What is Trump hiding? Where are his Tax Returns

Teduced to what? Pointing out the law to liberals who have proven they could care less about it?

As I pointed out, Trump is following the law while Barry has broken it his entire time in office...and libs are going bat-shit crazy iver the law-abiding Republican while ignoring the law-breaking liberal.
Teduced to what? Pointing out the law to liberals who have proven they could care less about it?

As I pointed out, Trump is following the law while Barry has broken it his entire time in office...and libs are going bat-shit crazy iver the law-abiding Republican while ignoring the law-breaking liberal.

total deflection ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Libs, you continue to accuse Trump of hiding something because he refuses to give you something you feel you are entitled to, which you are not.

Let's end the debate once and for all. The burden of proof is on the accuser....put up or shut up. Provide the evidence, other than your opinion or the fact that YOU say so, that Trump is hiding something. The fact that he has chosen not to give you what you want and not legally required to do, is not proof of wrong-doing.

The continued insistence that he has to show you anything to prove his innocense is a ploy that would never hold up in court but is an often highly effective tactic on playgrounds and in grade schools.

The burden of proof is on Trump, NO ONE ELSE !

That's it, yet his non supporters are asking for information no one else cares about. Again, put in your candidate, doing the same and you would switch your position.

at this time I dont have a candidate ... thats what I would like to determine ... apparently theres a great deal of people who dont care. I wouldnt say nobody.

I would like to believe Trump would be as forthcoming as the Democratic frontrunner, or your choice, the Socialist candidate.

By your posts, you won't vote for Trump, it doesn't matter what he does.

I'll take sanders over Trump because he is not trustworthy. I won't for Clinton because she is not trustworthy. Only Sanders is trustworthy and has the best shot of winning, other than Clinton or Trump. Who else is out there to vote for that can win?
That's it, yet his non supporters are asking for information no one else cares about. Again, put in your candidate, doing the same and you would switch your position.
Not really Unlike most republicans Dems feel IMHO that what's good for the goose is good for the gander

BS, utter BS and you know it. As partisan as both sides are, people will switch on a dime depending on who they support. You are being dishonest to say otherwise. Hell, Dems overlook Clinton's lies and Republicans overlook Trump's lies and then they attack each other over the lies. Pretty funny.

Yeah, in the meantime, every candidate since Nixon.

And is not legally required to do so and you attack the unfavorable Trump while you support the unfavorable Clinton. You know Clinton that is trusted less than anyother candidate, but that is okay by you, a partisan hack.
I would say she's untrusted by those same folks who have been slinging crap at her since her husband was president Trump is not trusted by his OWN party too

No, she is not trusted by many who are voting for Sanders. Trust is a major issue for Clinton. Lying is also a huge issue for Clinton, her lies in the State Department is troubling. I'm being consistent, you are a partisan hack.
Libs, you continue to accuse Trump of hiding something because he refuses to give you something you feel you are entitled to, which you are not.

Let's end the debate once and for all. The burden of proof is on the accuser....put up or shut up. Provide the evidence, other than your opinion or the fact that YOU say so, that Trump is hiding something. The fact that he has chosen not to give you what you want and not legally required to do, is not proof of wrong-doing.

The continued insistence that he has to show you anything to prove his innocense is a ploy that would never hold up in court but is an often highly effective tactic on playgrounds and in grade schools.

The burden of proof is on Trump, NO ONE ELSE !

That's it, yet his non supporters are asking for information no one else cares about. Again, put in your candidate, doing the same and you would switch your position.

at this time I dont have a candidate ... thats what I would like to determine ... apparently theres a great deal of people who dont care. I wouldnt say nobody.

I would like to believe Trump would be as forthcoming as the Democratic frontrunner, or your choice, the Socialist candidate.

By your posts, you won't vote for Trump, it doesn't matter what he does.

I'll take sanders over Trump because he is not trustworthy. I won't for Clinton because she is not trustworthy. Only Sanders is trustworthy and has the best shot of winning, other than Clinton or Trump. Who else is out there to vote for that can win?

I'll wait to see which candidate meets my approval on the issues after the nominees are chosen, as of right now its too early. If that proves futile, I'll use my write-in option.
Sure it was.

But back to your question.


Yeah, giving $3,000,000 to charity will cause anyone to lose.

So which voter changed their vote? It made someone more or less favorable but it did change a voter's vote? No proof.

I think a poll is more than enough evidence to counter your point. What you are now doing is asking for proof that would be impossible to gain.

So who was polled? Did the tax return change a vote?

My solution is vote for Sanders, he is the most credible of the last three candidates.

Voters were polled.

And by the answers given Romney's tax problems made about 36% of respondents had a less positive view of him. If you want to tell me that didn't change any votes then you need to prove or provide something stating such. Perhaps find some data on the type of poll question. But as it stands now, Romney's tax problems had influence on the electorate.

Your solution doesn't change the fact that if he were the nominee I would want to see his tax return too. Actually, the fact that he hasn't released them is a huge problem for me. I mean...it would be if he were the nominee but we know that's not happening.

And why would he care what a person that isn't going vote for him wants to see his taxes. You have no weight, you don't support him, now if there are a significant number of uncommitted voters wanting to see the taxes he might want to rethink his decision.

Already answered. A more informed electorate is better for all of us.

My opinion is that if Trump wants to win this election then he will need to release his tax return, pretty much the same view Trump had of Romney in 2012. However, he needs to weigh that against what exactly is in his return. if it looks like he pays little in taxes or not enough to charity or has some uncomfortable investments then that's not going to look too good either.

Just the same, every President since Nixon.
Libs, you continue to accuse Trump of hiding something because he refuses to give you something you feel you are entitled to, which you are not.

Let's end the debate once and for all. The burden of proof is on the accuser....put up or shut up. Provide the evidence, other than your opinion or the fact that YOU say so, that Trump is hiding something. The fact that he has chosen not to give you what you want and not legally required to do, is not proof of wrong-doing.

The continued insistence that he has to show you anything to prove his innocense is a ploy that would never hold up in court but is an often highly effective tactic on playgrounds and in grade schools.

The burden of proof is on Trump, NO ONE ELSE !

That's it, yet his non supporters are asking for information no one else cares about. Again, put in your candidate, doing the same and you would switch your position.

at this time I dont have a candidate ... thats what I would like to determine ... apparently theres a great deal of people who dont care. I wouldnt say nobody.

I would like to believe Trump would be as forthcoming as the Democratic frontrunner, or your choice, the Socialist candidate.

By your posts, you won't vote for Trump, it doesn't matter what he does.

I'll take sanders over Trump because he is not trustworthy. I won't for Clinton because she is not trustworthy. Only Sanders is trustworthy and has the best shot of winning, other than Clinton or Trump. Who else is out there to vote for that can win?

I'll wait to see which candidate meets my approval on the issues after the nominees are chosen, as of right now its too early. If that proves futile, I'll use my write-in option.

You are not voting for Trump, no one is buying your crap.
Yeah, giving $3,000,000 to charity will cause anyone to lose.

So which voter changed their vote? It made someone more or less favorable but it did change a voter's vote? No proof.

I think a poll is more than enough evidence to counter your point. What you are now doing is asking for proof that would be impossible to gain.

So who was polled? Did the tax return change a vote?

My solution is vote for Sanders, he is the most credible of the last three candidates.

Voters were polled.

And by the answers given Romney's tax problems made about 36% of respondents had a less positive view of him. If you want to tell me that didn't change any votes then you need to prove or provide something stating such. Perhaps find some data on the type of poll question. But as it stands now, Romney's tax problems had influence on the electorate.

Your solution doesn't change the fact that if he were the nominee I would want to see his tax return too. Actually, the fact that he hasn't released them is a huge problem for me. I mean...it would be if he were the nominee but we know that's not happening.

And why would he care what a person that isn't going vote for him wants to see his taxes. You have no weight, you don't support him, now if there are a significant number of uncommitted voters wanting to see the taxes he might want to rethink his decision.

Already answered. A more informed electorate is better for all of us.

My opinion is that if Trump wants to win this election then he will need to release his tax return, pretty much the same view Trump had of Romney in 2012. However, he needs to weigh that against what exactly is in his return. if it looks like he pays little in taxes or not enough to charity or has some uncomfortable investments then that's not going to look too good either.

Just the same, every President since Nixon.

Nixon started a tradition so everyone else should follow the tradition, great logic.
The burden of proof is on Trump, NO ONE ELSE !

That's it, yet his non supporters are asking for information no one else cares about. Again, put in your candidate, doing the same and you would switch your position.
Not really Unlike most republicans Dems feel IMHO that what's good for the goose is good for the gander

BS, utter BS and you know it. As partisan as both sides are, people will switch on a dime depending on who they support. You are being dishonest to say otherwise. Hell, Dems overlook Clinton's lies and Republicans overlook Trump's lies and then they attack each other over the lies. Pretty funny.

Yeah, in the meantime, every candidate since Nixon.

And is not legally required to do so and you attack the unfavorable Trump while you support the unfavorable Clinton. You know Clinton that is trusted less than anyother candidate, but that is okay by you, a partisan hack.

Never said he was legally required to do so, why does this keep getting brought back up as though it means something in this thread?

Yep, Trump and Clinton are both unfavorable. And? You keep wanting to make this into a partisan divide, it's not.Since Nixon, remember?
I think a poll is more than enough evidence to counter your point. What you are now doing is asking for proof that would be impossible to gain.

So who was polled? Did the tax return change a vote?

My solution is vote for Sanders, he is the most credible of the last three candidates.

Voters were polled.

And by the answers given Romney's tax problems made about 36% of respondents had a less positive view of him. If you want to tell me that didn't change any votes then you need to prove or provide something stating such. Perhaps find some data on the type of poll question. But as it stands now, Romney's tax problems had influence on the electorate.

Your solution doesn't change the fact that if he were the nominee I would want to see his tax return too. Actually, the fact that he hasn't released them is a huge problem for me. I mean...it would be if he were the nominee but we know that's not happening.

And why would he care what a person that isn't going vote for him wants to see his taxes. You have no weight, you don't support him, now if there are a significant number of uncommitted voters wanting to see the taxes he might want to rethink his decision.

Already answered. A more informed electorate is better for all of us.

My opinion is that if Trump wants to win this election then he will need to release his tax return, pretty much the same view Trump had of Romney in 2012. However, he needs to weigh that against what exactly is in his return. if it looks like he pays little in taxes or not enough to charity or has some uncomfortable investments then that's not going to look too good either.

Just the same, every President since Nixon.

Nixon started a tradition so everyone else should follow the tradition, great logic.

It's worked so far, not sure why we wouldn't want to see their tax returns.

And actually I believe Truman was the first.
That's it, yet his non supporters are asking for information no one else cares about. Again, put in your candidate, doing the same and you would switch your position.
Not really Unlike most republicans Dems feel IMHO that what's good for the goose is good for the gander

BS, utter BS and you know it. As partisan as both sides are, people will switch on a dime depending on who they support. You are being dishonest to say otherwise. Hell, Dems overlook Clinton's lies and Republicans overlook Trump's lies and then they attack each other over the lies. Pretty funny.

Yeah, in the meantime, every candidate since Nixon.

And is not legally required to do so and you attack the unfavorable Trump while you support the unfavorable Clinton. You know Clinton that is trusted less than anyother candidate, but that is okay by you, a partisan hack.

Never said he was legally required to do so, why does this keep getting brought back up as though it means something in this thread?

Yep, Trump and Clinton are both unfavorable. And? You keep wanting to make this into a partisan divide, it's not.Since Nixon, remember?

Not seeing your point, he isn't required to release anything. He doesn't gain a thing from those demanding him to release his taxes. If he sees a gain, then he will decide to release them, if not, he isn't going to release them for opponents benefit.

Just because other candidates have done it, isn't a reason to release them.
Not really Unlike most republicans Dems feel IMHO that what's good for the goose is good for the gander

BS, utter BS and you know it. As partisan as both sides are, people will switch on a dime depending on who they support. You are being dishonest to say otherwise. Hell, Dems overlook Clinton's lies and Republicans overlook Trump's lies and then they attack each other over the lies. Pretty funny.

Yeah, in the meantime, every candidate since Nixon.

And is not legally required to do so and you attack the unfavorable Trump while you support the unfavorable Clinton. You know Clinton that is trusted less than anyother candidate, but that is okay by you, a partisan hack.

Never said he was legally required to do so, why does this keep getting brought back up as though it means something in this thread?

Yep, Trump and Clinton are both unfavorable. And? You keep wanting to make this into a partisan divide, it's not.Since Nixon, remember?

Not seeing your point, he isn't required to release anything. He doesn't gain a thing from those demanding him to release his taxes. If he sees a gain, then he will decide to release them, if not, he isn't going to release them for opponents benefit.

Just because other candidates have done it, isn't a reason to release them.

We agree, the ball is absolutely in Trump's court. But as Candycorn stated earlier, he's kind of fucked either way. Either it looks like he's hiding something or he releases his taxes due to pressure and we get to find out what it is.
So who was polled? Did the tax return change a vote?

My solution is vote for Sanders, he is the most credible of the last three candidates.

Voters were polled.

And by the answers given Romney's tax problems made about 36% of respondents had a less positive view of him. If you want to tell me that didn't change any votes then you need to prove or provide something stating such. Perhaps find some data on the type of poll question. But as it stands now, Romney's tax problems had influence on the electorate.

Your solution doesn't change the fact that if he were the nominee I would want to see his tax return too. Actually, the fact that he hasn't released them is a huge problem for me. I mean...it would be if he were the nominee but we know that's not happening.

And why would he care what a person that isn't going vote for him wants to see his taxes. You have no weight, you don't support him, now if there are a significant number of uncommitted voters wanting to see the taxes he might want to rethink his decision.

Already answered. A more informed electorate is better for all of us.

My opinion is that if Trump wants to win this election then he will need to release his tax return, pretty much the same view Trump had of Romney in 2012. However, he needs to weigh that against what exactly is in his return. if it looks like he pays little in taxes or not enough to charity or has some uncomfortable investments then that's not going to look too good either.

Just the same, every President since Nixon.

Nixon started a tradition so everyone else should follow the tradition, great logic.

It's worked so far, not sure why we wouldn't want to see their tax returns.

And actually I believe Truman was the first.

What has worked so far? Showing tax returns? I have no interest in how others make or spend their money or the taxes they pay. That is the business of the IRS.
Voters were polled.

And by the answers given Romney's tax problems made about 36% of respondents had a less positive view of him. If you want to tell me that didn't change any votes then you need to prove or provide something stating such. Perhaps find some data on the type of poll question. But as it stands now, Romney's tax problems had influence on the electorate.

Your solution doesn't change the fact that if he were the nominee I would want to see his tax return too. Actually, the fact that he hasn't released them is a huge problem for me. I mean...it would be if he were the nominee but we know that's not happening.

And why would he care what a person that isn't going vote for him wants to see his taxes. You have no weight, you don't support him, now if there are a significant number of uncommitted voters wanting to see the taxes he might want to rethink his decision.

Already answered. A more informed electorate is better for all of us.

My opinion is that if Trump wants to win this election then he will need to release his tax return, pretty much the same view Trump had of Romney in 2012. However, he needs to weigh that against what exactly is in his return. if it looks like he pays little in taxes or not enough to charity or has some uncomfortable investments then that's not going to look too good either.

Just the same, every President since Nixon.

Nixon started a tradition so everyone else should follow the tradition, great logic.

It's worked so far, not sure why we wouldn't want to see their tax returns.

And actually I believe Truman was the first.

What has worked so far? Showing tax returns? I have no interest in how others make or spend their money or the taxes they pay. That is the business of the IRS.

The fact that you are incurious about Presidential candidates is not my concern.
And why would he care what a person that isn't going vote for him wants to see his taxes. You have no weight, you don't support him, now if there are a significant number of uncommitted voters wanting to see the taxes he might want to rethink his decision.

Already answered. A more informed electorate is better for all of us.

My opinion is that if Trump wants to win this election then he will need to release his tax return, pretty much the same view Trump had of Romney in 2012. However, he needs to weigh that against what exactly is in his return. if it looks like he pays little in taxes or not enough to charity or has some uncomfortable investments then that's not going to look too good either.

Just the same, every President since Nixon.

Nixon started a tradition so everyone else should follow the tradition, great logic.

It's worked so far, not sure why we wouldn't want to see their tax returns.

And actually I believe Truman was the first.

What has worked so far? Showing tax returns? I have no interest in how others make or spend their money or the taxes they pay. That is the business of the IRS.

The fact that you are incurious about Presidential candidates is not my concern.

The fact you are a busybody is not my concern, the fact that you think people should cave to your ideals is amusing.
BS, utter BS and you know it. As partisan as both sides are, people will switch on a dime depending on who they support. You are being dishonest to say otherwise. Hell, Dems overlook Clinton's lies and Republicans overlook Trump's lies and then they attack each other over the lies. Pretty funny.

Yeah, in the meantime, every candidate since Nixon.

And is not legally required to do so and you attack the unfavorable Trump while you support the unfavorable Clinton. You know Clinton that is trusted less than anyother candidate, but that is okay by you, a partisan hack.

Never said he was legally required to do so, why does this keep getting brought back up as though it means something in this thread?

Yep, Trump and Clinton are both unfavorable. And? You keep wanting to make this into a partisan divide, it's not.Since Nixon, remember?

Not seeing your point, he isn't required to release anything. He doesn't gain a thing from those demanding him to release his taxes. If he sees a gain, then he will decide to release them, if not, he isn't going to release them for opponents benefit.

Just because other candidates have done it, isn't a reason to release them.

We agree, the ball is absolutely in Trump's court. But as Candycorn stated earlier, he's kind of fucked either way. Either it looks like he's hiding something or he releases his taxes due to pressure and we get to find out what it is.

More of a reason for him not to release them. I wouldn't cave to the pressure of those that won't vote for me no matter what I did.

BTW, enjoyed discussing my differences with you. We don't have to change each other's opinions, but it is informative.
Already answered. A more informed electorate is better for all of us.

My opinion is that if Trump wants to win this election then he will need to release his tax return, pretty much the same view Trump had of Romney in 2012. However, he needs to weigh that against what exactly is in his return. if it looks like he pays little in taxes or not enough to charity or has some uncomfortable investments then that's not going to look too good either.

Just the same, every President since Nixon.

Nixon started a tradition so everyone else should follow the tradition, great logic.

It's worked so far, not sure why we wouldn't want to see their tax returns.

And actually I believe Truman was the first.

What has worked so far? Showing tax returns? I have no interest in how others make or spend their money or the taxes they pay. That is the business of the IRS.

The fact that you are incurious about Presidential candidates is not my concern.

The fact you are a busybody is not my concern, the fact that you think people should cave to your ideals is amusing.

Busybody? My, you sure do like to protect Trump.

Tax returns are informative, I do think Presidential candidates should publish them because of that. They don't have to, that doesn't mean they are free of criticism, which whether you like it or not he will get, it's out of your hands.

Just like there is a strong preference for Presidents to be Christian. Not really a concern I have, especially considering how private someone's religion should be. That doesn't mean that the need or curiosity to know isn't felt by many. If that's their bag and the candidate wants to go there (and they all do) then so be it.
Yeah, in the meantime, every candidate since Nixon.

And is not legally required to do so and you attack the unfavorable Trump while you support the unfavorable Clinton. You know Clinton that is trusted less than anyother candidate, but that is okay by you, a partisan hack.

Never said he was legally required to do so, why does this keep getting brought back up as though it means something in this thread?

Yep, Trump and Clinton are both unfavorable. And? You keep wanting to make this into a partisan divide, it's not.Since Nixon, remember?

Not seeing your point, he isn't required to release anything. He doesn't gain a thing from those demanding him to release his taxes. If he sees a gain, then he will decide to release them, if not, he isn't going to release them for opponents benefit.

Just because other candidates have done it, isn't a reason to release them.

We agree, the ball is absolutely in Trump's court. But as Candycorn stated earlier, he's kind of fucked either way. Either it looks like he's hiding something or he releases his taxes due to pressure and we get to find out what it is.

More of a reason for him not to release them. I wouldn't cave to the pressure of those that won't vote for me no matter what I did.

BTW, enjoyed discussing my differences with you. We don't have to change each other's opinions, but it is informative.

Disagree with the first part, agree with the second. :)

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