What is THE specific evidence that 'Russia' hacked the election...

While I don't believe the Russians were in anyway responsible for Trump's election I'm sure getting a kick for this righteous call for evidence from folks that spent 8 years insisting Barry was born in Kenya. Too funny.
And knowing that right there, Obama /still/ threw out sanctions without proof.

Obama is intentionally flaming the fire and pissing off a wide swath of the country. That's quite American of him.
...and what EXACTLY does 'Hacked the election' mean?

Barry and libs claim Russia - and Putin - 'hacked the election'...but he has not given any specific evidence to support that accusation.

No one hacked the voting machines.

Julian Assange, who released all of the DNC's personal / party e-mails and more, has already declared the information was given to him by a DNC / Hillary Insider.

Did Barry just expel 35 Russian diplomats and is carrying on with this to distract people from what was in the DNC's leaked e-mails / Documents?!

There is no other explanation for An orange clown winning. It had to be the Ruskies. The bulldyke was leading in all the polls. It had to be the Ruskies. She won all the debates. It had to be the Ruskies. Few if any of the main stream GOP leaders supported him. It had to be the Ruskies. She won the popular vote. It had to be the Ruskies. No celebrities voted for him. It had to be the Ruskies. Global warming is real. It had to be the Ruskies. That idiot Dubya Bush planned 911. It had to be the Ruskies. Obamacare has made healthcare affordable for everyone and it's gonna keep getting cheaper. It had to be the Ruskies. He bragged about grabbing women's genitalia. It had to be the Ruskies. Oh it was the Ruskies alright.
...and what EXACTLY does 'Hacked the election' mean?

Barry and libs claim Russia - and Putin - 'hacked the election'...but he has not given any specific evidence to support that accusation.

No one hacked the voting machines.

Julian Assange, who released all of the DNC's personal / party e-mails and more, has already declared the information was given to him by a DNC / Hillary Insider.

Did Barry just expel 35 Russian diplomats and is carrying on with this to distract people from what was in the DNC's leaked e-mails / Documents?!
That's an easy question

Hillary lost and Trump won therefore it had to be the Rusians
While I don't believe the Russians were in anyway responsible for Trump's election I'm sure getting a kick for this righteous call for evidence from folks that spent 8 years insisting Barry was born in Kenya. Too funny.
You're right, Hillary never ended her birther stance.....
Maybe Democrats should start paying more attention to Cybersecurity matters. Start with policy. The same people yelling and screaming about the Russians hacking the election are the same people that took Hillary and Podesta that her email server was secure and had not been hacked. Further, what are these cry fouls about Russia trying to "influence the Election" as if this is something new?? A foreign country trying to influence the US Election as if this has never been tried nor succeeded?

Cut your bullshit, Liberals. Russian acts of exposing emails did not cost Hillary the election. It's the content, stupid.
...and what EXACTLY does ...

Why do you hate America?

Our silent heroes who work tirelessly day and night to keep us safe have the intel. But to disclose anything would be to give it all away and reveal methods and more.

grow up
You mean the same silent heroes that claimed Saddam had WMD? Methods don't need to be revealed to present the findings.

But what was the most significant email revelation in your mind?
...and what EXACTLY does 'Hacked the election' mean?

Barry and libs claim Russia - and Putin - 'hacked the election'...but he has not given any specific evidence to support that accusation.

No one hacked the voting machines.

Julian Assange, who released all of the DNC's personal / party e-mails and more, has already declared the information was given to him by a DNC / Hillary Insider.

Did Barry just expel 35 Russian diplomats and is carrying on with this to distract people from what was in the DNC's leaked e-mails / Documents?!

yes....ignore all of the intel and listen to the orange lunatic.

it's so cute watching rightwingnuts support russia over their own country.

way to go!
Who was President when 3,000 Americans were killed on 9/11????
Who was the President who dragged the US into an UN-authorized, UN-Constitutional war to help the terrorists that killed 3,000 Americans take over their own country?

The same guy who has shown no evidence that the Russians 'hacked the election'.

Trump willl end up being Putins PUPPET
So what's the evidence, snowflake?

It's embarassing how you keep arguing so strenuously but keep admitting you have no clue what evidence, if any, exists...

You are the only knuckle-head asking for a clue!!!!!! You are going to be known as "Clueless Conservative" sniffing the ground Looking-for-a GOD DAM CLUE!!!! Conservatives don't know what to do with Clues!!!! You and your ilk are.....DNA incapable of reading clues.......why bother.
Ooops ....someone just ilked all over themselves.
...and what EXACTLY does 'Hacked the election' mean?

Barry and libs claim Russia - and Putin - 'hacked the election'...but he has not given any specific evidence to support that accusation.

No one hacked the voting machines.

Julian Assange, who released all of the DNC's personal / party e-mails and more, has already declared the information was given to him by a DNC / Hillary Insider.

Did Barry just expel 35 Russian diplomats and is carrying on with this to distract people from what was in the DNC's leaked e-mails / Documents?!

yes....ignore all of the intel and listen to the orange lunatic.

it's so cute watching rightwingnuts support russia over their own country.

way to go!
...and what EXACTLY does 'Hacked the election' mean?

Barry and libs claim Russia - and Putin - 'hacked the election'...but he has not given any specific evidence to support that accusation.

No one hacked the voting machines.

Julian Assange, who released all of the DNC's personal / party e-mails and more, has already declared the information was given to him by a DNC / Hillary Insider.

Did Barry just expel 35 Russian diplomats and is carrying on with this to distract people from what was in the DNC's leaked e-mails / Documents?!

yes....ignore all of the intel and listen to the orange lunatic.

it's so cute watching rightwingnuts support russia over their own country.

way to go!
What support for Russia did you see?
And what was the worse email revelation that bothered you?
Skimming over the thread, a vast majority of it appears to be the standard junior high personal insults and name-calling, from the first page on.

I'd be interested to know if anyone has produced any specific answers to the question posed by the OP.

Seems reasonable, and it's a pretty goddamned important issue.
Skimming over the thread, a vast majority of it appears to be the standard junior high personal insults and name-calling, from the first page on.

I'd be interested to know if anyone has produced any specific answers to the question posed by the OP.

Seems reasonable, and it's a pretty goddamned important issue.
You just had to put gd in there as an adjective for important issue, didn't ya?
This alone makes your post irrelevant.
He's just emphasizing the fact that he's a mighty towering intellect that is above this sort of thing. Which is why he frequents the board, we must be reminded daily.
Why thank you!
...and what EXACTLY does 'Hacked the election' mean?

Barry and libs claim Russia - and Putin - 'hacked the election'...but he has not given any specific evidence to support that accusation.

No one hacked the voting machines.

Julian Assange, who released all of the DNC's personal / party e-mails and more, has already declared the information was given to him by a DNC / Hillary Insider.

Did Barry just expel 35 Russian diplomats and is carrying on with this to distract people from what was in the DNC's leaked e-mails / Documents?!

yes....ignore all of the intel and listen to the orange lunatic.

it's so cute watching rightwingnuts support russia over their own country.

way to go!
What specific intel?
'Intel' is a broad term and does not specify what exact evidence there is. 'Intel' said Saddam had WMD - libs said that was false. So what makes THIS 'Intel' believable?
Mr. Trump won. The election was alleged, rigged, remember.
Alleged? There's no alleged about it. The leaked emails revealed the DNC had HRC all set up for the win from the get go. That's called rigging an outcome. The poor Bernie people got fucked. And likely too pissed to show up for Hillary.

Was that the worst email revelation for you?
Mr. Trump won. The election was alleged, rigged, remember.
Alleged? There's no alleged about it. The leaked emails revealed the DNC had HRC all set up for the win from the get go. That's called rigging an outcome. The poor Bernie people got fucked. And likely too pissed to show up for Hillary.

Was that the worst email revelation for you?
i guess that "proves it".
What specific intel? 'Intel' is a broad term and does not specify what exact evidence there is. 'Intel' said Saddam had WMD - libs said that was false. So what makes THIS 'Intel' believable?
Seems to me that one obvious approach would be for Obama and his people to meet with Trump and his people, go over the fact and info, and then hold a joint press conference to go over, without divulging sensitive intel, general areas of agreement and disagreement.

At least we'd then know that they're both looking at the same information at the same time. We and they would have a reference point.

But no, that would make too much sense. Because we're dealing with politics over country here.

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