you

you know how I did it.

grow up. Stop hating America. Your feelings of inadequacy should not lead to this kind of unpatriotism
Written like a two yr old.......... Why didnt they provide details eh.......
Oh.....details will be coming out!!!!!
So they're still manufacturing them. Got it!
...and what EXACTLY does 'Hacked the election' mean?

Barry and libs claim Russia - and Putin - 'hacked the election'...but he has not given any specific evidence to support that accusation.

No one hacked the voting machines.

Julian Assange, who released all of the DNC's personal / party e-mails and more, has already declared the information was given to him by a DNC / Hillary Insider.

Did Barry just expel 35 Russian diplomats and is carrying on with this to distract people from what was in the DNC's leaked e-mails / Documents?!

It's 100% certain-- CONFIRMED now by 17 different intelligence agencies, the FBI & CIA, and Republican intelligence committee members, along with the entire senate that Russia did in fact intervene into our National Election by hacking into DNC databases to not only leak Hillary Clinton's emails, but those of DNC officials in order to sway the election to Trump. They are also responsible for most of the fake news that was put out on social media outlets.
FBI, CIA agree on Russia's role in election hacks
Lindsey Graham Says 99 Percent Of Senate Agrees On Russian Hacks

The Russians recently hacked in the PENTAGON, and this article describes how they did it.
Russian hack almost brought the U.S. military to its knees

Prior to Obama (which is bi-partisan--Republicans are on board) taking this historic action of kicking Russian diplomats and their families out of this country, the New York Times put out an article with a Russian diplomat stating that they did in fact, have contact with the Trump campaign--which appears to have grown legs.

If they find collusion with anyone within the Trump campaign or anyone that is or has been associated with Trump, this will be considered TREASON, which is punishable by life in prison.

Trump does have financial ties to Russia. In fact, he has conflicts of interest coming out of every door.
Donald Trump's Many, Many, Many, Many Ties to Russia

Nice declaration that 'it has been confirmed' ... with no evidence to support the claim.

...and Snowflakes damn-well know the FBI has already said there is no merit to the claim Trump is connected to Putin or the Russian Govt. It's just a continuous lie in the face of proven (FBI) fact.
So FBI is saying the CIA and 17 other U.S. Intelligence Agencies....Are lying????

The FBI has stated that Russia hacked the election. The New York times stated that a Russian diplomat did in fact have contact with the Trump campaign, and yes Trump does have financial ties to banks in Russia.
FBI, CIA agree on Russia's role in election hacks
Russian hack almost brought the U.S. military to its knees
Donald Trump's Many, Many, Many, Many Ties to Russia

I know it's very difficult for many of you to actually read articles, but the world and information doesn't really all revolve around what FOX News and Rush Limbaugh tells you.

This information is on every other major new network station around.

We know now for a FACT that Russia hacked into DNC databases to leak information about Hillary Clinton, and other DNC officials, along with putting fake news on social media outlets to sway the election to Donald Trump. The ENTIRE Senate agrees with this assessment, who are privy to this intelligence are not arguing with it. They are in total agreement with Obama's action to remove all Russian diplomats and their families from this country, while Senate Republicans are promising more sanctions against Russia.
Lindsey Graham Says 99 Percent Of Senate Agrees On Russian Hacks

Is there something you don't understand about that? The only one that is denying it--is Trump, and his phsyco-babble interpreters that have been with him through-out this campaign.


No, the FBI has NOT said that the Russia hacked the election, that's a completely crazy conspiracy theory.

What they did is, they provided us with the truth.
The accusation is that the DNC emails being released impacted the election because of the corruption they uncovered in the DNC.

If the DNC was not corrupt, would the election have been impacted?

Snowflakes are really sore losers. This is what happens when everyone gets a trophy.
So you didn't see the polls go up and down with the releases as they did with other things?

what frigging world do you inhabit?

Republicans and the whole intel community are onboard with this one?

Why do you people hate America and Obama so much?

If you feel that helpless, used up and left behind ... go move to Russia
Do you then hold the same standard of "hacking" to the media when they orchestrate the release of information designed to manipulate the citizens? When the mainstream media, or even a foreign media, obtains information that a political party wants to keep secret, yet releases it for "free speech" purposes, do you then scream at them for manipulating the elections?

Wikileaks has openly stated that the emails did not come from Russia, but from the DNC. The Intel community (Obama's intel community) is stating its the Russians, without proof. You say that can't release it without showing methods and ability, but they can, in fact, provide some proof. To date, they have provided none.

So you'll forgive those of us who actually employ critical thinking skills while we cast doubt on these claims.
...and what EXACTLY does 'Hacked the election' mean?

Barry and libs claim Russia - and Putin - 'hacked the election'...but he has not given any specific evidence to support that accusation.

No one hacked the voting machines.

Julian Assange, who released all of the DNC's personal / party e-mails and more, has already declared the information was given to him by a DNC / Hillary Insider.

Did Barry just expel 35 Russian diplomats and is carrying on with this to distract people from what was in the DNC's leaked e-mails / Documents?!

Notice that they stopped using the term 'hacked' when proof was demanded. Now they are claiming interference, which could mean anything. The thing is, there is no proof of anything but the left won't let go. Once they started with the Russia bullshit, they weren't about to back down and admit they were lying in order to blame someone else for Hillary losing.

Assange has said from the start that it was a DNC insider leaking the info to him. And no lib has expressed disgust at what those emails revealed, they are just mad that they were released.

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