What is THE specific evidence that 'Russia' hacked the election...

Who was the President who dragged the US into an UN-authorized, UN-Constitutional war to help the terrorists that killed 3,000 Americans take over their own country?

The same guy who has shown no evidence that the Russians 'hacked the election'.

Trump willl end up being Putins PUPPET
So what's the evidence, snowflake?

It's embarassing how you keep arguing so strenuously but keep admitting you have no clue what evidence, if any, exists...

You are the only knuckle-head asking for a clue!!!!!! You are going to be known as "Clueless Conservative" sniffing the ground Looking-for-a GOD DAM CLUE!!!! Conservatives don't know what to do with Clues!!!! You and your ilk are.....DNA incapable of reading clues.......why bother.
Still no evidence, but like a lemming you are going to follow Barry off that cliff based on President 'If you like your plan you can keep your plan' Obama's claim that 'Russians hacked the election -trust me?!


What would conservative America do with the evidence???? You conservatives do not read for comprehension.........let alone do you dinosaur brains have the capacity to fact check nor research.......

Here is the end of the road on this one. Or it ought to be. This liberal fool....may be a child instead of a fool....is getting his ass kicked; is helpless; looks like a fool...and after a round or two of epitaphs & profanity; goes to the only thing he has left....to the superior intellect that all liberals think they have over regular American rustics & rubes.

He played the Rube Card. Its what these half-wit pinheads do.

Basket of Deplorables, etc.

Ok, that's about all the time we have for 'Pasta'...8 pages into this thread he has no evidence, he throws out insults, & he gives justifications why it's ok for Barry to lie to Americans.

Barry said the Russians 'hacked the election', & that's good enough for him.

That's not good enough for me, especially when 'Pasta' already has ADMITTED Barry is lying to Republicans. :p

So, until you can come up with some evidence I'm just going to ignore you, snowflake.
The accusation is that the DNC emails being released impacted the election because of the corruption they uncovered in the DNC.

If the DNC was not corrupt, would the election have been impacted?

Snowflakes are really sore losers. This is what happens when everyone gets a trophy.
So you didn't see the polls go up and down with the releases as they did with other things?

what frigging world do you inhabit?

Republicans and the whole intel community are onboard with this one?

Why do you people hate America and Obama so much?

If you feel that helpless, used up and left behind ... go move to Russia
Tom Cotton told obama in the spring that this might happen.
Obama ignored him because he thought hillary would win and he could use it against the gop.
So it was out there a long time ago.

Obviously NOT...we're asking for evidence to back up the claim, & you can't give any.
If I could kill this pathetic thread, I would.

Of course you would because you have zero evidence, it's killing you that you can't prove it, & you admitted Barry is lying to Republicans. :p

The GOP is warming to Russian President Vladimir Putin — even as evidence of his regime’s interference in the election intensifies. …

Back in July 2014 just 10 percent of Republicans held a favorable view of Putin, according to a poll conducted by the Economist and YouGov. By September of 2016, that number rose to 24 percent. And it's even higher today: 37 percent of Republicans view Putin favorably, the poll found in December.

All you un-American Red State traitors need to start learning Russian!!! Putin won't take to kindly to you English conservative Hill Billies not learning the language of your new MASTERS.
If I could kill this pathetic thread, I would.

Of course you would because you have zero evidence, it's killing you that you can't prove it, & you admitted Barry is lying to Republicans. :p

The GOP is warming to Russian President Vladimir Putin — even as evidence of his regime’s interference in the election intensifies. …

Back in July 2014 just 10 percent of Republicans held a favorable view of Putin, according to a poll conducted by the Economist and YouGov. By September of 2016, that number rose to 24 percent. And it's even higher today: 37 percent of Republicans view Putin favorably, the poll found in December.

All you un-American Red State traitors need to start learning Russian!!! Putin won't take to kindly to you English conservative Hill Billies not learning the language of your new MASTERS.
'I admit Barry is lying, I have no evidence, so I will claim the GOP is Pro-Putin instead...'

If I could kill this pathetic thread, I would.

Of course you would because you have zero evidence, it's killing you that you can't prove it, & you admitted Barry is lying to Republicans. :p

The GOP is warming to Russian President Vladimir Putin — even as evidence of his regime’s interference in the election intensifies. …

Back in July 2014 just 10 percent of Republicans held a favorable view of Putin, according to a poll conducted by the Economist and YouGov. By September of 2016, that number rose to 24 percent. And it's even higher today: 37 percent of Republicans view Putin favorably, the poll found in December.

All you un-American Red State traitors need to start learning Russian!!! Putin won't take to kindly to you English conservative Hill Billies not learning the language of your new MASTERS.
'I admit Barry is lying, I have no evidence, so I will claim the GOP is Pro-Putin instead...'

How's you Russian????? Trump is a Manchurian candidate and an Oligarchy-Facsist!!! Don't blame me....... you guys voted for him!!!!

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