What Is This Growing Movement Among Democrats?

I am just not attracted to Chelsea. I'll wait for the tranny calendar.
Looks like she has pretty nice funbags, though.

I like B cups, myself, never been a fan of the biguns, but they're not bad.
This is why women are and will be a joking afterthought. When a women addresses a genuine issue, she gets a smirk and treated as if she should be taking off her clothes and scream through her vagina.
This is why women are and will be a joking afterthought. When a women addresses a genuine issue, she gets a smirk and treated as if she should be taking off her clothes and scream through her vagina.
I agree with Tipsycatlover
How does this help the credibility of either women or social issues
by exploiting the media tactic of naked women catching the public eye and attention.
Isn't this sending the wrong, opposite message
of women being taken seriously for the actual content of their ideas, talents and skills.

Isn't this admitting that these strategies DO draw attention,
and that's why the media focuses on appearance and emotional reaction and hype.

If you are going to stoop to the same tactics,
at least admit it. Instead of attacking these very tactics!
Hell the only movement from the Dems that I've seen is obstructing everything Trump is trying to do.

Guess they don't like a booming economy.

Lowest UE since 69.

People happy with the direction the country is taking.

Sucks to be them.

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