What is THE specific evidence that 'Russia' hacked the election...

Mr. Trump won. The election was alleged, rigged, remember.
Alleged? There's no alleged about it. The leaked emails revealed the DNC had HRC all set up for the win from the get go. That's called rigging an outcome. The poor Bernie people got fucked. And likely too pissed to show up for Hillary.

Was that the worst email revelation for you?

The Election was rigged.....the Russians exposure of the content proved that. Liberals still cannot explain how the Russians hacked into Donna Brazile to feed CNN debate questions to Hillary Clinton.
...and what EXACTLY does 'Hacked the election' mean?

Barry and libs claim Russia - and Putin - 'hacked the election'...but he has not given any specific evidence to support that accusation.

No one hacked the voting machines.

Julian Assange, who released all of the DNC's personal / party e-mails and more, has already declared the information was given to him by a DNC / Hillary Insider.

Did Barry just expel 35 Russian diplomats and is carrying on with this to distract people from what was in the DNC's leaked e-mails / Documents?!

yes....ignore all of the intel and listen to the orange lunatic.

it's so cute watching rightwingnuts support russia over their own country.

way to go!
What support for Russia did you see?
And what was the worse email revelation that bothered you?

Patients......young Hoe! These matters take time! There will be hearings in the GOP Congress! This is history in the making.

All you conservative knuckle draging neanderthals are so fucking impatient.
...and what EXACTLY does 'Hacked the election' mean?

Barry and libs claim Russia - and Putin - 'hacked the election'...but he has not given any specific evidence to support that accusation.

No one hacked the voting machines.

Julian Assange, who released all of the DNC's personal / party e-mails and more, has already declared the information was given to him by a DNC / Hillary Insider.

Did Barry just expel 35 Russian diplomats and is carrying on with this to distract people from what was in the DNC's leaked e-mails / Documents?!

yes....ignore all of the intel and listen to the orange lunatic.

it's so cute watching rightwingnuts support russia over their own country.

way to go!
What support for Russia did you see?
And what was the worse email revelation that bothered you?

Patients......young Hoe! These matters take time! There will be hearings in the GOP Congress! This is history in the making.

All you conservative knuckle draging neanderthals are so fucking impatient.
You ejaculated bigotry instead of answering the question:

"And what was the worse email revelation that bothered you?"
What specific intel? 'Intel' is a broad term and does not specify what exact evidence there is. 'Intel' said Saddam had WMD - libs said that was false. So what makes THIS 'Intel' believable?
Seems to me that one obvious approach would be for Obama and his people to meet with Trump and his people, go over the fact and info, and then hold a joint press conference to go over, without divulging sensitive intel, general areas of agreement and disagreement.

At least we'd then know that they're both looking at the same information at the same time. We and they would have a reference point.

But no, that would make too much sense. Because we're dealing with politics over country here.

Why bother, articles of impeachment will begin on Trump within 2 years. KGB Putin has scored a huge coup and has made Trump his puppet!!!!!
What specific intel? 'Intel' is a broad term and does not specify what exact evidence there is. 'Intel' said Saddam had WMD - libs said that was false. So what makes THIS 'Intel' believable?
Seems to me that one obvious approach would be for Obama and his people to meet with Trump and his people, go over the fact and info, and then hold a joint press conference to go over, without divulging sensitive intel, general areas of agreement and disagreement.

At least we'd then know that they're both looking at the same information at the same time. We and they would have a reference point.

But no, that would make too much sense. Because we're dealing with politics over country here.

Why bother, articles of impeachment will begin on Trump within 2 years. KGB Putin has scored a huge coup and has made Trump his puppet!!!!!

And what was the worse email revelation that bothered you?
...and what EXACTLY does 'Hacked the election' mean?

Barry and libs claim Russia - and Putin - 'hacked the election'...but he has not given any specific evidence to support that accusation.

No one hacked the voting machines.

Julian Assange, who released all of the DNC's personal / party e-mails and more, has already declared the information was given to him by a DNC / Hillary Insider.

Did Barry just expel 35 Russian diplomats and is carrying on with this to distract people from what was in the DNC's leaked e-mails / Documents?!

yes....ignore all of the intel and listen to the orange lunatic.

it's so cute watching rightwingnuts support russia over their own country.

way to go!
What support for Russia did you see?
And what was the worse email revelation that bothered you?

Patients......young Hoe! These matters take time! There will be hearings in the GOP Congress! This is history in the making.

All you conservative knuckle draging neanderthals are so fucking impatient.
You ejaculated bigotry instead of answering the question:

"And what was the worse email revelation that bothered you?"

I'm sure Melania knows all about ejaculations!!!
And what was the worse email revelation that bothered you?
There is no evidence that Russia was able to impact the presidential election and as a matter of fact nobody including the "intelligence community" or either political party actually alleges such a thing. The issue is a slick combination of DNC propaganda, media generated fake news and the willing knee jerk angry borderline psychotic lefties who want to believe it. Obama and the DNC intentionally muddy the water until nobody understands who hacked what and the intention is to keep a portion of the American public in constant turmoil while Obama tries to ruin the Country before the incoming administration.
There is no evidence that Russia was able to impact the presidential election and as a matter of fact nobody including the "intelligence community" or either political party actually alleges such a thing. The issue is a slick combination of DNC propaganda, media generated fake news and the willing knee jerk angry borderline psychotic lefties who want to believe it. Obama and the DNC intentionally muddy the water until nobody understands who hacked what and the intention is to keep a portion of the American public in constant turmoil while Obama tries to ruin the Country before the incoming administration.

8 years of GW Bush RUINED the country!!!!!

Obviously NOT...we're asking for evidence to back up the claim, & you can't give any.
You are a conservative nim rod........you are not entitled to clues nor evidence.
Where did this assclown come from? I haven't seen this kind of spew since Matthew posted last.
Your conservative bunker has been invaded!!!! Quick.....run and hide-------escape to your mother's basement before its to late and you get hit by car.
And what was the worse email revelation that bothered you?
There is no evidence that Russia was able to impact the presidential election and as a matter of fact nobody including the "intelligence community" or either political party actually alleges such a thing. The issue is a slick combination of DNC propaganda, media generated fake news and the willing knee jerk angry borderline psychotic lefties who want to believe it. Obama and the DNC intentionally muddy the water until nobody understands who hacked what and the intention is to keep a portion of the American public in constant turmoil while Obama tries to ruin the Country before the incoming administration.

8 years of GW Bush RUINED the country!!!!!
So obama didn't fix it. That's what I thought.
There is no evidence that Russia was able to impact the presidential election and as a matter of fact nobody including the "intelligence community" or either political party actually alleges such a thing. The issue is a slick combination of DNC propaganda, media generated fake news and the willing knee jerk angry borderline psychotic lefties who want to believe it. Obama and the DNC intentionally muddy the water until nobody understands who hacked what and the intention is to keep a portion of the American public in constant turmoil while Obama tries to ruin the Country before the incoming administration.

8 years of GW Bush RUINED the country!!!!!
So obama didn't fix it. That's what I thought.

Meh! Obama is leaving office with over a 55 percent approval!!!.....!!!
...and what EXACTLY does 'Hacked the election' mean?

Barry and libs claim Russia - and Putin - 'hacked the election'...but he has not given any specific evidence to support that accusation.

No one hacked the voting machines.

Julian Assange, who released all of the DNC's personal / party e-mails and more, has already declared the information was given to him by a DNC / Hillary Insider.

Did Barry just expel 35 Russian diplomats and is carrying on with this to distract people from what was in the DNC's leaked e-mails / Documents?!

We haven't had hearings YET!!!!! Sorry ya gotta wait well into Trumps dictatorship to finally have the clues and evidence you are groveling for.
There is no evidence that Russia was able to impact the presidential election and as a matter of fact nobody including the "intelligence community" or either political party actually alleges such a thing. The issue is a slick combination of DNC propaganda, media generated fake news and the willing knee jerk angry borderline psychotic lefties who want to believe it. Obama and the DNC intentionally muddy the water until nobody understands who hacked what and the intention is to keep a portion of the American public in constant turmoil while Obama tries to ruin the Country before the incoming administration.

8 years of GW Bush RUINED the country!!!!!
So obama didn't fix it. That's what I thought.

Meh! Obama is leaving office with over a 55 percent approval!!!.....!!!
And we all know how accurate msm polls are.

What email revelation bothered you the most?
16 'pages' in - NO evidence.

Democrats have an answer to 'no evidence'...and they've used it before:

What was new with the Clarence Thomas nomination was the accusation of criminal wrongdoing on his part, namely the unproved sexual harassment claims of one Anita Hill.

Even though Ms. Hill couldn't prove her accusation, that didn't matter.

Thus, a new mantra for the Left was born:
“The nature of the evidence is irrelevant; it’s the seriousness of the charge that matters.” Tom Foley, Democrat, Former Speaker of the House.
Obama’s “Evidence” Against Russia Falls Flat

Anyone with a lick of sense knows that Russia did not hack anything to do with the election and had no influence whatsoever as to who won. But, Obozo the child president, is having his little snit and is doing his best to make life difficult for President-elect Trump.

Read this Joint Analysis Report for yourself to see just how weak and unproven are the claims upon which Obozo based his sanctions @ https://www.us-cert.gov/sites/default/files/publications/JAR_16-20296A_GRIZZLY STEPPE-2016-1229.pdf

Read this full analysis @ Obama’s “Evidence” Against Russia Falls Flat

Election Hack Reality Check: Did the Russians Hack the 2016 Election? @ Election Hack Reality Check: Did the Russians Hack the 2016 Election?

Ars Technica security editor: WH fails to make case that Russian hackers tampered with election @ Ars Technica security editor: WH fails to make case that Russian hackers tampered with election

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